Useless idiot u/mach-2 goes full retard: blames TumblrInAction for Nazis, James Damore's memo, Trump... Somehow forgets r/drama.

105  2017-08-17 by MrAnalog


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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Baby what is you doin'

u/mach-2 Jesus Christ how big of a fag are you. Somewhere down your bloodline a dead relative is spinning in his grave wishing he committed suicide just so you couldn't exist.

Think of the historical confluence of people and events that had to occur to result in /u/mach-2.

Existence was a mistake.

I'm tempted to do a reply to the thread with the contents of this article:

Only replace "Muslim" with "White male", "Terrorism" with "White Supremacy", and "Terrorist" with "White Supremacists".

Making fun of of white, middle to upper middle class, privileged, mostly straight, american women ( 90% of the faux part of feminist movement) and teenagers ( who are stupid idiots) is hate speech? How can you be racist against white women ( especially when you to are white)?

But no one is more oppressed and more endanger then straight middle class white women, thank god with have menslib to protect them as cannon fodder.

I thought white christian conservatives were the most oppressed!

Theres a difference? one conservative cult, that repeats a bunch of mantras to feel good about how moral they are, is the same as the other.

I feel like this article is relevant. It's titled "Why Do Anonymous Trolls Use Anime Avatars?"

Fucking hell

I'm pretty sure the KKK started as trolling, too.


Burning crosses on your lawn and lynchings are literally the same as anime avatars calling you a retard when you are being a retard. Can't you understand why it's so important to wipe out these anime avatars now?

The first Klan was founded in Pulaski, Tennessee, sometime between December 1865 and August 1866 by six former officers of the Confederate army[23] as a fraternal social club inspired at least in part by the then largely defunct Sons of Malta. It borrowed parts of the initiation ceremony from that group, with the same purpose: "ludicrous initiations, the baffling of public curiosity, and the amusement for members were the only objects of the Klan", according to Albert Stevens in 1907.[24]


you learn something new every day

KKK is literally /r/drama, wew

see, hate comes from krypto-hate

I'm pretty sure the KKK started as trolling, too.

From the "letters to the editor" page of the Mobile Post-Gazette, August 14th, 1874:

Dear Sirs,

Carpetbagging Yankees are cucks!

P.S. The South will rise again.


Which is why you see many of them defend James Damore's memo even though it has been thoroughly debunked by the very scientists he cited.

Here, Mach-2 links to a Wired article. The article is definitely skeptical of Damore's thesis, but I would hardly say it "thoroughly debunks" it.

From the article:

Psychology as a field has been trying to figure out the differences between men and women...The results of these efforts are ambiguous. And psychologists are still working on it.

In fact, one recurring finding in sex difference research is that in cultures seen as more egalitarian, differences in preferences between men and women become more pronounced.

Dude, I think it's pointless. Look at this: (and /u/Mach-2 look at this shit too, and /u/beyelzu and /u/DBlackRabbit while I'm at it)

Women are significantly less likely to negotiate for higher salaries than men, research shows, and if they do, people react more negatively than they would to a man. Pao said the idea is to get everyone who comes in a fair salary.

On one hand, there was not a single feminist protesting that, obviously. Well, besides the few who said that Ellen should have boosted women's salaries correspondingly.

On the other hand, James Damore didn't say anything about what we have to do about that in particular, but proposed some stuff in the same vein about dealing with other differences.

Tide goes in, tide goes out, you can't explain that.

An optimist might say that we fail catastrophically at evidence based policy, like, first, establish facts (like that women suck at salary negotiations), then discuss what could be done about it, because feminists read policy implications into facts.

I'm a pessimist, I think what happens is that while socially naive nerds like Damore think that we are trying to figure out facts to then use them for discussing policies, really it's establishing who's morally right and is allowed to discuss facts and establish policies, and who's a deplorable misogynistic bigot and should be removed from the discussion.

Damore thought that linking to the same body of research as Ellen Pao did would be judged based on sample sizes and citations and whatnot.

Instead it's judged based on the conclusion: if that research shows that women are worse than men at something then linking to it means that you're a misogynist bigot, then it will be "debunked" using retarded circular reasoning: you're saying that only because you want to establish male supremacy, but here's an entirely unrelated research that shows that average math ability is the same in men and women, therefore Science Disagrees and your delusions of male superiority are powered by nothing but the hatred of women.

