Looks like the Jews might have killed JFK.

75  2017-10-27 by greensforest


RECORD NUMBER: 180-10065-10379




Name of individual: ECHEVARRIA, HOMER S.

Reason for PRS interest: Nov. 1963, informant advised Chicago office that subject was member of anti-Casto Cuban group. Subject allegedly approached informant to provide machine guns for Cuban rev. 11/21/63 subject allegedly told informant "We now have plenty of money -- our new backers are Jews -- as soon as 'we' or (they) take care of Kennedy..." Subject expressed favorable attitude toward LBJ.

Degree of threat: 1 2 3

Organizations to which individual belongs: anti-Castro Cuban

Nationalistic group: Cuban

Date called to Secret Service attention: 11/26/63

Referred by other agency? NO YES

Action taken: Investigation by Chicago office did not disclose any violation under our jurisdiction and check-ups never initiated. Subject not interviewed.

Last location: Chicago, Il. '63

Field office: Chicago

Last UPD: 4/25/69

Page 59 (64 on pdf)



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Pretty convenient that SnapJewbot's message didn't involve Jews for this post... Really activates my almonds

That's the smoking gun? Some handler taking a statement from some kook he has in the field?

This release is only going to cause more conspiracy theories because it's all trash and all the good stuff is being redacted.

Jews don't kill people. The people they bankroll do.

Nah you killed Jesus you fucks

Nah, We've always hired the Romans/Italians to do our dirty work.

Fucking dagos, I bet all it cost them was a plate of gabagool

Honestly, we just tell them "Hey, that guy said your mother is, in fact, not a saint" and it just kinda takes care of itself after that.

And that's why you see so many Jews and Italians in new York.

Jesus wasn't human he was son of God reeeeee

This is literally heresy. Mods, ban this guy


Ummm, no. The romans were the ones who did it. Jews just manipulated the situation and sat back and watched the romans do the dirty work. πŸ˜‡

How's ccd going?

And then Judas became Dracula which is why vampires are scared of crosses and silver. It's canon

That's actually a decent head canon...

"I made this."

I wish it was mine it's actually the plot of Dracula 3000, an absolutely terrible movie otherwise

What about the wood and garlic tho

Wood of the cross, and they served garlic at the last supper

>Implying (((they))) didn't bankroll Pontious Pilate

Jesus is and was Jewish. Your god is Jewish.

A black mob killed a black man. The black man that was murdered is and was black.

The black mob still killed a black man.

Only on his mother's side though!

Jesus had it coming tbh

I can't argue with that habibi, death to all hippies πŸ‘³πŸ”«

The prophet we all need.

I am a prophet of our lord and savior /u/SnapshillBot and his holy word.

Recently his holy words lost a lot of it's bite but I will work on interpreting his new reddit API focused sermon for the masses. Stay tuned!

I think you mean (((LBJew=========================)))

Jews, what can't they do

(((We're))) pretty bad at not complaining.

And breeding out allergies


^ Can confirm, am confirmed carrier for this disease.

He said Tay-Sachs, not ballsacks

You joke of the Chosen People's misfortune? 😑 Do you know how many jewish babies have died of Tay-Sachs? You disgust me, sir! 😀

Do you know how many jewish babies have died of Tay-Sachs

Not enough πŸ•ŽπŸ•ŽπŸ•Ž

You watch your mouth, goy. 😀

post jewbs

lol he thinks JAPs put out without a Bloomingdale's shopping spree

I think that costs more potatoes than he earns in a year

😀 bich I got shoes that almost cost that much

/u/aliceunknown would hop on my schmeckle the moment she saw me, for FREE, these pecs don't lie

What designer? πŸ˜‘

Pic or it isn’t true. Should include sign that says your username. Maybe I’ll send you a pic of my clothed tits if you’re good enough. I’m not doing anything else without an upfront gift of Gucci shoes. Mine are getting old and I hate spending my shekels.

Bespoke bich, I don't pay for designer trash

And sorry ho, these nips belong to /u/ladyvetinari. Rest assured tho you'd give up the jussy instantly πŸ’ͺ



Honey! Very rude 😀

That wasn't me love! I think the joos hacked my account, trying to make me look bad again 😱

Oh no! I'm glad you got your account back bb πŸ˜™

The Choson dynasty ruled the Korean Peninsula after all

Seriously? Jeez, that sucks. I hope you do the ethical thing and swim from the gene pool to the gene ocean if you wanna have kids. Or spring for genetic counseling.

I hate children so it's really just a convenient way to get people to shut the fuck up about babies.

Oh, that's a sweet excuse

well (((they))) do have some legit gripes. like those damn shiksas.

β™«Stompin' shagetz

β™«Screwin' schiksas

β™«As long as we're home by Saturday mornin'...


Don't sell yourself short habibi, kvetching is an art. Like arab style negotiation is, too.

I said bad at not complaining. I'm the goddamn DaVinci of kvetching.

O shit I've been awake for too long


Run faster than nazis.

Well, the context is about money.

  • Could mean that the man intends to donate money to Kennedy/Democrats in an effort to influence them.

  • Could mean that the man intends to money to Republicans/anti-Castro Democrats* in an effort to unseat Kennedy.

Even if this vague statement was intended as an assassination threat, people threaten to assassinate the President all the time. A ridiculously small percentage of such people make any effort to make good on such threats. Any time a President is assassinated a large number of people will have made such idle threats in the preceding days, the likelihood they were actually involved in the assassination will be extremely small. So more evidence will need to be presented then the mere existence of a possible threat to take the threat even remotely seriously.

*Kennedy was pretty anti-Castro but possibly not enough for this man.

At this point I think a list of bad things that Jews aren't responsible for would be much shorter

The Holocaust

Surviving the holocaust

Fucking buzz kills

I can tell you've never been to Auschwitz and visited Block 5 - Evidence of Crime. There are giant stacks of eyeglasses, hair, children's toys, and prosthetics all taken from Jews that entered the camp. I can tell you, it's one of the most intense human experiences I've ever felt. I was so overwhelmed with emotion, I could barely find my words to ask the docent, "What's the wholesale price on these?"

Reminds me of when I went to some holocaust museum near the Berlin wall. I was with my girlfriend and we had taken some pregabalin and had a couple of beers. We eventually got very woozy and giggly which of course made us stick out like a sore thumb among the other moody and solemn visitors.

Some tourleader had to tell us that this wasn't a laughing matter and we decided it might be best to just leave. Felt kinda bad about it afterwards actually, but I couldn't help myself :(

At least write your own goddamn material. If you want, we can work out some kind of karma royalty deal.

We're the same what is yours is mine.

Only if we soul bond through your bussy

Not a digital ritual. Any Jew would know that.

At birth I came out of the womb singing Chanukah songs. I'll dreidel you for the last latka.

/u/richmomz if you weren't illiterate you would know every educated person already knows the CIA is involved in that shit.

They sent Castro exploding cigars for Satan's sake

The (((coincidence))) heard around the world.

And water is wet


Did you post this to enough subreddits lol


They have weapons that cause the Silent status effect.

It was a miscommunication. Jews gave the order to pick his pocket and instead his wife picked his brain out of his pocket.

Page 59 (64 on pdf)

How do I use this to find the document? I thought by this you meant "Row Num 59", but it's not that one.

Hitler was just trying to save JFK.

