Anthony Fantano outed as Nazi
98 2017-10-04 by xKillerDreag
For those of you who don't know: Anthony Fantano is a prominent Youtube music reviewer, known for being south-park neutral on many issues, annoying fanboys by giving MBDTF a 6/10, and having an inappropriate taste in humour. His south-park neutrality has resulted in him being associated with people like Sam Hyde, who he interviewed once.
He had a secondary channel called ThatIsThePlan, where he posted dumb raunchy comedy videos that teens and his *chan followers (given that he actually started off on /mu/) would find funny.
Obviously, this didn't sit right with Brooklyn hipsters, who published a hit piece labeling him as alt-right. This is despite him having a black wife, constantly talking about social issues, and mocking Trump on Twitter.
Fantano has since deleted his second youtube channel and is planning a response video.
There are some shitshow on Twitter, and his subreddit, and within the lovely ChapoTrapHouse community.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-10-04
This is why we need mayocide.
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1 Basically_Trash 2017-10-04
1 grungebot5000 2017-10-04
jay-Z debunked rock’n’roll
1 SperglockHolmes 2017-10-04
I knew it.
All vegans are nazis.
1 bleepis 2017-10-04
this but unironically
1 nanonan 2017-10-04
So meat is Jews?
1 die_rattin 2017-10-04
Well hitler was one so
1 reallyprettyterrible 2017-10-04
1 darth_stroyer 2017-10-04
Yo that's bullshit.
The meme review was actually a good series
1 SperglockHolmes 2017-10-04
1 Peetrius 2017-10-04
Today marks the 7th anniversary of me changing.... my main on super smash bros.
1 InspiringShitpost 2017-10-04
Why do cucks ruin everything?
1 Jfmsuboi 2017-10-04
Its chud soyboy bugmen now.
1 Sarge_Ward 2017-10-04
What is it with left leaning subs like chapo or CB2 and getting unironically upset with obviously joking Filthy Frank tier meme garbage?
Is it bad content? Sure. But like they're acting like its on the same level of guys like ben garrison with their "problematic reee" shit.
1 grungebot5000 2017-10-04
1 Ace4929 2017-10-04
Its not enough that their opponents are buffoons, they have to be made demonic
1 -absolutego- 2017-10-04
Melonhead isn't even their opponent in the grand scheme of things, he's a fucking Bernie-loving progressive vegan who complains on twitter about politicians not being left-wing enough when he isn't shitposting memes.
When THAT becomes their opponent it's clear they're just Stalinists with a new coat of paint.
1 Ace4929 2017-10-04
I was talking more about the racists that they say he is parodying. It does them no good if racists are simply a laugingstock, they want them scrubbed from memory
1 OccasionallyClueless 2017-10-04
Cuz they're actually mentally disabled.
1 DontTrustRedditors 2017-10-04
To the fascist, of any stripe, be it nazi or commie, the most important thing that all entertainment must do is this: serve the ideology, push the narrative, prop up the system with obvious bullshit.
For that reason, they see ALL art as manipulation. They don't believe it's possible to simply tell a joke with the motive of making people laugh. They assume--because this would be their goal--that you must be trying to make some deeper political point.
1 Sarge_Ward 2017-10-04
Lmfao this might just be the #wokest thing ive ever read.
1 grungebot5000 2017-10-04
this but unironically unhashtagged
1 ralpher313 2017-10-04
For once, I actually agree with you. That's what I hate especially about the far left and the far right - they strip people of agency. For example you can't just like hip-hop or video games or sports, no, you've ackchyually been brainwashed by da j00s to let a black Muslim fuck your wife/the Trumpatriarchy to murder minorities and manspread. This all stems from them not being able to comprehend that other people have different views and thinking that everyone except them is wrong.
1 xKillerDreag 2017-10-04
It is insane to me because the hosts are the exact type of people into the humour the fanbase finds offensive.
How many times has it been that they were asked to apologize for offensive jokes they made a year ago, or why they associate with people like Nick Mullen?
