Cb2 finds a way of going from brigading another subreddit to crying about their subreddit being brigaded in one post

124  2017-08-23 by MakeAmericaSageAgain


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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u/ANCAP_OXYMORON_KYS "How does it feel knowing nobody actually likes sleeping with white men anymore, and being the embodiment of why" are you sure about that http://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2013/11/30/247530095/are-you-interested-dating-odds-favor-white-men-asian-women

Just because you're an obese white women whos convinced herself that she doesnt find white guys attractive because only basketball Americans will go near her doesnt mean actually human shaped women dont want some mayo in them.

i can tell u dont get laid

You post to r/CK2Gameofthrones

Why would you shame your own kind?

Alphas always battle each other for status. That's how they are.

gotta restart my post-aegon's conquest campaign. thanks for the reminder

silence whelp

Did you just call him a fucking dragon?

damn DE S TRO YE D

Are you over 30? Did you use your virgin wizard powers to figure that one out?

Such a brilliant deduction to make on /r/drama

I got banned there. Where's my medal

How did you piss off r/spaceX did you say that Musk mistreats his staff, doesn't meet deadlines, and that sci fi isn't real?

CB2 does ban pretty quickly though. Thankfully I get the switch flipped back by asking and not being a full blown retard.

It seems a lot of the mods dislike the userbase for being angry communists. Yesterday they attacked me for saying thqt Bill Clinton was a great president.

You learn quickly that mods and userbase don't overlap because it is very easy for userbase to be filled with fucking mouthbreathers jerking each other off until they are bloody.

That's not good. If I look more normal in comparison to the rest of the site it means we're going off the deep end.

How? The only thing I ever did was link stuff here and they wouldn't budge. They can't expect a man to not link the juicy stuff here.

i've spent years talking to the mods there and try to not act like a raging douche 24/7. I also comment there over the years.

I wanna know how he got banned from there too.

Come on /u/PM-ME-YOUR-UNDERARMS, inquiring minds want to know!

nigga I didn't get banned from /r/spacex. Some faggot power tripping mod removed my comment thanking a bot because it wasn't serious enough but they feel astronaut poopy diaper jokes are okay

Signal to noise brah

Posting facts about Musk in the [CURRENT YEAR]

!Reddit silver

College kids gonna college kid.

I really had trouble making friends in high school, and just generally throughout my life. I'm really worried that I won't make friends in college and that I won't do anything fun.

/u/skarkeisha666 If you stop acting like such a stuck up bitch/douche I'm sure you'll be making friends in no time :) I can be your friend.

Oh shit, they're not even in college yet (for another week or whatever)? hahahahahahahahahah

I mock the retards on this site talking about politics and whatnot like they know better, but goddamn, for some reason that still made my eyes widen. Seven years ago they weren't even in middle school and I was celebrating my 30th birthday. Holy fuck lol

Get the fuck off the internet you old fart.

We were here first


Mid twenties. Young enough to give your old wife the fucking she longs for when you put your oafish body on top of her, but old enough to possess an omniscience when it comes to all worldly matters.

While you're looking for your Alzheimer meds I'm sitting at the VIP-booth in the club, picking up barely legal 10's and reading Dostojevskij xD Being old smh

I'm engaged to a 25 year old and I cheat on her all the time

Does she have a boipucci?

It's all fecal on the inside.

Disgusted upvote

Am I supposed to be impressed over the fact that an old man has picked up some gold digger whore off the street in absence of a soul mate that truly fulfills him?

Cheating on her too. You're unapologetically admitting to your mid-life crisis here. Aren't you too old for that stuff gramps?

Yes to both


Probably not, 20 years ago we thought we'd get AIDS from unprotected sex. Stupid, I know.

Imagine typing this seriously

Imagine taking a comment like this on r/drama seriously

I take back my fist bump

Hey, don't be mad if you're an uggo

fist bump

/me slaps lamentedly around with a large trout

Hundreds of years from now, kids will still be telling adults to get off the internet


16/f/cali ;)

Next you'll tell us to stop drinking and womanizing.

I don't really respect anyone until they're in their late 20s unless they've been shot at. That's my confession

been shot at

I've shot up drugs. Is that acceptable?

The internet is only for children now!

damn, guess I gotta wait till I turn 21 and get my political opinions license.

Maybe when you are 21 you will realize how much of a smug retarded asahole you are all little children are. You might as well be brain damaged compared to a 25 year old human.

Oh, wow. YOU ARE SO RIGHT! The minds of older people are INHERENTLY superior, as proven by the excellent grasp of syntax and diction that you displayed in that comment.

