/r/gamingcirclejerk has a huge shitfit after Obsidian employee makes a tame “assume” joke - SRD user wonder if their response was over the top and is downvoted to the bottom

156  2017-10-21 by John_Kvetch


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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The kids on reddit are in for a very harsh wake-up call when they get out in the real world, where the political center is significantly far from reddit's political center, and where a 1 vote majority doesn't let you completely silence everyone who disagrees with you.

the best is when they figure out only Chads get expense accounts

The best is when they figure out that only closers get coffee.

The best is when they figure out what PTO means and that they don't get any.

Especially when they get jobs. I think my biggest surprise when I first started working was that workplaces aren’t typically the stale, politically correct place the internet would make you think they are. Even professionals make vulgar jokes at times, and it will really surprise these people

Now imagine what it's like for people who don't work in sissy offices filling bussy pictures like you do.

Most of the vulgar workplaces will be retail. When I worked at a theater or at a store, even the managers and supervisors really didn’t give a shit about what they joked about lol

Clerks was a documentary but it's real interesting working where people pee outside.

Fuck some of these animals pee while you are talking to them

the hospitals I've worked at have been hives of vulgarity among both the professionals and non-professionals. It's crazy lol

/u/147C - eight day old account, went straight to GCJ to whine about dumb shit like how Drumpf is a meanie and how anti-SJWs are the real enemy. Keep yourself safe, immediately.

Also you're right, as long as someone makes rules far enough away from you, you don't have to follow them , be it real life or on the internet. Maybe that's why you have the 8 day old account LOL. #MakeGCJGreatAgain. Get rid of all the circlebroke gamerghazi losers who infested it a year or two ago.

anti SJWs are the real enemy tho. Way more annoying and ugly

Heres my shitty south park neutral summary of this drama:

Dev: [innocuous, outdated /r/fellowkids level meme/joke]

Reddit metasphere: REEEEEEEEE


That sums up like 75% of everything in /r/drama.

Yes, but those others claim to actually be normal people.

I honestly don't get how anyone could have read that "joke" and had strong feelings one way or the other.

Every day, a bunch of kids discover the internet for the first time. I've proposed solutions to stop this from happening but those bureaucrats in washington just won't listen, god damnit!

I doubt anyone was legitimately offended so much as they just saw an opportunity to grandstand and show how high gheir horses are.

Seems about right.

Are we at the point where we have more outrage for the initial outrage yet?

Americans were a mistake


American leftists



Not an argument.

Yeah, we took a wrong turn. We should all be getting hygge with some Palestinian cock up our asses like the based Danes.

See? They always jump to extremes.

Well we have to, we don't actually know shit about Denmark. We have to go for the stereotypes.

TBH I spent a day in Copenhagen and it was very nice. But /r/Drama is /r/Drama.

user reports:
1: book his next vacation to a gas chamber, ty mods and continue keeping it real.

Pakistanis, not palestinians you mayo. 🤦

It turns out Israeli on Palestinian porn isn't a thing yet. I'm off to pitch KOSHERED.

I do like that sub a lot but the political stuff is so boring. Too many ghazi nerds who start [le]terally shaking at everything.

Oh no they offended faggots who don't even like videi games oh no guys

That joke was so vanilla.

This upsets Bill Nye.

So many fags being triggered and they dont even post bussy.


The drama in /r/gamingcirclejerk is way better. The people in there are hilariously pathetic. One of them even blamed gamergate

/u/sleepsholymountain gamergate also raped my sister man

I am so sorry

As legions of trannys march towards Obsidians headquarters carrying their fixed mayonets and genderqueer banners, the Obsidian employees barricade the front doors in a panicked flurry. They then go up to the rooftop, and look down upon the vast swaths of trannys as one mega-tranny appears from the crowd. It screams in its gender-neutral voice "I AM OPTIMUS-TRANS. APOLOGIZE FOR YOUR SINS NOW OR BURN IN GENDERQUEER FLAMES." Its tone was harsh and quick, and instilled fear in many obsidian employees. The employees filled buckets with black printer ink as others fashion makeshift nun-chucks out of keyboards and mouses. One employee screams back at the mega-tranny saying "YOU WILL NEVER TAKE US. OUR WALLS ARE STRONG AND TESTICLES MANY." The trannys grow enraged by the speak of testicles, many of them lacking such. The trannys begin to storm the walls, climbing the building in grotesque fashion. The employees mounted thier defenses, pouring black ink down on the trannys, turning them black. The trannys then start profusely apologizing to the black trannys about privilege and such trivial things before running away. As the hordes of trannys fled from the building in fear of insulting a black tranny, mega-tranny screamed " YOU HAVE BESTED US THIS TIME, BUT WE WILL BE BACK!"

wow is this the next lord of the rings?

