The iamverybadass Nazi featured in that recent Vice report literally cries on youtube because he's scared of being arrested lol

162  2017-08-16 by AltWriteGrammarNazi




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The Vice report in case you havent seen it:

the dramatic music doesn't really make me scared that a bunch of nerdy white people and queer bandana faces are yelling at each other tbh.

every violent insurrection ever, every genocide to ever mar the world was perpetrated by nerdy looking weak ass bitches.

Adolf Hitler is the most incel looking turd to ever grace currency. He looks like he slapped his mom for interrupting mario. Kim Jung Un looks like he just finished a tub of gummy bears and a vat of butter.

Those people have power, these nerds in the street have acne and bad fashion.

Well, yeah, but those nerds with power employ nerd with acne to take to the street. Wearing Hugo Boss doesn't change the fact that your mother still wipes your ass and your father day dreams about drowning you in a toilet.

I'm not even sure if you're trying to call me gay right now or not?

Seriously, this nazi menace pulled dudes from all over the country, and couldn't even muster a big enough group to march past a few hipsters in black masks.

Adolf Hitler is the most incel looking turd to ever grace currency. He looks like he slapped his mom for interrupting mario. Kim Jung Un looks like he just finished a tub of gummy bears and a vat of butter.

You, sir, are a poet. wipes away a tear

Almost comically objectionable person, like if that guy was a character in a film you'd think it was a poorly written stereotype and he seems almost totally clueless about this. The way he speaks is like nails down a chalkboard aswell.

Did Vice send her to let them realize how inferior whities are?

Was that weev driving @7:24? I swear to good that was weev.

The best part is he says his phone number in the video. Please everyone leave him funny messages!

Oh wow this wonderful.

Mayo tears go great with a knuckle sandwich #resistwhitepeople

Didn't Spencer & Co. also whine about the police detaining them? I heard they even plan to sue.

These skinhead-types can dish it out but they sure can't take it lmao

Spencer actually can take it, whether he wants to or not.

He'll learn how to take it in prison that's for sure

Was there ever any doubt these alt right goofs were anything but whiny bitches? They are mostly tards off 4chan with very little career options and very rarely get their wants touched, ie losers. That's why they are so hilarious to punch. It's not like they are ABT members or anything, those dudes don't fuck around

That description works for Antifa pretty much point for point.

Shut the fuck up.

If you can't stop thinking about him you must be in love.

You're not wrong but why is it every time this sub brings up the alt right being lamers somebody gotta deflect with "b-but the antifa!"

We had months of laughing at the antifa being disorganized, reactionary hypocrites, now let's return to Daddy's Special Children.

We can solve most of the ANTIFA problem if we solve the Nazi problem but we can't let up on either side. Constant ridicule is nessesary to demoralize all of them. We let up on ANTIFA it will just embolden them. They need to be constantly reminded they're hated equally.

solving idiocy

turbo wew

They need to be constantly reminded they're hated equally.

I mean, they aren't. Because they're not fucking nazis.

Why? Because they haven't killed yet? You pussies can't seem to draw a line. Draw your fucking line. I'll give you a hint it starts here. Civil war is what's next.

You guys are so behind. You're so afraid to admit we memed all this into happening. You openly say we elected a meme president as a joke. But you're afraid to use the same tactics to meme anything good. I'm here defecting from the meme wars giving you insider shit and it's all just a joke. Har har no Hillary lost faggot we won. We won because we own the meme space. You faggots can't even hold a candle to the shit we've done. But it's all just a joke to us and to you. Meme magic is real faggot the sooner your side adopts it the better.

Holy shit are you for real right now or is this pasta? This is gold.

IDK I'm pretty drunk I don't even know what sub I'm on TBH

Holy shit that probably means it's real bwhahaha

Good whatever I don't care

As long as ANTIFA and alt-right dies I don't fucking care. Glad I made a copyfaggot out of it

Seriously though, nazis are a bunch of fags.

Kill yourself

Worse; Commies!

Some of them, sure. Doesn't matter though, they're not spreading their commie bullshit in antifa guise.

We can solve most of the ANTIFA problem if we solve the Nazi problem but we can't let up on either side.

>Trying to solve problems on /r/Drama

>Being retarded enough to unironically agenda post

> Thinking your online ramblings could possibly make any kind of difference

Fucking kill yourself fam

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unironically calls avowed socialists right wing

it doesn't take much skill or bravery to drive a car into people, or shoot someone. Just a whooooole lotta stupid.

There is no such thing as a harmless idiot. Idiots are, by nature, harmful.

"I'm WHITE! Why are you arresting ME?"

I wonder if neo nazi's are self aware enough to realize that because of the actions of the people they idolize, Jizzreal exists

They better lube up because they're gonna take it whether they want it or not

What illegal shit did he do? I'm not familiar with Murrican gun laws.