1 Ylajali_2002 2017-10-04
There's a lot of kids on the chapo sub are deeply invested in the whole sjw/anti-sjw youtube culture wars. They have pretty much daily threads about the youtube culture wars netting hundreds of comments. Compare that to their threads about actual political issues, which get maybe 20 comments if you're lucky.
I don't really know how to explain it, because as far as I know the podcast rarely if ever mentions that sort of thing, except perhaps to idly poke fun at adolescent gamer stereotypes.
I think (or rather hope) it's mostly explained by the fact that a lot of young people post there. God help anyone who's over 18 and still cares about retarded youtube feuding.
1 Jfmsuboi 2017-10-04
But why tho
Do they really have the time to watch Zorgord the logicians 6,000,000 minute dissertations on autistic femcels calling mayonnaise racist?
1 grungebot5000 2017-10-04
for Zorgord, I can always make time
1 Jfmsuboi 2017-10-04
But why tho
Do they really have the time to watch Zorgord the logicians 6,000,000 minute dissertations on autistic femcels calling mayonnaise racist?
1 lincoln1222 2017-10-04
i get the feeling that the actual hosts of chapo trap house wouldn't be fans of anyone on that subreddit.
1 Sarge_Ward 2017-10-04
Oh yeah i got to agree there. Theyre both really stupid. But its like a dffierent kind of stupid. Kia gets morally outraged because theyre a bunch of conspiracy morons who think the world is out to get them, while ghazi gets morally outraged because they cant take jokes and see everything as problematic. Both are funny, but yeah kia manages to somehow be more deluaional.
1 grungebot5000 2017-10-04
i don't think having a shitty sense of humor is more delusional than conspiratardism
more annoying and impractical? sure
1 Sarge_Ward 2017-10-04
thats what I said. I said the KiA crowd, the conspiracy alex jones crowd, is more delusional.
1 grungebot5000 2017-10-04
oh i forgot what kia is
1 ralpher313 2017-10-04
Yeah, the worst part is these types of groups (both on the left and the right) have some valid points but get lost in self-congratulation and turn into echo chambers really quick. Like the MDE sub, they tend to think of themselves as this secret club of le enlightened big brain patricians and of everyone else as racist oppressors/normie bugmen/some other uncreative insult. It's a really toxic, antisocial mentality to have.
1 OhNoHesZooming 2017-10-04
Too good.
1 call-da-ambalamps 2017-10-04
how mad was that soy-boy when he had to refer to buddy as an "alleged" rapist
1 lincoln1222 2017-10-04
what's wrong with not being sympathetic to mattress girl? they specifically made it out like "anti feminists" were the only ones defending her when irl her claims were disproven multiple times in court. i mean even r/gamerghazi of all places was defending the guy in that scenario- you can't use that as a point to call him "alt right"
1 OhNoHesZooming 2017-10-04
The article was sympathetic, not Melon. My phrasing left that unclear. I, like every reasonable person on this earth, think that chick is a sociopath.
1 YHofSuburbia 2017-10-04
Fantano is a dumbass so I'm glad his shit got shut down tbh. Hopefully his review channel is next
1 subpoutine 2017-10-04
Truth. Dude didn't like Emperor of Sand so at the very least he deserves to also get butt cancer.
1 moondoggy101 2017-10-04
every time chapo is linked it is literally just them using what i assume is the lingo of the hosts over and over again.
1 headasplodes 2017-10-04
They really are just the worst. Usually when they get linked here they start blatantly brigading and 80% of the thread is their shitty memes getting upvoted.
