Klan members are sure the Vegas shooter was Muslim, since there aren't enough articles from the (((news))) about his identity. Then switch gears to the shooter being a liberal cuck after more details emerge. Whatever the truth, they manage to not lose site of the real victims in Vegas: mayos.

107  2017-10-02 by TUMS_FESTIVAL


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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I think we’ve found a place with even topper top minds than /r/conspiracy.

Topper than r/conspiracy and r/The_Donald? Tbh, that's impressive.

All better than you. (:

You use a windows phone. Kys trash.

No u

Literally just got banned from there for calling them retards.

They banned me for that over a year ago. Well, I didn't call them retards, I just told the head mod that while he was insulting someone, he shouldn't wonder why people don't like his sub.

I got banned from there for laughing at them in their outrage thread about getting removed from r/all.


Attacked a concert again. What's the over/under on Muslims for this one?

[edit: Looks like it was another Berniebro.

What accusation? I was openly wondering if it was Muslims, given that ISIS has a pattern of doing shit like this.

But it simply looks as though antifa is copying from a more successful terrorist group.

He's confirmed to be yet another Berniebro, liberal. Why doesn't Sanders disavow his murderous followers and terrorist campaign workers?

I don't care what bernie thinks

I do. Him, and every other Democrat elected official have been pushing this "resist" horseshit for the better part of a year.

This violence is at their feet, no one else.

> Being unsure of the narrative you’re supposed to push so you spew all of it.

Bonus retardation:

Is Obama a Muslim?

Yes, he is. He outright admitted as much on accident at one point.

u/Kaarous is on the same level of retard along with u/mehdbc and u/AntiHasbaraUnit

Im glad I cause such wetness in your pretty pink panties, Nancy.

u/YueFei90 what do you think about this white male? Also post your tiny pecker pics kthnxbye 👋

Tiny Pecker Pics? I dont have any of your selfies.

Reading comprehension 101, I wasn't talking to you lol. I know you got dat t h i C C d i C C big boy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

who actually wants to comprehend what you spew? you think far too much of yourself

who actually wants to comprehend what you spew? you think far too much of yourself

takes time out of his day to reply to me multiple times

Oh honey! 💁💅

lol its not for you, my nigga, other people read this.

I just want you to know I love you <3

you remind me of a kid with downs syndrome after his french fries cool down enough to eat.

Lol at this pussy calling anyone "Nancy"

i call you jew jackass.

Has he been confirmed Bernie bro or is this some retarded /pol/ disinfo

No idea tbh. There’s a bunch of speculation at this point but as the shooter is investigated there should be more conclusive information in a few days. Right now it’s just news agencies trying to get viewers.

🤔 if that's not true how can I use it to jerk about my extremely neutral view

The second one.

It's /pol/ disinfo. They initially identified the wrong guy as the shooter, because they were too blinded by their need to craft an "unhinged liberal" narrative. The whole Antifa/bernie bro shit is holdover from that.

Why they do this tho 😂

Mostly projection

Not trying to make a serious post on here, but:

1 ) No one ever claimed it was a Muslim; Just that, usually when race info is refused, it is to hide and protect a (ostensibly non-white) racial group;

2 ) The man's affiliations and his choice of target implies he is a self-hating White.

"not trying to make a serious post but here's one serious post coming right up

The left's sudden lack of hastiness to rush to judgement shows they fear the narrative is out of their control

your hours-long post history spreading unconfirmed stories about the gunman shows you fear the narrative is out of your control.

Nah, I just don't want people to point fingers at every scenario but the most obvious one--the fact that so many lefties downvoted me is just proof that they don't want to lose control of their narrative (and you were following me all over that thread too)

I just don't want people to point fingers at every scenario but the most obvious one

My speculation is best speculation!

Imagine lacking the brain power to be introspective like u/TheTallyrander

you have been using the word "mad" incorrectly for many hours consecutively

which makes sense, considering how incorrectly you use other words

you have been using the word "mad" incorrectly for many hours


closer this time - the time scale is accurate but the adjective is wrong

This drama, we farm lolcows like you, retard.

the fact that so many lefties downvoted me is just proof that they don't want to lose control of their narrative

u were wrong tho

Where is your evidence that he's an unhinged leftist? The only thing I saw about this was when /pol/ identified the wrong guy as the shooter then they kept trying to spread disinfo when they found out they were wrong.