Its different by state.

he brought a lot of guns into a gun free zone and said on video camera he hopes to use them.

When keeping it real goes wrong.

What a whiney bitch, sounds more like a kid who didn't get that toy he wanted

aww poor nazi :(

I teach you the overman. Man is something that shall be overcome. What have you done to overcome him? Have you cried like a little bitch on the internet? Have you allowed the dim witted beast of the herd to mock you? Only then will you have truly drank from the cup of Dionysus over-flowing with life.

Freidrich Nietzsche - Thus Spake Zarathustra

Leave this on his voicemail.

going the chris crocker route, i see

I guess deep down even the alt right succumbs to feels over the reals. Rip nazi man, you're in the hands of the police now 🚨

the alt-right is more obsessed with idpol han your average huffpo writer so it makes sense

White supremacists and literal Nazis crying about identity politics is still so delicious.

Duh, they wanted to be taken seriously instead of being mocked. The serious reaction of the rest of society to their bullshit is to fuck them hard.

Buckle up.

Leave Britney alone!

I will not have Godney's name invoked like this.

Holy shit lol


He sure acted tough in that Vice report. I wonder if he's going to be as vocal about his views in prison or if he's gonna put that big mouth of his to a different use.

Plenty of Nazi gangs in prisons. I'm guessing they won't want anything to do with this pansy.


I feel like that could have been shortened.

ur telling me theyre not going to add everyone who calls him to a database for profiling, tagging, and execution?

holy shit that is so hard to watch

I know man, that fucker is pasty as hell.

Now this is some advanced autism


this is literally the alt-right boogeyman that society is having a meltdown over

It's almost hard to believe this is real 😂 little LARPer denounces Nazism at a Nazi really and their gay ass leader balling on camera.

Remember those "KKK members" that forgot to wear gloves to cover their black hands?

no. bussy? link?

It's a prank, bro. turns out all of 2017 has been a prank, bro.

2017 is the joke that's gone too far.

everything since the crucifixion of jesus christ has actually been one big prank by god

This is why Lieutenant Aldo had such a hard on for uniform dem nazis wore. He knew.

I'm confused--did the hat say something racist on it? Where is his "costume?"

lol bitching about Chelsea Manning when you're ranting about the government being against you. The level of self-awareness, far too little.

"What options do we have left?"

Hrm...bend over?

We'll show him how accepting drama can be

this might be the funniest thing i have ever seen

Sorry disparaging threads about our dear master race leaders are not accepted in /r/drama.

The Supreme Jewish Council that runs this subreddit said it was cool, k.

Soros bucks move mountains. his will be done.

Remember when this guy was trying to impress that vice reporter with the guns and knife he had. What a faggot.

I unironically hope this guy ropes himself. I've never seen such a huge display of faggotry.

Knowing this dip shit he would probably do it wrong, and just get rope burn.

I love, in the video when he gets maced and the interviewer says "Who maced you?" and he yells "I don't know! Commies?" And then after that he just settles on commies.

Behind him, in the video, is a guy scrambling to put his can opf mace away chanting "cantwell. cantwell."

What do cantwell and baked alsaska have in common?


Slipping them a pale blonde was definitely a smart move on vice's part.

How could any incel resist


in the small chance u dont off yourself before u log in again

u/ChrisCantwell pls respond

Lmao, I have never heard of this guy until the vice report, but I have downvoted him at some point. Feels good man.

OH Geez! he reddits? with his actual name? he can't be that stupi... maybe it is him.

I never apologized or tried to dodge the fact that I was a racist, you stupid fucking kike

pretty certain its him

everything is satire. 2017 is fake news.

Lmao this guy cuts himself everyday on the edge of his reddit comments

Just further proof that alt righters are a bunch of loser meets who need to get jobs.

Yaaasss, the sound of a nazi's tears is so relaxing.

Oooo, and he gave us his phone number. Many lolz shall be had, comrades. :)

this relaxes you? it's arousing me...

I'm going to revert to my idol Eric Cartman on this one.

"Live Free or Cry"

looks like somebody needs a Jew lawyers stat

Prison will not be kind to this man.

I know a guy who's been to prison. He said that you can be completely covered in swastikas and be ok. But a confederate flag tat is pretty much a guaranteed shanking.

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Now this is how your exercise free speech

freezing all da peaches.

this bitch makes tumblr girls look like they have a backbone lmfao


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Did he livestream this? Otherwise, why wouldn't you do a second or third or fourth take until you could finally get through a sentence without crying like a little bitch? Who would voluntarily put something so embarrassing out there on the internet forever? Is this guy an incel mod?

First Spencer, now this. Disappointing.

Guess the cuck they hate was a huge (heh) projection all along.

This is embrarassing

Cantwell is probably the most annoying pos in the aut right, fo sho. Also didn't he use to be an ancap?