You might not understand this drama unless you have a very high IQ but /r/rickandmorty dips their toes into politics. Sorted by controversial because I'm lazy

69  2017-10-13 by IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu


Now with added cancer!


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So that's what was in meme sauce!

Imagine being a "meme human" lol like you Ed.

I believe /u/Ed_ButteredToast is trans-human


Don't thank me yet, your other half is trans-dog and I hear that /u/aluzky got bailed out yesterday so he's gonna looking for some fresh meat

/u/aluzky got bailed out yesterday


imagine giving a shit

¯\_(ツ) _/¯

Meme human? Hit a nerve? Eek!

Meme human? I'd wish :/

Memes make us human

Memes make us more than human

Memes make us human no more

The post you quoted is more v=coherent and intelligent than anything you've ever posted by several magnitudes.

I don't usually use forums or Reddit, I usually just post comments on Ancap blogs like Molyneux or Cantwell's blog, but they didn't seem appropriate places to post my story. So here goes, I just wanted to share this with all of you. Nov 3 I flew to Europe for a Eurotrip type tour. Not a guide or packaged deal, just going around by myself. I paid for half of the trip with the wages I earned over the last two years, my dad paid for the other half. I am 19, I guess that is normal starting college and all. (Before that I worked for my dad's company part time, so I guess you could say he paid for all of it, lol). I did France and then Italy and then Greece next. I am an Ancap so I wanted to see anarchists in these places. Yes, I know they are different kinds of "anarchists" and not really full anarchists like us. I went to an anarchist book store in Italy and it had a lot of English books, but no Rothbard or Ancap. Like I said, I expected that, not a surprise. I went to Greece, which everyone knows is famous for its revolutionary anarchism, its economic crisis and everything going on right now. Here I found directions for a local anarchist center. I went and didn't see anybody, but it was covered in graffiti, mostly in Greek so I couldn't read it. Whatever, I started taking pictures. Then some people came out and confronted me. This should have been my first warning sign something was not right, because photography is not a crime. They were not violent, but they were not friendly, like asking who I was, what I wanted. They all spoke good English actually. Not uncommon in Greece. I said I was a tourist and an anarchist and I just wanted to take pictures. Then they got friendly and told me I should have asked first (but pictures are no NAP violation so I don't know why, but I didn't say anything) and they invited me inside. We hung out for a while and smoked hash (there is no good dank in Europe as you might find out like in Cali, everyone smokes hash with tobacco which isn't as cool as it sounds). We started talking about politics and anarchism. I was trying to talk about the state, they were like yeah no doubt the state was bad. But they wanted to talk about capitalism, capitalism this and that. This is when we started to get into a debate. I told them that what they called capitalism is different from the free market. They said capitalism is free markets. And I said I agreed. That is what I am saying. Real capitalism is free markets. And they said yes, that is what we are trying to get rid of. And I said no, but we don't even have that right now. We need more free markets. And everyone at the same time was like "nooo" we are anarchists, we are against capitalism. Anarchists oppose capitalism. And I said but not anarcho-capitalists. Anarcho-capitalists are the anarchists who support capitalism. I had a fanny pack (yeah, lame I know) for my camera and in that I had this yellow and black bowtie (also super lame, it was a joke but I wasnt wearing it). And I said look, these are the Ancap colors, yellow and black, like versus the communist red and black. Well, these guys had a lot of red and black in the building already so I thought they would get it. I think that is when it started to get a really bad vibe, really tense in the air. The free market thing was funny, we disagreed but I think they thought I was just confused. Everyone was uncomfortable now. Then someone said markets wont work with democracy. And I said exactly, that's it, democracy is against anarchism. And they kind of agreed, and said yes, we don't have real democracy, just governments, and we needed more democracy. I said no, we need less democracy, democracy is the enemy. And we need to end democracy to have anarchy. Then they were all like "noooo" again. You know that thing people do in groups when everyone all says "nooo" or expresses some disapproval at the same time. And one of them said "but we do want to stop democracy" and then they kind of spoke back and forth in Greek. I didn't really understand it. And they asked me what I meant. So I said okay, I had the floor, I was going to tell them about ancapism. And I tried to explain to them some Rothbard and Hoppe. I said the natural order in anarchy is that the best rise to the top, the market picks who is the best. They compete and are peaceful. They said what do we want instead of anarchy. I said we want private owners to own their own land and businesses, and to employ people. They said that is what we have now. I said no, it would be even better. One of the guys said it was like feudalism. And I said it is not feudalism. Eventually one of the guys spoke up and I thought he was Greek, but he spoke English perfectly so he may have not been. He said he knew what anarcho-capitalism was and that we were basically fascists. He asked me if I thought everything should be private. And I said yes. And he asked me if I thought people were unequal. And I told him yes. And that not everyone would have equal rights. I said everyone has the right to own property and not be done aggression against. But that not everyone had to be treated equally by the owners. He said what about immigrants and racism. And I said that would not happen in a free market, but yes property owners could be racist if they wanted to. They had to respect property. Then he called me a fascist again, and someone else said I was a fascist. And then they basically all started shouting fascist at me, and one of them grabbed me by the wrists. They pulled me out the door, it was up three floors, and basically drug me down the stairs on my back. It hurt really bad and I remember yelling "you're breaking the NAP" and things like that. "Stop initiating force against me." Then they kicked me around on the ground in the hallway, before they took my camera and threw me outside. I was crying and stuff, I just sat there. I was in shock because it was so sudden. Looking back there were warning signs though. I think they felt bad for me and gave the camera back, but when I looked later they stole the memory card with all of my Greek photos. So they initiated force and theft. They broke the NAP. I knew the left anarchists were not real anarchists, but I never knew they would do something that bad. I wasnt seriously hurt, just kicked around a little, lots of bruises and little cuts. I am fine guys so don't worry. Just needed to share.

