Top mod u/AnnArchist encourages others to commit felony, offers mod position on one of his subs to anyone that will. Law enforcement is investigating (didn't post earlier until I heard back from law enforcement)

80  2017-08-16 by IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu


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Van Buren county sheriff is taking this very seriously once he was informed that online AnnArchists were planning to deface a monument.

How is that waifu body pillow I recommended?

What the actual fuck are you talking about

No need to be coy

Do you seriously think I make a note of each failed insult a commie lodges at me?



Van Buren county

Named after President Martin Van Buren. A New York slave owner.

We've come full circle!


fuckin snitch

Well u/annarchist is guilty of conspiracy to commit a felony, so yeah I snitched. What of it?

I hope someone blows your precious """monument""" to smithereens u piglover


Fuck yo' monument nigga. I hope somebody jerks off on it. Lmao

Snitches get stitches my mayo friend

When I tell the other jocks we're totally shoving you into a locker

Have fun trying, they don't make lockers wide enough for my bussy

I reported u for sending false reports. They're very interested now. Turns out they don't like their time wasted by the bussy blasted.

report most certainly wasn't false kiddo

Hold on, they're conferencing in the FBI too. Do you live in Iowa?

That's some top detective work there

Oh, I'm not a detective, they just needed to know if they could add in some interstate charges. They said they're calling up the NSA to backtrace you.

Consequences will never be the same

You're gonna need a good lawyer. You want me to contact some of (((my people)))?

I need you to shut it down. They know.

Not without paying (((legal fees)))

Gotta try to get out of paying somehow ya know

Herd Ivanka slid into your DMs ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

Pretty funny tbh fam. I don't know who you are so I can't tell if you're actually butthurt or not but I'm really hoping you are.

I find it funny /u/AnnArchist was so butthurt over some mean things I said about him in /r/shitriowasays that he'd convince others to commit a felony and sacrifice his own reddit account

lol yall take the internet too seriously.

Terrorist threats online are serious business

lmao. first off. this isn't a veterans monunent.

its a traitors. try again

  • It's property owned by the state on a state park

  • The confederacy isn't "traitors" after reconciliation

  • How the fuck else did you expect "go and deface this monument and I'll reward you"to be taken?

Once I informed the Sheriff that an online anarchist was fomenting property damage it was taken very seriously I assure you. You can explain to law enforcement the joke and see if they find it funny. Doubt it.


I'm not sure if you think I'm kidding? I took the morning off work and called:

  • Van Buren Sheriff

  • Iowa State Patrol

  • Iowa DNR

  • St. Louis branch of FBI

None of them found it funny.

lol since im in control of what strangers do.

And like I said before when someone gets the city council to let them remove it - Ill mod them there.

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lol. Evil mods advocating against confederate monuments.

What the actual fuck why did they add you to that bot.

bc mensrights

wtf is that

Kissing You Son

Please mod me so I can get them to quote me telling them to keep themselves safe. Alternatively, can a mod give them the message?

You suggested very clearly that since the rock was too heavy to move a single person could sneak in and remove the plaque instead.

nowhere did i say do it illegally

Well maybe WMT will mention that during their story tomorrow.

Probably not since only a retard would think you didn't mean illegally. The implication was clear.

lol If true you're going to be the 1 man who gets it removed.... on accident

Youre doing gods work

It's not going to get removed, you realize Van Buren was a New York slave holder, do you seriously think a county that is as red as it gets that is named after a slave holder is gonna remove this shit?

You're fucking retarded.

Yes - I do. In fact Im almost certain of it. Esp if its state property and not city property

Fuck -- you might have a legitimate point there.

lol trumped yourself brah

TBH I couldn't give a fuck less about these statues, but since they piss off the left so much, I just want to make sure they're not allowed to do anything baout it

I wonder if you doxxed yourself here to the fbi....they now know your identity and post history...

I have a working relationship with the FBI already

Thats nice.

just kidding

Does emailing them "the deep state killed Seth Rich, please investigate" count as a working relationship now?

