Outspoken woman and feminist is very upset that the new Bladerunner movie suggests that there will be white men in the future

165  2017-10-09 by 1171798


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut

>tfw no JOI gf, which uncoditional loves me

7.8/10, too much water and too many white people.

Jesus Christ, can we now not even enjoy a movie without analyzing it's politics? Especially a Sci-fi movie with no basis in reality?

Star wars- Ewoks, the unseen people. Thoughts about the Jewish struggle and Endor.

I think you mean the (((Jawas))).

Everyone knows the Jawas are Mexican. Watto is the one true space Jew

To be fair, the people that write "reviews" like this aren't based in reality either.

Nigga there are direct political messages written right into a dream for electric sheep. I think you mean could people stop using movies to give their shitty current year analysis of it.

Not really political messages in Do androids dream od electric sheep mostly philosophical.

They live in a hyper capitalistic society where corporations have essentially taken control of the government and created their own underclass using robots. Do you even know what dystopian means? Political Philosophy?

Yes, like everyone else I took Sophomore English in high school bud. There is very little anti-capatlist rhetoric if at all in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep I had to read it in college. The book focuses almost exclusively on existential philosophy and what makes us human.

Not to say that it is completely devoid of any political commentary at all. The man had a crazy interesting life, what with losing half his sanity to syphilis and catching his daughters life threatening medical emergency because he heard voices telling him she was in danger.

lol, where on earth did you get the idea dystopian narratives are apolitical? its one of the most explicitly political genres there is out there. blade runner is more metaphysical than most, but it's absolutely still preoccupied with formations of state and corporate power. this article is mind-numbingly retarded because all its author can do is tally "diversity" stats, but congrats on finding the even dumber take.

/r/drama wins again

So blessed.

Blade runner is character story, you fucktard. Don't shoehorn your faggy r/latestagecapitalism pseudointellectualism into it.

that isnt mutually exclusive, you fucktard

This is what I said during Roger and Me.

Can't we enjoy watching a fatso getting roughed up without a bunch of negroes complaining about not having jobs!

everything is racist, everything is sexist and you have to call it all out

I want to kick that fat Armenian midget in the cunt.

Jesus Christ, can we now not even enjoy a movie without analyzing it's politics? Especially a Sci-fi movie with no basis in reality?

That's not exactly new...

The whole film is about the ethics of robot slaves and whether or not we can dismantle something that is seemingly as intelligent as people, it’s pretty much 100% politics

That ethics.

Okay, discussing the film’s intersectionality is good and all, if you’re into that shit, but can I fap to neon-soaked noir cityscapes or not?

Yes. Movie is gorgeous.

Want spoilers?

No, there's being a dick like all r/drama users and then there's being a monster. Don't be a monster.

Only when delivered as God intended: in the flair of unrelated threads that have hit /r/all

Extensive fappables, yes. You'll be a very joiful joe.

I haven't seen it but does Ryan Gossling manage more than a single facial expression in this movie or is it still the "my face never changes expression because my characters so stoic not because I can't act" shtick still.

He's been method acting a robot for years, he's hardly going to change it for this film with actual robots.

He's actually really good in it.

I think he just needs a Not shit director to act well.

That fits really well with his role in this one. They cast him well.

Considering he's a robot pretending to be a robot, the whole lack of expression fits very well.

That's how Harrison Ford played it in the original. The human characters are meant to come off as robotic and the robots to come off as human.

but if you ask Ridley Scott, Deckard is a robot.

Except there are no robots dumbass, replicants are bio-engineered humans

you'd know this if you watched real sci-fi like rick and--- ahahhahaha no, no, I can't go through with it

Frankly, Ridley Scott's a geriatric Geordie lunatic so who gives a fuck what he thinks?

It's like when authors dismiss the books they wrote as trash when it attracts a certain kind of audience or they start to get criticised for the content. Chuck Paluniuk can dismiss Fight Club all he wants, but there's no denying he had the incel mentality until he got famous.

Fame and wealth cures inceldom instantly unless you work in IT.

In the book it’s based on, it’s clear that Deckard is a replicant.

Oh and he was me thinking that he just didn't give a fuck.

The way it was written, I think he played it about as well as anyone could

I don’t want to spoil it, but the few scenes where his character got emotional, he did well

This. Why the fuck did anyone like driver. The faggot had no facial expressions and his character was like something from an emo fanfic


hehe autocorrect eksdee

Full disclosure: Ryan Gosling's a pretty cool dude

This makes no sense, one of the main characters in the original Blade Runner was a black guy.

Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Blade Runner, here are some Trailers

The hell, i remember a black guy who chases him in the movie. The one who puts down the paper unicorn at the end. When Harrison Ford and the chick are escaping on the elevator. He had a mustache.

That's Edward James Olmos dude.

Im a retard.... im sorry. :(

Is that the black guy in Battlestar Galactica?

He's hispanic, but yes.

Dear God, don't tell me a woman said something again.

its cyborgs are meant to be stand-ins for oppressed minority groups

Wait, blacks = walking fleshlights?

That's how some roasties view them, sure.