10/10 🍝

Rick & Morty was a mistake.

I wonder how many thousands Americans would have to pay every year in taxes to have state ran healthcare.

/u/J0oboi Probably a little less than the thousands you already pay each year to a private entity, considering the fact Medicare is cheaper and more efficient than anything offered on the private market.

Bwahahahaha!!! Have you noticed that not all doctors or hospitals offer medicare? or that medicare doesn't cover about 2/3s of the treatment options? That's why medicare is cheap, it's because it's shitty coverage.

Shitty coverage for shitty people. Get a better job and you can get the 2/3 of the treatments reserved for actual useful members of society

People who want UHC can't get better jobs. Someone with means doesn't need to beg for """free""" shit.

Ewwww actually Medicare is awful and isn’t cheaper.... it may be for some, but for the majority it usher. It’s actually incredibly wasteful and time consuming. It’s one of the reasons a lot of places refuse to accept it.

It's 2017. Literally everything has to be about politics because liberals can't get over the fact that they lost in November.


They've been pushing the "media changes opinions and we need to seize that and force everything to push our politics" for years.

But now that they feel like they're losing instead of gradually winning they want to double-down.

But now that they feel like they're losing instead of gradually winning they want to double-down.

Which has the effect of appealing to liberals but driving moderates and conservatives away.

Do people actually do this. I mean I such a South Park neutral that I'm actually disgusted when I hear people agreeing with me and pretty much hate all opinions.

Why do so many people seriously repeat the idea that you have to be smart to watch Rick and Morty?

Because they want to believe that they are part of the elite, instead of the tendie eating basement dwellers they are.

Hey! I eat my tendies upstairs like an adult!

That's just because your mom promised you more GBPs if she didn't have to waddle down the stairs.

The fuck is a GBP?

Good Boy Points. If you save enough up you can go get Schezwan Sauce!

