Is using a suggestive pick up line in an app designed to meet up and fuck people literally sexual assault? SRD discusses why it is.

37  2017-10-15 by shanewater


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. This Post -,*,,*

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

I just made an account a week ago. So far 13 likes, something like 6 matches, and no dates. I did match with 2 girls who are only looking for friends, so that's how I know about it.

Lol imagine being this clueless.

/U/xxsquirrelxx how are you so dumb?

You may have meant /u/xxsquirrelxx instead of /U/xxsquirrelxx.

Remember, I can't do anything against ninja-edits.

What is my purpose? I correct subreddit and user links that have a capital R or U, which are unusable on some browsers.

by Srikar

Good bot

I have a few friends who were innocent enough to think tinder was actually a dating app for people whose dads didn't rape them when they were children. It didn't take very long for them to learn the truth.

Imagine being so stupid you use Tinder just to meet people socially.

fucking people is social

We really need to have intercourse.

The worst message I ever got on grindr was from some fat old guy who told me he had a "very greedy bum-bum".

The worst message I ever got on grindr was from some fat old guy who told me he had a "very greedy bum-bum".

Lucky you.

He was really fat.

No, my point was, if that is the worst you've ever experienced on Grindr, consider yourself one of the lucky ones.

You don't know how fat this guy was.

Who knows? Maybe he had a nice HIV strain for you

It's v difficult to get HIV as the insertive partner, and I'm v much a no-glove-no-love type of girl anyway.

Was he any good?

You're cruisn' for a bruisin'.

I'll take that as a no.

Wasn't he too?

Did you meet up with him?

Follow up questions, did his ass gobble your knob like a corn on the cob?

He couldn't afford me, ducky.

Bit disappointed that I will never know how greedy his bum was, but props on you for keeping that bussy for a real buyer.

Straight women are cruising gay male sex apps for hookups, and it's even queerer than it sounds.

in what world does "woman has sex with men" sound queer?

Imagine being the last person left on earth who thinks Tinder is some vanilla dating app for finding your soul mate.

I feel sorry for the guys who get married to girls they met on Tinder. There's no way she didn't have the cum of another guy inside her on your first date.

But it's up to the specific woman to decide if it's harassment

Not saying it’s harassment - that’s up to the recipient imo

/u/Queen_Fleury /u/525days

By writing these comments, you have harassed me. I know you wrote these comments hoping I would read them and feel sexually violated by them.

Deny it if you want, but it's true. I don't really care about what they said, or the context, your intent. That doesn't matter. What matters is that I feel harassed, and my feelings that you did a bad thing change reality retroactively and make it so you did a bad thing.

So apologize. Now.

tbh you were kinda asking for it by browsing SRD. everyone knows SRDines are serial rapists.

I’m sorry that you’re a fucking idiot

stop denying my lived experiences!

apology accepted but I'm asking you to apologize for the harassment right now, thanks.

Wow, nice victim blaming. Have you tried being a decent human being with some empathy? smh

Wow. First you literally rape him and then you gaslight? Horrible.

I usually ask girls if they've seen Wonder Woman cause I'm wondering why they aren't my woman, but I guess I need to find a new pickup line now.

Why do you hate women?

Because I'm a privileged cisgendered male

Understandable, have a nice day.


Lol imagine being this clueless.


Imagine being so stupid you use Tinder just to meet people socially.


Imagine being the only person left on earth who thinks Tinder is some vanilla dating app for finding your soul mate.

Imagine being this unoriginal. But as bad as they are, imagine the utter retardation necessary to upvote their posts.

You have the post history of someone that uses a hookup app to try and find friends.

But worst of all, imagine how dumb I am to expect better from /r/drama.

Some pits go even deeper than the unplumbable depths of human imagination. Best just to turn back now

If it was, then everyone who has played online games has either been a sexual harasser or been sexually harassed.

I would argue that that is in fact the case.

can the fucking srdine