67  2017-09-30 by DrinkProfessionally


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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/u/Hurricaneo0oo I see you have met our friend.

Be glad you met a legend today.

I'm a bottle of Hennessy in how about you



I am actually sober

I know, shocking

Bitch I'm not a whore I drink straight gin

ugh gin

dont talk to me or to my drinks ever again

Fite me fag

AngryDM really likes calling everyone he disagrees with an apologist. '

Like everyone.

Never apologize. Never explain.

Stop being an anti-AngryDM apologist


Tenure has very little to do with merit. It’s almost entirely based on playing office politics. And based on what I’ve heard of Peterson, I’d imagine he got to his position by spending more time under a desk than sitting at one.


'zoz' is definetely a sign of cryptohate.

/u/alwaystryagain why you acting like Jordan making trannies feel upset is the end of the world? You not got bigger things to worry about?

If transphobia stops just one person from being a tranny, then it was all worth it.

Why do you care?

Because trannyism is a sin and an affront to our lord Jesus Christ

Are you an idiot or do you just play one on TV?

Why are you on a week old thread friendo?

I didn't know threads had to be abandoned after a week.

Never said that bud. I asked a question

I mean, I don't agree with the person you're replying to, but you don't have to stoop to his level of hurling insults at people, however cathartic you may find it. Engage with his points respectfully, it's the best way to win over bystanders to your side.

nah /u/kwidem the best way is to have sicker burns



tell us about your experience. How was interacting with angrydm? Were you annoyed? Frustrated? Where you starstruck with meeting a celebrity?

Im glad you guys are having fun with it but I want no part of the drama.

Dramaphobe. Disgusting.

Aw man that's no fun. But alright if you say so. Have a nice day.

every time someone disagrees with him he gets more radicalized. So more people disagree with him and the cycle goes repeats. Super entertaining watching him spiral hysterically out of control.

I've come to talk to you again Because a problematic male creeping Has left his comments while you were sleeping And the fury that is planted in your brain Still remains Pinged by the NEETs of drama

I love how /r/neoliberal gets brought up out of the blue.

"neoliberals" get blamed for all kinds of crazy shit in the SJW world.

You can find the term "neoliberal" in a lot of gender/ethnic studies papers just out of the blue.

You can find the term "neoliberal" in a lot of gender/ethnic studies papers just out of the blue.

Why would you read those papers?

I just like reading crazy SJW papers.

First time I've seen a lolcow post their own thread. Amazing times we live in.

there's a distinct correlation between how garbage a sub is, and how upvoted /u/alwaystryagain's posts are in that sub

Boring. Removed.