Almost got truck of peace'd today

75  2017-09-11 by snallygaster

Keep ur eyes on the news tonight



I was larping in the PNW, and some alt right guy drove a truck through the crowd. Nobody got hit tho

I was larping in the PNW

elaborate pls

She was at some furry convention. duh

Bad news if tru

snally only attends usenet reunions, get ur facts straight

snally is antifa


it's really fun, you should try it

I was told my ability to lift over 40 pounds disqualified me. :(

LARP organizations accept people of all body types.

Oh, come on. I've seen them. That's patently untrue.

They discriminate against fit people.

Both sides could definitely use some fitness classes imo

"These despicable people want attention. So we're gonna go stop them by giving them attention. And there might be some fisticuffs, so let's make sure our group is composed exclusively of men that the average 12 year-old could out-lift, and women, because historically, those have been the greatest melee combatants."

That's pretty much how it goes, but by god is it fun.

You better not admit to this in front of the dudebros over at SRD, they'll go bananas

I don't like the smell.

I am acronym-retarded, what is PNW?

Pacific Northwest

/>snally unironically goes to those antifa/whatever those retards are calling themselves nowadays rally

really butters my biscuits.

it's fun as hell, you feel so alive and get to shout at /pol/lutants

you could just take up drugs like a normal degenerate

idk, i try to get involved in temporal or otherwise interesting events like this so that i can learn more about them. by partaking in this sort of thing, you can really get an understanding of what compels people to partake. i've been telling people for years about how people derive meaning from the larping, but getting involved in it adds a completely new experiential level of understanding. plus you can usually get a good story out of it.

By that logic you could also join the alt-right

you could, i guess. i'm much more sympathetic to leftists; don't think i'd be able to blend in with white nationalists for too long at this point in my life.

Seeing the larpers through s computer screen is already depressing enough. My time is more valuably spent working studying playing vidya and watching sports.

watching drama unfold irl is a lot more fun and interesting, ime. you also get to see the actors from multiple angles and understand their motivations.

Can you go try again but succeed this time



you first

Always bringing the best drama snally.

Sorry, I had a little bit too much to drink before i got behind the wheel earlier.

Large if factual

just like snally omg lmao

Just rude

Just how deep can you take a dick?

wow rude!

i love you

all of you

As a wise Bobby Plant once said, that's a whole lotta love.

You're beautiful! ontheinside

So brave and so strong!

Big if true

Snally who? I'll fucking kill them

lol are people still protesting about nothing


ʎɹʇunɔ ʇsǝq ɐᴉlɐɹʇsn∀ noʎ ʞɔnɟ

Trucks of peace are for muzzies. That was a truck of northern aggression.

Good to know you're safe.

Nothing's on the news, though.

/u/snallygaster Keep Yourself Safe.

This but unironically.

implying human life is in some way valuable and we didn't just evolve to falsely believe that human lives are valuable leading to the planet going to shit

Guy probably just needed to get home to go poop tbf.

Try not being tarded then.

You can't tell a bird not to fly.

I tell it to Ostriches all the time. Those assholes know how to listen.

Hahaha Dee, you God damned ostrich.

Le show may may XDCDXD

Rock and mortician!!!

next time use a nazi flag for the sake of drama


i don't have a tv snally :(

After the man was arrested, a group called the "Proud Boys" drove down Columbia Ave and sprayed pepper spray out their windows at protesters in the street. The counter-protesters lobbed rocks at their truck.

Police stopped the Proud Boys, but did not detain them. Fifteen minutes later they drove away.

But they didn't get far: Reporters nearby say the Proud Boys crashed into a police vehicle.

You can't make this shit up.

proud boys living up to their three-stooges-knockoff-tier name

Literally retarded.

Lol isnt proud boys gavin mcinnes and his fanboys? ( Nore like fuccbois amirite xD)

wait, this was at another patriot prayer counter-protest? fuck sake, they arent even alt-right

everything about this is dumb

What are these ppl?

i dunno what they were doing in vancouver, but theyre a conservative "free speech" group. the founder is half-jap so obviously theyre not down with the whole white ethnostate thing. they also view "reasonable liberals" as ideologically compatible with them so theres obviously not a lot of overlap with the actual far-right. generally they seem kinda dumb and whiny but theyre also a really small group with pretty mild views. antifa types seem to have started treating "free speech" as a dog whistle for "gas the kikes" tho so you get these huge pointless counter-protests and actual racists like truck dude who only show up because they want to fuck with antifa.

like i said, it's all very dumb

Idk what the point of all this was. Seems like /u/SnallyGaster went on a people watching safari.

I think many nazi's consider japs to be "honorary whites" or some shit.

Ah, found it

Honorary Aryan

Honorary Aryan (German: Ehrenarier) is a term used in Nazi Germany for a status granted by the Nazi Bureau of Race Research, or by other Nazi officials, to certain individuals and groups of people who were not generally considered to be biologically part of the Aryan race, according to Nazi standards. The status certified them as being honorarily part of the Aryan race.