It misses the part where Obsidian launches a successful counter-attack by sending them anime figures, hentai douijins straight from Japan, and tendies.





Gee Bill! How come your mom lets you have two genders?



How about neither deserves to be the butt of a joke

Wut? How come you get to dictate who can be the butt of a joke?

A lot of the reason we switched to using the term transgender was to include everybody on the gender spectrum. We're all transgender. Some are closer to the binary and some are more in the middle. It's all one big umbrella.

/u/Orphic_Thrench Speak for yourself, you LGBTCHUTIYA faggot.

When there are infinite genders, the changes of you being assigned the right gender are infinitesimal!

Amazing how we guess it correctly over 99.9% of the time. Pure luck I guess.

Does that mean I am oppressed now?

I'm all for trans rights, but this is criminally stupis. Gender identity has a low-level neurobiological basis, you can't just be a medium rare female or whatever. People like this are either confusing gender identity with gender expressiin/roles or blatantly making shit up to join the LGBT club and feel special.

It's the latter, and that's why the percentage of trans Americans has doubled in recent years.

Sadly, the population of people actually suffering gender dysphoria are having their movement overwhelmed by a bunch of bandwagoners who are competing with each other to see who is the most progressive and oppressed.

What the fuck are you talking about?

making shit up to join the LGBT club

dude it's fucking ridiculous how much this bullshit happens. my high school had an entire stupid-ass cliqué of kids who thought that if they colored their hair and waved their hands a bit more in conversation they were definitely LGBT.

My highschool had gay drag queens and one kid who wore a plastic viking helmet and breastplate thing

Yea but I have a tumblr picture that says you're wrong


I like my females well done, thank you very much

I was referring to gender-variant people, but I can understand how you might have missed that since you're clearly lacking in critical thinking ability...

keep yourself safe.

keep them all safe while you're at it.

I was referring to gender-variant people

you mean faggots?

No, those are sexuality variant people. Seriously, keep up.

I'm not going to use up the neurotransmitters required for me to "keep up" with terms faggots and trannies use to describe themselves.

Yeah, I guess if you're already running short on neurons it would be hard to keep up...

Mind you, there's a severely brain damaged guy I see on the bus all the time and he seems to be able to manage just fine...

Just how many neurons short are you, anyway?

No, you misunderstood me entirely. I have plenty of neurotransmitters (note that these aren't the same thing as neurons), I just elect to use them for things that actually matter, as opposed to keeping up with your faggot jargon.


Seriously, you walked right into that one

No, not really.

I mean c'mon, you're the one claiming to be worried about wasting your precious bodily fluids neurotransmitters trying to keep up. When it really doesn't take any effort.

It comes down to you just don't want to because you want to be an asshole. As I keep saying, you're allowed to do that (hell, on r/drama it's kind of expected). But shockingly people are going to call you an asshole for it.

Seriously, just quit the rationalizing and roll with it. "Yep, I'm an asshole, and I don't care, and that's why people don't like me but fuck them!"

It comes down to you just don't want to because you want to be an asshole.

Holy shit, you finally understand what I was saying.

Seriously, just quit the rationalizing and roll with it. "Yep, I'm an asshole, and I don't care, and that's why people don't like me but fuck them!"

I don't want people like you to like me.

Holy shit, you finally understand what I was saying.

Well just go with that, shit, no reason for all the handwaving about being too stupid to keep up

Shut up faggot.

Fuck you, asshole

I'm sure you'd like to, fag.

When it becomes part of popular culture, casually undermining the genderqueer becomes part of popular culture. Which sucks. The people who joke at the expense on genderqueer people should be publicly shamed. And no, attack helicopter is not a gender. If a candidate in future elections promises to deal with these situations, I will vote for him/her.

/u/TheDeadManWalks Dude, are you retarted?

Well, I only said the first two sentences. Don't know where you got the rest from.

