A libertarian suggests women have agency and responsibility for their own body and their own choices; /r/TrollXChromosomes literally shaking rn at the Internet rape of being a responsible adult

141  2017-10-28 by DeepDickedHillybilly


















Libertarians really give commies a run for their money when it comes to low-intelligence.

says the biggest retard on /r/drama



No, you're just like really stupid.

Creampie Surprise Video - "Damn, now I'm going to need to pay for daycare." (self.tipofmypenis) submitted 1 month ago by DeepDickedHillybilly to r/tipofmypenis

Look at this shit.


Several months back, a /r/MensLib was going to create a dating guide for us. Does anyone know if that ever came to fruition and, if so, where I can read it? (self.MensLib) submitted 3 months ago by DeepDickedHillybilly to r/MensLib


You okay little buddy?


Glad to hear it. It is just the Internet, I'm afraid you take everything so seriously.

You’re both the worst out of both of you

LOL. You're the one being right wing trash. American right wing trash. That makes you almost nazi tier to the rest of the developed world.. you do know that don't you? I've never met a person who didn't laugh at the mere mention of your shit country and/or shit brains.

Wow. Good troll. I'm feeling pretty rankled.

Isn't there a fatal disease you could come down with?

I wish, maybe that disease could then wipe out the libertarians and the commies and society would be better.

Psst, just an FYI...no one buys that "rational leftist" act you try to put on.

Well thats good, because I'm not a leftist.

Yes, you are. You might be fooling yourself, but you're not fooling anyone else.

Define "leftist" using your own words.

"Retarded shit for brains like /u/pizzashill that unironically argue about politics on the internet all fucking day"

But retards from all sides of the spectrum argue about politics on the internet.

Doesn't seem "leftist" to me.

It doesn't seem that way because you have shit in your skull.

So for example, people from the Donald are leftists?

Not sure. But you have shit for brains.

Are you going to admit you got trapped here because you're retarded?

You got me. You won another internet argument. Mark your bedpost.

Says the one defending fucking libertarians. Lmao, you ameridumbs you just love getting ass fucked


Why do you want the government to pay for for all your life choices? Don't you have to any respect for all the work feminists have done?

so its your own body except when you want somebody to pay for what you did to it. sorry no serious posting i meant to say unironically being unironic about a situation in where you had a opinion is laughably stupid

Internet feminists are just girls who never grew out of that stage where they wanted daddy's support and protection but not his rules.

When they turn 18, they go from "Daddy dearest" to "Daddy Government."

I thought I would be a feminist because I believe women are capable of supporting themselves. Apparently this belief makes me Hitler.

All that shit they want for free is especially expensive in america because you fags refuse to go for a single payer system that covers everyone for cheaper.

Youre already getting ripped off an if you dont alrdy realize that well lol youre a retarded faggot an belong in the cuck closet.

Except you're the truly clueless fags...don't even know that your healthcare systems depends on ours. Europe, Canada and Australia - free riding on the US since 1942. And you're tto dumb to understand why.

You're welcome, from the US taxpayer



You weren’t born GAY!

So you’re saying you yanks are mega-cucks?

heavily subsidizing your healthcare is a small price to pay if it means you get no no longer get a say in how the world runs

Not to mention the small benefit of our merchants having a slice of every single pie.

Except you're the clueless fags...don't even know that your healthcare systems depends on ours. Europe, Canada and Australia - free riding off the US of A since 1942. And you're to dumb to understand why.

You're welcome, from the US taxpayer

*lol and just as predicted. amazing

OK buddy, get back to work, I have a checkup next week.

literally dumber than Trump

Hey, if you want to be proud of getting fisted by big pharma while the rest of the world negotiates fair prices, be my guest.

faceplam. this is what happens when you get your education from the University of Reddit.

Its so much more complicated than that. Maybe do some reading...actual policy papers instead of jacking off online. Read up on the NIH, perchance. Also, you are so fucking stupid that using your logic and your narrative, if we did "negotiate" fair prices you'd be fucked.