Some of my conservative friends have been sharing pictures on Facebook that show "Antifa" taking credit for the attack.

Probably bollocks, but that's what a lot of people are going to take away from this.

Considering the amount of fake Antifa accounts on Twitter and Facebook, I'm pretty skeptical. ISIS has also claimed responsibility.

I mean, /pol/ was trying to push this narrative on social media https://imgur.com/PHiEp1i

Oh Facebook. Got it.

Is it not mentally exhausting trying to convince yourself that there is some massive leftist conspiracy and that everyone is out to get you because of that one time you wore a MAGA hat? It seems like a very depressing belief to sustain with very little evidence. Most people just get on with their lives, if they find their way on reddit they upvote what they do like and downvote what they don't, there's not ((puppeteer)) behind it, really.

Not releasing the name is another way of saying it's a Snackbar and LEOs don't want vengeance killings.

You're 100% correct in all of your assertions but expect downvotes here.

1) There's certainly been a history of muslim violence at concerts and other public events so I don't think it's out of line to have initially assumed that this attack was somehow connected.

It's also interesting that ISIS has already taken credit for the attack.

2) It's possible but highly unlikely that a right-leaning shooter would target a country concert as most country fans also lean right.

Given the target, if the shooting was political in any way I think it's pretty safe to assume that the shooter leaned left.

3) This is the biggest tell-tale sign for me. We're 12+ hours after the shooting and the media isn't really reporting anything about the shooter.

No interviews with neighbors, no voting history, nothing except comments from his brother that were framed in such a way as to create as much distance between the family and shooter as possible. "We weren't that close" "We talked occasionally"

How big of a chubby do you have right now?

1) Assuming the shooter was Muslim was out of line because you didn't know this to be the case. If we are going to go by past attacks, it was equally likely it was a white dude, since they are ticking time bombs.

2) Please God, let people latch onto this as a talking point because it's fucking hilarious.

3) How many times does shit like this have to happen for you numbnuts to notice a pattern that it takes days for all the information to trickle out. Life isn't a television show, where everything is wrapped up in an hour long episode.

Jesus, just calm your tits.

1) There are been far more muslim related attacks recently than anything else. You're forgetting that the Pulse Nightclub shooting was muslim related, as was the San Bernardino shooter. Likewise, there have been several acts of muslim related violence in Europe including two acts of violence at concerts - one bomb and one shooting.

Sorry, but these days when mass violence happens there's a better than average chance that muslims are related in some way.

2) It's not hilarious, it's accurate. You're not going to target people who share your political beliefs. There is a fairly accurate perception that most country music fans are right-leaning. Given that, it's pretty safe to say that the shooter was probably not right-leaning.

3) Sorry, information is coming at a snail's pace compared to other events. It remains to be seen if that's because there's no information available or if it's because the media is taking a less than enthusiastic approach to reporting information about the shooter.

Yeah but white people are clearly way better at terrorism than brown people so you have to weigh it.

I disagree

How many Muslim shooters have over 100 casualties?

How many white shooters have over 100?

Well, this guy.

He's only at 58

Casualties includes injuries. What kind of internet conservative are you than you don't know basic military lingo?

Casualties are deaths.

Injuries are counted separately.

Casualty (person)

A casualty in military usage is a person in military service, combatant or non-combatant, who becomes unavailable for duty due to several circumstances, including death, injury, illness, capture and desertion.

In civilian usage, a casualty is a person who is killed, wounded, or injured by some event; the term is usually used to describe multiple deaths and injuries due to violent incidents or disasters. Casualties is sometimes misunderstood to mean fatalities, but non-fatal injuries are also casualties.

[ PM | Exclude me | Exclude from subreddit | FAQ / Information | Source ] Downvote to remove | v0.27

Good bot

Oh god you're actually retarded. I thought you had been playing for the past couple months.