The Greek word "idiōtēs" meant a person who doesn't participate in politics, and that was perceived to be bad not for the person himself, but for the society, because it's everyone's civic duty to point out true things that society is unaware of, to represent their social groups, and to air their grievances in public so that they could be addressed properly, rather than dealing with them in private.

As a cishet white male who doesn't identify as a feminist I'm 100% disenfranchised from politics in feminism-dominated spaces, such as Google, apparently. Because any requests for my opinion are, effectively,, resulting only in dissidents getting identified and fired.

So what's left for me is a Benedict Option of sorts, to care only for me and whatever safe spaces I can directly help maintain for like-minded people. No political participation, let feminists run shit into the ground any way they want, not my circus, not my monkeys.


You make some good points but you're adding to the nonsense yourself. I mean, I know this is /r/drama, but framing this as the guy being denounced as a deplorable misogynistic bigot, and comparing this shit to Mao cracking down on dissidents - no wonder you feel hopeless. And, people all over the political spectrum reject evidence and data when they don't like the policy implications. This kind of reminds me of what you're talking about and you might find it interesting.

I mean, I know this is /r/drama, but framing this as the guy being denounced as a deplorable misogynistic bigot

That's reality. Like, on one hand, have you read his manifesto? It's as mild as they go, the only thing relevant to innate abilities was that one about negotiating salaries, and the only thing he said about female programmers was that maybe women aren't interested in it, nothing about abilities.

And yet a whole bunch of twitter feminists made outraged tweets along the lines of "another dudebro wrote a manifesto saying that I suck as a programmer", and he got fired because of that.

and comparing this shit to Mao cracking down on dissidents - no wonder you feel hopeless

The guy spoke his mind and got fired. Do you think that I'm not allowed to make this comparison because he wasn't literally sent to a literal gulag?

And, people all over the political spectrum reject evidence and data when they don't like the policy implications. This kind of reminds me of what you're talking about and you might find it interesting.

This is what I said is the optimistic view: that we can't have an honest discussion because feminists jump to conclusions and suppress facts. When they don't come from an established feminist such as Ellen Pao.

I have explained why I'm more pessimistic than that. Because all this shit, with Ellen Pao saying that women suck at salary negotiations and being applauded, and this guy saying that women suck at salary negotiations and being fired from Google, it really stinks of being about tribes. If you're in the feminist tribe you're allowed to say things, if you're not, everything you say will be used to demonstrate that you're a misogynistic bigot, using any outright lies about what you said.

Again, if I will be fired for repeating what some feminist said word for word, don't tell me that my mistake is not prefixing my statement of fact with a statement about conclusions. When I'd be fired for supposedly saying that women suck at programming when I said no such thing at all, no amount of disclaimers would suffice.

The game is obviously rigged. It's not about how well-supported your facts are, it's about whether you're a feminist, and if not then if your facts point some gender differences, if they do, you're labeled a misogynistic bigot and fired.

It's that simple and we saw it happening here. It really happened in front of our eyes.

Do you think that I'm not allowed to make this comparison because he wasn't literally sent to a literal gulag?

I'm not going to tell you what you are and aren't allowed to do. I am going to say that shit like this and the "manifesto" author wearing a "Goolag" shirt doesn't help the impression that some of the white guys complaining about oppression have no sense of perspective due to their privilege. Just being brutally honest because I am actually enjoying our conversation.

And, if I were the head of Google, I probably wouldn't have fired him. But, isn't Google getting sued for records relating to pay differences between male and female employees? And in the midst of that, some guy decides he's going to be Helpy McHelpterton and send out a memo of ten pages of his shower thoughts about Googles diversity initiatives? And a VP had to cut short a vacation to deal with the fallout? People get fired for less all the damn time and I'm not going to compare his firing to a dissident getting sent to a labor camp, I'm sorry. The guy is all over the place freely flapping his gums.

Like I said, you're making some good points. I just think people other than feminists add outrage to the discussion and get tribal.

And, if I were the head of Google, I probably wouldn't have fired him.

Yeah, yeah, this is a litany at this point. Remember the guy fired for for making a "dongle" joke at a programming conference? Same shit, twitter feminists get outraged as fuck, the father of three gets fired and suffers a lot, "reasonable feminists" everywhere say that while they don't approve of dongle jokes, the dude shouldn't have been fired.