The 'elite' aren't even the elite. They're just a bunch of retards with too much money and too much guilt, but no real feeling of social responsibility to back it up. That's why this sjw bullshit cropped up in the first place.

Because the crowd that comprises diehard Rick and Morty fans are exactly the kind of people who repost the I Fucking Love Science! facebook page - their entire identity is wrapped in the notion that they're super intelligent when most of them are thoroughly average.

It's basically atheism 2.0.

People think just because it's a tad more philosophical and well written than South Park, it's a show only smart STEM people can understand

Which is insane because it's not like they ever explain anything on that show with real scientific explanations. Everything is hand waved away with mega-seeds and plutonic quartz and other made up shit. What's being discussed that requires any STEM knowledge? Yeah, Harmon seems to have a boner for nihilism, but the show isn't an MIT lecture or something.

It's literally that the main character is smart so they feel they should be too.

Is R&M fandom the quickest one in achieving the Herd of Lolcows status? Faces of R&M when?

universal healthcare is good. fight me

I'll fight you when we have it, that way we can go get patched up after.

now thats smart thinking

Universal healthcare isnt perfect, but it is certainly better than the shit show going on in the US.

US has the best health outcomes of any nation, that's why monarchs from around the world come here for treatment rather than stay in the shitbergs with UHC that they're from

I mean sure its the best if you only care about rich as fuck mayos

I mean why wouldn't you only care about the successful part of society.

In theory, yes, but I'm extremely skeptical the federal government in its current form can make the necessary cuts/streamlining of the existing bureaucracy for the benefits of universal healthcare to manifest. Reducing bureaucracy is anathema to bureaucrats.

Anything the current Congress or any Congress we're likely to get in the near future could pass would be a lobbyist-dominated, bloated mess that either drives us further into debt or is accompanied by tax hikes.

















Rick Sanchez wouldn't like /r/drama, cuz he's, uh, a super genius.

/u/WiggityWatchingNews Is understanding political terminology gatekeeping? /u/n3tspl1t is closer to correct than /u/StallionDuck6661, even if so called ancaps exist, and primmies just want a waifu who shits in the woods.

Anarchism is where there isn't a state, right? Left anarchists think that means no hierarchies. Right anarchists believe humans are naturally inclined to form hierachies. Wanna explain what the fuck you're talking about? Try not to use anymore gibberish though. It makes life harder for all of us.

I'm not sure. Are you a stupid bitch?


Did you get jealous someone else got called a stupid bitch?

No I only get jealous when someone threatens my spot at #1 on the aspergers' all time hit parade

Which is to say not that often?

I'm #1 for sure

It's a show about a libertarian scientist who hates everyone, calls things autistic, and is anti-Israel. Clearly he should be the face of a universal healthcare campaign.

rick and morty should be the president

Rick & Morty is so dumb and gay that it is starting to not even be amusing anymore.

Great I have downsyndrome now....

There is literally not a single good argument against universal healthcare

Poor people will die off what

Lol you cant be leftist ans anarchist. Leftists want government assistance for literally everything... anarchists dont want any structure


How the fuck is anarchism far left?


Are you fourteen years old or just genuinely retarded?

Not an answer. Anarchism is a different axis anyways - authoritarian vs. anarchist on one, left vs. right on other. The left today in America is generally for more regulations, social welfare, fewer gun rights, government more involved in healthcare & education, etc... not arguing whether that’s good or bad, but it’s extremely far from anarchism.

Anarchism is usually considered a far-left ideology[12][13] and much of anarchist economics and anarchist legal philosophy reflects anti-authoritarian interpretations of communism, collectivism, syndicalism, mutualism or participatory economics.[14]

You just don't know what left wing means.

The "American left" generally isn't even left wing (see: Hillary Clinton), if you knew what you were talking about you'd know that.

not arguing whether that’s good or bad, but it’s extremely far from anarchism.

Yes, centrist/centre-right politics is very far from anarchism. That's some great analysis there bud.