45  2017-10-04 by Assy-McGee

Power Rankings? On my /r/drama? FUCK YEAH!

The following POWER RANKINGS!!!11! is composed of the worst posters on drama. These are the best of the best of the worst. People who somehow manage to make this place even more retarded than it normally is whenever they comment. The algorithm that is used for determinating the shittiness of a user is based on the following criteria:

  1. Do they ever say anything funny or worth value?

  2. Have they ever posted in SubRedditDrama?

  3. Do they SRS-post? If so, how frequently?

  4. How easily are they triggered? The fewer the words needed for a sperg-out, the worse they are.

Now that we've established how this works, let's move on

Numero 5: Zahlman. (last POWER RANKINGS rating: N/A)

We get it, you hate /r/Toronto. Now kill yourself please.

Numero 4: Prince_Protempkin (last POWER RANKINGS rating: N/A)

Dear Leader of MANarchists everywhere, PK is a perfect example of why communism will never work. Because you know what starts a revolution? Slacktivism from a keyboard.

Oddly enough, after all the harassment from other retarded anarchists, endless user pings from Drama, and general derision of everything he stands for literally everywhere he postes, it was a Shitposting subreddit based on Centrist Economics that finally mindbroke him. Oh, and the “economics degree” he's working on is about as real as his “girlfriend” that lives in Canada.


Un-ironically posts on SRD in earnest. Olympics? That's for fags. The REAL Athletes are DoTA players. Worst of all though? He's a drama moderator

번호 2: botchlings

Did you talk about his Daddy Trump or his fwends is a negative way today? Don't worry friendo, botchy will show up to Correct The Record for you. Despite his acute retardation, he's actually a pretty nice guy once you get to know him. If you ever need a spare chromosome he's more than willing to lend you one of his extras.

NUMBER FUCKING ONE!!11!1: CaptainPriapism (last POWER RANKINGS rating: N/A)

The Man with the Incel Plan! CP was the sole winner of the 2016 Drama award for “King Tendie Drop”, an award bestowed upon the Most Autistic Commentator in /r/drama. So far he's odds-on favorite to repeat for 2017 since any mention of the word “woman” makes him melt faster than an ice cube on the surface of the Sun.

Much like the Vietnam War for Sly Stallone in “First Blood”, the Internet “ESSDAYDUOUBLE-JEW" war has been over for years, but his PTSD Autism wont let him go back to reality. Be sure to mention “feminism”, “GamerGate”, or “that he will never get a girlfriend and will die alone” when you user-ping him, because you are guaranteed replies. Ironic that a user handle which means “Leader of Permanently Hard Penises” will never get to use his own on anything other than a Second-hand fleshlight purchased off of Amazon using NEET-bux.


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, snew.github.io, archive.is

  2. /r/drama - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

  3. /r/Toronto - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Literally who?

if you don't know, then good for you

I enjoy Riemann and his musings. The others can go watch a country concert for all I care 😏

don't waste your emoji powers without pinging people you cunt-rag

Riemann needs to post here more tbqh. He did win "commenter of the year" award on SRD

inb4 "thx 4 recognizing the hustle fam" from some bleachdrinker

/u/riemann1413 won commentor of the year through ballot boxing. and by "ballot boxxing" I mean the only who bothered to vote and then made alts in order to vote for themselves

i thought i won by selling my body to senior mods

Y-you too

Also you should reply to my question famiglia

Cool cool.

I'm not going to PM you pictures of /u/bottomlulz 's infected dick no matter how many times you beg for it . /u/wsgy111 please tell BaD to heck off plz

I could just ask him myself now that he's respawned I just want to know about how to handle my Asian Persuasion phenomenon from one of my most trusted compatriots 😶😶

you live in Vancoucer/PNW with STEM, being white should be enough to land you some flip nurse immigrant desperate for a green card.

Arent they all Muslim there? He needs to find a nice black receptionist

i enjoy you too doc

Who are these people? Convince me to care.