I just got diet coke on my keyboard. Good joke, well played.

Diet coke? You fat bro?

Elixir of life

A file is not a working relationship

And after I spoke wtih them on the phone they asked me to post the details to their FB page.

tbqh this is a good technique to get a crazy person off the phone. I might have to steal that one.

Considering I have never been that guy who calls a radio station to offer them a tip, you may be right.

You may be wrong too.

After this, he spent the next four hours crying while eating, eating while not crying, masturbating quietly into a gym sock, calling the above-listed officials for updates on this crucial case

Nigga that's the gayest shit I've read in a while

The confederacy isn't "traitors" after reconciliation

The confederacy definitely are traitors. If you go to war against your country, that's called treason.

Right up until reconstruction you're correct.

Have you even read the laws?

Are you a lawyer? I'm talking about the ordinary dictionary definition of treason.

Except they didn't wage war on their own country they had this separate country. Did you skip history?

the "separate country" is another count in the treason indictment fam

Lol you're a fucking loser

Dance novelty account dance

pretty fucked up tbh when /u/The_Reason_Trump_Won is the cool and not annoying one in the argumen

Bitch you love me

wait a second i've just realized

you thoughtlessly blame all kinds of random internet shit that doesn't matter for Trump's victory and the rise of the alt-right

are you Angela Nagle????


That's called revisionism and is a direct result of the failure of Reconstruction. The North soldout the newly emancipated to placate a bunch of incorrigible losers/'Benedict Arnolds' vowing insurgency. You're glossing over blackmail and coercion with the word Reconciliation'. The only thing reconciled was a new Jim Crow system of economic domination and political subjugation. The effect was slavery entered a new and darker phase whose effects were not uniformly felt through out all parts of America but was indisputably prevalent, they were kept there with only small changes.

The Union that came to sacrifice so many of its children for the freedom of others, fell to the pressures against change. The first 10 - 20 years of reconstruction give a mistaken idea of progress, in reality a lot of communities, towns and cities in the South emerged from the Civil war with their political 'machines' and organizations largely intact. The North gravely misjudged the effort required to both occupy the South as well as enforce its political objectives, so the military occupation administrations and the US Presidency gave in to constant overwhelming pressures and began the abridgment of Reconstruction.

All it took to end the insurgency of a war to uplift and free millions was simple, it just took casting those millions back into a different form of bondage and servitude.

I saved your post. This is a great explanation.

It made my night to know that I did something that at that moment felt dumb putting effort into but someone else enjoyed. I appreciate it.

Hope you are having a good night

Glad to put a smile on your face; you put one on mine! I hope you are having a good night too.

this isn't a veterans monunent. its a traitors.

Only because they lost.

I'm sure the Britbongs would say the same of every amerifat memorial.

lol well winners have always decided history.

I wish I was a mod so I could give it to someone who tears down a Lenin statue.

Are there Lenin statues in the USA? It's a crime to be a commie here ya know

I think there's one in London

One in a gay bar, so not sure if that's actually offensive or not.

Other is in a museum and is in honour of the Soviet war effort in regards to WW2, and it's a bust so not really a big deal.

i was some memes reeeing about one yesterday, i think it's in seattle or something

Oregon or Washington state has one

That’s where we ship our cripples.

I'll give /r/baseballcirclejerk mod to whoever tears down the Bud Selig statue at Miller Park

Oi, fuck you. Leave my native drunk tank alone!

equating Americans who were being taxed without representation to traitors who wanted to fuck up their country only to have the state right TO OWN SLAVES


What's interesting is that there are Americans right now being taxed without representation. Lol

Which is one of the many fucked up shit people really need to talk about.

I remember watching the CGP Grey video in it where he goes through the US territories and just thinking what the hell and trying to equate that to the values in the founding fathers.

found the greek!

Only because they lost.

How much autism does it take to argue this point? Lol.

Please stop using that word


Muh safe space

Nah, we don't see you all as traitors. You were never true subjects of the crown, just a colony we were taxing the shit out of for our opium and tea supplies. Once you broke free, we realised we could stick crazy as fuck leaders in charge and continue to rule the world whilst not having to shoulder the blame and hatred anymore.

