Usenet drama from 1992 after somebody pokes their head into alt.flame to tell local residents that their newsgroup is shit.

102  2017-08-18 by snallygaster


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Usenet drama from 1992

Don't even need to look to know who submitted this.

So signatures existed that far back? Now I know where that cancer came from

Yup. I think they started becoming common sometime in the late 80's or early 90's. I miss sigs tbqhwy, they're so obnoxious

We'll always have /u/unclesamuel

/u/unclesamuel fucking enrages me with that signature, I have to give him recognition for that.

The hours I put into finding just the right pop culture quotes to properly express myself and making sure they properly fit into 4 lines, 80 characters wide...

But it's webforums where the cancer really metastasized.

The best was when people quoted each other's retarded sentences out of context to make them look even more retarded.

Two dashes, a space, and a newline. Where do you think they came from you undeveloped tadpole?

This guys fucks, ~/.signature for life!

finger strathmeyer

Hell, yeah, and taglines.

snally, have you met my good friend /u/mr_dinkle? Stellar guy, and a big fan of your work.

oh hello!

wow the gmiester wasn't even the best troll in there

Quite the contrary, Mr. Cress. The insertion of appendages into the anus serves no purpose, thus K e n does not understand why one would initiate such an activity. K e n requires both hands when typing, for it is most efficient. The more appendages that are applied to the keyboard, the more characters that can be typed.

The group was dedicated to trolling well before the term was even coined, so many of them were really good with insults and other forms of shit-slinging.

Is this group the origin of the term 'flame', or should I just kms for asking?

Also, somewhere along the line, we stopped saying 'flame'. We should bring it back, to restore purity to 'troll'. Who is with me? Who is with me?!

Flaming is what trolls did. It's like saying a cat cats instead of meows

I just realized I've always been subscribed to drama, whatever it was a mailing list or a usenet group. Thanks, /u/snallygaster for finally destroying my self-image. I'm trans-NEET now.

~*~You carry /r/drama in your heart~*~

Was K e n Robinson the first usenet troll?

Also I guess it must have taken a few more years before people realised you don't take the bait with obvious trolls over and over.

also sigs are cancer

Was K e n Robinson the first usenet troll?

naaa.. this was 1992.. By then usenet was more than a decade old.. The trolling and flame wars raged on usenet throughout the 1980's, even the USENET Kook of the Month / Year pre-dated the shit in the OP by years.

Also I guess it must have taken a few more years before people realised you don't take the bait with obvious trolls over and over.

Naa this was all mild stuff, once the commercial Internet came to be and more and more people found usenet, the shit picked up.. especially the crazy.

I may (or may not) have been responsible for one of the first Internet 'memes'.. look up "FALSE CHRISTIAN SCUM" in relation to usenet.. Ol' Rev Steve.. the dude had issues. Of course back in those days the term 'Autist' wasn't used, instead the term for those types of people was simply 'Kook'..

man.. this brings back some nostalgia.. I miss the days when one slightly re-worded bible verse could set someone off on weeks long rants...

Is this him? You mod an internet archive sub of course, I shouldn't be surprised lol

I wonder who the actual first Internet troll was, usenet or even pre?

That's the one!

I wonder who the actual first Internet troll was, usenet or even pre?

that might be hard to figure out, since most of the usenet archives only start around the early 90's, right around the time NSFNet started opening up their screaming 1.5mbps network to commercial services.. before that it was a rather insular society.. mostly educational and government entities - the original pointy-heads..

I first encountered the Reverend on FIDOnet, which was a network of individual (dual-up) BBS's who connected to one another several times a day to send and receive "network" messages.

You mod an internet archive sub of course

I don't mod that or any other archive sub, but OMG is /r/internetcollection/ bringing me back down memory lane.. Kibology, the killfile/cancel wars, John F. Winston, Vulis, et al.. oh and must not forget the ORIGINAL CABAL.

This so-called Reddit Cabal I keep hearing about, ain't got shit on us greybeards.. Back then, we they (There is no Cabalâ„¢) had the power to kick entire domains off the 'net - the parts that counted at least. Back then Reddit wouldn't have stood a chance. :-0

Well shit, you were around in the good old days? You need to contribute more of the good stuff to this sub mane. And /r/internetcollection if you're interested

And being able to shitpost without being doxxed in one click is pretty nice too

People actually using their full names tho, shows how trusting people were back then. I've never used my full name as my account name because I was raised to fear internet paedos and always stick under a pseudonym, fake age, fake location and fake bussy pics.

In the good old days, sites would accept "February 31st" as a valid birth date.

Just to put it in perspectice, the simpsons was barely even a thing during this conversation. That's the world that existed during this conversation.

Anyone giving odds on whether Garrett G. Cress was down in Virginia recently?

Vintage drama from snally! Old and petty. Just the way I like it.

How did Google archive this thing? Google Groups was not a thing until 2001, and Google wasn't even there back in 1992.

I guess they just archived the entirety of usenet somehow and put it in their group feature, idk. It's super helpful, though; usually newsreaders cost money, but they probably censor all the file-sharing newsgroups keeping usenet semi-relevant today

Google actually bought Deja News maybe 10-15 years ago. Deja had a very comprehensive archive. was the website


To call the state of Virginia a "hillbilly" state is one of the more ignorant things you can do. Virginia has educational resources that are on par with the states of New York, California, and Michigan. The College of William and Mary and The University of Virginia are two of the finest collegiate institutions in the country. Business is booming in metropolitan Northern Virginia, a mere twenty minutes from the nation's capital, and NoVa is considered to have one of the highest qualities of life in the country. Tourism is steady all year round, with beach fans flocking to Va Beach, skiers to Massanutten, outdoor fanatics traipsing through the Blue Ridge Mountains or the Appalachian Trail, and history buffs heading to Williamsburg or Yorktown. Truly, your conception of the Commonwealth of Virginia is plaily misguided.

Our only gaping fault is that we went Bush in the last elections, but nobody's perfect


>when u realize it's Bush Sr

Wow this drama is older than me

Usenet drama from 1992...

Hey, I think someone likes that.

wtf is this shit