Please don't be racist and xenophobic towards our resident Brasilian.

No, literally your brain isn't even fully developed you fucking mouth breather. You are going to grow up and cringe at yourself if you at some point become even remotely normal. I am not three one sitting around talking about no one liking me my entire life and thinking that it isn't my smug insufferable self as the common denominator.

"you are like baby, wait until you grow up and do the big man shitposting on reddit"

Literally nothing I said has anything to do with Reddit shit posting. Nothing literally nothing I said was said as a joke. Grow the fuck up kid.

It's about what you said, it's about what you do. You're sittin up there on you're nonexistent high horse talking about how I'm lesser than you because I'm younger while you're posting racist shit on r/drama and jackin off to shitty memes.

It isn't about what I said it is about the straw man you created.

is it a strawman if it's tru tho?

You don't seem like a very nice person.

You're doing the exact same thing you accused him in CB2 aren't you? Sitting on your nonexistent high horse talking about how reddit/white straight men are lesser than you guys because they aren't "woke enough" and jacking off to shitty puns and memes.

The difference between /r/drama and other call out culture subs is that we know what we are doing is retarded, petty, and can laugh at ourselves. Subs who actually take themselves serious mocking others are just sad tbh.

"I hate black people and i don't think nazis are all that bad"

"hey that's not ok"

"God get of ur high horse u fucken hypocrite"

Imagine being this retarded.

Imagine being so stupid that you believe an internet community consisting of people who are angered at the suggestion that women and minorities deserve equal rights is more diverse than one which is the opposite of that.


But it actually is lmao

Imagine that I'm talking about reality other than a bunch of pathetic white guys who hates their lives circlejerking about how they are actually the good guys even though everyone hates them in their lives.

Nazis weren't all bad. Rommel was kinda alright.

He's like the wheraboo gateway drug

women and minorities deserve equal rights

If they deserved it, they would have fought and won it at this point in history. Don't you understand Darwinism?

Just a bunch of white guys whipping themselves about how they are one of the good ones and also bitching that they can't understand why no one likes them.

That point went unchallenged, /u/sharkeisha666 confirmed for white male.

Of course he is. It is why they went full REEEE and said you are either him or a Nazi.

your name is a racist stereotype towards POC, please consider deleting your account if you are truly an ally of POC.

it isn't tho

it's in reference to a specific person from a video

You're appropriating black culture by using that name, unless you are a POC (which I doubt) it is disrespectful to continue to post under that handle.

You are going to grow up and cringe at yourself if you at some point become even remotely normal

That's a pretty big if. I wouldn't hold out much hope for them.

tone policing people of /r/Drama

are you white?

I'm a semi young gun like urself bby and I agree with you. It's not necessarily true that older people are smarter, it's just you that's a complete retard.

ah oh


I'v never looked at it from that perspective

thank you

Ur welcome. Now make a change plz and hit me up about that friend thing :))

/u/skarkeisha666 isn't good enough for you Sven.

Plus she's probably fat.

I think it's a boy O'Connor, and you know I like my bussy thicc.

Every single person i know was a mongoloid as a teenager and i was the same way and so are you, you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise you goober.

Every 3 years I can look back at myself 3 years ago and recognize I was a complete dumbass. But I've never, ever, been THAT retarded.

I think that's par for the course for everyone

Every 3 years I can look back at myself 3 years ago and recognize I was a complete dumbass. But I've never, ever, been THAT retarded.

Yeah, because they've actually lived life. Your parents feed you, clothes you, house you. You have no idea what real life is like yet. So yeah your political opinions are trash, wait til you start paying taxes and have a mortgage or any sort of responsibility beyond making your bed and cleaning your room.

Mate I'm going to uni next year so I'm around the same age as you but it's gotta be said you are really not making a good case for us being anything more than straight up knuckle-dragging oxygen defecits.

Like, great job, you found some big words in the thesaurus. Now you can get good grades in your GCSEs.

I'm an example that younger people are idiots because I....don't like sexists?

No, because of the comment that I just replied to. It sounds like a less good version of what they find scrawled on cave walls from before people invented fire. I don't give a shit about your opinions on sexism and I don't care about you enough to look through your post history. My opinion about you is purely based on your comments in this thread and from your responses here it seems like that's not too bad of a litmus test.

that was just a slightly more clever version of saying "ur stupid cuz ur dumb"

That's like a non-statement.

So is it a statement or isn't it!? Don't leave me hanging here!