"It's not a real oppression because after it's inflicted with extreme prejudice every time like a fucking clockwork, the calmer heads among us say that maybe it shouldn't have been inflicted at all". Suuuuuuure.

imagine having this much of a victim complex

neck yourself, snowflake

Well, I don't have control over anything and no one listens to me, so I don't know what I can do besides say something shouldn't have happened after the fact. Fortunately, the woman who tweeted about the joke got fired too.

Autistic misogynerd shits on all his female co-workers and you write all those words to defend him? Fucking effortposters.

What do you think this is, /r/slatestarcodex's culture war thread?

the only thing he said about female programmers was that maybe women aren't interested in it, nothing about abilities. And yet a whole bunch of twitter feminists made outraged tweets along the lines of "another dudebro wrote a manifesto saying that I suck as a programmer"

This is the part that baffles me the most.

At first I just didn't understand why there was such a widespread misunderstanding of what he said in the memo, until I realized that journalists and news outlets were often doing the same thing. Then it all made sense.

i generally agree with the ssc posts damore's thing was obviously inspired by, but i also think freddie de boer's defense of his firing is solid. i have no illusions about the neutrality of google's decision, but i'm okay, as a principle, with companies firing people for getting unnecessarily (i.e. not their job) political in their workplace. of course, the rest of his piece is correct as well, as is his work about the incredibly toxic attitudes towards disagreement exhibited by some of the left, but i feel this isn't the hill to make this point on, as it were. it's kinda virtue signal-y, tbh, given the plenitude of much stronger cases.

His political statement was itself in reaction to Google's already existing political leaning though, it's not out of nowhere. It's a direct comment about their "implicit biais" training program and their anti-sexism hunt ( resulting from the current investigation for wage discrimination ). He went all in can't tell women are biologically and psychologically different than men, it's 100% Haram today.

The only lesson here, is that even though your company is doing everything to make you feel home by shielding you from the exterior world and pretend they are like a family ( which is exactly what Google is doing in their campus), they're still fucking tyrants.

Here, Mach-2 links to a pretty interesting Wired article.

not u-pinging like everyone else


I personally choose not to ping other users.

Holy fuck that autism in /r/MensLib. Fucking makes /r/drama seems like normal people.

Reminder: /r/menslib was started by /r/againstmensrights contributors.

Hence the non weaponized autism.

Tbf, men don't deserve rights

I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this message

Congratulations! You're hired by Google.

Men might not, but let's not forget how much of a mistake white women are.

Sure, but imagine the kind of men that advocate for that. Then again, perhaps don't.

Hey! Be nice and don't call us normal!

Normie please

Wow... Just Wow...

Imagine writing giant spiels on internet culture without getting paid and not necking yourself immediately afterwards.

Hey now don't jump to conclusions, this may be the breaking point for him and he literally can't anymore so is in progress. We can hope. I certainly wouldn't be able to live with myself.

well that's a little bit rude.

dont let ppl judge u 4 ur hobbies snalpal

I could write a long autistic version of how idiots get swept up into the extreme leftosphere as well. But I have a job and have to be efficient in my shitposts so that I can finish then during compile time

Doesn't credit/r/drama, doesn't post bussy, mentions gamergate unironically, still doesn't post bussy, is boring stopped reading.

I just him lacking, and place the label of "lamecow" unto him.

Why did you say noth....oh right.

Newfag kys


/u/mach-2 have you put any thought into the possibility that you're actually wrong? That people aren't brainwashed and just don't like your ideology for nuanced reasons that they have actually thought out?

There's a word on grapevine that TiA kidnapped and killed girl in 1992.

Just a white male not my place to gate keep

Proceeds to gate keep, acts like feminism is a monolithic movement that has never changed any values

sure that may be true for the basic bitch brand of feminism these retards have been sold but the rest of feminism? can't agree with itself let alone with each other

/u/attackpug What a disingenously little shit you are. But not surprised your whole sub is about gatekeeping accepted forms and tones of activism, even your mods tone police minorities and the calling out of homophobia, and you lot are confused why people dislike you?

