CMV: Women grope men all the time and feel entitled to the male body

35  2017-10-13 by Lepicklez


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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They're the kind of people to just walk up and grab that bussy.

Even if you say "most women," what would work to change your view? Surveys about consent? Anecdotal testimony from posters? Your view seems mostly based on your own experiences, which are inherent to you, and likely can't be reasoned away.

Definitely a "reverse the genders and grab the popcorn" moment...

OP isn't wrong, even if he provides some weird personal examples.

In general, I think most non-millennial men aren't all that bothered by being "groped" by women. Probably because they realize that 90% of it is "innocent."

And by innocent you mean hawt!

Of course...


You realize where you are right? Being groped by women is disgusting.

Homosexuality is a bad meme

I kinda doubt anyone will believe me when I say this, but at my last job there was another employee girl who squeezed my nipple in the middle of the store, and it made me super uncomfortable cause if I had done the same I would have 100% without a doubt gotten fired and probably worse. She also grabbed a different guy’s ass.

I’m not saying this is like a common thing but it definitely happens, and I’m the farthest thing from being hot. I didn’t report it cause I didn’t want to fuck up her life, but I probably should have, at least anonymously.


He should just be grateful to have his bussy fingered by a strong independent woman.

It's true guys. My waifu has next asked permission to give me a golden shower but I wake up in a bed full of urine all the time.

Anch’io grazie

I was at a party a few weeks ago (hard to believe, I know) and got slapped on the ass by a man and a woman in short repetition. From here on out I will identify myself as a sexual survivor.

Or sexy survivor, that works too, since they were attracted to your ass obviously.

I'm tired of feeeemales womensplaining male sexual assault.

All women? I think that's pretty easy to refute. Wait for a woman to come on here and say "I'm a woman and I don't feel like I am entitled to touch anyone's body at will."

Okay, but then also post "all men are rapists" and then fucking REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE at the first guy who comments "I'm not a rapist".

This is some class A logic here boys:

Groping someone without their consent can also be viewed as a threat. Using simple biology, it's easy to see why 2 seemingly identical threats (ie a man doing the groping, vs a woman doing the groping) are actually threats of vastly different magnitude. A 4 year old with a nerf bat yelling "I'm gonna kill you!" is a threat of a very different magnitude than a 20 year old with a real gun pointing it at you, and yelling "I'm gonna kill you!" The action/words are the same... but the context means that one is much more dangerous than the other. Similarly, men are bigger, stronger, and their threats have more danger behind them... than compared to identical threats made by women. Therefore, a man groping you is likely more significant of a threat than a woman groping you. They're not the same.

/u/stratys3 is just pointing out the FACT that women are on the same level as children.

TBH the line goes 'women and children' so they are even lower than children.

“I’m gonna say that you molested me.”

/u/mybloodcansing you have to DENY the pussypass like Afroman.

I'm a heterosexual man in my 40s. I'm about average in looks and I believe I've had relationships, (lovers, friends, acquaintances etc). with women a typical man experiences.

In college a girl who had friendzoned me

/u/mybloodcansing could your post be any more fake? You're an early 20s NEET MRA who's never touched a woman.

im just a normal man in my 40s whos a normal guy with normal relationships with other real, normal people

Like bags of sand

it’s always the short ones

Along with my dick, my butt, torso, hands, face, hair are absolutely off limits unless we're dating and even then only after my explicit permission.

Sempai-kun, can I h-hold your hand? blushes w^

I was going to compliment you on the funny title until I realised that it was literally the title of the linked post.

Holy irony, flam.

Good lord those comments are so dumb and wordy it's like Tim Buckley wrote them.