If you like trolling autistic users with the easiest of bait, then yeah,just wait until they bite on this post like the predictable retards that they are. At least 3 will say "lol prejecting much?" and with that you can take it from there

I think you just got a new flair.

had this flair forever famalam. Luckily /u/AnnArchist has zero skillz and does't know how to into CSS to change it :^)

real news

first funny thing you've said since the last time I remember you saying anything :^)


.flair-lilp,.flair-pirate,.flair-furry,.flair-wacnews,.flair-cfo,.flair-316,.flair-assy,.flair-velvet,.flair-specialmodcop,.flair-specialmodcop2,.flair-speciallohan,.flair-specialprinceflair,.flair-miranda,.flair-circo, .flair-cummies,.flair-magyar,.flair-zach, .flair-LSU, .flair-bino, .flair-TRAINS, .flair-serialMom, .flair-badnews, .flair-cummies2, .flair-pablo, .flair-brd, .flair-autism, .flair-incel {background: url(%%specialflairsheet%%);text-indent: -9999px;}

It references an image on the page. Go crazy.

ya but i browse css off

pleb as fuark

Not relevant, but I'll take it.

Huh, well I would blame it on the drinkeding, but that would be a lie.

can't CSS

What proper autist can't do that? SHAME

I can't into CSS for /r/baneposting either, but every retard I've modded who claims they can did jack-shit. Don't get me wrong, /u/AnnArchist is literally Hitler for /r/drama, but I can't remember what my original point was so Ann is a shit who jerks off to furry porn

That would explain why /r/Drama has had the same dumb tween magazine look for 5+ years. You probably asked them to do something they couldn't Google easily or maybe they had to be creative. Probably both.

the only mod who could CSS here left after the failed COOP a couple months ago, fucking /u/_lilpoundcake plz tell this cuntface to recognize game plz

dumb tween magazine look

Who's more dramatic than dumb tweens tho?

Can I have my rank pls

you aren't stupid enough to make the list. That can be a compliment or an insult, that all depends on you

Eat my ass

Shave first


Zahl honestly doesn't even post enough to deserve a spot on this list.

Also this should include pizzashill. Dude's basically a left wing version of botchlings and Captain in his seriousposting escapades.

Sometimes, I think they're actually just two bipolar delusions of the same autist.

Like that Jewish Floridan who was both a white supremacist, a ghazi poster, and an ISIS militant?

ye sounds about right

European88 is unironically my hero. He trolled so hard that the FBI had to arrest him, who the fuck else has that honor without hacking sites first?

While we were all telling people to keep themselves safe, he was out there facilitating terrorist attacks. We're playing checkers.

I aspire to start a nuclear war on Twitter tbh. Like everything else, Trump just can't get it done.

i resent that

/u/pizzashill unironically plays 54-D Tendie Chess in order to shitpost on subs he hates. botch and captain don;t even know how to jerk their own dicks to the right without Breitbart giving them instructions how to do so

If you want me to comment here ur gonna have to put some food on the table. Your choices are the following:

A) Were the nazis socialists?

B) Is feminism the problem or are women the problem?

C) Is Trump a moron or a troll.

Yes to all of those.

when you get a custom flair I'll bother to answer 😂

What if it is a custom flair that calls him out for being retarded? 🤔 🤔 🤔

You talk a big game, but we all know that's way more effort than you're going to make.