1 glmox 2017-10-04
wow, how horrible, ur lucky to be alive
1 IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-10-04
1 Standard12 2017-10-04
1 IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-10-04
1 call-da-ambalamps 2017-10-04
haha get corncobbed u stupid binch with brain worms maga chud smooth brain
heh and they say the left can't meme XD
1 nonplussed__ 2017-10-04
if you want karma just get ur ctrl-v finger ready with exactly that
1 call-da-ambalamps 2017-10-04
By Your Logic me and the other failsons should dril-tweet more corncobbing of binch MAGA-Chuds
XYZ go on Cum Town
*obsessively posts about a handful of Clinton-campaign people that very few if any people actually care about
anyone else up for hitting up the local DSA meeting? ive printed out namecards with IRONIC pun-names like Kim Jong Dril, Jonathan Gay-lor Thomas, Bic Flair (picture of a lighter) and Chill Smith
1 nanonan 2017-10-04
If this incoherent dribble is anything to go by I'm quite glad I've never listened to these subhumans.
1 EarnestNoMeta 2017-10-04
I just did exactly this. Lets see how it goes
1 nonplussed__ 2017-10-04
you gotta make sure it's in a place where the target is clear like on a twitter repost that they don't like or attacking a 'brigader'
1 SethRichOrDieTryin 2017-10-04
Cumtown. Cumtown. Rose emoji.
1 holditsteady 2017-10-04
Cum town is good, and the fine people of r/drama should give it a listen
1 Ylajali_2002 2017-10-04
I have a feeling sooner or later /r/chapotraphouse will turn on cumtown for being problematic. You already see a few spergs chiming in with "but he's a rape joker" every time nick mullen is brought up. Hopefully it makes for some good drama.
1 holditsteady 2017-10-04
That would definitely be some good drama, and I'm kinda surprised it hasn't happened already. I just hope the outcome wont be them toning down the offensiveness to appease the Chapo audience. The cum would dry up without racial stereotypes and slurs. Hopefully nicks irony shield continues to protect him.
Although, nick already tried to get both weev and sam hyde to come on in the early days of the show, and as we learned from the fantano article, that makes him an irredeemable alt right nazi
1 jcpb 2017-10-04
💦🌃. 💦🌃. 🌹.
1 ProphetRith 2017-10-04
Don't forget chud, whatever the fuck that means
1 PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2017-10-04
Chud is the sewer dwelling cousin of Chad. Chad crushes pussy, Chud crushes human flesh
1 ProphetRith 2017-10-04
Oh I am a chud then huh
1 BangersAndMash98 2017-10-04
I think it's just because they're all retarded
1 niexx 2017-10-04
its absolutely horrific isnt it. usually its things that the hosts have said maybe 3 times in 150 episodes but they repeat it constantly.
1 -absolutego- 2017-10-04
So it's a leftist version of /r/jontron?
1 lincoln1222 2017-10-04
you misspelled r/h3h3
1 -absolutego- 2017-10-04
Well, I'm pretty sure the venn diagram of those two subreddit's subscribers is a circle.
1 Ylajali_2002 2017-10-04
They remind me of the kid in high school who saw Team America and never opened his mouth except to quote a punchline from that movie.
Man that guy was annoying.
1 lincoln1222 2017-10-04
never seen team america, is it any good?
1 niexx 2017-10-04
its great apart from the speech at the end about how invading other peoples countries is unironically good.
oh no wait this is a south park centrist sub isnt it, uhhhh yeah its fantastic all the way through
1 Gtyyler 2017-10-04
I can chud myself to that praxis.
1 PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2017-10-04
I've never even listened to an episode of chapo but when I see their sub I think "Jesus this much cringe"
1 moondoggy101 2017-10-04
i only became aware of it when some pyscho in the joe rogan sub reddit went on and on about it all the time and called everyone all the same lingo
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-04
1 RichEvansSextape 2017-10-04
What the shit is an MBDTF?
1 nonplussed__ 2017-10-04
Kanye album 5
1 nanonan 2017-10-04
Is that the one where he professes his love of bussy?
1 nonplussed__ 2017-10-04
it's the one where his girl fucks Wiz Khalifa and he hears it on a still-running cellphone and then bon iver comes over for a cry sess
1 nanonan 2017-10-04
Wow, that's way gayer than I thought.
1 theycallmeryan 2017-10-04
Honestly hats an accurate description but Kanye is a legit artistic genius so it’s really well done.
