In which the Chapo sub overreacts to a joke, again

85  2017-10-12 by ChipChippersonAMA


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Uh oh. Trouble in chapo town!

That was a pretty funny tweet. Am I a commie now?

It was a joke and you understood it, so you're too smart to be what the Chapo kids are.

If you also want to enslave farmers, expropriate the property of the Jews landowning bourgeoisie, and retire to an "estate" so vulgar that Trump would make finger-in-the-throat omg it's so barf gestures at it, you're probably a commie.

Gorki Leninskiye

Gorki Leninskiye (Russian: Го́рки Ле́нинские) is an urban locality (a work settlement) in Leninsky District of Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) south of Moscow city limits and the Moscow Ring Road. Population: 3,586 (2010 Census); 1,729 (2002 Census); 1,711 (1989 Census).

The estate of Gorki belonged to various Muscovite noblemen from the 18th century. Zinaida Morozova, the widow of Savva Morozov, purchased it in 1909, the year before she married General Anatoly Reinbot (later Anatoly Rezvoy), the Moscow head of police.

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If you also want to enslave farmers, expropriate the property of the Jews landowners, and retire to an "estate" so vulgar that Trump would make finger-in-the-throat omg it's so barf gestures at it, you're probably a commie.

Tfw when you've been a closet commie all along.

I... I don't get it.

They have a running gag on their podcast where they ironically defend pedos like Jared Fogel. They applied the joke to Bill Cosby and now everyone is freaking out for some reason.

It's cuz Cosby's black. Their fanbase is so racist and toxic.

Isn't CTH a liberal podcast though?

Nope, it's leftist. Big difference. These guys do not like liberals much, which will become clear if you read the thread.

inb4 "ackshually it's a leftist podcast"



Wait, is that what the chapo dudes look like? Mayocide 17 years ago.

Not sure who the dude on the right is. The other two are part of the show and look like average dudes tbh

average dudes

The two on the left look like they have a DnD dice collection and the one on the right looks like he can’t be within 100 feet of an elementary school.

What's wrong with DnD? :(

The white participants.

But I'm a mayo

Me too. Certain sacrifices have to be made. If you ever played a lawful good paladin you know what you have to do now.

the virgin lawful good vs the chad lawful evil

it's time for dnd to enter the multicultural mode

Everything. It’s basically LARPing your erotic fiction while suspending any latent homophobia to initiate oral sex with the hirsute and odorous neckbeard sitting across from you.

D&D is the opposite of LARPing

But the rest of what I said is correct, right?

Exactly and literally

In the process of being colonised by SRDines

yeah that’s the style now

Mayocide when?

in 70 years

average dudes


average dudes, circa 2017

I stand by my statement for average guys in their thirties. White men at that age all look dorky

nah man theyre pretty fucking goony

That's what bugmen look like.

The terms soyboy bugmen chud

t soyboy bugmen chud

the dude on the right looks cool as fuck



Black QUEEN demolishes ChapoTrapHouses metaphorical BOIPUCCI:

This is why I'm never afraid of American commies. Goddamn they're soft.

has been in private school their entire life & in therapy for the last 15 years

"No revolution without blood, comrades"

They'll all be gunned down by commissar Jamal

Don't turn around! Whoa oh!


Smacks Lips


hopefully the CTH hosts will get sick of this and just call out their subreddit for being retards on the show. that would be superb.

That would actually make me start listening to them

it'd be long overdue

I don't get the joke. Someone explain.

As they say, "Do your worst." All anyone in this photo has to say is

"We thought it was fucking appalling that Bill Cosby still has a star on the Walk of Fame. Do you disagree?" In the meantime, The Woke Consumer Neoliberal "Left" will continue to offer zero policy solutions and be a cult of personality. This is unsustainable, and the Dirtbag Left continues to be funnier and more cogent.

u/DontFearTheRingo As opposed to the many policy solutions that socialists have?

Policies? You mean other than single-payer, free tuition, amnesty for immigrants, schedule 1 legalization, abolition of for-profit prisons, progressive taxation, an end to drone strikes, overturning Citizens United, outlawing partisan gerrymandering, normalization with Cuba, criminal justice reform, an abolition of "right-to-work" laws and about 1000 other things any college freshman lefty could name? Did I miss something in your question?

None of that is socialist. They is literally one socialist policy position: seizes the means of production.

I fink you freeky.

He's right though, socialists will kill you in the end. That's all neoliberals shit now.

In all honesty I sympathize with these positions,as well as most of the left

normalization with Cuba

Didn't a "neoliberal" president just do that?

free tuition, amnesty for immigrants, abolition of for-profit prisons, progressive taxation, overturning Citizens United, criminal justice reform

Didn't the "neoliberal" candidate for president promise just that?

Where you seize the means of production?

Lmao did you just list most of Hilldawg's platform and call it socialist policies

u/russian_grey_wolf I just think you're doing great job there!

Men should be eradicated.


Accelerationism is the best subreddit praxis.

Here here

If only people realized this long ago


/u/Riverboat_Gambler how tf is this joke “clunky”

it’s just nine simple syllables. and just look at their faces!

The guy on the right looks like Tobias Funke

Someone pls explain what is going on.

This is what I understand:

  • Chapo are far leftists dudebros who try to meme for the Left.
  • They took a picture in front of the Bill Cosby sign and tweeted it making a sarcastic comment that it won't be taken down.

Okay, so the joke is that Bill Cosby is a rapist and the Chapo people are pointing out that it is hypocritical for the star plaque to exist especially in light of all the hand wringing over the Weinstine controversy?

Is that the joke? How is that bad? It seems like they are saying what most people would say: Sexual Assault is Bad. Weinstein is Bad. Cosby is Bad. Cosby still has a Star on Hollywood Blvd and that is stupid. Implied action: It will be good for his star to be taken down.


Chapo is a pretty good leftist podcast more or less designed for people who agree with those politics but actuallt have a sense of humor/aren't as ridiculous as the rest of much of leftist internet culture

The sub itself has started out good, but as it grown like many other subs it's gotten some of the more insufferable aspects of Reddit

I've never seen a sub that's so radically different from the podcast or whatever the sub is supposed to be talking about. It's still funny sometimes but man they really do get pissed off quick. The gun thing really threw me for a loop. I was shocked people were shocked there's some lefties who aren't rabidly anti gun.

It's become infested with the cretins from r/socialism.

Is that the joke? How is that bad?

because sjw's are retarded

I don't know why you'd be surprised about a forum of commies taking a joke too seriously; after all, they take communism seriously.

Why is it primarily commies who sperg out about jokes relating to rape? You don't really see right-wingers doing it, and I'm not sure if it's because commies are more likely to be sluts or if it's because they have a much looser definition of rape than normal people.

Goddamn it, stop making me grow fonder for fascists you fucking retard left.