After a woman gets 10 years for false rape accusations a rape victim, who is now afraid of coming forward causes a debate (the whole thread is pretty dramatic too)

50  2017-08-25 by 1171798


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false rape accusations are rare so don't worry about them

I'm worried I'll be convicted of false accusation even though conviction for that is significantly more rare than false accusations.

unfortunately people are generally paranoid about the odds not turning out in their favor

/u/deemigs and /u/chaos_is_a_ladder why should rape victims be treated any differently than victims of any other crime where there aren't witnesses?

If I walk into a police station and tell them that a friend stole $100 from me the night before, my story is going to be met with a healthy amount of suspicion until I can prove that the crime actually happened.

Let's say I'm convincing enough that the police believe me and arrest my friend. He/She is still innocent until proven guilty. That's how the legal system in the US works. The burden of proving someone's guilt lies with the accuser. The accuser does not need to prove their innocence.

It's infuriating that people think rape victims should get a free pass and that they should automatically be believed - that somehow the legal system should work differently for them.

  1. don't seriouspost here

  2. kill yourself

  3. the only way you could ever get sex is if you got raped

Not being retarded is seriousposting to you now?

this is r/drama, everything we post is retarded

not being retarded

It's cute you think that wasn't retarded

Obviously m-lady's are perfect beings, incapable of lies or deceit, unlike us filthy maaaaaaaaales - /u/deemigs

Relevant username.

Are you even capable of coherent thought? Who really talks like that? Memes are not real life you twat.

Who really talks like that? Memes are not real life you twat.

Memes are obviously the native dialect of u/autistitron

What is your answer to this question?

why should rape victims be treated any differently than victims of any other crime where there aren't witnesses?

Who really talks like that?

Don't look at me, I was just quoting verbatim.

/u/deemigs and /u/chaos_is_a_ladder why should rape victims be treated any differently than victims of any other crime where there aren't witnesses?

If I walk into a police station and tell them that a friend stole $100 from me the night before, my story is going to be met with a healthy amount of suspicion until I can prove that the crime actually happened.

Let's say I'm convincing enough that the police believe me and arrest my friend. He/She is still innocent until proven guilty. That's how the legal system in the US works. The burden of proving someone's guilt lies with the accuser. The accuser does not need to prove their innocence.

It's infuriating that people think rape victims should get a free pass and that they should automatically be believed - that somehow the legal system should work differently for them.

/u/deemigs, do you ever lay awake at night thinking about all the other people your rapist has now raped because of your cowardice?

Or are you too busy thinking about how people might say mean stuff about you if you came forward?

Lol she made herself into the strawman