Weinstein's Raping Ways Worse Because he Did Not Rape Basketball Americans

256  2017-10-23 by [deleted]


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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I feel like i am loosing it. If i understood this, the cunt says that black women aren't desired by these rapists and this is a big problem? I mean, i tried read the whole thing but it was nonsense after nonsense.

What a world we live in, instead of supporting the people that were affected by this, now it's the time to say "but what about meee?". And they say men always try to make everything about them Disgusting.

It's the plot of an IASIP episode with race thrown in the mix.

Southpark did with Mr Garrison in like season 3.

Sorry, I only watch superior Nippon cartoons

black women aren't desired by these rapists and this is a big problem?

everyone wants to feel wanted. imagine going to prison and not even getting threatened with rape. it's gotta be soul-crushing.

Maybe they should get a rapeable bussy

Bussy meme was so August 2017.

Bussy never gets old you heathen

"So, uh, stabby jay. Would you say my mouth is a) pretty/little or b) not pretty or little? Just wondering."

Can confirm - I was incarcerated for acts of terrorism against the US a decade ago and not one person in Guantanamo tried to murder or torture me. They just let me sit there like an ugly duckling that nobody wanted. Being unwanted hurts man...it really hurts...I'm human too man....death to America.

Soul crushing not getting your hole smushing

What a world we live in, instead of supporting the people that were affected by this, now it's the time to say "but what about meee?".

Don't you understand, you've got to make everything about race. Had he assaulted black women they would have been talking about how he viewed black women as property or some bullshit. Since he didn't assault them they will call him a racist and talk about how no one wants black women...

This whole thing is an overhyped PC problem. Specifically the letters P and C. Some social justice warrior read the news articles about Harvey Weinstein but their dyslexia made them mistake the word "rapist" for "racist" and now they're up in arms about entirely the wrong thing and insisting on "more minority rapes in Hollywood."

This is the only plausible explanation that I can think of for why an article so dumb got written. The only other explanation is incredibly terrifying - that the progressive left really is that insane - so I refuse to acknowledge it.

Also TIL lupita nyong'o is white lmao

black people are the white people of north and west africa

White people are the black people of south and east africa just like brown people are the beige people of America.

the fuck are beige people? mulattos?

Yep. Damned souls trapped halfway between mayo and choco.

What do we do when the mayocide comes for them?

She's the one person he's disputed lol

That's just to fill his rape diversity quota.

That's not really what the article is saying, but I read the sidebar so it's alright.

Enlighten us. What is it trying to say? That not raping/sexually assaulting black women is racist?

That when you cast people according to whether you want to fuck them, because Hollywood is already very white, you're going to get a disproportionately white cast.

Literally this.

because Hollywood is already very white


because Hollywood is already very (((white)))

But I'd we take all the facts and arguments about white people and instead say (((white people))) then we're literally hitl...

Ohhhhhhh got it.

Lol being an ugly black woman has its advantages. Low risk of being raped.

LMAO this sub is so shit now. Every post has a serious response at the top because all the newfags think this is a place to soapbox about the politics you hate

That's what drama is now. A political disagreement.

You have to try to rationalize something this violently retarded.

this but unironically

Ironically the newfriends have given me a new appreciation and understanding of the need for immigration control.

This article reads like satire that's so crazy it wouldn't make for effective satire. But it's 2017 and this stuff is somehow par for the course.



A certain segmemt of our society was faced with the ethical conundrum of which is worse, rape or racism? And without a second thought they picked racism

Drive by agendaposting? In my /r/Drama?

Hey, we have a crypto hate reputation and it must be sustained somehow or we lose all our alt right credibility.

Think of the goys ffs


What did he mean by this?

This post is a nice bookend to someone's brief time on this world. F

(((they))) got him

Almost 100% sure maybe it was the user u/suscessful-troll

Harvey Weinstein does rapes by the progressive stack. In this case since rape is bad, he starts at the top and work backwards. Don't worry disabled black trans midgets, you'll get get a turn to forcibly ride space mountain. Wooooo. Somewhere in the middle of this comment I switched Harvey Weinstein with Ric Flair, and that's ok.

Somewhere in the middle of this comment I switched Harvey Weinstein with Ric Flair, and that's ok.

And we're all unironically better for it, tbqh famalam.

It's not really rape because white """people""" can't be raped, only PoC can be raped.

