32-year-old female incel /u/apprehensiveabtthis can't imagine going on a date with a stranger

56  2017-10-03 by chaosakita




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this is how aspergers presents in women, for the record

I thought /r/drama was how aspergers presented in women and men. Hmm.

this too

Depends on your definition of "women".




33 and still a virgin? This woman must be horrendous, both her physical appearance and her personality. Otherwise, it's not that hard to hook up with someone. If you're a moderately attractive woman just head to a bar, have a few drinks, and wait until last call.

I think we all want/need to see a picture of this woman to know what we're dealing with.

It's not. But I guarantee you that this woman ran screaming like a hobo on fire every time any man tried to talk to her. Better to look like a sperg queen than get rejected.

/u/apprehensiveabtthis [+12] I'm still upset that you deleted all your comments from the last time you were pinged here. I still think you should consider whoring yourself out to /r/incels. It would really kill two birds with one stone - whoever you fuck there would be ostracized from their garbage community and you would no longer have to post all the time about how lonely you are.

Good plan but the problem is that she likely doesn't live near any of them. It would require travel, which requires $$$ and I'm pretty confident neither she nor the /r/incels have that...

she likely doesn't live near any of them

I dunno about that.

/r/incels is a global movement. I like to think they are a good representation of all races and cultures

tfw even Mokumba Akantendaka of Zimbabwe gets sick of stacies

Too bad none of that would change the fact that you’re a piece of shit.


So are you lol

slay, queen

  1. Babe, we're all pieces of shit here. Him, you, me most of all.

  2. don't fuck incels. They'll probably just kill you and gang rape your corpse in the mood those crazy fucks are in.

  3. Go to a bar. Have three beers within an hour and a half. Then start looking at the men you find attractive at the bar. Talk very little when they approach, just smile. If they ask you a question, just nod or shrug--since you're a fucking sperg, you won't know when to shake your head or giggle or anything more than that. Just assume that this first guy won't call you back, but you gotta fall of a fucking horse or you're never going to feel safe riding one for a real.

The important thing is to understand that a man you look at not coming over, that's not really rejection. A man can have a million reasons--could have gf, could like cock, could have no balls, could be too drunk not to make an ass out of himself, whatever.

Don't approach them, because it's obvious as fuck that doing so, and getting outright rejected, will be an ego(such as it is)-shattering experience.

Good luck, god speed and do not pm me. I do not answer pms or even read them.

Not much fun going to a bar alone. I’ll pass.

Have fun dying alone!

Wow, you’re so witty and original!

You're the person telling everyone who gives you advice that you won't do it.

Women don't want advice.

They just want someone to listen to their problems.

you keep asking for advice and then shutting the advice givers down... what do you expect? random dudes aren’t just going to teleport into your house you know

And correct, tbh.

Only you can change that, bungo

The autistic find comfort in a steady routine and lots of repetition. This is the wrong subreddit for originality.

Bars are not for everyone, but those are not the only places to meet people. Any place you can socialize helps (if you go with the mindset of exploiting opportunities rather than seeing people just as meat).

it can be. but i think you should work on meeting and talking to ppl. have you tried online dating? if you fear rejection either reject them first (after hanging/banging out) or get with losers that you would be doing a favor to.

Just download Tinder, Jesus. It's like you're stuffing your face full of ice cream while moaning about how much you hate its icey goodness.

for real

smart phones are literally magic devices that can summon men to fuck you, tinder might as well be uber for sex

Even fucking LAWLZ understands sex better than that hideous hobeast.

Going to bar is not how you meet your future spouse.

Millions of sposes would disagree.

Have you tried?


I will ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

You're a 30 year old kissless virgin with no friends (to paraphrase your own self description) because you're aggressive in the face of good advice and you're in love with self pity, and you lack the nerve (and the emotional development) to risk embarrassment and rejection for a chance at happiness and gratification.

And now look what you've made me go and do, seriousposting now, but shit I do feel a little bad for you on some level. So there you go, the truth once again, from another stranger. Take it or leave it, be a better person or don't.

Hey, baby. PM me if you're in the Gulf Coast area.

Does Persian Gulf count?

No. And that was for her only. Rude.

Hey, my war-torn oily anus needs love too!

I don't like boys. And i don't consent to getting any more messages from you.

Not sure public comments really count as consensual messages, but, my apologies.

I don't like boys.

Mods, pls ban this hideous bussyphobe

You must think traps are gay

Well, I'm here to tell you, iT'S FUCKING GAY. If I walked up to you right fucking now, me being a dude and you being a dude and you get turned on by me that wOULD BE GAY. It's no different from fucking traps. Just cause they dress like a chick that means they are a chick, they got a dick and iT'S GAY. AND DON'T THINK DICK MAKES IT CUTER CAUSE THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT CUTER. IT MAKES IT EVEN GAYER. THAT MAKES YOU GAY BITCH. AND YOU SEND ME PICTURES WITH THEIR LITTLE SKIRTS LIFTED UP AND THEIR NUTS HANGING OUT. I DON'T WANT TO SEE THAT SHIT. I'M NOT GAY LIKE YOU. STOP SENDING ME HENTAI. STOP SENDING ME ANIME PICTURES. STOP SENDING ME TRAPS. OH MY GOD For fucks sake, this trap obsession is getting out of control. Just the other day I was hanging out with my mates and we saw a hot lady walk by. I said, damn look at that lady I bet she has nice boobies and all my friends were like Haha yeah lol Haha and then my friend was like yeah and she probably has nice DSLs and we all were like oh snap lol Haha and then my other friend said and I bet she has a nice ghrobbing cock too and then my other friends were like yeah Haha but I was like woah I want her to have a vagina so I can put my penis in it and then my friends started making fun of me and they called me pussyboy and started punching me in the shoulder and they kept making fun of me for never having sucked a girls penis and they were relentless until I was crying and then finally they all started kicking me while I was laying on the ground and they left and I was just sitting there in the dust 😔 So basically I'm not too glad about how traps are now mainstrean

Stop hanging out with/u/physicsismymistress

Of you're not a piece of shit, why are you on Reddit?

