Democratic socialist accuses r/latestagecapitalism of being full of tankies who hate America. Tankies who hate America show up to prove him right

204  2017-09-21 by leather-muffin


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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I come here because I hate myself; I hate myself because I come here.

It's a viscous cycle

Viscous? Do mean that we're all thick, or do you mean vicious?

Like mucus


In every meaning, yes.

Tankies can fuck off.

they're the worst of the agendaposters

Anarchprimitivists still worse

be anarchoprimitive accidentally make sounds that could be interpreted as speaking/language tribe beats me to death for trying to create civilization

yo double space that if you want it to actually be readable

also, if you want proper meme arrows put a "\" in front of each ">"

But AnPrim memes are the best, up there with ancap memes.

/>when you eat fruit and shit out the seeds but get beat to death by the tribe for taking the first step towards agriculture

be asnarchoprimv and make wall paintings untill get beaten by tribe for making obscure signs that could lead to writing

be anarchoprimative

wander around looking for berries

find good spot and form rudimentary cover from the rain as I collect

tribe kills me for building shelter


Is anyone an anprim unironically? I've never seen one in the wild

I know there's a couple in Eugene and at least one group of them running around Mexico City murdering people

Hallelujah to that.

This might be a stupid question, but what is a tankie?

That is indeed a stupid question.

They're basically left wing Nazis

You know how modern commies usually say things like "well of course Stalin/Pol Pot/the Kims are bad people, but they never practiced real communism anyways?" Tankies don't say this. Tankies say "Stalin/Pol Pot/the Kims are heroes of the People, everything they did was either absolutely necessary or western capitalist propaganda/lies! If anything Stalin didn't kill enough kulaks!"

Holocaust deniers except for the Holodomor. That is not an exaggeration.

Ever seen an argument where someone accuses left wing extremists being the other same of the same coin as neo-Nazis?

They are referring to tankies.

It originally referred to the hardline CCCP supporters who defended the Soviet's decision to "send in the tanks" and crush the revolutions in Hungary and Prague, but it's now just a general slang term for retards who defend the Soviet Union and other communist regimes.

Tankies should roll over the unarmored communists on their way out.

Don't worry, they do

Keep going.


We πŸ‘ already πŸ‘ have πŸ‘ a πŸ‘ platform πŸ‘ for πŸ‘ unity πŸ‘ it πŸ‘ is πŸ‘ called πŸ‘ a πŸ‘ nation πŸ‘

Trannies can fuck off next

You're the obsessed.

Don't ever call me not dedicated

I don't know why you care so much about my personal life.

Because I like mocking you. It's funsies

How sad.

Did you boyfriend not let you suck his feminine penis?

It's sad that you're so jealous of my girlfriend's large alpha cock.

communism rules!

/u/Death_Proof_EP - Serious question here. What is with urban fags and tranny always getting into communism and anarchist philosophies? You guys never have delt with real hard working class and you would be put to a wall post haste.

You think cleetus on the farms and Jamal in the bloods is going to want a twink sperg like you around? Lol.

Serious question here. Did you expect me to take you seriously when you have an anime profile pic and started out your question with queerphobic slurs


y i k e s


Yeah watch me not give a fuck about your opinion

Why do you hate Weeb-Americans so much. This is verbal violence

He's a bitter little man

If you post in r/drama I don't think you get a say in who is or isn't bitter tbqh

Tbh if you're a commie you should be starved to death by your commie leader

Takes one to know one, at least your in good company ya whingy fuck.

Stop spreading cummies.

Hunty I'm a cummunist, it's what I do πŸ‘…πŸ’¦

Hey if you can promise continuous orgies I might betray my principles.

Continuous orgies... with reddit communists.

I prefer the economic policy of the right, but that left-wing degeneracy is where the best sex is at.

Yeah but then you have to have that degenerate sex with lefties.

implying I'm not degenerate

You're forgetting about the Pink Swastika - brownshirts sharing their browneyes with fellow stormtroopers.

that left-wing degeneracy is where the best sex is at.

As someone who has been a left-wing degenerate for over a decade, I can tell you that that is no longer true. SFags are having sober raves with yoga and chai now. Everyone is weird about sex now because penetration is patriarchy and nobody knows what gender they are.

