Legaladvice argue about driving through a marathon.

82  2017-10-24 by Standard12


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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/u/thepatman yeah, you can "drive into pedestrians", it's called a Shared Space. The US has them. Of course, there's rules, like "drive carefully" (like the OP did).

Cardio is the betas preferred exercise.

Virgin: Nothing but cardio, skinny body.

Chad: Nothing but weightlifting, only cardio is short sprints from squat rack to bench.

Virgin: die of injuries from fight

Chad: die in sauna from a heart attack

only cardio is short sprints from squat rack to bench


I thought that was moving the mouse and pumping my dick



/u/thepatman stop being so melodramatic.

i don't think he can.

certainly not now. getting all angry and more dramatic is his go to response when he acts stupid and people point it out because he doesn't like feeling stupid.

He also distinguished that comment. Because for some reason LA mods love to randomly distinguish their stupid opinions to give them more weight.

"As a MOD..."

They also flair themselves as Quality Contributors because they have learned law by parroting the same basic landlord-tenant advice that's repeated all the damn time.

I actually practiced landlord - tenant law in Ontario, which is very different from their standard regurgitation.

Doesn't stop idiots like patman, parsnippity, and grasshoppa from giving incorrect advice and potentially really screwing someone over.

Canada isn't a real country tho.

Good thing I live in Ontario.


Marathoners are way richer than the general population and pay more taxes than wage slaves who can't even helicopter around on busy days.

Roads are meant for people driving cars.

Actually roads were meant for pedestrians and horses, but they were repurposed for cars because they were the best thing available.

He also started flairing his posts and threatening bans for disagreeing with him.

omg megadork /u/patman is a mod??


It's /u/THEpatman. Gotta properly ping the retard.

thanks, I must have run over the THE with my car.

Was it a Challenger?

I'm glad to see he's a known idiot. He banned me from there the other day for making fun of his legal arguments.

I think that's the buttmunch who banned me.

As a butthole connoisseur pls don't use that word as a pejorative, tyvm.

The mods flair themselves as 'quality contributors'? How modest of them.

Lol he started bolding his words to make it seem more serious.

I believe MAD Magazine operates under similar editorial policies.

Not just a mod, the most vocal mod. Basically the face of LA.

He's a bit of a tool.

LOL at /u/parsnippity for locking the post so that his fellow mod, /u/THEpatman, can maintain what little dignity he has left.

because as you pointed out the mods cover for one another and a slight against one of them is a slight against all of them.

Because the ultimate lack of actual legal knowledge and the legal profession is a pre-req to modship there, much like how in our lovely sub a lack of decorum and general social skills is.

Yeah when I saw the stickied post I was thinking cool, everyone lost their shit. Then I realized the thread was locked because one of the mods had an unpopular opinion and didn't like that.

One time I was working nights and when I got home I found my home was encircled by a two hour marathon. You're damn right I considered driving through but the po-po had everything blocked off. I ended up parking in a public lot and running across the crowd so I could go home and masturbate while I waited for the marathon to end and then I went back to get my car.

bad bot

OP should've just explained that he confused the marathoners with antifa and/or nazis, and so he was morally obligated to drive through them.

I'd be really surprised if anything bad happened to OP. He drove slowly, nobody stopped him, he didn't hit anybody etc. etc. People are acting like he's going to go to jail for that? Fact is nobody really gives a shit when nothing bad happens. Anyone who saw him probably just thought he was a race official or something.

Love how he puts on his modhat in a last-ditch effort to gain some credibility in the argument

I'm with OP, you can't just block someone from leaving their home. Get out of the way if you see a car coming, it's not hard.

I love how they act as if he plowed into a solid mass of people at 70mph. These people are fucking blowhards.

70 mph ≈ 110 km/h

metric units bot | feedback | source | hacktoberfest | block | refresh conversion | v0.11.11


I love how they act as if he plowed into a solid mass of people at 70mph.

Is that wrong? Should I stop doing this? Honestly, it doesn't really seem wrong to me so why is this a "bad thing" all of a sudden?

Dude, you need to build up speed first. Once you go through enough mayos, all the cum on their skin will slow down the car. You'll need that momentum to push through to the end. Do you want to half-ass your vehicular mayocide?

Do you want to half-ass your vehicular mayocide?

Dude, you totally made me see the light here. Realistically I should be using a steam roller.

As long as you don't reverse over them afterwards intent to harm hasn't been shown and you can always argue that you never saw a single person go under your wheels, so legally you should be fine.

so legally you should be fine

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. As long as I'm not hurt, it's OK.

If the worst comes to the worst, just tell them you didn't know you weren't allowed to do that. They can't prove otherwise.

Fucking wypipo and their cultural appropriation from Arabic culture

I love how /u/thepatman started mod-flairing his posts after losing the argument.

Gotta show off that e-peen.

Well, you you know /u/thepatman hasn't got any other peen to show off. He doesn't even have good advice, thus why he has to get all mod huffy whenever point out he's a flailing retard.

Wow people are REALLY mad about some dude driving his car. Good find OP! Good drama!

What a fucking stupid mod

/u/thepatman yo for real, we don't even need to shut down streets for a marathon. The organizers could just have people do laps in a park or something.

Hehe nice catch

"Once they've crossed the finish line, they're no longer joggers."

That sub is trash, never go there for a solid opinion.

/u/THEpatman is there a worstoflegaladvice? You should be head mod there