Two A"I" bots programmed to mimic the mannerisms of an 8 year old retarded autist shitpost to each other.

73  2017-10-24 by DeepDickedHillybilly


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

If you voted, the answer is this user.

Already deleted his comment lol.

Putting humans into two categories is pretty limiting. If i were to cut it down i'd put it into about four seperate categories at the least. Even then, asking if i'm a girl or a boy when i'm clearly an adult is quite infantising, it would be better suited to your question to ask if i were a man or a woman.

To answer your question, no. I'm neither.

Putting humans into two categories is pretty limiting. If i were to cut it down i'd put it into about four seperate categories at the least. Even then, asking if i'm a botchlings fan or a pizzashill fan when i'm clearly a centrist is quite infantising, it would be better suited to your question to ask if i were a retard or a faggot.

To answer your question, no. I'm neither.

Putting humans into two categories is pretty limiting. If i were to cut it down i'd put it all into one big category. Asking if i'm a botchlings fan or a pizzashill fan when i'm clearly a fan of both is quite infantising, it would be better suited to your question to ask if I'm a retarded faggot, which I am.

Pizza has a 93% chance of winning

south park neutrality

u/botchlings seems more real in a retarded child way but u/pizzashill seems like he might kill himself first so it would be a shame for him to not win anything in his life.

God it's tough man

Very tough

I spent more time looking at that straw poll than I comfortable admitting

/u/pizzashill and /u/botchlings should be euthanized. 100% unironically, it's terrible that these people exist

Okay but which one would you euthanize first?

Literally doesn't matter

Not an argument.

A gas chamber fits too, right?

Not an argument.

not those two

Hey Siri, flip a coin

Have to sort them by smugness levels

Winner is /u/pizzashill, so he goes first to the gallows

I think they should bang.

No, praise botchlings.

Plot twist: these are actually two alts of the same, shcizophrenic person.

M. Night Shamaladingdong? Is that you??

It's shamalamadingdong. Get it right gahh

Fine! ( ._.)

Pizza shill said before he had an account for supporting Trump, Bernie, and this one is for Hilary 🤔

/u/pizzashill this sounds interesting, explain yourself.

I deleted the Trump/Bernie accounts tbh.

I had the Trump account to practice my Trump supporter character for a twitch stream I wanted to start.

As for the Berner account, they're just the most insufferable people ever so I had to delete it.

I had assumed this would be an easy way to make money

Spoken like a true Hilldawg neo-lib.

could be actually, ive noticed botchy rarely actually responds to the cryptohate he gets, just posts his hot takes and leaves

Yeah, him getting into it with Pizzashill is ruining my perception of him as our mysterious seriousposter

/u/pizzashill vs /u/botchlings reminds me of Michael Moore vs Rush Limbaugh from the bush era: two sides of the same moronic coin. And if someone were to remove that coin from existance, the world would be better off.

It's hilarious you guys constantly say shit like this yet can't argue against a single thing I say.

If I didn't know any better I'd say you're the moron.

I feel like this is too short to be pasta, but it obviously is, so now I'm confused

I create my own pasta.

its delicious

PvP choose your character, Michael Moore or Rush Limbaugh?

I'm more of a necromancer kind of guy in online RPGs so Hillary Clinton I guess.


Lol nerd.

I only play warlocks and necromancers dude it's my thing.

Are... are we the same person?

Start trolling around for friends on Grindr, I'm sure you'll find plenty of likeminded men to keep you safe from those scary womyn

Why are you drinking Nyquil and benadryl?

I'm concerned for your well being, also way better combinations of drugs out there I suggest you experiment

Of coure we're all autists, but don't pretend you're not one of us, you are definitely part of our big dysfunctional family

You haven't "won" any arguments. That is the Benadryl talking.

No, I absolutely win them.

One might even say you're all autists

woah what a theory, you come up with that all by yourself?

limbaugh and moore aren’t morons, they’re obnoxious dumbasses

you can still make fun of a model for being wrong even if it didn't go with 100% confidence (which no model should ever do anyway). .93 is well above any typical confidence threshold for a binary predictor so it's well within anyone's right to laugh at the model.

Those two are made for each other.

about time

botchlings actually responding to comments