Hey what about this? Why don't you actual produce medicine and innovations at a rate that reflects your enormous economies. Nah, rather just shit talk online.

Thing is Im fully for the public option and universal health care but listening to you eurofags prattling on while sucking on the teat and not even bothering to have a basic understanding of the relevant issues....just hurr durr y no free health care ameridumbs? Lets do this, we'll fully subsidize all your health care from now one if you all promise to get lobotomies.

this is what happens when you get your education from the University of Reddit.

I see you graduated magna cum laude from triggered academy.

yeah, you were just playing a retard. got ya.

good talk.

Did you even stop to look where you're writing this? lmao

did you even stop to look at how my first triggered you dipshits? imagine being this stupid

Maybe it would break the tension if we just kissed.

I hope you catch a terrible disease and get slammed with the bill, then recover quickly and live healthy thanks to Freedom Medicine, but are then faced with crippling debt.

you tried :)

Do you have a point because I can't seem to find one in all this gibberish

my god you eurofags are fucking dumb. its incredible.

faceplam. this is what happens when you get your education from the University of Reddit.

Its so much more complicated than that. Maybe do some reading...actual policy papers instead of jacking off online. Read up on the NIH, perchance. Also, you are so fucking stupid that using your logic and your narrative, if we did "negotiate" fair prices you'd be fucked. Except you dont know what you're talking about

Hey what about this? Why don't you actual produce medicine and innovations at a rate that reflects your enormous economies. Nah, rather just shit talk online.

The thing is Im fully for the public option and universal health care but listening to you eurofags prattling on while sucking on the teat and not even bothering to have a basic understanding of the relevant issues....just hurr durr y no free health care ameridumbs? Lets do this, we'll fully subsidize all your health care from now one if you all promise to get lobotomies.

literally dumber than Trump

Yes, the US system does overpay for drugs, which means it's subsidising research. Thanks for being a good cuck and funding more research than is really in your best interests.

Thanks for admitting you're an incompetent welfare queen who barely comprehends the issues and needs to come to daddy for your basic needs.

Its fucking hilarious how little you Eurofags know. jfc

There would still be research done if the US wasn't there. Just not quite as much. And the vast majority or 'research' the US pays for is just FDA trials.

lol did you ever look up the actual numbers over the last 20-30 years? And why arent you doing it even if the US is there? Since you live in fucking utopia and all that.

And the vast majority or 'research' the US pays for is just FDA trials.

guess again, dumb fuck

His utopia is renting out his wife to feral migrants. Everything else is just a bonus.

lol did you ever look up the actual numbers over the last 20-30 years? And why arent you doing it even if the US is there? Since you live in fucking utopia and all that.

And the vast majority or 'research' the US pays for is just FDA trials.

guess again, dumb fuck (not that the source really matters anyway)

Thanks for admitting you're an incompetent welfare queen who barely comprehends the issues and relies on daddy for your basic needs.

Its fucking hilarious how little you defensive Eurofags understand about the world around you. jfc. You dont even know how we pay for research.

Write a lecture that contains information and you'll get more upvotes.

I cant teach you how to read, sorry. my god you people are fucking retards

To read what? Your comments, or literature references that you never posted?

"literature" imagine being this dumb.

Ok then keep being a screeching autist I guess.

"Im not a know nothing retard, you are!!!! BUZZWORD!!!!"


No, not a buzzword - screeching gay autism.

projecting your retardation gets me hard just like all the muslims hitting your shores knowing whats in store for your women.

projecting your retardation gets me hard just like all the muslims hitting your shores knowing whats in store for your women.


I just saw you blowing your own horn in this thread, talking about how everyone was retarded and you were educated without offering any information or argument to your rants - I just thought if you'd be made aware of that you might make good on that and prove your superiority / make your point more successfully.

But the way you're autistically lashing out at that advice instead of actually adding some information to your posts, kinda makes it look like you don't have any and just blow hot air - so whatever dude, you had your chance lmao


europoors projecting and seriousposting all over this hizzy. lol

You shouldn't seriouspost if you can't back up your smug claims, yes.

til basic facts = seriouspost

maybe do some reading and eurofags wont get mocked. hugs

Your seriousposts sucked, as does your father.


you tried

Thanks for admitting you're an incompetent welfare queen who barely comprehends the issues and relies on daddy for your basic needs.