In any case, the pretty people have moved on. Left-wing degenerates are cucked skinny-fat computer programmers and their screeching hideous girlfriends now. And don't even ask what the S&M or goth crowds look like now, ugh.

If you want fun now, you are going to have to think orgy - Roman orgy. Real men. Cocaine. Money. Opium. Slaves. Boats. Girls with big tits and gym memberships, and without penises. Because there is no better aphrodisiac than not being a loser.

If you want fun now, you are going to have to think orgy - Roman orgy. Real men. Cocaine. Money. Opium. Slaves. Boats.

I'm flip-flopping so fast I could generate enough to supply a Type 2 civilization.

He's got you there.

He's actually a champagne socialist manlet. I always love internet communists/anarchists because most of them are rich white kids who believe they are "DA WORKING CLASS" because that part time job at Starbucks for a few months when mom/dad didn't cut a rent check was the height of struggle.

"But...But...But... my gender identity/sexuality..." like capitalism isn't keeping these people alive. Could you imagine most Reddit transsexuals living in an anarchist community? They imagine it will be like the Bloomsbury Group but instead they can't even handle having basic roommates without nonstop drama. You get one of these men in dresses trying to farm potatos and within a single week they will hang a noose up. It's great they rant so hard about labor rights and social justice while at the same time being the biggest parasites on earth.

Also, worst of all, no matter how many times I ask they never show bussy!

We need justice in this world. Real justice.

"he's bitter"

proceeds to cook up some fresh new copypasta

Uhh ok

You had best be fucking joking right now. Delet all of this. You cannot, in the wake of Charlottesville, reasonably claim that /r/drama posters, who saved the lives of bussy and countless other innocent people, are bitter. In fact, how fucking dare you spew shit like this when your ignorance is so damn blatant?

Oh, and you think violence against literal fucking /r/SubredditDrama posters is "acting childish", too? Let me tell you what. If these people had their way I would be six feet underground right now along with millions of other people just like me. Ofc you're probably privileged as fuck and don't have any clue how serious this is for us autistic people, but shit is real. People have deleted their accounts at the hands of these people and you want to sit back and pretend that this isn't a serious threat to the world.

And don't fucking get me started on TiTrcj. You do not get to use a reddit power moderator and sexual harasser as a bludgeon against self-defense from serious posting. Agenda posting has propeled multiple rights movements forward and created significant drama in the past but of fucking course you'd fetishize non-drama, because you're a SRDine who values the status quo over legitimate butthurt. You'd rather have things stay exactly how they are because you're too fucking privileged to see how threatening serious posing is to the rest of us.

idk, i have too many drama/srd pasta reworkings already and im not really sure when id use the original

i appreciate the thought tho

I was waiting for someone to bring it up ☺️☺️☺️

I didn't see your "munt" comment until later so I'm leaving it as "bussy."

Otherwise, this copypasta has varied uses and probably has a long and fulfilling life ahead of it.

within a single week they will hang a noose up.

Don't stop.

Surely using a noose rather than pills indicates a violent male brain.

They imagine it will be like the Bloomsbury Group but instead they can't even handle having basic roommates without nonstop drama. You get one of these men in dresses trying to farm potatos and within a single week they will hang a noose up. It's great they rant so hard about labor rights and social justice while at the same time being the biggest parasites on earth.

Every Reddit communist thinks they'll be a commissar, not realizing the proletariat will look at their soft hands and put them against the wall with the other "intellectuals" and one-percenters.

/u/Death_Proof_EP is literally so mentally ill, they think they're a man. So that's a given.

Thats pretty close to a slur you fucking racist

oh no, not qUeErPhObIc slUrs

however will you survive this brutal assault upon your person, reading words you dont like on the internet

how you pathetically thin-skinned idiots think you have half a chance in hell of any sort of revolution at all beats me

You literally live on r/drama, what makes you think you can call other people thin-skinned lol

In your anarchist utopia, what will you do when it's your turn to clean the sewers and Billy Bob (Who also is training you today) makes a joke about how the pipes are more backed up then your diseased nightmare bussy?



I'm gonna have to write that one down

Munt. I like it.

Of course you do

No shame pls

Following the publication of his bestselling books, Speer donated a considerable amount of money to Jewish charities. According to Siedler, these donations were as high as 80% of his royalties. Speer kept the donations anonymous, both for fear of rejection, and for fear of being called a hypocrite.

