Boyfriend playfully teases his girlfriend, like humans in relationships often do. No big deal right? Ackchyually...

65  2017-10-04 by TUMS_FESTIVAL


Jews did this


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"Girlfriend"? If that's how fast your gf moves away when you grab her ass, you're not paying her enough.

I could tell they were the same people by the giant orange dots

Well the one guy's face is half an orange dot.

Quit trying to grabass around the real issue: Why you're putting so much energy into defending a guy wearing an orange camouflage kilt.

its called being "fashion forward"

Oopsies, looks like,you're wrong, faggot.

What's the matter with Orange, Camo or a kilt?

Nothing individually. Just like ketchup, chocolate, and whiskey. The problem is blending all three

They prefer to be called "M&M Americans" thank you very much

I've never seen a community be so wrong all the time about shit that really doesn't matter.

Oh, is this your first time on /r/drama?

we're never wrong

we just have a different interpretation of the facts

here we have redditors trying to dissect a relationship

wow that always works out

u/derek_g_S u/Lampyrinae why are you too so retarded? Jumping to conclusions much? Smh


Better? 😘

russia posted this to divide americans

Fasle Flag!

Is there no limit to their depravity?

There is nothing too low for those Siberian mongrels

That thread is great. Comments calling him an Intel, that he's commiting sexual assault, etc. It's a beautiful train wreck

I'm surprised they're holding back and not calling him an AMD

What a bunch of pussies. That guy is a MediaTek for sure.

It's time for gays to take back Qualcomm to remove its power as a slur against them.

You guys are gay af

Cyrex overdrive

There's less than 6502 people that even use that slur.

He's a damn Motorola and you know it!

Wtf you can type :ooo

lols it's like this post all over again

these cunts never touched anyone and jump to conclusion faster than the speed of light. absolutely pathetic

I'm not sure why you're surprised that people on reddit are absolutely pathetic

I swear every time that sub make it to the front page the comments are way more cringy than whatever is happening


I agree. Sex should be confined to the bedroom. This sexually-charged culture impels us to step on each other's toes and not even apologize when we realize it. Through a hole in the sheet would be ideal, though.

Honestly I grope my girlfriends ass in public all of the time, and she moves away but is laughing at the same time.

It’s just teasing. Why does reddit think flirting is sexual assault?this is why people hate nerds and feminists.

Soon feminists are going to say it’s sexist to be attracted to a woman lmao

hets gonna het

This is honestly horrible.

Horrible. Horrible is the word this person chose to describe this gif. A word generally reserved for a baby born addicted to crack, or an orphanage burning down.

Then again /u/lampyrinae almost exclusively posts on subs dedicated to shaming unattractive men, so I guess when you're an obese feminist the world looks a little different on account of the psychosis.

Their response to being called out was my favorite:

I do not feel like a moron for 2 reasons. 1) I did not assume they were strangers/not dating. I worded my comment the way I did because the element that appeared so bad to me was his lack of response to her cues, whether or not they had some preexisting relationship. 2) I think my reaction is a pretty natural reaction to what was shown. If it was one of their friends who filmed and uploaded it then it was surely done specifically because it would garner exactly these reactions. If it was a stranger, then it might also be that the stranger had the same reaction as most redditors. I'm not sure if you're self aware enough to look beyond the temptation of a 'gotcha' to think about why a clip was edited or posted in the first place, or to acknowledge that a person is entitled to have a reaction to what they see without letting it be the final word on an entire situation. Hopefully you are. tl;dr: No.

Is it sad that this is pretty close to the response I expected from them? You will never see a "Oh shit, that was dumb of me to jump to conclusions, sorry guys"

grabbing ur gfs ass in public is trashy and if you do it you should just die

I'll grab yr ass in public darling

i don’t have an ass

Reddit (and even real life now it seems) is just a fucking giant Rorschach test imo.

They see what they want?

Reddit (and even real life now it seems) is just a fucking giant Rorschach test imo.

/u/commiehuntersniper i've seen you in heaps of threads and i've got to say i like what i see

what made you this way?

Three combat deployments to Iraq tend to melt ones sense of political correctness. I desire truth and honesty above feelings and emotions. Truth is often times not pleasant. But we can never fix something until we admit what is broken.


Gross and creepy and gross and gross tbh.