Probably hurt, depending on the job and what your resume looks like. I mean, if your resume shows that your autism isn’t getting in the way of you working then I’d assume employers wouldn’t care that much.
I would still say it’s a bad idea. There are countless factors that could negatively impact your chances of getting hired even if the employer denies it (and they may even do it subconsciously).
Some factors you obviously can’t control like height, race, and gender, but you want to avoid as many of them as possible.
Not necessarily if you remember that autism is a spectrum. They can be very good at speaking and presenting themselves but maybe bad at lets say working in groups for work related projects.
They want the 4chan /b/ autists that can find a flag based on star charts and flight patterns, not the reddit kind that freaks out over McDonalds being out of meme sauce
TBH, if diversity is good simple for the same of diversity itself, this argument is just unassailable. It's only if you believe that diversity should actually offer some kind of advantage, that this argument falls flat.
But hiring a crazy will definitely give you more bang for your buck in the 'different people think differently' category, than just hiring an ivy leaguer who lives the life of an ivy leaguer, but who happens to be black.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-10-14
Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 DeepDickedHillybilly 2017-10-14
I like how the top comment is literally autism.
And the second top comment is neurotypical.
1 MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-10-14
1 Justinat0r 2017-10-14
People with down syndrome consider autism neuroprivilege
1 ahbslldud 2017-10-14
"neurodiversity" jesus really?
1 PoorLilMarco 2017-10-14
If I say I have autism when I apply for a job, will it help or hurt my chances?
1 DeltaDiezel 2017-10-14
Probably hurt, depending on the job and what your resume looks like. I mean, if your resume shows that your autism isn’t getting in the way of you working then I’d assume employers wouldn’t care that much.
1 MasterLawlz 2017-10-14
I would still say it’s a bad idea. There are countless factors that could negatively impact your chances of getting hired even if the employer denies it (and they may even do it subconsciously).
Some factors you obviously can’t control like height, race, and gender, but you want to avoid as many of them as possible.
1 DeltaDiezel 2017-10-14
Yes I know, I was just addressing autism specifically.
1 deere442 2017-10-14
if you have autism to the point of where it impacts your work abilities, i'm pretty sure they're going to fucking notice in the interview lmao
1 DeltaDiezel 2017-10-14
Not necessarily if you remember that autism is a spectrum. They can be very good at speaking and presenting themselves but maybe bad at lets say working in groups for work related projects.
1 MasterLawlz 2017-10-14
I wouldn’t recommend it, unless it’s so bad that it would legitimately impact your ability to work. The term “equal opportunity employer” is bullshit.
Plus since it’s a mental disability there’s no way they can actually check.
1 TinyJibble 2017-10-14
They want the good kind of autism that lets you talk with computers, not the shitty kind we all have on this sub.
1 Pepperglue 2017-10-14
I have never seen a good kind of autist.
1 IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu 2017-10-14
They want the 4chan /b/ autists that can find a flag based on star charts and flight patterns, not the reddit kind that freaks out over McDonalds being out of meme sauce
1 MayorEmanuel 2017-10-14
The Israeli army is really missing out on my extensive knowledge of teddy bears/piss jugs.
1 OccasionallyClueless 2017-10-14
I'm a computah, stop all the downloadin
1 IndignantGoosnargh 2017-10-14
Israel wants to literally weaponize autism
1 DontTrustRedditors 2017-10-14
TBH, if diversity is good simple for the same of diversity itself, this argument is just unassailable. It's only if you believe that diversity should actually offer some kind of advantage, that this argument falls flat.
But hiring a crazy will definitely give you more bang for your buck in the 'different people think differently' category, than just hiring an ivy leaguer who lives the life of an ivy leaguer, but who happens to be black.