Can I get /u/ComedicSans in here? We need an official ruling of weather Munt is an acceptable synonym for Bussy

Hell no. In New Zealand vernacular, "munted" means "broken".

Literally no one cares about your sheep-shagging lingo

Then why did they ask? πŸ€” πŸ€” πŸ€”

good point tbh

btw /u/Death_Proof_EP is a faggot

I'm talking to you, aren't I? Clearly I don't discriminate.

Listen buddy, I don't care how nice you think my pecs are.

I like vag

I like vag

/r/Drama is a bussy-lover safe space. You don't have to lie here, friendo.

I'm not gonna give in to /r/Drama's rampant heterophobia.

I do enjoy an occasional finger in the bum tho



I told you not to appropriate my words. The proper terms are "munt" or "shitoris".

Cause they're as retarded as u get rekt kid

Is there a Day of the Rake equivalent for New Zealanders?

No. Just a pervasive fear that Australians will realise we're better and move here.

Thankfully Australians are afraid of water (concerned they might get clean). So you'll be safe... for now.

Day of the shears.

You going to that Munted Munt show Sunday?

I always thought it meant shitfaced.

Kinda does, but the Christchurch earthquake changed that a bit - they took the word and used it to describe any fucked-up houses.


We've just broken new fucking ground here holy shit

This is the purest form of /r/Drama.

This is /r/Drama distilled into it's most potent form.

You went from getting downvoted and told to Keep Yourself Safe, to getting upvotes and praises, and all of that was because of bussy related shenanigans.

Nah r/drama in its purest form is a bunch of neckbeards jerking off and dreaming they were as edgy as 4channers

Shit, you ain't wrong tho

Maybe one of the smaller boards, but this place is way less cancerous than /b/

That's like saying bowel cancer is less cancerous than full body cancer, it's not really a saving grace.

It's more like cancer of the gall bladder versus brain cancer

Says the actual commie. Like Kim Jong-un calling Trump a nut job, not wrong, but insane levels of projection

You ran to AHS because someone told you to neck yourself lmao, who is thin skinned now?

You never answered the question. Is there anything we can say to you to remove yourself from leeching our oxygen with your degenerate breaths

Yall are fucking toxic, that's really all I have to say

Toxic is the bleach you should be drinking, not us bby :)

Nuh uh

Did you just win r/drama over with shitposting? Nice.

The fact that you have thin skin. And you're a commie, so you're not really even a person


I too have no understanding of what words mean

and you're a commie so you're not really even a person

You sure got me, I'm just an alien from Mars here to take away all your freedoms

I too have no understanding of what words mean

True, otherwise you wouldn't be a commie

No, if I knew what words meant I wouldn't be a Martian trying to take away your freedom. Keep up with your own narrative pls

Commies should be sent to Mars though. But they have to seize the means of space equipment production on the way there or else they'll die. And what are commies known for if not for absolute excellence.

tfw you hate antifa for punching Nazis but want your political enemies to literally be sent to space

Yeah, antifa and Nazis should also be sent with you guys

Wtf I love commies now.

No, I hate antifa for punching lots of people who aren't Nazis. Also for being faggots.

I think we prefer Pino's helicopter rides around here

I'm pretty sure that's the plot of a sci-fi book I read, similar to "the moon is a harsh mistress" which is about moon libertarians.

Don't flatter yourself, you're just retarded

the fact that you're thin-skinned af and i can handle being called varying applicable slurs on the interwebs without needing a fainting couch

The actual working class is more 'queerphobic' and frankly bigoted than anything you'll find here. If you want equal rights for sexual minorities then you MUST support systems that politically disenfranchise the poor (as capitalism does).

being this liberal

It's ok dude, you can admit you never have talked to black people ever.

Lmao you seriously implying minorities and poor people aren't more homophobic than bourgies?

Everyone knows only rednecks in the south hate gay people, that's why Prop 8 passed off of Latino and Black support in CA.

Prop 8 was heavily funded by Mormons in Utah. Source live in Utah and know rich Mormons in the car sales industry.

Might've been funded by them but there aren't enough Mormons in CA to swing the vote without outside support, like the Latino and Black communities which are still far more homophobic than white Californians.

See all the black people I grew up with were cool and shared their weed. Same with the Polynesians.