America is our beautiful proxy.

lol you are beyond butthurt right now

Not as blasted as u/annarchists bussy from last night

You're pretty queer, boy.

i bet you got pretty eyes, but I'm still cuter than you

Haaaaahahahahaha, there’s a /r/shitiowasays

18, eighteen, dieciocho años subscribers!

Milk my prostate, I would never have expected that

He is definitely butthurt. Angriest and lamest agenda poster on this sub tbh.

I thought you were kidding LOL

Boy was I wrong. This lolcow has big utters.

Latch on to your teats boys, drama freeding time.

Udders you fucking mong. Go read a book.

Nigga u think I can read?

Racist hiss

Could've nouned a verb there, meaning that the dude talks big.

Nice spin.

Latch on to your teats boys, drama freeding time.


Yep, OP is ultra booty blasted

It's nice that it's not me.

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Remember that time I was unfairly purged from the mod team by Ann?

I do. :|

We didn't listen!

Here's your chance to get back on there! Better get your ass to Iowa.


Pretty sure the admins did that, famalam.

Nah, I was added after the whole thing. Ann admitted to doing it.

Oh okay. All I know was I slept through the whole thing and wondered wtf had gone on.

Lol no one cares you fucking cuck

Not surprising, really.

u/annarchist just letting you know that WMT is very interested in doing a story about anarchists descending on Iowa to commit vandalism being coordinated online, based on my contact to them.

Seriouspost: are you on your period rn?

My bussy is blood free

🤔 hm u seem a little hyserical tho

I recommend a bubble bath and a nice glass of wine

Not drinking dandelion wine like a savage

Unlike you some of us have class here ^(not really).

Open cloth giv pleasure water am thirst

lol im not an Anarchist. its a play on my waifus name

No shit, really?

You apparently stand for nothing, you promote liberal values while lying and saying you're a libertarian.

Someone that dumb probably also supports Ron Paul.

I support him when hes right.

So you support his opinion that black people are inferior genetically to the pure white race?

you don't?

I'm asking u/annarchist


lol. When hes right I agree. When hes racist I disagree. pretty simple concept. Your bait sucks

What if that's the only thing he's right about?

Is your waifu pretty?

Very. Just like Ivanka

Being Eskimo Bros with Donald. Gross.

Were waiting for marriage

Not banging Ivanka. Gross.

You should seriously consider logging off the internet and meeting new people. Failing that, go to a psychiatrist. Failing that, read a couple articles on Stoicism.

I've considered that

Failing that, Keep Yourself Safe


It is a sub for celebrating the percentage of trannies that make the right decision.

Stupid. Sounds like a great time vanquishing fuckboi traitors.

Am I missing the felony here?

Destruction of a historic marker on state property is a felony. Conspiracy to commit a felony applies to anyone who encourages or otherwise promotes someone to commit a felony and is a felony itself.

Lol. You have to be kidding.

I'm telling you to go kill the governor of whatever state you're in. Do it, faggot. I'm sure I'll be prosecuted.

Uh, no. Iowa govenor Kim Reynolds is awesome

Dooooooo iiiiiiiiiit faaaaaaggoooooootttt

How can I without leaving my basement?

Cyber bullying

Should I recommend she keep herself safe?

Really loudly and publicly

Instructions unclear dick stuck in blender

And thus I've saved future generations.

Blender is the name of a stripper I picked up last night

Stick it in a real blender, then try and sue me

Hmm I was gonna but then I saw

Don't believe his Jew lies


Fuckin' anti-semites, man

ur chicken

Actually encouraging or promoting a felony is solicitation. Conspiracy would be if that person then agreed to commit the felony. I thought you said above that this shit was a joke?