It means that the statement was empty. There were words but they didn't say anything.

You know they have a lot of those non-statements in The Lord Of The Rings as well. They'd probably be better books instead of making any effort to be entertaining it was just a bullet pointed, chronological list of arbitrary events.

Was that comment a passage from the lord o the rings?


Ok, so then what the fuck are you talking about?

I'm saying that "all words should have a specific use" is a really aspie way of looking at it. I wanted to call what you wrote dumb, so I did it with a simile because it's more interesting to write and presumably more interesting for other people to read. In the other comments I'm calling out your aspie view of language by saying that what you call "non-statements" have a lot of value, enough to turn a bullet pointed list into a classic trilogy. This is called an example but the fact you took it literally and started taking about LOTR quotes is evidence for case a) you being a knuckle-dragging oxygen defecit, and case b) you being a full on aspie. The fact I have to spell this out for you is really making b look like a credible theory.

Ok, cool, but you still haven't managed to articulate why my comment was dumb.

I did, right at the end of my first comment:

The thing that makes people look least intelligent is trying to prove how intelligent they are.

Ummm, did I do that?

Like 90% of your comments in this thread are arguing about how un-dumb you are.

you feel like finding a specific one?

And 25 year olds are juuuust starting to get to that age where they have some self-awareness and perspective. /u/sharkeisha666 you're like a decade away from making sense and/or having anyone take you seriously.

Think about that.

In your case I'd wait until I was 50.

ah ok

given that you most liekly couldn't vote in the least election (or if you did, voted for a loser), yeah....wait a while. we used to say "lurk moar". do that.

and then, after years of lurking, I can become a shitty troll like you

cry more, kid.

I will

At least wait until you aren't completely under the control of your parents or a university.

and ten will I finally be able to post dumb shit on r/Drama?

You can do that now but you need to be aware your opinions are dumb shit.

21 year olds are also idiots. This is like a fifth grader saying "oh do i need to be in high school to buy a house?" No motherfucker, 21 year olds are also entirely naive and retarded.

They weren't even fucking joking.

You have no idea how the world works at your age. It's not specifically a knock against you as basically everyone goes through the same thing. The older you get, the more you figure out you don't know shit.

21? No, try like 26.

Not even in college but they already know how to solved all the worlds problems. Just shut up and listen to their (((wisdom)))


You're never going to make friends in college with your cunt ass on reddit all day being a triggered mayo.

Just do mommy and daddy a favor and drink bleach so you don't disappoint them with your gender studies major.

What prestigious university did you attend that allowed you to weave such an intricate tapestry of words? Truly an artist of unmatched talent. And telling people to kill themselves on the internet, oh what a valiant and noble use for those unparalleled skills.

Well, you're certaily pretentious enough to be an American college student, best of luck with that.

REEE louder fagboi! Trying that hard to sound verysmart only prooves my point you're never going to have friends in college. Get off of reddit and do something productive in your life for once!

yeah, ur right.

maybe someday I'll be able to write stuff like this beautiful little piece you made

What exactly was the Great Emancipator emancipating the Negro from? From his daily bread? From the nobility of honest work? From wealthy patrons who sponsored them from cradle to grave? From clothing and shelter? And what have they done with their freedom? Why, go to Finkton, and you shall find out. No animal is born free, except the white man. And it is our burden to care for the rest of creation.

Try harder 😂

If I try harder will I finally be as racist as you someday?

You realize that was a quote from Bioshock Infinite, right? Even if you didn't know you could have spent an extra two seconds googling that quote while you were vigorously digging though post history.

Yeah, because googling every objectionable phrase people come across just in case it"s from a mid-tier AAA videogame is something people do.

Yeah, because googling every objectionable phrase people come across just in case it"s from a mid-tier AAA videogame is something people do.

Yeah, because googling every objectionable phrase people come across just in case it"s from a mid-tier AAA videogame is something people do.

Digging through post history to find a naughty word is something people do, apparently.

What prestigious university did you attend

what prestigious university are you going to attend? MTSU?

yeah dude, I'm totally going to tell you what school I go to after I pissed you off online

ok. it's clear you're going to a community college now lol

you can believe that if you want to

I could say literally anything and you wouldn't believe me anyways so wtf does it matter

No. if you said something I'd believe you. Instead, you chose to deflect because you're going to East Mississippi CC

damn u got me

my self esteem is crushed

should've told you and taken the risk that you would fix me

You're seriously challenged (or have been posting irresponsibly on this account) if you are scared that someone can doxx you based on school location. I'd recommend you delete your account, just to be safe

"hello university do you have someone there with the online handle skarkeisha666"

hmmmmm, i wonder if there are people who can trace IP addresses and connect smaller pieces of information to identify an anonymous individual online.


and how is anyone here going to get your IP from reddit? Just because your circle of friends is into calling up peoples workplaces/universities because they got upset by words on the internet doesn't mean everyone is that malicious

Wow, tracing someone's IP through Reddit... I guess we can rule out Computer Science and Software Engineering from the list of possible degrees for you.