Tbh I can only feel at this point the continuing weight you put on irrelevant morons like Milo (the the big spooky gay literally the cause of nazis reborn) is because you just love to hang that fag who went against the accepted narrative from the doorway, as a good warning to all others fags with thoughts of disobeying your straight feminist approved narratives, he's a nice little scarecrow for you to make sure all your slaves stay in line, we've already seen what happens when they don't more then enough times yet you lot are never the bad guys, even when you use literally White supremicist websites for the source of information for you campaigns against people, you are the ones with nazi bedfellows and are okay with their tactics when you share goals.

Jesus, calm down.

hey, what the fuck is happening?

Oh I am not reading that shit

This got Bestof'd. Lol.

Lets be real. The commis are not even comparable to the amount of alt-rights infesting forums.

People actually believe this.

All the while they continue to ignore the real scourge on the internet; Canadians.

Probably said by a commie, tbh.

I love hilarious non logic.

Total biscuits isn't a liberal because he voted for Clinton and she is a rebuplican

I'd always wondered what Gamergate was.. I guess that's why I keep coming across fucktarded Trumpers on xBox Live who won't STFU about brown pplz and walls.

Tonight I was in New York playing Pokemon GO. Suddenly I hear yelling at me and some guy walks up to me and starts saying "You'd be prettier if you lost some weight." I ignored him because he's an asshole, and he asked what I was playing. I said Pokemon GO and he said that's a casual game. Then he negged me about my makeup. At this point I was half walking half running away when he picked a beer bottle up off the ground and THREW IT AT MY HEAD. When it hit me straight in the forehead, he said "GET OWNED BY GAMERGATE BITCH" and started laughing. I had a bad gash on my head and started dialing the police so he ran away and yelled "YOU'RE THE REASON WHY GAMING SUCKS NOW." Sobbing my eyes out on the phone I finally calmed down when the very nice dispatcher lady told me he wouldn't be back. After that the police finally showed up and I gave them a detailed report of what happened. They started asking if I harassed the guy, if I was drinking with him (even though it was clear I wasn't), and stuff like that. Then they started having a conversation between each other about how gaming journalism ethics have been on the decline lately and oh my god. I was literally bleeding the whole time there. They didn't care that I was attacked AT ALL. And they were misogynists. Finally after an hour of hard questioning by the police they gave me a ride to the hospital and left me there alone. I got stitched up by a male nurse who chuckled and said "What did you do to get this done to you?" Tomorrow I file complaints. Today I get drunk and sleep. Fuck all of this.

I'm sorry to hear that, mate. Was there security footage?

Why the fuck is u/mach-2 the moderator of like 50 subs? Does he really have no life other than policing these communities of any wrong think that goes against his progressive agenda? Most of them only have a couple subscribers... is he just talking to himself?

Before I begin let me preface this by saying this is my experience on reddit and will probably not reflect the same for a lot of folk on here.

In my approximately 6 years on reddit, I've watched the site go from one image to the next as scandal after scandal led to a seismic shift in both the culture and the audience it attracts. In 2012, this site would have been known as Ron Paul's army.

Around that time something was happening. A small sub called /r/Tumblr1nAction popped up and introduced the notion of laughing at "oversensitive crazy teens on tumblr". On the surface, while that tends to the side of bullying, there was seemingly no ideological motivation to the sub. But then tumblr began to gain the reputation as being the hub for "radical leftists/feminists" and naturally TIA began posting more and more material relating to 'hateful and crazy feminists". Slowly it began to switch targets, today feminists hate men, tomorrow white people, next tomorrow straight people.

With shifting targets came shifting aggressors. First it was the feminists, then it was the far left. The most brilliant thing about this "far left" designation was basically categorizing anything that was pro-social justice 'radical". So people's definition of social justice warrior now range from anti nazism to hypothetical bra burning.

Most importantly, the lexicon of SJW began to spread. On the defaults like /r/videos, /r/news , /r/worldnews and /r/askreddit, numerous videos and articles would get cross posted by neo nazis who congregated on places like /r/ni88ers or offsite. These videos/articles usually showed black/feminists/brown and Asian folk doing shit wrong and the comments would get "brigaded by 4chan and stormfront". This was around the trayvon martin period.

And then gamergate happened. Breibart, at the helm of Steve Bannon at the time, began feeding gamers alt right lingo. Once again, the enemy was the SJW. But this time they introduced "cultural marxist" with the help of Milo yiannodghskhj.