The white devil's testosterone is too low these days from decades of emasculation, so proud womyn have to turn to the brute savagery of BBC to get off.

I blame the chemicals in the water. Buy moar water filters.

Way ahead of you. No flouride/estrogen/govt mind control for this brita boye!

Wtf does roastie mean?

How incels call women.

it's an incel term for women who have had sex

women who have had sex




You mean the ruined remnants of what used to be a woman?

What's a Stacy then? A woman the incel wants whether or not she's a roastie?

I don't know! Do I look like a fuckin' incel to you?

.... Yes?

but I'm not

That's what an incel trying to keep it on the down-low would say!

I have sex of my own volition

Until now. Post bussy.

my wife says no

Stacy is the female Chad, stereotypical popular cheerleader.

Any woman who's been violated by another man is a roastie.

So a Stacy can also be a roastie?

Stacey is the Queen of roasties


Anyone who uses that terminology unironically should be shot.

lets round up all the freaks in r/incels and get er done!

I dunno, but I just got a major craving for some Arby's.

you an incel?

Nope, I'm a generic shitlord.

It was in the good old days

It was in the good old days

It was in the good old days

It was in the good old days

It was in the good old days

>a future where women stay off to the side

Wtf I love the future now

i cant believe women seriously think theyre current participation in society is anything other than an anomalous blip in the history of mankind

theyre acting like they think this stuff is permanent and sustainable

One minor armageddon and we'll be back to filling the harem for the biggest, meanest man in town.

Hopefully this will be a post traps-are-not-gay world, and my scrawny ass can learn to tuck it and live an easy life drinking water with Immortan Joe

The only reason women's situation would revert to it's pre-industrial state is if there were some kind of major societal collapse. Industrialization has rendered the agricultural family model obsolete in modern society because a vast majority of work is mechanized to the extent that physical strength is far less relevant than it was prior to industrialization.

Don’t ever seriouspost to me or my children again.

What about your wife's children?

What about your dad?

What about your sister?

do you actually get lucid dream pms? that sounds fun

Yes. But most are unaware of difference between LUCID and VIVID dreams, so keep getting latter mostly.

is that bad? id imagine itd be close to the same in your position, unless them controlling their dreams make it different

Only thing 'bad' is you using that particular term(bad) to describe this quandry. As far as I'm concerned, It's just inconvenient that I have to rummage through all the vivid ones to get a truly lucid one.

You know LUCID dreams are rare, right? You can't just decide to sleep one day and order yourself to have a lucid dream. VIVID dreams are common af. Almost all my dreams are vivid, have favorite characters that I remember, sometimes that lingering feeling of lost love persists, but controlling when these characters appear and creating custom environment in dream is another matter altogether.

No, it is not the same. Yes, controlling makes it different. It's not 'bad' because reading any PM'd dream is 1000% better than salty posts on /r/drama, just mildly exasperating that people aren't grasping this difference between lucid and vivid.

i wasnt trying to use that term to describe it, i was merely asking if you perceived it as bad. i heard there could be some kind of lucid dream training, is that to have lucid dreams or just be aware of when your in one?

Haven't tried. If you got nothing else to do this weekend, please go ahead and be guinea pig for lucid experiment and report back with results on reddit's premier scientific sub, /r/Drama.

I prefer my vivid and lucid dreams to be lurid.

What about love?

What is love?

Listen Morty, I hate to break it to you, but what people calls "love" is just a chemical reaction that compels animals to breed. It hits hard, Morty, then it slowly fades, leaving you stranded in a failing marriage.

This happened to me. Twice.

Ah jeeze Rick...

Baby don't hurt me

Don't hurt me...

No more

you mean jewish lies?

You rang?

Yeah, because casual sexism is fine as long as it's ironic.

You're about two years too late on that.

>complaining about ironic casual sexism

At that point it's already over.

Implying Swedish opinions matter.

That's a lot of words for r/drama r u ok


The only reason women's situation would revert to it's pre-industrial state is if there were some kind of major societal collapse to an unrecoverable economic state.

Implying that's not inevitable

the unabomber will go down as the smartest man of the 20th century

Well he was a math prodigy who got into Harvard at 16.

I disagree with a lot of his conclusions and arguments in Industrial Society and Its Future, namely his criticism of leftist politics in regards to the issues of industrial capitalism, but the first time I read I couldn't help but think "huh, this crazy dude is making a lot of good points"

yeah, i was only being half sarcastic honestly

I mean, it's not like the negative effects of industrialization and widespread technological adoption haven't already been recognized and continue to be studied. Old Teddie went off the wall when he started advocating for a return to a hunter-gatherer society (anarcho-primitivism lol) and when he, you know, bombed multiple universities.

when you beat your neighbor to death for pooping seeds because that could start agriculture

The only reason women's situation would revert to it's pre-industrial state is if there were some kind of major societal collapse to an unrecoverable economic state.

Sounds pretty likely to me, brah.

Problem is that differences in physical strength are just the tip of the iceberg.

Please tell us more.

Why, so you can wallow in butthurt?

Mostly so we can see how retarded you actually are. But also buttstuff, I like that.