Why do you live amongst wealthy white mormons? Why don't you move to Las Angeles and make some migrant friends from the barrio?

I'm poor

How old were you when prop 8 happened? Out of primary school yet?

oh nos!

Serious question here: is there anything I can say that will make you kill yourself unironically? A hint would be okay.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Eat a diseased tranny dick, faggots.


What kind of cryptohate is this?

Not very crypto at all tbh

Look at how triggered they are lmao

You should show him how it's done. People love learning by example.

You should show him how it's done. People love learning by example.

That question is NOT querphy, Papa Querph!

Do you think anyone other than rich white people care about queerphobic slurs?

You realise /u/ahbsulldud is a lesbian right? That means they're an actual woman, something you will never be, no matter how you much you try to seize the means of reproduction.

Funny you put so much stake on bad words when the retarded political system you want would deprive gay people of their hate crime protections and result in them being strung up with impunity.

Why do you hate queer people so much?

Losers are attracted to a system that disregards meritocracy.



lol at the implication of Democracy being meritocratic.

Communist are in opposition of Capitalism not democracy. Most tankies and anarchist would like their Utopian society to include a democratic mob rule.

That just reinforces my statement. Capitalism is even less meritocratic than Democracy.... but you are wrong anyway. Communism is both an economic and political system. I assumed you were refering to Democracy when you implied it was a meritocracy, because no one in their right mind would try to suggest success in capitalism was determined by merit.

I'm probably bias about being wrong because of my anecdotal evidence of myself and my friends being immigrants from a 3rd world country and growing up in the US to achieve great educations and well paying jobs through hard work and an emphasis on school.

I would have gotten just as far if I lived in a Marxist environment and blamed white people for all my failings.

Since I'm so wrong tho, tell me which economic and political system would be more closely defined a a meritocracy.

No economic or political system yet devised works by merit.

I'm not saying anything works explicitly based on merit. Of course there's going to be corruption and nepotism, I just want you to list one that closest resembles a meritocracy.

No economic or political system yet devised works by merit.

Okay, I'll be Max and you can be the manchild with downs that I spare out of sympathy.

Oh! So you will use your inherited wealth (the whistle) to have an unfair advantage? Sounds about right.

Better than seizing the means of production in a pig shit refinery. I don't want the product of my labor in that situation.

Who run BarterTown?

... The Pigs, The pigs run Barter Town.

Your mom was in mad max??

If I have a whistle, I'm damn sure using it. Why the fuck wouldn't you?

Stop whining you little bitch. Accept your poor life

chinese antiquity

Wrong. The state of Qin, from the reforms of Shang Yang through the glorious reign of Qin Shi Huang Di, was a true meritocracy.

What happened after he died?

Oh yeah, everything went back to being shit

That's only because Zhao Gao sabotaged the empire on purpose. There were several successful kings of Qin between Ying Quliang and Ying Zheng.

no one in their right mind would try to suggest success in capitalism wasn't determined by merit


It's not your fault people are stupid and assign value to the wrong things, but it's not Capitalism's fault either. Hate the playa, not the game homie

Success in capitalism is determined by merit. Not at the individual level, but at the familial level.

Yes, tell that to Jay-Z

Capitalism and democracy aren't comparing apples to apples...

Some would, others see that democracy leads to Trumpsters

"D-democracy is bad because sometimes my guy doesn't win"

It's not, but it's also not a system that tries to catch everyone in a safety net. "All we need to do is believe in this system and none of us ever have to do anything again!".

They need structure. They need order. They need someone to decide their morals for them, tell them what to do, and to provide for them.

It's people who had to spend a night on a couch once and now they think they're entitled to free housing so it never has to happen again. It's people who don't know how to look for a job, or constantly fail their interviews, trying to be guaranteed a position. Communism literally appeals to failures because they're told they can have the same outcomes as everyone else even though they didn't earn them.

Democracy lets the chips fall where they may and to some degree you have people who are more capable coming out ahead of those who don't. Everyone has the potential to advance. Unlike socialism, where everything is decided. That sounds great if you're a total failure and would be content with achieving mediocrity, but if you have actual ambitions...

lol at the implication of you not being a loser

🎡Cletus and Jamal
Puts them to the wall🎡

🎢 K-I-L-L-I-N-G 🎢

You think cleetus on the farms and Jamal in the bloods is going to want a twink sperg like you around? Lol.