Gamergate would unite all the other "anti-sjw" spheres on reddit, from the redpill to the white nationalists as they all could come together to fight "cultural Marxists" from taking their games. Anita Sarkeesian and zoe quinn were the figure heads but not the actual goal.

These gamers believed they were saving "gaming culture" from invasion by the sjw journalists and bloggers who weren't real gamers. All the while getting goaded and placated by "rational centrists and skeptics" on youtube including self described "liberals" like hugely popular total biscuit.

The third and most impressive wave was through memes. Innocuous on the face of it, places like 4chan and 8chan were tantamount in proselytizing the rise of anti-semitic memes into the mainstream "internet meme" lingo.

On reddit, the memes you would find on /r/AdviceAnimals were mostly about double standards with how minorities behave and how bad it was to be white and male. Many of them would direct users to go to tumblrinaction to check the proof of SJW hating white people.

In fact, it's so effective that you see reddit reverting to this sort of hyperbole even on this sub. Pairing an oppression narrative with the still maturing userbase of reddit was always going to effective.

When you begin to see subs which tout themselves as "free speech zones" or "anti-safe space", there is a guarantee that such subs will inevitably attract people who believe these things, giving them a common enemy.

So you have "centrists and moderates" and "liberal as they come" new adults falling for this tilted overton window, and unable to actually identify and reconcile many of these beliefs propagated by the GOP and the far right nationalists. Which is why you see many of them defend James Damore's memo even though it has been thoroughly debunked by the very scientists he cited.

The inability to reconcile the reality of these beliefs also shows up when people dismiss a lot of these pepe memes with anti semitic imagery as "trolling". Also the rush to paint "both sides" of being equally extreme would see people unable to identify the increasing presence of alt-right motivation in Trump's campaign. His appointment of Steve Bannon wasnt explicit enough.

The importance of understanding this radicalization is because this exact strain of white nationalism is currently in charge of the most powerful nation in the world. From his crime statistics copy pasta retweets to his outright equivocation of nazi protesters with counter protesters, this is the reality we have to face. Trump might be impeached, but even then what comes after that? These ideologies aren't going away. Identifying their garbage and shutting it down is the first step of education that one must partake in. Germany understood what was necessary and still do today. America is worse off having not reconcilled and cleansed itself from the stain of the confederacy, which as we can see has dovetailed into neonazism among the current generation of millenials via the alt-right. These are legacies written in ink that the current generation of millenials will have to address as we start having kids who will be born into this world of techonological ubiqutiy. There is a monster in the house and it's not too late to get a big fuck off stick.

The alt-right also sees the brilliance in reaching out to other non-whites to gain supplementary support. They mostly do this to Asians by stoking the valid and contentious topics such as affirmative action, and to greater extent, minority outcomes especially regarding things like immigration. Also trying to unite these groups against BLM and feminists and other activist groups inevitably adds some undertone of validity to some of the shit they say. You then see them hide their violence behind "normal" sounding language with words like "peaceful ethnic cleansing". This gives them a level of calm overtness which lends their ideas some sliver of intellectual sounding credence.

Armed with the attention of the asocial, young, fragile and frustrated, these men have given their listeners soundbites through each step. Virtue signalling, fake news, liberal anti white msm, lying journalists, ethical right wingers fighting for true freedom, the actual violence of the left. At worst some of them fall back on the "both sides" rhetoric.

But between you and me, something amazing happened - and now I can talk to animals! It's pretty cool and totally secret, and you know what? Life will never be the same.


We're not doing that both sides thing here.

Why do you support tankies? Do you deny the Holodomor?

>he thinks the Holomdor is real

I wish it was real: those Kulak wreckers deserved worse


Pft, be you and not accept u/dblackrabbit's glorious revolution of communism changing America to the newest gulag.


Let me give you an example by exposing you to a racist stereotype in two ways, one intended to produce a negative response and one intended to produce a positive one.


Tyrone arrives home from his first day of fourth grade.

Tyrone: Mom, today in the schoolyard we were comparing our penis sizes, and mine was a lot bigger than anyone else's. Is it because I'm black?

Mom: No, Tyrone, it's because you're 23.

Sorry, I don't follow. This is supposed to produce a positive response? It looks to me like you just invoked a negative stereotype of black people being unintelligent. Or possibly pedophilic.

