RIP Milo's Palace of Bussy (feat. GamerGhazi drama)

95  2017-09-11 by pepperouchau


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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I swear there was a copper bot but i think it died :(

The word copper always makes me think of old english hookers

"give the whore a copper for sweep'in me chimney gov'na!"

It's not that i didn't enjoy your comment. No i really did. It's just that it was an unexpected one you know.

Here's the thing. You said my comment was "unexpected." Is it in something I'd normally post? No. No one's arguing that.

I don't understand? Did i make a mistake?

Yeah not dying in the womb


Step 1. Get a bag

Step 2. Put your head in the bag

Step 3. Close the bag

Is that a tit or what the fuck am I looking at there

That's his dick and he's coming (he came) lmao

That the actual fuck is a "minion" ???

>be me

>use interwebs to visit gopher://

>enter define:minion into search box


>>/ˈminyən /

>>a follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one.

>da. fuq does that have to do with a side of beef hanging there

Nice try. We know you know about minions. We know you also subscribe to r/reallywackytictacs



It's not that he is someone 'I don't like'. It's someone who wants me and people like me dead.

/u/PoliteTimesplitter i don't recall that Milo has ever called for the death of anyone, especially not the mentally disabled. Ghazi has, however.

I doubt he has any brains to comprehend what you just wrote, but good effort, nonetheless

Did you mean "enough", or was this meant to be ironic?


It's milo for fucks sake. He just wants you offended.

I'm pretty sure Milo would have some kind of awakening and turn hardcore SJW if he thought it would incite more drama than he currently is

this was simply a warning

I give milo a month after he discovers how easy it is to piss of Anti's before he goes full SJW.

When gahzi do that

Where's the scholarship?

In the pockets of the drug dealers and child prostitute pimps Milo gave it to.

Ghazi mods have told me to kill myself, seriously, called me a stupid fag for not obeying their bullshit.

Yet they keep crying this excuse all the time, as if they have better moral standards.

Sometime even Ghazi mods are right

Everyone has to sleep sometime. That's gotta be when they're at their least wrong.

Show us?

post it fam

No, but in their world, everyone is a Nazi, so everyone wants them to be killed.

They'd probably wish us all dead if they could. Meanwhile, I love them for their insanity -- I couldn't wish such a fun source of entertainment dead.

This is [current_year], comrade; people like u/politetimesplitter don't need to worry about little things like facts when they can just listen to whatever their feelings tell them.

/u/PoliteTimesplitter precisely how pants-on-head-retarded are you?

Thinking fucking milo is a safety concern lmfao

What the hell even is this person if they think a Greek/Jewish gay with a BBC fetish wants them exterminated?

/u/PoliteTimesplitter I'm going to assume you're a mayoskin. We all know the world would be a better place without mayos in it.

Millenailcide too, plz.

I don't think I'll ever understand why they feel the need to make shit up about a guy who goes out of his way to be loathsome IRL

Milo's ass is probably not even that great.

He's the brown eye of the hurricane.

He likes getting reamed by black dudes, I'd assume it's cavernous at this point.

He probably wouldn't even feel most r/drama posters

Only one way to find out.

Your move /u/yiannopolous_m...

I'm pretty sure he's a regular here under a different name. Basically comes here to steal material.

I'll give him 24 hours to start the "Hurricane relief fund for blown away white males" to finance his new palace.

Poor white boy fucked by nasty dominant woman. (Working pornhub title)

Can't believe Ann Coulter tried to kill Milo.


wtf i love natural disasters now

I want you to know something. I want you to know this something with every shred of your ridiculous, infantile, sanctimonious being. I want you to bleed this something, breathe this something, I want it to permeate your hair, so fundamental and important it is to contextualize the gravity-warping inanity of what you've just fucking said.

Damn that's good stuff. People this outaged over an effeminate faggot "right winger" and the "violence" he commits by expressing opinions - that's what this sub is about.

Snapshill quote pls


That's a lot of fancy words to say I want to be able to point and laugh at someone who lost their house in a hurricane without being called out on it.

Holy fucking shit /u/rexmundane

That's a long way to say "It's okay when we do it"

"I predict he'll gloat at your pain so we get to gloat at his"

Fucking sanctimonious pricks, let's face it you all know you are monsters, rotted from the inside out, this is all to try convince yourselves, no one else, how about you suck on that you pretentious shit for brains.