Jesus Fucking this what constitutes your working class? No wonder America is fucked.

lmao, yes white boy, black people and rednecks are part of the working class

Both would be part of the underclass in a normal society. Backwards rural folk and ghetto dwelling ethnics are not working class in most societies.

I think you're fully retarded bro, not all backwards rural folk and ghetto livers are poor as fuck.

Pretty sure you are the retarded one. You can't even tell the difference between an guy called Jamal in the bloods, which is fucking shorthand for gang activity across your dump of a nation, and an ordinary black member of the working class.

literally everyone called Jamal is a criminal

lmao, you got me in tears right now

When its followed by "bloods"....? Do they not teach you how to read and write in whatever shit-hole you grew up in?

Listen, you fucking racist, just because a black guy has blood does not make him a fucking thug. Jesus Christ, it's 2017, is your name Jim Crow or something?


Well, America does suck.


But communist Russia probably sucked more


+1? Was it posted "just now"?

I blame the schools

But no really, I blame the schools


thanks r/drama

only you could no-life your way into finding the comment as i have.

I saw it before actually. The +39 number was prob wrong, only sorta remembered.

u/LoveThisWebSite you need a foot bath to calm you down.

hell yeah

Why can't people just admit they have no fucking idea what's going on, there is a lot fundementally wrong with arguments of capitalism vs communism for anyone who is even remotely honest with themselves.

No, I am the savior of humanity and only the ideology I embraced recently at community college is the light.

"I know I'm only 21, but I totally have the whole world figured out!"

So how do these guys feel about GBP? The tendie market is kind of imprtant in our infrastructure

Seriously need to build some gas chambers for the tankies.

gas the tykes

I swear r/latestagecapitalism will accuse that Democratic Socialist of murdering Rosa Luxembourg.

Rosa deserved it for her support of the Holocaust.

they would rather jack off to the idea of murdering political "reactionary's" when the hypothetical revolution comes instead of acutely getting any kind of socialist policy in place cuz after all the revolution will not come from above it will come the basements of middleclass suburbia

And as a preemptive counterpoint, private militia members can organize too, so you wouldn't be able to, say, call in a private army on revolting workers. Considering that the rich person is just one person and has no government protecting them and that the private army or armies have extensive access to weapons, what's to stop the army from overthrowing the rich and distributing resources evenly?

You realize the world you describe where centralized government crumbles and force is privatized is literally the situation of Europe in the early middle ages? We've been there, done that, and the Church became powerful and Feudalism developed from the landed elite using their advantage. Sure there were village communes, but they weren't nearly as equal or utopian as that sounds. They were also the exception not the rule. Guilds were the economic norm and they worked towards the guild masters interest, NOT the common man. Progress was quashed as an unfair advantage, and class was even less mobile than it is now.

Mind be a bit of a random point but the live action Beauty and the Beast did a great portrayal of what the average European village was like and the type of people who rose to the top before industrialisation.

The resurgence of communist thought is the logical endpoint of atheist moral nihilism. We as a society need to rediscover our values.

lol what you mean like respecting elders and ancestors, cherishing the nuclear family, getting ahead through hard work, forming consensus through deliberation, loving your country and your fellow countrymen....?

Fuck all that noise, nihilism is cooler. Let's have fully automated luxury gay space communism instead

loving your country and your fellow countrymen

With you up until this. My countrymen are a bunch of shitheads.

The resurgence of communist thought is the logical endpoint of atheist moral nihilism.

ikr its gr8

Communism is pure moralism famalama

(((That's the plan)))

If your scurred go to church.

This but the most unironically I have ever been

You are drunk Dostoevsky go home

We as a society need to rediscover our values.

posts on r/Drama

Good, solid Roman values though. Communism is just Christian moralism feeding on God's corpse.

I used to think socialists are useless, but if not for them, I wouldn't reach top 3 ever posted on /r/Drama

/r/latestagecapitalism - The subreddit where socialists complain about how socialist policies are ruining everything, because they're too stupid to know what a free market actually looks like.

Bro I put on demsocs every day I leave my house when I wear my shoes.

This might actually be the funniest thing ever exist on that entire sub.

Can we just blame the Jews for this?

Showerthought: If RealCommunismTM hasn't been tried before in history, then how do you know it's gonna work?