I don't doubt that's what you think.


No spoilers or anything but there is actually a women who is the main characters boss in the movie.

Negros hate dogs because they never used them when evolving. Whites have empathy for animals because they farm them or use them for useful jobs.

Getting xir money's worth out of that gender studies degree, I see. This article lifts my spirits, though, after discovering that a roastie and a basketball american are heading up the new Pacific Rim 😤

Seriously Wired is really shit lately.

More like Tired, amirite

Oh, fuck yeah!

They are spending too much time on social justice and too little on technology.

Every faggot in America has decided to be a writer, and that is why shitposting is the only thing worth reading.

me too tbqh fam

oh my god this movie populated mostly by robots and holograms programmed to perform particular roles has characters that seem lacking in agency and free will, clearly the evil bigots have struck again

Just saw the film a day ago.

a bunch of white males


Decaked, possibly replicant, doesn't show up until the last quarter. Ryan Goosling is also a replicant, not a white male human by a traditional definition.

Lared Leto is a blind white rich guy who is the only "villian"

Meanwhile you have robo waifu as a main plot, a real female police director, and near-sentiant robo killer waifu and two black guys who are human with speaking parts. Oh and one's a slave owner.

white men in the future.

Ha not if I and my soon to be completed robot army have anything to say about it. CleganeBowl2018!!! Mayocide 2018!!!

Good luck faggot

this but unironically

Haha I love feminists get pissy about the fact that they'll all be soon replaced by robots. Hmm I wonder why. Bang some radical feminist who's only going to accuse me of rape. Or bang a much hotter sexbot, like Fisto from Fallout New Vegas, have the time of my life, and no rape charges.

Well at least until Fisto becomes self aware and tells the cops. That's why I always secretly install a small (actually it's quite large) explosive device right up it's bussy. Like in that $30 demo for MGSV.

like Fisto

stop, I can only get so erect

I just came all over my keyboard, thanks a lot.

You have just destroyed one model XOJ-37 Nuclear Powered Pan-Sexual Roto-Plooker. And you're gonna have to pay for it! So give up, you haven't got a chance.

But I... I... I can't pay! I gave all my money to some groovy shitposter guy two memes ago!

Come on out, son. Between the two of us... we'll find a way to work it out.

BTW - for all you chillunz out there who have no clue what we're talking about, here ya go.

Please assume the position


Author is just jelly Ryan Gosling has a hot VR waifu in the movie.

I was in the middle of writing up a multi paragraph response but I realized wtf i was doing

It's literally a good movie. Shame it bombed.

Thanks for not serious posting famalam

ccritic Angelica Jade Bastién recently noted at Vulture, mainstream dystopian sci-fi has always been obsessed with oppression narratives

No fucking shit that's literally what dystopia means

What's with all these cowboys in western movies?

This type of retard probably sees Metropolis at face value.

No, it literally means unpleasant and bad state, which is however often portrayed through oppression. It's hardly the only way to do it, tho. For example Black Mirror often features dystopian societies we wouldn't want to live in (like one where's your status is based on others' likes), but it's not oppression.

Next up: "Mad Max: Fury Road" and its toxic masculinity issues.

I unironically want humanity to die.

Omnicide when?

Since when is Eddie Olmos a "person of color"?

I want you to guess what you think the author looks like before clicking this link: https://i.imgur.com/soond1h.png

Jesus christ, read that cunts twitter feed, she makes me not want to be even the moderate amount of leftist I am

Not just white men, but Dave Bautista levels of badass white men.

Agenda post. Every time some SJW says something, it doesn't mean it's drama. You have to show actual drama too

Why must politics be injected into everything. Dear God please end me

You have to be really brave to come out as a woman in this day and age tbqphwu

Wired has gone to complete shit the last few years.

This bullshit is so annoying. Not every fucking film needs to cater to every fucking thing.

This is almost as stupid as neckbeards tilting because Bioware included Gay & Transgender Characters in DA:I. Just let people tell the goddamn story they want.

> Hollywood movie's writing and direction uses lazy, reductive, Hollywood shorthand and cardboard cut-out characters for everything but the few themes the movie wants to focus on.

Not only is this obvious, from a practical standpoint it's often desirable. The shorthand of film tropes allow the director can communicate quickly with the audience and focus their attention on the things they set the stage for. Yeah, the idea they have to do that is a bit disenchanting, and a movie that is nothing but tropes is garbage, but not everything can be a magnum opus.

blade runner is probably the least lazy/cookie-cutter hollywood movie of the year (including all the tryhard oscarbait), so it's not even that, this "commentator" is just really bad at thinking

Make your own movies you fucking retards.

The only visible woman of color is one of Mariette’s nameless coworkers. (While de Armas was born in Cuba, her grandparents are European.) 

She's half Mayo so she doesn't count. Hahaha

omg. ..... they didn't try and do a Ghostbusters shitshow with the sequel so obviously it's a racist sexist homophobic xenophobic piece of s*** that only evil Nazi white men will watch

dystopian future

more like heaven ay fellas

I literally could not care less about her blather. BTW, she could have made her points in three paragraphs and I might have read all of it.