When someone tells a joke, they are intending to produce a positive response. I.e., laughter. I provided two examples of how one would reference a negative stereotype against blacks- one, a joke, is intended to produce a positive response. The well-thought-out paragraph labeled "Negative" approaches the topic reasonably, and is intended to produce a negative response.

My statement was intended to demonstrate how racist attitudes and stereotypes are fed underhandedly to the general public via jokes, memes, et cetera. You and I, reading that joke, have a negative response, because we see the racism inherent in the joke and react negatively to that. But there is a large section of the population of Reddit who see that joke get posted, laugh, and upvote it anyway. Sure, a portion of them might be genuinely racist, but I'm fairly certain that if you tried telling them that blacks are violent and uneducated, they would be repulsed or call you a racist- even though they'd just upvoted a joke saying exactly that!

I thought it was slightly funny if it was such an old joke

I thought it was slightly funny if it was not such an old joke

Tyrone is probably in middle school by now

I am quite confident that I am not alone in saying "I am not reading all that".

/u/Ciceros_Assassin I love how your subreddit is supposedly focused on a topic, yet it allows these posts making wild accusations about how The Outgroup shifts their targets, and uses that as an excuse to get wildly off-topic.


I've been a 4chan user off and on for many years. I was talking to an older IRL friend recently who is also a b/tard and we agreed. All this shit we've been saying for years. We thought everyone was joking. Like, it was all supposed to be a goof. You know, it's funny cause it's offensive, but we don't actually hate women and brown people. Then November 2016 happened, and we were like, "wait, you guys were serious this whole time?"

wew lad.


Out of genuine curiosity, how is saying things like 'There is only the human race' and 'Love conquers all' racist in any way?

edit: thanks for all your responses!

I hope you understood how absolutely beyond saving the entire /r/MensLib community is, and have learned from these responses and opted to head somewhere more sane.

I mean their responses made sense lol.

Well, yes, it's pretty easy to say things that "make sense" yet are utterly delusional.

what part did you not agree with

Before I begin let me preface this by saying this is my experience on reddit and will probably not reflect the same for a lot of folk on here.

In my approximately 6 years on reddit, I've watched the site go from one image to the next as scandal after scandal led to a seismic shift in both the culture and the audience it attracts. In 2012, this site would have been known as Ron Paul's army.

Around that time something was happening. A small sub called /r/Tumblr1nAction popped up and introduced the notion of laughing at "oversensitive crazy teens on tumblr". On the surface, while that tends to the side of bullying, there was seemingly no ideological motivation to the sub. But then tumblr began to gain the reputation as being the hub for "radical leftists/feminists" and naturally TIA began posting more and more material relating to 'hateful and crazy feminists". Slowly it began to switch targets, today feminists hate men, tomorrow white people, next tomorrow straight people.

With shifting targets came shifting aggressors. First it was the feminists, then it was the far left. The most brilliant thing about this "far left" designation was basically categorizing anything that was pro-social justice 'radical". So people's definition of social justice warrior now range from anti nazism to hypothetical bra burning.

Most importantly, the lexicon of SJW began to spread. On the defaults like /r/videos, /r/news , /r/worldnews and /r/askreddit, numerous videos and articles would get cross posted by neo nazis who congregated on places like /r/ni88ers or offsite. These videos/articles usually showed black/feminists/brown and Asian folk doing shit wrong and the comments would get "brigaded by 4chan and stormfront". This was around the trayvon martin period.

And then gamergate happened. Breibart, at the helm of Steve Bannon at the time, began feeding gamers alt right lingo. Once again, the enemy was the SJW. But this time they introduced "cultural marxist" with the help of Milo yiannodghskhj.

Gamergate would unite all the other "anti-sjw" spheres on reddit, from the redpill to the white nationalists as they all could come together to fight "cultural Marxists" from taking their games. Anita Sarkeesian and zoe quinn were the figure heads but not the actual goal.

These gamers believed they were saving "gaming culture" from invasion by the sjw journalists and bloggers who weren't real gamers. All the while getting goaded and placated by "rational centrists and skeptics" on youtube including self described "liberals" like hugely popular total biscuit.

The third and most impressive wave was through memes. Innocuous on the face of it, places like 4chan and 8chan were tantamount in proselytizing the rise of anti-semitic memes into the mainstream "internet meme" lingo.