If any other artist tried to use the types of themes, beats, and style that Kanye does it would be cringey as fuck.
1 big_guyforu 2017-10-04
absolute TRASH
1 OfficialBeetroot 2017-10-04
Thems fightin words
1 Ennui2778 2017-10-04
1 theycallmeryan 2017-10-04
Best album ever made
1 PineappleExpress98 2017-10-04
Look up overrated in the dictionary and you will find it.
1 glmox 2017-10-04
imagine being this retarded
1 Mysterious_James 2017-10-04
He doesnt even say it himself, he says "real ones" when he's talking about the "real niggas" meme
1 xoiz 2017-10-04
He literally made a video where explains why he won't say the word nigger.
1 yesgentlegiant 2017-10-04
Didn't Fantano release like, a 20-minute video explaining why he never says the N word in album titles because of how offensive it is?
1 glmox 2017-10-04
yes, but hes still an evil racist who thinks lynchings are funny because he showed a meme in a video about memes and the meme had a naughty word
1 MakeAmericaSageAgain 2017-10-04
REAL ONES on the moon
1 hotblondeboob 2017-10-04
Who? this guy?
1 ltedt 2017-10-04
The best teeth
1 celocanth13 2017-10-04
I want to remove that mustache with a shotgun
1 timoyster 2017-10-04
Best teeth and the worst mustache in the game.
1 ltedt 2017-10-04
Fandango btfo. And reading the comments on Chapotrap, these people live a different reality than mine. I can't fathom taking seriously what Antony made in titp, you must be truly a buzzkill
1 Cake_eater666 2017-10-04
He is a vegan hipster and back in his college days he was into all that hardcore marxist shit you can even see it in his old photos. These people are fucking dumb has hell.
1 80BAIT08 2017-10-04
The soyboy who wrote the "article." All these manlets calling everything to the right nazi are so tiny.
1 Assy-McGee 2017-10-04
dude looks like the missing link between Neanderthals and humans
1 80BAIT08 2017-10-04
Neanderthals were bulky this man is a twig. He more resembles a homo floresiensis
1 snappleteadrink 2017-10-04
Looks like a regular guy
1 call-da-ambalamps 2017-10-04
about 75% of the use of soy-boy or bugman is used by other soy-boys and bugmen
t. soyboy bugman
1 caffeine_g0d 2017-10-04
1 CC3940A61E 2017-10-04
every time these chaco weirdos show up it's never for a positive reason.
1 xoiz 2017-10-04
Fucktards from FADER are just butthurt that Fantano has one million subs while no one even knows name of FADER's music (((reviewers))).
1 GARBAGE_MACHINE 2017-10-04
Sure, that's enough proof for me!!
1 ProphetRith 2017-10-04
I find it funny that the article acknowledges that he's not a (((real))) music critic because he hasn't written in the pitchfork or The Rolling Stones 😂
1 The_New_Caretaker 2017-10-04
Shit article, but Anthony's response to it by deleting ThatIsThePlan entirely is pathetic as fuck.
1 theycallmeryan 2017-10-04
He’s a huge cuck, look at how he made a 10 minute long virtue signaling video about how he REFUSES to say the n word.
1 lincoln1222 2017-10-04
it's his fucking choice he's not going around slamming other people who do it. you honestly seem like a bigger cuck here fwiw
1 theycallmeryan 2017-10-04
Yeah he can do whatever the hell he wants but he still made a 10 minute video about how he won’t say a word just to signal how progressive he is to his audience.
Plus he gave MBDTF a 6 and gave Saturation a 9 (Brockhampton is so overrated). He also said Trav’s old mixtapes weren’t very good which is a ridiculous opinion. I just don’t like the guy’s takes and I hate how HHH worships his opinion.
1 timoyster 2017-10-04
It wasn't just to signal to his audience that he was progressive, his audience has been asking him why he didn't use it for a long time. It was also a response to the whole Pewdiepie situation and he wanted to throw his opinion into the mix.