Dude, no. Casualties is injuries plus deaths. Just deaths is fatalities.

I stand corrected.

Casualties are deaths. Injuries are counted separately.

Every time you post you just prove how fucking stupid you are. Keep at it, 1-Man Daddy Defense Force, you're an incredible ambassador for your cause.


Look, you can define the word however you like... however it fits your narrative but the fact remains that every major news report is listing 50 casualties and 400 or so injuries.

Link to every major news report?


Eh, I'm not going to get into a serious post back and forth with you. Nothing you said changes any of the points I was making.

Eh, I'm not going to get into a serious post back and forth with you.

Right, because you know you're wrong.

That and all his points are still valid.

Not an argument, bro

It's not hilarious, it's accurate. You're not going to target people who share your political beliefs. There is a fairly accurate perception that most country music fans are right-leaning. Given that, it's pretty safe to say that the shooter was probably not right-leaning.

Or maybe he just really hated country music. It's pretty shite.

It's possible but highly unlikely that a right-leaning shooter would target a country concert as most country fans also lean right.

Why are the retards putting so much emphasis on it being country music? It's a predictable gathering of people, its an easy target for any old nut.

Because everyone thinks there is some sense to be made from all of this and it better be their political opponents, instead of this dude just being completely off his rocker.

It's just a talking point that's been decided upon to muddy the waters and get people to think this guy belongs to the left. We're probably going to see this repeated all over reddit the next couple of days.

Because that is the only thing they are certain about.

Not trying to make a serious post on here, but:

serious posts

This nigga!

came here to say this

I came

It’s a shame you’re not a gambler

1) Wrong.

2) No u.

3) Wrong.

Source: /u/botchlings agrees with you therefore you’re wrong.

1) Mass shooters are mostly white in the states.

2) stop sniffing gasoline.

3)again stop sniffing gasoline.

self-hating White

whites should hate themselves tho

Who is 'the left'? In fact who is 'the right'? I only ever see this retarded shit on the Internet. Every single real person I have ever met has opinions that span the whole political spectrum, yet for some reason there exists these extremist bogeyman on both sides on Reddit.

I'm tired of reading complaints about the left and right because they just sound like the same old tired points being reiterated against non existent entities.

I had a co-worker who had all these conspiracies about what happened even though he knew nothing about it. After talking to co-workers he shut down. Not in a rude way but people kept challenging his ideas and showing how empty they were. 2 hours after I see a post on Facebook of him starting the same conversation but now his internet friends were along with the ride all agreeing that this shoot couldn't have possible have happened the way it does. People create their own plato's cave to recluse to and continue forth with their nonsense.

The man's affiliations and his choice of target implies he is a self-hating White


Rofl, being this fucking retarded must be such a burden on your family. KYS


Good point!

a self-hating White

you mean the only kind of white there should be?

Imagine being so alt right you're being downvoted in /r/uncensorednews

it’s prob an r/all brigade. People have been upvoted there while being blatantly racist

u/Kaarous why are you pathetic? You little shit lol.

Wow, this one's really set you off, hasn't it?

Nah. I do this all the time. It's either this or "whiny lil bitch". It's a bad bait I know but I has worked in the past so I keep my fingers crossed.

I'll be honest, I've read like only 2 of his comments lol.

Let's just ignore the IS and Israel both said he was radicalized.

Let's just ignore the IS and a random blogger from Israel both said he was radicalized.


Let's just ignore the IS and Israel


OJ did it


I don't mean to serious post but: post bussy, this but u ironically, tbh fam.

Very few liberals would be that effective of a shooter.

It's because liberals always try to keep both eyes open. That and lack of testosterone.

They aren't born cross-eyed so it doesn't come as naturally.

He left a lot of wounded but breathing, how effective is really?



Fuck you I literally just added a comment berating myself for that.

lose site

Imma just kill myself now.

Do it fgt

If the photo of him in the pussyhat is real, hey may be right about the second part.

Mayos have always been the biggest victims.

Was the pittance of years of slavery worth all the Basketball Americans we have today?

Absolutely not.