According to some commies, all sex as of now might be rape:

"The dominant way of thinking about rape is that there is “good sex” and “bad sex.” Consensual sex is “good,” while non-consensual sex is rape. However, the notion of “consent” actually reinforces rape culture. The “consent” model legitimates relations of domination, shields the real content of sexual relations from scrutiny, and silences, downplays, or misrepresents gender-oppressed people’s negative experiences with sex. The reality which the “consent” model ultimately obscures is that sexuality under patriarchy is an oppressive set of practices. These practices dominate heterosexual relations but also cannot be escaped by any other form of sexuality within patriarchal society.

The point of our argument is precisely that there is not any lifestyle under patriarchy which is in itself subversive. Additionally, we must stress that the intent of our argument is not to moralize at any particular lifestyle. Moralizing at individuals is just as ineffective as glorifying a sexual practice as inherently revolutionary. The point rather is that sexuality without oppression is only possible if we get rid of the whole damned system.

There remains however the issue of how to address sexual practices pending revolution. Sexuality is an issue which communist organizations will have to address if they hope to advance feminist aims. It would therefore be useful to find a replacement for “consent” as a model of thinking about rape.

Such a replacement framework might be difficult to generate. We have discussed how all rape is sex. But is all sex rape? Recall that at the beginning of this piece, we said that rape is central to gender oppression because it transforms the victim into a “being for another.” But as our argument developed, we saw that this is true, to some extent or another, of all sex. Is a distinction between rape and sex in general even meaningful? Some, notably the Maoist Internationalist Movement, have argued that all sex under patriarchy is in fact rape. On the other hand, we might find that there is some usefulness in denoting some distinction between the average heterosexual relationship and, say, sex trafficking. For now, we leave this an open question.

In sum, we hope that in revisiting what is sometimes called “sex negativity,” we can take steps forward in the effort to build a communist movement that is poised not only to overthrow the bourgeoisie, but also patriarchy.

All rape in a feminized society is in fact consensual sex. Men are incapable of raping women in a feminized society because rape = sex + patriarchy. Go forth, /r/drama users and finally have "consensual" "sex"

god, reading this until i understood what they're saying annoyed me
































Marxism unironically

Hey Thhueros, this is some good Shitleftistssay material

God was this made by Maoists.

There should be gladiator pits for all Maoists and Nazis to be thrown into.

Of course it was made by maoists.

being for another


I, _, take you, _, to be my lawfully wedded (husband/wife), to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

You worked that all out yourself did you?

Ted Bundy was a racist because he only chose white women!

White privilege is getting raped.


BJS statistics:

Black on white rape: ~20,000/year
White on black rape: ~0/year

That's not true man

You are right, stick a few more zeros after the 2 and it is accurate

Sage words

I'm going to bet that if I go to any of those URLs they'll have been taken down.

Edit: Surprisingly, no. Also, holy shit this data is in fact accurate. I thought "there's no way, in a nation of 300 million people there have to have been some". But nope. There were zero white on black rapes.

This made me wonder if perhaps you were just /u/Muslims_despise_you wearing a sock puppet, so I checked all 4, and even a few others I found by guessing the URL. Does in fact check out. (Although, it's worth noting the stats say 0.0%, which is a sample size of 10 or fewer... might well be zero for statistical purposes, and either way the disparity is still clear.)

Now the question is if we're both just sock puppets of /u/Muslims_despise_you .... you lazy fuckers may never know.

For the only partially lazy, here's a link to the 2006 stats so you don't have to type it yourself: http://bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov/content/pub/pdf/cvus0602.pdf Page 30.

maybe you're the real sock puppet of /u/Muslims_despise_you, and you're trying to throw us off the trail

I strenuously deny these vile misrepresentations of my character.

I mean uh... Totally fabricated Fake news. Sad!

which is a sample size of 10 or fewer

going by the stats, black women are more likely to actually have been white men just born in the wrong body than for them to get raped by a white guy

I'm guessing that they just don't go to the police 🚨.

whats the chances a white woman would go to the police either. white women are usually pretty woke and wouldn't want to endanger the life of a black rapist

Hmmm white women are not pretty woke, most of them voted for Trump.

the white women that voted for trump don't live around blacks, they would never be raped by one

How can anyone be this dumb. racist white women live all over this country. Your world view is twisted by too much anime/video games.

My theory is that black women are more likely to be armed,

The obvious answer is black women are disproportionately obese, ugly, and loud as hell. Raping some shrieking, ape-faced "woman" is not the average rapist's fantasy.

strange I had to go this far to find the correct answer.

rapists wanna fuck their fantasy woman.

