I've never seen a sub revolt against their mods with such unanimity

25  2017-10-26 by NONAMEBLANKFACE


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Here's a sample of the content that the mods banned. Don't watch it, you probably won't like it. Regardless, it seems that the r-Cowboys community overwhelmingly thinks it belongs there, in spite of their power hungry mod's wishes.


Imagine becoming an unpaid internet moderator just so you can power trip because you don't hold any meaningful power in your life

No need to imagine! I just have to remember back to when I was 12 years old and desperately wanted to moderate my favorite Digimon forum!


/u/ComedicSans Care to comment?

Holding real-life, meaningful power is entirely different from abusing meaningless mod "power".

Abusing power in real life can lead to a lot of consequences

Abusing mod power is just darn fun

Imagine moderating some online forum centered around obsessing about a bunch of other people playing sports

I do that with yer nan m8.

Let's make a new sub, with blackjack and hookers!!

I invited you to mod r/The_Cowboys...

The_Cowboys is too close to "The_Donald" for my taste.

Imagine being such an assblasted snowflake, adding the word "the" to a name is problematic.

Yeah that's pretty weird. I'm just offended by underscores tbf, this isn't 2002 anymore.

I think we need to confront the admins about the blatant spacism in their subreddit naming rules.

Isn't your problem internet protocols, though?



Edit: oh, derp. Kind of, but%20this%20kills%20the%20joke.

The is ableist you shitlord.

adding the word

Oh you son of a bitch.

TheCowboys would've been better. If you're going to use underscores in a name it should all be lower case. Or all uppercase (if it's a constant.)

LOL there's a cowboys sub? when have the cowboys been relevant in that past 20 years?

Explain this faggotry in clear and concise terms, you fucking hoodlem

Can I have a synopsis?

There is a user who creates reaction videos to Dallas games. He has actually been involved with the Cowboys organization as well. The community liked the videos, but the mods banned him on grounds of self promotion. The community disagrees. The mods will allow his content to be uploaded by other people, but his account remains banned. Once every month the community complains about the mods because we can't post memes or jokes, and only recently were allowed to post memes in the comment section. It's kind of ridiculous. I don't think the videos are funny tho.

There is a user who creates reaction videos. The mods banned him.

Good job.