EVERYTHING THESE DAYS R POLITICAL CORRECTNESS HERP DERP DERP. im so sick of these faggoty sjws thinking they're so alpha and so cool bc they owned a feminist. which isn't hard to do. here's the truth about anti feminists/anti sjws. they go after the easiest targets ever. as if most of the world doesn't know that there's only two genders. these anti sjws are literally speaking common sense. we all know that there's 2 genders. does it need to be 30 videos about why there is? no. and if u disagree with an sjw. oh boy, be prepared to be called an sjw or feminist just for having an opinion that's different form theirs. if u have an opinion that's liberal in any kind of way, ur an sjw. which is fucking retarded. today, i saw a video about the new power puff girl character, and people were saying it was pc just bc the character had a different skin tone. like what? it seems these days, people can't do anything without making something political. the people who are saying this is an act of political correctness need to shut the fuck up. the character isn't black, latino, indian or anything like that. it's simply a person with a darker skin tone. for those who are saying this character is black, both anti sjws and sjws, firstly, black people look way darker than the new power puff girl character (unless ur talking about biracial people) they don't look like that. secondly, when did the creators ever say that the new character was black? they didn't. so shut the fuck up. these r things u created in ur own mind. after all, there are european people who r that skin tone. whose to say that this is some feminist agenda? hell, i'll take it a step further. whose to say that the power puff girls themselves even have a race? they r just creations and heroes. why the fuck do anti sjw's find some stupid reason to call something pc or feminist agenda? when i saw the new character i don't see a race. i simply see a new character that was probably brought too late into the series. i swear to god i hate anti-feminists/anti sjws they're literally no different than the people they fight against. is it ok to put in any character of a different race without it being pc? people in the 90's didn't complain about shit like this. there's tons of diversity in older cartoons. these days people will be slammed if they put a POC in a show. shows that brought in POC character in the series like hey Arnold would be called pc just for having a black character in it. this shit is fucking retarded. i so fucking hate the people act now. people seem to forget that conservatives were censoring fucking a lot back then. u know? those fucking extreme Christians who wanted to censor video games, music, and and blame media on school shootings? i guess those people don't exist anymore. even though they still do... wtf can i say. people r acting feminism r only the problem. ignoring the fact that we had hurricanes hitting parts of the US. instead, trump and lame ass cuckservatives complain about the NFL teams kneeling and people "disrespecting the flag" complaining like the sjws they're against. OMG, THEY HAD A DIFFERENT OPINION THAN ME. FUCK (INSERT THIS GROUP OF PEOPLE HERE) fuck the goddamn US flag. there's problems in the country and i don't respect america or the president. am i pc for not liking trump? yes i am. bc how dare i have a different opinion? right? anti sjws should kill themselves and there thoughts and beliefs are stupid. and they r fucking faggots. get over it.

Is Trump being a socialist the problem?

o shit have you turned into a cber

pizzashill still totally hates them SJWs tho so he's literally south park neutral or whatever

You guys just aren't on his level.


You’re obviously just mad you weren’t included

This list in general's a bit outdated tbh. PK and rierie don't post much here either anymore.

I miss /u/riemann1413's hustle. I'm having to fill the void and I don't like it.

Don't think your efforts have gone unnoticed.

It's hard - I'm not naturally retarded 😢 😢 😢

thx 4 recognizing the hustle fam

Has there ever been a time where you considered changing your material even once? Or is "thx 4 recognizing the hustle fam" just the pinnacle of comedy and cant be improved upon?

It's a classic. It's the basic black for basic bitches.

the pinnacle of comedy is farting in a quiet room. second up are phones that are way too big to be practical.

"thx 4 recognizing the hustle fam" is a distant third.

thx 4 recognizing the hustle fam

Hahaha they cant use those phones! They are too big for their hands! 😂😂😂😆😆

right? so silly lmao

how does it feel to be dethroned. The old RiEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEmann1413 would have been #1 easy.

it'd be a little weird to have the #1 not even be a regular anymore

how the fuck do people manage to remember the names of r/drama posters

Being on the metardsphere for far tol long does that to a man.

I thought pizzashill was respected on this sub, looks like I'd misunderstood something lol

This is retarded. Unironically kill yourself OP

What is this horrible shit?

non-agenda posting. worse than the holo-haux, I know


I un-ironically donated jew-bux to $hillary during and after the primaries. And I recently paid full-price for her recnt book "What Happened?" because I am an ideit :^)

Holy shit this is retarded.

you must be knew here :^)

You must spend your life here. 😲

/u/snallygaster , /u/stopscopiesme , /u/takeittorcirclejerk plz confirm that I spend my life on drama plz :^)

That would be very painful...



