William Shatner sets his phaser to maximum against the warriors of planet social justice

98  2017-08-25 by HivemindBuster


I have a hard time believing these were written by someone over the age of 35.

cray cray

Yeah I doubt it. Also apparently he's tweeted like 30 times in the last two hours. That's enough shitposting grandpa.

He probably doesn't remember that he just tweeted.

Every time I bring up the fact that Shatner isn't actually behind the keyboard tweeting about the latest CW drama I get downvoted. It's painfully obvious that an 80 something year old dude like Shatner is sitting around shitposting on twitter most of the day.

If it was something really bizarre like My Little Pony, I could almost believe he was into it. But CW teen girl shit? This is a guy who was one or two rungs below being a leading man back when Stalin was in power.

I'd be inclined to agree but if he just had someone using his twitter, someone would've notified him that the guy is getting into e-fights with people in his name. he's been doing it for months.

I doubt he gives a shit.

The President of the United States does exactly that.

The volume of tweets is incomparable.

>doubting the shitposting abilities of old rich dudes

How new are you?

It's like they don't even follow the news.

How did you manage to avoid the news in the past year? Just how?

I would also like to know

Having always believed that Kirk > Pickard, I will keep my smug smile of victory for the rest of the day.



Yet another reason Pickard was the worse captain.

Think about the science required for a holodeck to work for Data.


Yeah, it doesn't help that the Failing New York Times and Fake News ☪NN didn't report at all about those early 90's eugenics wars!

Only 90's kids will remember those.

To be fair, that was second season TNG, and most of second season was garbage.

Though yeah, I'm in still in the Kirk > Picard camp.

Ironically it's Picard that's getting fucked by SJW's in the end, it's always the same pattern:

  • Picard gets SJW praise and a high horse
  • That high horse makes him a valuable target for SJW's
  • High-tier SJW attacks/bullies him on Twitter to get a response and capitalize.
  • Picard defends himself or just responds with @ mention
  • SJW feeding frenzy as they compete in attacking him and acting victimized when he responds.
  • Kirk just watches and preaches to his new-found alt-right fanbase.

It's like we're stuck I a repeating time loop except it eats a different celebrity each time.

Look say Shatner > Stewart all you want but don't you whores dare besmirch the name of Jean-Luc Picard

Phasers set to TRIGGERED.

You surely understand how incredibly fucking stupid that point you just tried to make is?

You should feel ashamed for exposing everyone else to it. SJWs are not recognized - that doesn't mean it somehow doesn't deserve consideration or suddenly stop being a thing that exists.

Or were you the type that pointed to 4chan in 2005 and said "Point of these, alt-right? I'll wait."

Here's something to think about:

If you stand on a side of a particular issue, do two things:

  • Make a good argument

  • Don't be stupid

It is possible in almost all cases to do this on either side.... What you have done is make a poor argument, and through your obvious stupidity in attempting to make it, actually do more harm to your cause through association than if you had just not opened your mouth - or better, if you'd put in some effort to make a point that wasn't patently disingenuous. Stating "X exists in current state, therefore, x is current state" is absolutely useless. Particularly when SJW legitimacy is hotly political and largely a popularity contest.

Use the facts, because at least someone has to prove you wrong. When you just use shitty disingenuous logic that is circular or means nothing by standing on its own, you don't even force that level of effort.

Is this a new copypasta?

SJWs (to me anyway) have no gender.

wokeness confirmed

wtf i love star trek now

wtf i love star trek Boston Legal now

His swollen head makes me nervous, looks like is always just about to pop on that show.

Shatner letting his 4chan hobby leak into non-anonymous forums isn't very new. I'd say he's a pretty prime candidate for and /r/drama mod.


So then I guess this is the person he pays to tweet for him, not a hack.

shatners been giving sjws shit on twitter for ages im pretty sure its actually him doing it

The Shat made a movie about being old in 1982. I'm pretty sure that by the time the term "SJW" existed, he was long past the age where you learn new vocabulary.

Recent events have shown you're never to old to be a catty bitch.

It is really bizarre seeing terms popularised on places like reddit and INFOWARS, like "globalist" and "SJW", showing up in mainstream discourse.

It's ALL mixing together, all the culture, all the terms, whatever. You have old ass fucks who were alive to see 4chan explode a van on the news now regularly using cuck as a political term while arguing with teenagers on the donald. We have 20 year olds in college looking at the same retarded "memes" and watching the same stuff on youtube as kids in fucking elementary school. As the segregation is ending the internet is turning into a giant piece of shit.

'Member late 90's early 00's when the retards couldn't or didn't want to use "the internet"? 'Member interesting discussion and humor? I 'member.

'Member interesting discussion and humor? I 'member.

those are false memories

I clearly remember discussing and arguing without retards being offended or stirring the discussion towards their obsessions all the time or other retards spamming their hate and stupidity. There were trolls of course, maybe even more than now but at least they were clever ones.

no, you dont understand. those memories were implanted for purposes beyond our imagining. there has actually never been a time when anything was interesting or funny.

But who could possibly do that? Is it a conspiracy?

Things were funnier when you were young and stupid because you were young and stupid.

Nope, I had a shitty childhood so I was always a cynical asshole.

Bert is Evil and Mr. T Ate My Balls are peak comedy.

Prok chop sandwiches

Who wants a body massage?

all your base muhfugga

It might've happened in the 80s before Eternal September

lmao oldcunt

See glmox? Retards.

late 90's early 00's


Hey I don't disagree that it kept getting dumber but you gotta agree that it really went to shit late 00's when clickbait trash like Buzzfeed became popular.

Do you remember Eternal September? I do, I was actually there.

Talk to /u/SnallyGaster, she'll point you out to all SORTS of retardation on the interwebs from the 90s.

See also: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/ulterior-motives/201212/why-does-the-past-seem-happy

See my post there: https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/6vvsj2/william_shatner_sets_his_phaser_to_maximum/dm3sfga/

You can't argue with a straight face that the internet of the 90's-mid '00s wasn't better than this utter stupidity of clickbait trash, corporate conglomerates censoring anything they disagree with and pushing their own narrative, imbeciles parroting bullshit and following internet cults and so on. Trumptards, SJWs and so on are all products of this retarded new internet, that is enough proof of how toxic it has become.

people in the real world use the internet man

Shatner posts on 4chan, and he even responded to my posts here on /r/drama.


whats his /u/?

SJW wasn't first popularized on infowars lol, wtf.

I hope I'm shitposting at that tier when I'm pushing 90.

Twitter is basically talk radio for SJWs.

That is essentially all twitter is except there is no way to cut off the callers.

Generic SJW drama aside, I thought this comment was the funniest. I don't know about you guys, but I find the idea of crazy women stalking and harassing, say, Shatner and Nimoy because they're certain they're a secret gay couple and wants them to come out of the closet absolutely hilarious.

And I thought weeb shippers were insane.

Aren't they both too old for this shit. Picard with his look at me I'm progressive virtue singing and Shatner with the twitter fights. You grown ass man do something useful with your day.

The point of being old and (mostly) retired is that you don't have to do anything useful with your day.

Don't let the pressure get to you, /u/williamshatner, you were entirely in the right.

Lonny Euchus' passive aggressive response being completely ignored made me chuckle

If the internet can just be boiled down to 1s and 0s then we are all virtual signalling.

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i am glad avery brooks mostly stays away from this proving that sisko is the best captain.