And 250lb lakeisha is not that fantasy.

Disregarding the fact that on average, black women are mostly overweight, most guys, black or white find them unattractive.

They are obnoxious, they are selfish, they are entitled, they are just as violent as the males.

even rapists have self-respect.

My theory is that black women are more likely to be raping.

Yeah, he's not counting all the white men raped by black women, or the white men raped by black men.

except it is.

hate to break your little "college-educated" and super-provincial world-view, there, honey.

This horrible racist cannot stand.

What can we do as a society to bring those numbers to parity?

Sounds like we gotta put on our raping boots and get to work.

fun fact, black women are like 100x more likely to rape a white guy than vice versa.

which seems fucking crazy to think about, like could you imagine the williams sisters tying you down and riding your cock? just fucking you for hours on end. demanding you tell them how much you love it. keeping your dick hard as a rock with boner pills as you try and fight the feelings their hot naked bodies give you. like seriously just imagine that

Ew, not anime? No thanks.

Thank you for that imagery.

100 times 0 is still 0

Another place where Europe is superior. Thanks to countless migrants engaging in unpaid labor, thousands of women and girls in Europe are being lifted up with white privilege.

Despite Hollywoods best effort, america just can't compete.

this article is retarded, and blatantly wrong.

Lupita Nyong'o has said he assaulted her, so this entire article is nothing more than SJW bullshit.

So being raped is white woman privilege?

Didn't read the whole article (couldn't make it through that BS to save my life, and wouldn't want to)... because that's exactly what I thought.

Read the very last paragraph. It’s like so and sos career was damaged, but at least she didn’t have to deal with a sexual assault, too. This author is really not putting two and two together here. And then after the last paragraph it says “since the time of publishing, Lupita Nyong’o has come forward.” So now the whole thing was REALLY pointless and reaching.

If your news article includes the word 'fuckability' you probably aren't an actual journalist.

Writing your shitpiece on anything within buzzfeed domain kinda gives that away

so not only is he a rapist but he’s a racist rapist


women, nothing is ever good enough for them. even when it comes to "not being raped", you have to not rape her for the right reasons, or it's a sin.

bussy is looking like a better and better alternative. but i suppose that was (((their))) depopulation plan all along.

😂😂😂 what the fuck

Yeah I was gonna say this doesn't even seem to be the case.

It's about ethics in tabloid journalism.


lol... pussies are already disfigured, don't call them black, jesus

Human civilization was truly a cosmic mistake

Do not mistake a blight on civilization (such as rape hustlers or other assorted agents of chaos) for civilization itself. They are like the barbarians trying to storm a castle... they are not the castle themselves but are a threat to the castle.

You want to see true rape hustling? Remove all forms of civilization and let the world revert back to its beautiful "natural" state... nature knows all about how a proper rape is done.

Time for Spike Lee to up his game.

WTF? I love Harvey Weinstein now.

I’m all for the cause, but what a weird thing to bring race into? Is she saying black women should have been sexually harassed by this one guy? Most sexual assaults and crimes in general are committed against the same race as the criminal, anyway... I just don’t... understand... the point of this article

At the end it says a black woman has come out against Weinstein since the publishing of the article.

True racial equality is achieved when rapists examine their racial bias and start raping Big beautiful black womyn.

The author makes a good case for why women require chaperones in public or when around strange males.

So basically this womans thesis is that black women are unfuckable?

looks at her profile picture

Well, at least one of them is.

So the black lives matter take on this is, he didn't rape enough women?

WTF I like BLM now.

"Basketball Americans"? Come on r/drama, really. Let the links speak for themselves. Stop the childish bullshit in the titles.

Childish bullshit? Or r/drama? I am shocked, I say! Shocked!

Are you fucking retarded or

I suppose by this subs definition, yes.

I suppose if I am honest with my self yeah a little bit. I am on the internet though so I have no one to blame but myself

Buried beneath the sickening story of Harvey Weinstein's abuse is another story — the problem of casting women by their fuckability — and who that leaves out.

Is the black female author of this article literally saying black females are unfuckable?

The was no elephant in this room till she pushed one in there.

so just watched the commentary of She's All That. The director said that weinstein told him to put lil kim in it. He never met her and didn't know who she was until after filming. I am confident Weinstein got some action from her.

Damned if you're raped, damned if you're not

no theyre just from there