On reddit, the memes you would find on /r/AdviceAnimals were mostly about double standards with how minorities behave and how bad it was to be white and male. Many of them would direct users to go to tumblrinaction to check the proof of SJW hating white people.

In fact, it's so effective that you see reddit reverting to this sort of hyperbole even on this sub. Pairing an oppression narrative with the still maturing userbase of reddit was always going to effective.

When you begin to see subs which tout themselves as "free speech zones" or "anti-safe space", there is a guarantee that such subs will inevitably attract people who believe these things, giving them a common enemy.

So you have "centrists and moderates" and "liberal as they come" new adults falling for this tilted overton window, and unable to actually identify and reconcile many of these beliefs propagated by the GOP and the far right nationalists. Which is why you see many of them defend James Damore's memo even though it has been thoroughly debunked by the very scientists he cited.

The inability to reconcile the reality of these beliefs also shows up when people dismiss a lot of these pepe memes with anti semitic imagery as "trolling". Also the rush to paint "both sides" of being equally extreme would see people unable to identify the increasing presence of alt-right motivation in Trump's campaign. His appointment of Steve Bannon wasnt explicit enough.

The importance of understanding this radicalization is because this exact strain of white nationalism is currently in charge of the most powerful nation in the world. From his crime statistics copy pasta retweets to his outright equivocation of nazi protesters with counter protesters, this is the reality we have to face. Trump might be impeached, but even then what comes after that? These ideologies aren't going away. Identifying their garbage and shutting it down is the first step of education that one must partake in. Germany understood what was necessary and still do today. America is worse off having not reconcilled and cleansed itself from the stain of the confederacy, which as we can see has dovetailed into neonazism among the current generation of millenials via the alt-right. These are legacies written in ink that the current generation of millenials will have to address as we start having kids who will be born into this world of techonological ubiqutiy. There is a monster in the house and it's not too late to get a big fuck off stick.

The alt-right also sees the brilliance in reaching out to other non-whites to gain supplementary support. They mostly do this to Asians by stoking the valid and contentious topics such as affirmative action, and to greater extent, minority outcomes especially regarding things like immigration. Also trying to unite these groups against BLM and feminists and other activist groups inevitably adds some undertone of validity to some of the shit they say. You then see them hide their violence behind "normal" sounding language with words like "peaceful ethnic cleansing". This gives them a level of calm overtness which lends their ideas some sliver of intellectual sounding credence.

Armed with the attention of the asocial, young, fragile and frustrated, these men have given their listeners soundbites through each step. Virtue signalling, fake news, liberal anti white msm, lying journalists, ethical right wingers fighting for true freedom, the actual violence of the left. At worst some of them fall back on the "both sides" rhetoric.

But between you and me, something amazing happened - and now I can talk to animals! It's pretty cool and totally secret, and you know what? Life will never be the same.

Are these men "liberated" from their testicles or something?

Implying people like u/mach-2 ever had testicles

It's amazing how /u/mach-2 manages to embody this irrational inarticulate self-satisfied rage that has taken over the /r/politics sphere of reddit. His incoherent conspiratorial rants always seem to be lauded by the site, but he has this long history of anger issues on reddit that seems to be glossed over. I wish I or somebody else had kept track of all the horrid comments he deleted, because holy shit he is a lolcow of epic proportions. I wish I had that time he called that woman slurs saved, because it was absolutely incredible.

Is this person fucking dense? An autist? Circle jerking that the reason we have a resurgence of white supremacy is some evil right wing white man's extremist troll cabal is literally the reason we have a resurgence of white supremacy. The far left made everything about race and are now acting fucking surprised when the far right did exactly that. Duh. Like, duh.

mfw still caring about gamergate

LMFAO at gamergate being the origin of cultural marxism. This author seriously didn't graduate high school, did he?

What he actually says is that the Reddit/TiA/Gamergate ideology "is the same strain" as alt-right/Trumpism, and that "many of" the ideologies and groups that form the alt-right were "propagated" by Reddit.

Affecting to mock this as liberal hysteria is a pretty typically disingenuous "Pepe Nazi" approach, since it's the Pepe Nazi's themselves who prefer this origin story when it's not being used by liberals to criticize them. Angela Nagle's ridiculously sympathetic Kill All Normies, which is recognizably based on the Pepe Nazi's own self-account, takes this line.

/u/DblackRabbit tries to justify racial discrimination at the bottom, how are these people even real?