Do you really think that saying you go to a uni is enough to get doxxed? You get that tens of thousands of people likely go there too, right?

East Mississippi CC

to be fair, if they were going there to play football that'd be kinda impressive. I somehow doubt that's the case though

Thank you for recognizing the reference. Everyone else watch "last chance U" on Netflix

how about I piss you off online and then tell you what university I go to? pro tip: no one cares

Go Blue Raiders!


Kill the Jew Jew Jew Jew!

Sis rah boom bah!

Fuck the law law law law!

An actual MTSU chant

Dude, I know actual English PhD students who are less pretentious than you.

oh i'm sure

I should kill myself

He's right, you know.

alright then

Holy shit u/cancerbro. Do you not have anything better to do than get triggered all the time. Just check out xir's post history

What the shit is xir?

A shorthand for 'faggot'


kay stop downvoting, this is a NO PARTICIPATION link so you're breaking sitewide rules by brigading if you came here from a reddit thread

/u/KappaMcTIP Reddit did not produce np., nor is it natively enoforced. Also, it only works at all through CSS, which is absent on mobile clients, and CSS-disabled logins.

u/sharkeisha666 if your going to denigrate r/drama at least come here and do it. We could use the wisdom of a high school student to show us the error of our ways. Or we can help you cause let's face it anyone who posts to cb2 and srs is an insufferable cunt who your parents which they could still abort.

This has been a funny day on reddit.

TIL being excited about the Olympics hypothetically occurring in one's backyard is objectification.

/u/Cancerbro is going to see a baseball game also objectification?

everytime I go to watch a baseball game I think about that wood bat deep in my asshole

I'm more amused that the first thing that pops in to the heads of reddit's fat, cheeto covered neckbeards is jerking their dicks to women's volleyball when they think of the Olympics. On a side note, I don't think I've ever seen less subtle brigading.

So le progressive

i don't see reddit as neckbeards far too normal for my taste.

Unless you have a showering allergy, I don't see the problem.

So problematic you don't even see your issues. You probably think you are one of the good guys to top it off.


u/uncleozzy just because you've given up on ever getting to fuck a woman doesn't mean the rest of the world is obligated to become as much of a sickness wonder as you are

Is there a space for that on your bingo card, you resentful little bitch?

u/KappaMcTIp, how does it feel to know that no matter how loudly you proclaim that objectification is wrong, your m'lady will never reward you with sex for your neck bearded gallantry.

u/nmx179, how does it feel to know that no matter how much you've used reddit, you still don't know how to recognize an obvious troll?

"You're fragile" cried u/Ormoern as he sobbed onto his keyboard once again at how unfair it is that other men get to have functioning praises.

lmao i was wondering when will you ping me



i brigaded ur mum 😎😎😎

Lol with what you dickless faggot

actually you're right. i just cried to her about how girls don't like me and i don't have any friends and then she gave me a blankie and put me to sleep



you're actually a really good poster. What are you doing in a place like cb2?

Accidents happen.

well at least i'm not a r/drama regular

You should leave CB and come to Drama

cb2 is objectively by all standards better

i'm not going to have le rational discussion in good faith with people who came here just to brigade

Why would you put forth these very incendiary political opinions and instead of defending them when someone questions them you write the response above? What's the point? Getting pats on the back from other people who can't defend what they believe in when they're put on the spot?

You know /u/Phyltre wasn't just any dumb brigading troll. He was only disagreeing with you. He was willing to see some things from your point of view, saw through your shitty rhetorical technique and called you out on it. Your only response was basically to make fun of rational discussion and say

lol no bcuz ur a bad person!!!

Are you a child? Genuine question.

do i have to start defending myself now or what

Just admit you're an asshole so I can finally splooge. I've been edging through your history for a good hour amigo.

did u find anything interesting?

did you find anything interesting in my history?

It's hotter if you struggle, bb.

Hey, I participated in that shit-fest!


Wait how is women crying about their internet points "fragile masculinity?

....wheres that picture of the kid shoving a stick into his bike wheel when you need it.