"I predict he'll gloat at your pain so we get to gloat at his"

i fail to see the issue

you're really taking this personally, huh

your ridiculous, infantile, sanctimonious being

Speaking as a connoisseur of self-unawareness, u/rexmundane is like a really good scotch.

like a really good scotch

Bitter, twenty year old and stored in basement?


Speaking of palling around with Terrorists, I wonder if they've disowned Linda Sarsour yet.

They won't disown Assata Shakur, so why would they disown Sarsour?

/u/serialflamingo add this to snapshillbot pls

Oh the lack of humanity

I love how "people" like /u/politetimesplitter are trying to pretend they aren't massive assholes all the time and this is somehow justified and massive violent forces of nature don't compare to mean mean words, or that they are "queer". Amazing the number of SWM who have spent years pratices speaking over others and even actively silencing and bullying people from minorities who don't obey them, suddenly becoming "queer" (notice though it's always "queer" that vague nebulous umbrella term that means nothing).

Like bitch you've been practicing the dehumanization and wishing of harm on gay men who don't be your pets for years now, I hope a hurricane tears your house apart...and by house, I mean you...but it's okay, you are human garbage, so you deserve it right?

/u/RexMundane lol you are such a faggot

"Someone I dislike?" Well that's a nice way of describing someone who has played an instrumental role in spreading hate against many groups of innocent people, who has publicly shamed people like me for no reason other than his own amusement. Forgive me for getting some mild enjoyment out of what little bit of karmic payback the universe has bestowed upon the guy.

Like you realise /u/chris2315 you just describe years of Ghazis behaviour, years of the toxic individuals you praise behaviour, years of the so called "activists" sjws who pretend they are better, pretty damn accurately, anyone who is not there to serve your image, is fair game for this and all you need to do is look at your own words and the thread you post in to see how right I am, all the justifications to be toxic trash, people who don't realise the other options are laugh at misery or side with him, you can just leave it, make him the irrelevant being you keep claiming he is, when you keep making him relevant because you want to string him up for a scarecrow for other gays that dare have thoughts of their own.

Oh ps...if hurricanes are karma then I guess everyone deserved it then did they? just shows how toxic your thinking is.

Mmmm that's some good pasta.

oh fuck every single one of those immoral bastards and cunts i hope you lot get every bad thing you have ever said published publicly hated for it then your home a livelihood destroyed as you all live in permanant poverty you abject pieces of human shite.

/u/RexMundane why do you hate fags so much?

/u/radda you thought ghazi gave a shit about compassion or moral consistency? AHAHAHAHAHA

That place is like the hypocrisy and virtue signalling capital of reddit. Their motto might as well be "it's OK when we do it".

not calling it the bussy balace

🅱ussy 🅱alace

Milo isn't horrible because he "lacks compassion," he's horrible because he instigates violence against marginalized people,

Um, am I stupid or where in that linked article did he instigate violence against anyone??

He expressed a wrong opinion. That's violence, apparently.

It's just bizarre, a great deal of their disdain for him seems to be based on the claim that he wants "people like me" (trans I assume?) DEAD. He wants them DEAD, and that's why he's really a bad guy.

Is there any basis for that, or have they completely made that up?

What do you think

I find it hard to believe that he's still somehow relevant. It goes to show that butthurt handwringers are a loyal, if not utterly captive, audience.

Cool, have a cookie.

That thread is fucking vile, I'm surprised they are keeping it up.

What a bunch of pieces of shit

A man makes money by spreading hatred and ignorance. He spends the money that he makes from spreading hatred and ignorance on a house. House gets destroyed by a hurricane. Fuck his house and fuck him.


I think there's a difference between "Not caring" that someone who says things that make you literally shake and actively celebrating someones misfortune.

This comment kind of applies to quite a few in there.

/u/radda seems like you've figured out how the world works on your own. The majority of people are shit when it comes down to it.

So why bother?

You are now eligible to become a full Dramanaut. Come on in, take your complimentary bussy, and enjoy the shitshow.

Does this mean God sent the hurricane to punish the gays?

That house was paid for by hatred, ignorance and fear.

So deep.

I can see how this is relevant to videogames.

And there, in the Berkeley hills, you can see where the wave of faggotry crested, and broke.

For people that claim to be against hate, they sure seem to perpetuate a lot of it themselves. Never trust crazies with free speech I guess

Ghazi is essentially human society returning to savage hunter gatherer society

Atheism was a mistake