1 Jfmsuboi 2017-10-04
1 -absolutego- 2017-10-04
He did say it wasn't just the article but that the whole channel was obviously on a YouTube monetization blacklist and he didn't want to crowdfund support for a shitposting series.
1 dr_larders 2017-10-04
He's stated that he was likely going to delete the channel because of demonetization long before that article came out
1 The_New_Caretaker 2017-10-04
1 dr_larders 2017-10-04
At 37:30
1 The_New_Caretaker 2017-10-04
Cool, thanks. He doesn't talk about deleting the channel at all here though, the vids need to be uploaded somewhere else I think.
1 djakake 2017-10-04
It’s going to bring the PJW thing up too. I was a little disappointed when he had Sargon on like 2 years ago but that was the height of his “alt-tightness”. His video on PJW slams most alt right talking points very hard.
1 Youngphycouant 2017-10-04
Honestly Anthony 🍉 is the best music reviewer out there right now. I find myself agreeing with him and disagreeing with him on reviews. But his opinions are valid and he's a good guy.
1 PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2017-10-04
Mangohead didn't like The Fragile but I don't think he deserves a lot of shit for it.
1 CuriousKrow 2017-10-04
They call him alt-right because he made fun of communism. I can't wait for this marxism fade to go away.
1 nanonan 2017-10-04
What self important smug arseholes would think their pathetic little scrawl was his inspiration to delete his videos, and not perhaps the fact that they all got demonetized?
1 theycallmeryan 2017-10-04
Lol this is a clearly a joke but I hate Fantano for some of his dumb ass takes (MBDTF a 6, Saturation a 9, saying Trav’s mixtapes weren’t good). I hope people on HHH end up thinking he’s a Nazi so I never have to hear his terrible takes again.
1 better_bot 2017-10-04
To be far, his second channel was hot dogshit.
1 yesgentlegiant 2017-10-04
Man, I'm not even a fan of Anthony Fantano but seeing people just lying through their teeth about his character completely shamelessly, and then seeing that ChapoTrapHouse sub just lap it up is pretty frustrating. He's literally just left-of-center politically and he gets lumped in with white nationalists by these leftist hipsters for what?
1 GaymasterNacelle 2017-10-04
I skipped over most of the article but this caught my eye:
So that stuff he initially said wasn't that bad, it's only the nazi stuff he started doing after drifting even further away from the left afterwards?
So that means GG won! ?
Well since he's angry at feminists that means is alt-right. Or what?
There's a huge difference between sympathizing with Rodger, and saying that an unstable deprived psycho was pushed to the edge by an annoying ideology opposed to him - knowing Carlgon to the extent that I do, him going with the former rather than the latter would be really surprising.
Didn't listen to the podcast or know anything about Fantano though lmo
Not sure what's up with that Sam Hyde faggot. Then it goes on to say:
I thought the mattress case was confirmed as a false allegation, and not even primarily due to that text message or whatever? But I forgot the details again, so whatever.
1 Ylajali_2002 2017-10-04
holy shit, imagine unironically typing that sentence
1 GaymasterNacelle 2017-10-04
Well I don't really know whether that's true or not - so I guess I can't imagine unironically typing that sentence because I'd first have to be informed and I don't know what that feels like.
The online personalities who're now at the helm of the online anti-PC "movement" have either emerged out of GG and Pzus drama, or carried over from new atheism - the only question is how influential they are in the public sphere.
In this case the article talks about an internet critic who isn't really more notable than those people, so I'd say that sentence made sense in this context.
1 PineappleExpress98 2017-10-04
Imagine being this buttupset about the /mu/mu/ mayamay man.
1 faheytrash 2017-10-04
Am I alone in not knowing who any of these YouTubers and streamers and 'internet celebrities' in general are? I'm a guy who spends too much time on the internet but this is just a whole other world to me and everyone else seems to know what's going on. What does this even mean??
1 Toxic_Potato 2017-10-04
And by "outed" do you mean "falsely accused"? Overly sensitive idiots are not an authority on what's nazi and what isn't.