I never said it was a joke I said I egged you idiots on. go through my history, about an hour before I posted any of this I told one of your mods I was going to get /r/drama onto /r/subreddit drama during the day and that's exactly what I did

...that's not what conspiracy is

I'm going to blow up the statue tomorrow with the help of my antifa pals and Soros-funded explosives. Please notify the sheriff's department and the FBI so they can take this online threat with the seriousness it deserves

I'mma let you in on a a little secret here, but uh...

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible

I might have been exaggerating my response just a teeny bit.

"WOLOLOLOL I TROLLED YOU" is not a valid response to being butthurt and then getting called out for being even more ass blasted over being shat on by us.

Being shat on? I literally had the #1 post and the bottom sticky here for the entire day.

You're trying way too hard here kiddo. You just responded to a very simple remark with a wall of text boasting about meaningless internet points and pissing off mods (which sounds like trolling to me). You literally started this entire clusterfuck over just wanting attention and to spew self righteous autism all over the place. That's trolling my dude. It's not against rules, obviously, but it's still pathetic that you're trying this hard.

You just don't get it, he's here for four very simple reasons, and plebians like us just wont get it.

1.) We're buttmad and hella trolled, no amount of logical analysis or recollection of "facts" is going to change that

2.) /r/teenagers is hella fucking lit and has the best bantz, just ask /r/teenagers frequenter /u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu

3.) Get over it, you're trolled. Just get over it already, geez.

4.) Fuck you, I dont need a reason number 4.

If I wanted my bussy sundae to talk to me I'd use my think to work the hole like a puppet. Post bussy ( ◉ ͜ʖ ◉ )

O bby

You're trying way too hard here kiddo. You just responded to a very simple remark with a wall of text boasting about meaningless internet points and pissing off mods

He's just following his leader

I mean you kind of seem like you care more than you should

my sub /r/shitriowasays literally doubled from 10 subs to nearly 20 in one afternoon.

Stop, stop, I’m already dead!

He's shooting for the big leagues. Hell, he might have 30 subscribers at this rate.

there are dozens of us. dozens!

I literally had the #1 post and the bottom sticky here for the entire day


he does have a sticky bottom alright

Being shat on? I literally had the #1 post and the bottom sticky here for the entire day. I have a post here with almost 400 comments presently, that's quite a lot and way more than any average /r/drama post

I've been laughing my ass off all day to the replies I've been getting

I also got linked to from /r/subredditdrama which does actually piss off some of the mods here

my sub /r/shitriowasays literally doubled from 10 subs to nearly 20 in one afternoon.

Do you think I care if some people on the internet said mean things to me? Do you realize I've been active here on /r/drama for like 3 years?

Do you think perhaps I might have even egged you people on??

PS: I never said I trolled /r/drama, I just said I followed the rules

This is some good pasta.

Oh shit?! A whole FUCKING day?

Hahaha try fucking virgin

why not just glass all of Iowa just to be sure


but I like corn

I didn't say anything about Nebraska

But I like... uh... what does Iowa have again?

Nothing except zombie burger and Des moines according to r/iowa

And zombie burger's not even that good

It's not.

Gunderburger is the only true iowa burger.

Soy mostly.

Iowa's economy can be mostly automated tbh, autonomous farm equipment has been a thing for a long time and self driving trucks can take the grain to the automated factories.

The entire state could probably be run by less than 500 people.

I was pretty good at SimFarm back in the day. Let me do it.

Usually one hass to join a community's IRC channel in order to be inducted in to this amount of faggotry.

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Can't you all just fucking chillax and eat some deep fat fried twinkies at the state fair like normal fucking Iowans u/ivankatrumpismywaifu and u/annarchist ?

Been twice so far. But dude thinks mods shoild determine whats allowed to be posted to state subs.

To be fair anything to do with that monument should be taken up with the people of that area and not defaced by someone with a victim complex.

I fucking hate commies. But you don't see me driving to Seattle to behead their Lenin Statue.

Point is that whole thread was retarded. Which is pretty par for the course in r/iowa.

Well its in Iowa. So theres that.

I fucking hate commies. But you don't see me driving to Seattle to behead their Lenin Statue

set up a GoFundMe

Mmmmmm deep fat fried