Alamo at it again but with clowns, /r/movies discusses whether ladies only Wonder Woman night was a empowering event or sexism against men.

41  2017-08-25 by kingsage18


Now with added cancer!


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lol at the part where they say they received a lot of sexist comments after their sexist promotion

So what are they saying with this? That women are clowns?

'empowering' or not, it was illegal, and that's all that's going to matter in a court of law.

Maybe feminists should write laws that ban things they want to do?

So, Alamo Drafthouse is a bunch of feminists now? Good to know.

'empowering' or not, it was illegal, and that's all that's going to matter in a court of law.

It's a part of their belief system. You have to respect peoples' belief systems.

Whoever runs that theater must be pants on head retarded if they operate a public business with thirty locations and don't know what discrimination laws are

Nah he's smart. He knew the controversy would get him free publicity (and the company's image is all about edginess), plus he knew that the law would handle the matter with kid gloves since it benefits women.

It's always cute when random internet people think they know better than the people running major businesses.

I've never been sued though, so I'm more competent in that sense.

You've never reached a point of success at which it would be worth suing you. This would be like laughing at a high-end value gambler losing two hundred thousand in one hand when he's still already up two million.

Do you realize how often businesses have civil suits filled against them? People sue for all kinds of shit, particularly when they're fired.

Still though, your argument is stupid, sometimes people who run big businesses are incompetent given how many business go bankrupt all the time

Most of the time they aren't, though. The Austin location is one of the franchise's flagship locations and the suit would be filed in Austin, a very liberal city. In other words, not only did this move increase his publicity and appeal to the political leanings of his target market, but the civil suit will have to go through a municipal court system that will likely throw the case out. Furthermore, the Texas state appeals circuit will probably throw it out because overruling the dismissal of a discrimination case would work against their current agenda vis a vis the religious freedom issue.

However, that's all irrelevant because your entire justification for thinking that you, some random internet guy who whores for attention on a Reddit drama forum, know better than the owner of a successful franchise.

You seem pretty salty pal, sodium isn't good for blood pressure

Just doing my part to make /r/drama even shittier.

Look at 5th Law running amok all over that thread.

Sexism against men is empowering.

Excuse me, antidiscrimination laws only apply when women get affected. All people are equal, but some people are more equal than others.

I'm not a woman, but I have to admit if I were one, it'd be really cathartic to watch it just with other people who've felt the same sex-based leading-role under-representation in the media their entire lives.

Jesus fuck, /u/selfdeprecating.

/u/selfceprecating, what went wrong in your life that made you the male equivalent of an Uncle Tom house nigger?