A very angry fellow visits SRD

17  2017-09-28 by sooperloopay


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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So you genuinely beleive, that even when a meme clearly, undeniably subverts or ignores the meaning of the source material, the source material is still more important to the meaning of the meme than the meme itself.... and you wonder why I call you (and the people arguing with me on the linked thread who are making the same argument you are) retarded?

Imagine being this retarded.

/u/IVoidbringer, you're sperging over a Spiderman meme.

I find that whole thread pretty beautiful tbh. You see all people who're usually putting out several paragraphs worth of smug comments related to politics having to deal with a guy raging about spiderman memes.

spiderman, spiderman, does whatever a spider can


"Please don't use retarded or autistic as insults."

Who's regarding who, here?!

/u/IVoidbringer, I wish you'd actually bring void and not some stupid autistic shit about unfunny internet pictures.

/u/IVoidbringer please come to drama. I also want to be asserted about meme formatting.

Autism is a socially constructed disease. It is an excuse that white women use to explain why their children aren't perfect. It's like "chronic fatigue syndrome" and all the other socially-constructed "diseases" that are designed to explain why a person who has every advantage in life can still fail.

The reason why "autism" is used as an insult is because it represents the manifestation of first world privilege tempered by good-old-fashioned mediocrity. Nobody who does something great, or achieves some profound level of success claims, "oh yeah, I'm autistic." It's an excuse that people use to explain why they aren't as good or successful as they should be.

It's like in high school when people brag about how little they studied for a test, or how little sleep they got the night before. It's a hedge to explain why they won't do so well on the test, rather than just admitting that they just aren't that smart. For example: I don't have a bad personality, i'm autistic. i don't have a problem with self-discipline, I'm autistic. I'm not bad at baseball, I'm just autistic. I didn't fail that calculus test because I'm stupid, I'm autistic.

Did you write all that out because you are autistic?

You'll never fucking bamboozle me again Etra

haha, how can autism be used as an insult?

Only an ignorant cunt would use autism as an insult. (And there's nothing I hate more than ignorance)

Autism is a gift in my case, I have an IQ of over 150 which makes me technically a genius thanks to my autism. I've been going through school all my life being bored out of my fucking brains getting at least 95% on all my tests (and all the incorrect answers were silly mistakes) because I'm just too fucking smart for school I can't wait for everyone else to learn something I already knew within the first day or too of being taught it.

Every ear I scored the best of my year on these stupid multiple choice tests we do and the headmaster came to my class to tell me that, which obviously resulted in being called a 'nerd' which is true but I shouldn't be ridiculed for it.

I recently became home educated so I could learn at my own pace and I'm getting my GCSEs done in 1/4 of the time everyone else has to do it in, I'm also doing more than double the average amount of GCSEs that usually would be done.

I used to get paid £30 an hour working online, which is more than the teaching assistants at my old school earned, it was so fun pointing that out to them

So in conclusion, calling someone autistic is not an insult, in my case it makes me highly gifted.

One more thing, I don't know if this has anything to do with my autism but I am a sociopath so I'm not hindered by irrational emotions like guilt, compassion, empathy, etc.

haha, the most satisfying thing is to know that you will all see this as a waste of a natural gift and that I am undeserving hahaha, that brings me great satisfaction.

I'm practically perfect, let the jealousy flow through you.

Actually unironically arguing about meme.