stop calling text-based bullshit "LARPing"

66  2017-09-11 by grungebot5000

ok listen up you fucking ignorami, "LARP" stands for LIVE ACTION ROLE PLAY.



for you ESL untouchables, this means something you do in REAL LIFE, like with your ACTUAL, MEAT BODY.

"larping" is the high-effort cardboard-and-foam shit you see at retard rallies. with the unloaded weapons, and the stormtrooper masks and pseudomilitary shit, and the signs that say "KILL KILL KILL." RPing by contrast can be done from the security of your mom's basement.

i'm sick and tired of all you fucks misusing such a noble term so EGREGIOUSLY. if i go on twitter and start pretending like I'm organizing some kinda Black Legion so we can purge all the darkies from the states, that's not larping. if I post on reddit about how I'm training for my one-man Rambo war against the LAPD, it's not larping. if I rant for weeks on my facebook about some third crazy thing? not larping!

for fuck's sake man


Oh shit we got a larper over here.

For real, OP is larping like a motherfucker.

+1 memes

Keep Yourself Safe....but unironically

This triggers me too

On a scale of "Don't care" to "Cavs suck", how badly does the misuse of LARPing trigger you?

go fuck yourself


But you are role playing live action, so it's not real live action. Just sayin

i was cosplaying as a LARPer




So should we call it TARPing? Text action?

Or maybe something more clever im not very good at this.


DIRPing. Dead inaction, like.

DERPing, digital electronic role playing.

Language evolves, bigot

not right now it doesn't

Language devolves more luke

lmao sicc point rite their fam 😂👌

stop larping like you're some sort of grammar nazi, OP.

TURFing my Reddit

get out, nerd boy

Found the shill.

i remember when "keyboard warrior" and "nerd rage" were good enough

I remember when

"keyboard warrior" and "nerd

Rage" were good enough


                  - ExtreemWeenie

I'm a bot made by /u/Eight1911. I detect haiku.

wow sick shit you fucking sperg do you want a medal?


stop LARPing as a seriousposter immediately

LARPing = autism + privilege. Only white people can be LARPers.

eat my ass


Oh look, and SRSer pissed that we don't take their bogeyman seriously enough.

And what a shock! These days, this Serious-Agenda Post gets upvoted.

If you think that's how the fine folks at SRS talk you need to spend some more time over there soaking in the culture


only two problems with this:

  1. this spelling means you're not an American, and therefore irrelevant to a discussion of our glorious language

  2. what the fuck are you talking about? this is completely incoherent

We didn't invent the America language it's a dialect of English.

americans definitely invented american english. Webster dropped the u's on purpose

Now this is an autistic rant I can get behind