Also, are you the one saying 'this, but unironically' on /int/, or is our maymay spreading organically?

I don't meme so 🎶It Ain't Me🎶

dont worry, youll get the recognition you deserve someday

'Power rankings' implies that any of these people have any power whatsoever over their affliction.

There's no power here. Only mindless, aimless and incurable suffering.

no fucking shit you humorless twat

Cocaine is a hell of a drug

Looks like I dodged a bullet in this draft.

I understood you the first time. I'm asking for this to be explained beyond just an assertion.

What is the logic behind arguing that everything is either consensual or non-consenual irrespective of context?

For example, let's consider two scenarios.

  1. Your friend has an 8 year old child. You convince that child to wank you off.
  2. You have an 8 year old child. You and the child come to an agreement that if they remember to pick up their toys after playtime, you will buy them a toy that they wanted or give them an allowance.

According to you, if I accept that #2 is an acceptable arrangement for a parent and child to have (i.e. if I think the concept of chores or allowance is reasonable) then I'm forced to also think having an 8 year old child wank me off is also an acceptable arrangement for a child and adult to have.

How could you possibly think that being ok with the concept of chores forces you to also accept pedophilia as a rational agreement?

I just do, ok?

no joke, crazy frog made me realize i was gay. i rewatched all of the crazy frog videos again and again pausing whenever there was a good shot of his floppy donger. i noticed i was getting hard during one viewing, so i starting jerking off to the frog monsters little weeny. probably the best orgasm of my life, and i've been chasing that feeling ever since. I have always wanted to have sex with Crazy Frog, I have fantasied about this for many years and I have always masturbated to this thought and only this thought, I want him to hover and fly towards me until his dick makes contact with my ass hole and I scream in pleasure as he uses his frog cock to penetrate my human hole.


like 90% of my pastas are stolen from other drama posters, this is no exception. ask /u/sonicaficionado

don't ping me or my son ever again

Assy you motherfucker WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Poor /u/ComedicSans has been working to death to keep food on the table!

Thanks for recognising the hustle, fam.

2 mods in the top 5. shit is rigged

So you mean to say captainpriaprism is just 5th_law with a different username?

yes, except no, because autists of a feather flock together

doesn't even make honorary mention


You were robbed.

Your face is stupid and your shit's all retarded

Its cool. I wasn't necessarily expecting any recognition. I'm just happy to be part of the same industry as these talented professionals.

The REAL Athletes are DoTA players

Wait Riemann likes Esports?

That's a M Night Shamalama level twist.

not joking he thinks thinks click-koreans are better athletes than Usain Bolt and Michael Phelps combined

/u/botchlings got robbed tbh.

I don't care about this stupid shit


could you be more boring?

Honestly. Even morons like /u/manhattentransfur are actually really fun to interact with, because they at least have a sense of humor. Botchligs and captain literally just exist to reee

Oh is that dude gone already? F.

Way to promote your own alt there uggo!

Yes you do


IDk, Botchlings is unemployed or on disability as he literally posts 24/7 so that means he has the time to make sure his shit is smeared everywhere.

ComedicSans needs a mention

Wanna make it six?

😰 s-sorry

user reports: 1: Power user circlejerking

These posts are kinda cosy imo, stfu

The stupid circlejerky meta posts are way more fun than mental deficients seriousposting.

wew lad

So is this the thread where we start blowing each others off?

Who TF cares

Please extend this into a top 10. I need to feel superior to more terrible posters.

Atlanta still number 3 on the power rankings but we don't deserve it.

Do one for me <:3c

why dont you think about me a little more in your spare time you fag

lol melt more incel

I come here almost every day, so I am already in the bottom 10% of worthwhile humans, but I can't imagine being so retarded that you not only remember people's usernames, but that you decide to rank them publicly.
















I make the best comments

/u/captainpriapism can you confirm your proud feminism?

This post is boring and you're boring

Constant circlejerky shitposting is the dullest kind of posting.

+4 iota /u/iotaTipBot

Here is your pay for rigging the power rankings, sure glad this is private chat.