When it becomes part of popular culture, casually undermining the genderqueer becomes part of popular culture. Which sucks. The people who joke at the expense on genderqueer people should be publicly shamed.

These two are still pretty retarded.

The first two.

When it becomes part of popular culture, casually undermining the genderqueer becomes part of popular culture. Which sucks.

Still retarded.

Maybe so but at least I can count.

I didn't major math in college, so that is all right.

If a candidate in future elections promises to deal with /u/TheDeadManWalks, I will vote for xir.

If a candidate in future elections promises to launch the helicopters, I will vote for whirr.

Did you guys vote brigade? My comment was at like -34 and now it’s -7 lol

ideally some people just pulled their heads out of their asses but probably

Degenerates like them belong on a cross

That’s like the tamest joke I’ve ever seen on reddit, what the fuck.

Ok wtf is with the trend of SJWs calling their pet people "folks?" Its all "trans folks," "genderqueer folks" etc etc. Stop it. Stop it right now.

Along with "Y'all" like they're all black chicks from Atlanta but end up sounding like old white ladies from Mississippi.

Right? The fuck is this fake cutesy bullshit. Everyone who does this can kill themselves thanks.

Obama tortured some folka

Extrajudicially assasinated some folks too.

This will sound like a joke, but its so that they don't have to assume what the person's gender is. It's considered the "acceptable" gender-neutral term for a group of people.

But you can just say "people" like someone with the right number of chromosomes.

Sure, but then people wouldn't know how woke you are.

Then you're literally raping and murdering otherkin with your pronouns.

I call them "trans folks" because I don't like using the term "people" to describe what are clearly deranged animals.

When it becomes part of popular culture, casually undermining the genderqueer becomes part of popular culture.

That is the plan, I'm glad it is coming to fruition.

This is hilarious.

Outsiders don't get to do that, anymore than it's okay for straight people to say "fag" or white people to say "nigger".

And no, it's not "language policing". It's saying "hey, if you do this, you're an asshole".

/u/Orphic_Thrench, you definitely dont understand what "language policing" means

Yes, you're allowed to do that, "you don't get to do that" as in "if you do this you're an asshole"

C'mon, context, it's not hard

see? i told you

That's not policing - like I said, you're certainly allowed to. I think thats extremely important. But yes, it's not exactly controversial to say that white people saying "nigger" are assholes. I didn't realize before that I was being pinged from r/drama, so yes, I'm aware that straight people saying "faggot" is much more acceptable than the norm here, though (and perhaps I'm wrong) I'm pretty sure most of drama are aware that they're assholes, but enjoy it

Your post has too many words in it. I'm coming to citizens arrest you, hang on



rude :(

to seriouspost for a second, your failures are a) not understanding that "policing," in this usage, does not require the involvement of actual police or other explicitly designated social apparatuses of repression, and b) that "language policing" is something basically every functional social group, from the family unit on up, does to some extent. your kneejerk need to deny any sort of tendency towards it on your part, while you are literally doing it, mind, is retarded not only because you fail to understand that such an characterization is not inherently objectionable, but because, having failed to understand the terms of the discussion, you attempt to defend yourself based on an assertion in support of speech rights, when the subject at hand is speech norms

ur a faggot btw




omigosh zozzle-san noticed me *blushes* owo

Actually, no, not quite

It's not about "policing" language is what I'm saying. Although I can think of situations that could legitimately be described as such, I disagree that telling someone they're being an asshole when they're being an asshole counts. I consider it a way for assholes to attempt to shut down criticism of themselves.

Also, "ur" an asshole btw

yes, like i said, you dont understand what the term means

I understand the way some people use it - I object to that usage in literalist terms

You equate saying a word to being an arsehole. That's you criticising language, shaming for daring to utter those words. You also think it is fine for insiders to use those words and you can be the judge of who is inside and outside. That judgement combined with selective shaming/abuse of offenders is the policing.

It's not just saying the words; they're not swears. It's context.

If someone is knowingly saying things that hurt a particular subgroup of people, what would you call that? If they're doing it unknowingly and someone says "please stop, that hurts" and they refuse to stop because they don't take the other person's pain seriously, what would you call that?

And no, it's not necessarily "fine" for insiders, but it's more of a different type of problem. Are you honestly going to argue that a black person saying nigger is the same as a white person saying nigger?