The prevalent explanation as to why the status of "honorary Aryan" was bestowed by the Nazis upon other non-Nordic – or even less exclusively, non-Indo-Iranian/European peoples – is that the services of those peoples were deemed valuable to the German economy or war effort, or simply for other purely political or propaganda reasons.

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the dude who tried to charlottesville us was a full-blown neo-nazi, his truck of peace had some meme nazi modifications in it. there were also a ton of blatant white nationalists there, including a middle-aged guy in a green helmet waving a pepe flag.

yeah, like i said in another reply, patriot prayer themselves seem like a pretty small and mild group but antifa counter-protesting means a ton of nazi larpers are gonna show up for the chance to fuck with them

yeah, that's pretty much what keeps happening. i think the proud boys also use the patriot prayer events to organize because they're too lazy to do their own shit and want to shield themselves from widespread condemnation by getting together during a civic nationalist event.

north korea needs to hurry up and end our suffering tbh

Well, the citizens are waking up and the antifas are getting BTFO, so there is very little downside.

hang on are you seriously saying pepe makes you a white nationalist

cmon man

the dude was a confirmed /pol/lutant who was primarily there to LARP, i was only describing his garb

Nigger are you retarded

well yeah

Oh, my mistake

It's clearly not the biggest mistake you've made today.

Keep me posted


youre a larper? lmfao

The question is, are you fat enough to tank a hit from a truck?

i wish

You liked being fat?

how fat I am is directly correlated to my mental health and general productivity, so no. when I was overweight I was also unable to function on a basic level.

Were you sluttier as well?

Snally, if you so against nazis, why are you modding a sub that is slowly actually becoming hateful. The amount of "ironic" fascist seems to be growing, all of them hiding their ideology under jokes and irony.


fucking leafs

The leafs are from Toronto you moron.

they're all leafs except for the frogs

vancuver in Washington state, not Canada

i didn't know there were two of them in the PNW, huh

A black Chevy Silverado with Oregon plates and two large American flags and several small flags hanging from its windows

In Vancouver, of all places.

If you tell me Canada secretly wants to be a part of the United States, I would have believed it.

It's not that Vancouver retard.

Why on earth make two though? That's like having degenerate copies of majestic cities like York, Birmingham, Aberdeen, Jersey. Just very silly.

Well I'll be damned. I am a retard indeed.

Fucking Oregon right outside of Portland, so it is filled with you know what kind of people.

Glad you’re safe, buddy.

After the man was arrested, a group called the "Proud Boys" drove down Columbia Ave and sprayed pepper spray out their windows at protesters in the street. The counter-protesters lobbed rocks at their truck.

Police stopped the Proud Boys, but did not detain them. Fifteen minutes later they drove away.

But they didn't get far: Reporters nearby say the Proud Boys crashed into a police vehicle.

You can't make this shit up.


I'm starting to wish the smoke hadn't left. It was keeping people inside.

Saying almost got trucke'd

0 people actually hurt

Hi, wtf?

Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.

Then maybe you should have antifae'd better.

That fucking blows. Were you in the antifa group for a joke, doing video, or for real?

Yeah, it was crazy but luckily nobody got seriously hurt. The cops didn't even arrest the guy, though.

Were you in the antifa group for a joke, doing video, or for real?

For real, it's mostly self-serving though. Got a solid affinity group going.

Got a solid affinity group going.

wait what does that mean


just a small group of people who organize independently from the main regional one

That's a really shitty way to get laid, tbh

So a commie fgt

wtf, I love trucks of peace now.

The cops didn't even arrest the guy, though.

That's ridiculous, as a furry aren't you a protected minority? Get him for hate crimes.

Snally I want to commend you for willingly going into the deepest cesspools of society in order to deliver quality content to us.

I would join a Proud Boys group to do the same but I am European, like black girls, and too much of a bussy anyway.

I also like back girl pussy, but unlike you I have not become a pussy. #ProudBoys

Damn, missed again. I'll get you antifascists one day!

next time you will be the first against the wall!

Kinky. What will you do to me next? 😫

Quit chucking rocks at cars m8.

>throws things at some person's property, potentially breaking it

>other person tries to break my property (aka my entire body)

wtf?? this is so unjustified

I didn't know you were a roleplayer.

Snally pls. You were the chosen one. You were supposed to balance the politics, not destroy it.

are you a fat white woman




Retard tried to smash the tail light @4:35 lol

/u/snallygaster tag ur self

I'm the aryan patriot on the motorcycle

lmao truck dude looks like the kinda guy whose greatest achievement in life was he figuring out how to make his meth blue like on the teevee

Mad that it didn't some of em. Throw stones, get tboned?

what a bunch of millennials


What in the bloody hell is a notsee?

What was the alt-left even protesting?