Show us your titties.

I'll give you $10 if I can drag my nuts through your asscrack

That person is literally a 250 pound woman that mods a subreddit about cakes.

She ain't improving herself and not even the incels would touch her.

Is /u/apprehensiveabtthis the fattie who wanted to fuck her boss?

Idk, last time she was posted here it was her sperging out in a /r/funny thread about how no one wants to fuck her.

Damn, just make a tinder and in put in the bio just say "looking for easy sex". She have no idea how many guys would like her in a week (as long she doesn't look like an orc)

Some of those orc ladies have hot bodies.

Love me some bbw

I go for the lady Resto Shamans, myself. Get on my magma totem!

Damn straight, brother

Zug zug.

Nothing wrong with a little masculine clit-toting muscle girl action

Even if she looks like an orc she's going to have 20 men trying creampie her. No, they won't be the pick of the litter, but they will have the required equipment.

/u/chaosakita, I know you make posts like this to try to distract yourself from the fact that you aren’t exactly doing great in the romance department yourself. Too bad, so sad.

/u/chaosakita , I know you make posts like this to try to distract yourself from the fact that you aren’t exactly doing great in the romance department yourself. Too bad, so sad.

If you want to believe this. I am not a 32-year-old female virgin who is working at Wal-mart in any case. There's no need for me to brag about my romantic status, but in any case, it's obviously easy for a normal woman like myself to get dates.

Yeah but you are a however old you are bully who hangs out in a subreddit that, by your own admission, you don’t belong in and sharing screenshots here. Which puts you somewhere between pond scum and dog shit.

/r/Drama is where I belong

If you don't want people to post your conversations, then have them with friends. Oh wait, I guess you don't have any. Just get a fucking therapist lol.

Now you’re just resorting to regurgitated insults.

As if you'd have the option to befriend anyone lmao

Your insults are on point

I would like to be your /r/Drama friend

I showed this comment to some friends at dinner and they found it pretty funny I guess.

To be friends you just have to be a nice and fun person. That's it. It's not something that most people find hard.

I love that you imply that you made voluntary decisions to end up in your current predicament.

brutal fam

Please become a regular user in this sub. PLEASE.

Nah...I don’t find it fun to tear down people who did nothing to me.

why even live

You’ll have to answer that for yourself, but if your purpose in living is to shit all over other people, then you are pretty much a waste of oxygen.

I'm literally the nicest person I know. Look at my cute flair.

I'll do some good in the world by working at Walmart

Are you the guy who wipes down the loads on the bathroom walls?

With my tongue, yes

you're actually not wrong here, I think all of us agree that we're pretty much wastes of space.

In fact many of us are probably more autistic than you...

This guy gets it.

it's obviously easy for a normal woman like myself to get dates

You mean with your husbando?

her post history paints a sad picture. Feel bad for her :/


It's pathetic, and not in a funny way

Because you sound lonely, depressed and stuck in life. I hope your job search goes well and you are able to lift yourself out of the hole you seem to be in.

Absolutely disgusting comment. This type of comment has no place in /r/Drama

I mean do you usually expect incel posters to have a decent post history?

/u/apprehensiveabtthis, are you still an incel?

Literally how

Are you talking about normalnudes? That isn’t porn.

I will comment on whatever I want, thanks.

It literally is pornography.

And I'm trying to help, you dip. You need to have a personality that isn't trash and you also need to stop commenting on porn. You'll find a guy in like 2 seconds if you do those 2 things


Have you tried my advice?

Literally stop being yourself. You're unlikable, and not attractive enough to have that personality. So you need to be a likable person to find a guy.

I know that may be hard since you don't know how to be anything but unlikable, but it's for your own good, Bobby

No, I have no interest in your advice or anything you have to say, about me or anything else.

And that's why you'll be a middle aged virgin until you transition into being an elderly virgin.

I'm like the Trump of dating advice, scrote. Meaning, I'm the very best, like no one ever was. 😎😎😎

/u/apprehensiveabtthis, if you are really interested in losing your V card, I'll help. I've got this closet with a cutout in one wall you just stick your ample rump through it (I may need to cut it out more) and I'll have them lined up. We can split the door fee.

I showed this comment to some friends at dinner and they found it pretty funny I guess.

To be friends you just have to be a nice and fun person. That's it. It's not something that most people find hard.

some friends at dinner

Eating ice cream alone with your blow up dolls doesn't count mama-san

I showed this comment to some friends at dinner

But why?

It's funny

Ah okay.

Lmao if you're a female virgin and you don't want to be it's 100% your fault. Go to a bar, offer sex to the first guy you see. Boom, you're not a virgin.

That implies her problems could be fixed by the traditional paper bag. I suspect the heart of the issue is that they don't make paper bags that large.

She did say that she's morbidly obese

I honestly don't feel bad for /r/incels, I mean how hard is it to get drunk and fuck fat chicks on tinder.

Honest question, how many people have been turned down for second dates by someone they actually had a really good time with?

Never to be honest.

h-hey /u/apprehensiveabtthis i'll be ur bf

pls respond

I already offered. Stuck up bitch didn't even reply.

Awww :(

How does a woman stay a virgin at 32 without actively trying??

Female incel

raises paw Uhm excuse me?

raises paw

Yiff in hell, furfag!

I'm on leddit, doesn't sink much lower than this.

Well there's always voat or digg.

That would be a sideways move not down.