35  2017-10-16 by Ylajali_2002

I know that we like to meme and joke about the SRDine but this is a serious topic and so I would appreciate it if we could use some reverence here. I have not spoken to anyone about this other than my therapist.

This story is 100% true. It is not a joke. It really happened.

I knew an SRDine irl once. The guy ran this pizza shop in town that I used to frequent. After I had been going there for awhile we became sorta friendly, although he was kinda annoying and wouldn't ever shut up about gamergate. One day I came in and he asked me if I wanted "cheese pizza." I said no, that I'd just stick with my regular pepperoni, and he winked at me and said "no, do you want cheese pizza?" I was like wtf no just gimme the regular pepperoni, but he kept insisting that I didn't understand him. Eventually he told me that he had been working on a "new kind of cheese pizza" and he wanted me to try it out and tell him what I thought of it. The only catch was that this was a super secret recipe, and so I had to follow him down to the basement if I wanted to try it.

Tbh I don't even like cheese pizza, but I was really naive back then, and I wanted to be obliging, so I followed him downstairs. Whatever was down there to this day I can't remember. My therapist says I blocked out most of the memories as a response to trauma. What I do remember is the sound of screaming children. That and Hillary Clinton's "Fight Song" blasting through the stereo in a vain attempt to muffle the screams. I saw several SRD mods and regulars down there. Try as a might to forget the image, I can't erase from my memory their ugly, maniacal grins. Whatever was going on down there, they were clearly enjoying it.

When I got home that day I reported the incident to the admins. They told me that I would keep quiet if I knew what was good for me. For months afterwards I would receive cryptic PMs referencing something called "NAMBLA," telling me I had to "learn empathy" and check my "teleiophilic privilege."

I refuse to be intimidated by the SRDine. The world needs to know what they are doing. I hereby call on President Donald J Trump to launch a full investigation into the SRDine menace. There are children's lives on the line and we cannot afford to be silenced. For the sake of the children, the SRDine must be canned.

Mods please sticky this post. The world needs to know.


mods pls sticky

Also ban u/ed_butteredtoast


I'm starting to miss when people were spamming with fetish porn earlier


wow this

This post cured my autism.

The trick to curing autism is to expose the person to the same amount of autism they're afflicted with. It just cancels itself out.

Since last night after watching the #MLPMovie I’ve been feeling uneasy, I couldn't really put my finger on why though... then it hit me I haven't felt this way in a very long time. Thinking about it more actually made me shed a few tears at work while no one was looking.

It's feeling you get when you go to see someone you've been in love with for a long time but you've been separated, that was my Twilight in the movie.

Lame, I know, but finally seeing her in the movie was the best thing ever. After so many years it finally happened you know? Afterwards it was like fond farewell & my mixed feelings was because I was missing her. *sigh*

I admit I'm odd, so what? My hearts been broken & I've broken hearts. If I can find love in a character, so be it

No need for anyone else to break my heart anymore or for me to break theirs...

To be fair, you have to have a very low IQ to post regularly on /r/SubredditDrama. The humor is extremely dry, and without a solid grasp of normie mannerisms most of the jokes will go over a typical intellectual's head. There's also the userbase's love for being autistic, which is deftly woven into their characterisation - their personal philosophy draws heavily from their extra chromosomes, for instance. The users understand this stuff; they have the intellectual deficiency to truly appreciate the dryness of these jokes, to think that they're funny- and that they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who like /r/SubredditDrama truly ARE idiots- of course they would appreciate, for instance, the humour in "hurr durr" which itself is a not-so-cryptic reference to being a retard. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons laughing as the retardation of internet autists unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a tattoo of /u/Ylajali_2002. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the /r/drama posters' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.