Its fucking hilarious how little you defensive Eurofags understand about the world around you. jfc. You dont even know how we pay for research.

Birth control is cheap. You're dumb as fuck.

But that cuts into my weed money

You don't need birthcontrol anyway, because you are a gigantic Fag, that will never have sex with a woman.

Thank god

Bahahah incel faggot

an if you dont alrdy realize that well lol youre a retarded faggot an belong in the cuck closet.

I'm assuming you're from the EU. I wouldn't be saying shit about anybody being in a cuck closet if I were you. lol

Not EU just better than you.

Except you're the clueless fags...don't even know that your healthcare systems depends on the US. You're literally too dumb to understand why and how. Europe, Canada and Australia - free riding off the US of A since 1942.

You're welcome, from the US taxpayer

Keep giving me money burger

lol this should go on your national flag.

Now go beat off to all that muslim rape you erufags seem to get off on


All sex with brown people must be rape according to you Americans. You realise women are people? They can sleep with who they want. When a woman isn't interested do you throw an incel hissyfit? Why would you care who other people sleep with? Sorry that a brown population triggers you so much and that you can't see past colour.

lololol so which is it, are you shitposting or seriousposting?

you are the worst cliche of a eurofag..."BURGER BURGER BURGER!!!! oh excuse me dear sir? RAPE?!?! How dare you!" lol you are so dumb

So if a woman doesn't want to sleep with a white man in Europe and sleeps with a foreign man that's a problem? What happened to bodily autonomy? You think it's wrong for a white man to not get laid? Not everyone gets laid mate.


lol imagine going through life like this.

Yes, burgers have a regressive view on sex. Why do you have a problem with Muslims having sex with Western women?

Yes, burgers have a regressive view on sex.

lolol a sheltered eurofag, everyone. how the fuck do you get through life? What cliche do you not fulfill? Do you have a single original thought? PURITANS!!! BURGER!!! TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!!!

You are a putrid dumb motherfucker. I'll just keep reposting this while you prove how unbelievably dumb and defensive europoors are.

lololol so which is it, are you shitposting or seriousposting?

you are the worst cliche of a eurofag..."BURGER BURGER BURGER!!!! oh excuse me dear sir? RAPE?!?! How dare you!" lol you are so dumb

idc about Zxumpf, you still haven't even answered the thing about white women fucking darker men. Why is that?

cuz me dumb dumb republican in NYC where we only have marital sex and brownies r bad. merica #1

lol eurfags. its a disease

lololol so which is it, are you shitposting or seriousposting?

you are the worst cliche of a eurofag..."BURGER BURGER BURGER!!!! oh excuse me dear sir? RAPE?!?! How dare you!" lol you are so dumb

Why do you think sex with a Muslim is automatically rape?

1+1=2 my dear watson

lololol so which is it, are you shitposting or seriousposting?

you are the worst cliche of a eurofag..."BURGER BURGER BURGER!!!! oh excuse me dear sir? RAPE?!?! How dare you!" lol you are so dumb

why do you enjoy muslim rape?

Why do you hate the idea of Muslims having sex with Western women?

1+1=2 my dear watson

lololol so which is it, are you shitposting or seriousposting?

you are the worst cliche of a eurofag..."BURGER BURGER BURGER!!!! oh excuse me dear sir? RAPE?!?! How dare you!" lol you are so dumb

why do you enjoy muslim rape? when you try to save face and repeat the same seriouspost over and over and over again. cry harder, eurofag.

Now be the retard you are and ask about muslim rape again.

You just say the same thing and don't make sense. Are you okay?


you forgot to talk about enjoying muslim rape.

Why are you scared of Muslims?

there you go!

1+1=2 my dear watson

lololol so which is it, are you shitposting or seriousposting?

you are the worst cliche of a eurofag..."BURGER BURGER BURGER!!!! oh excuse me dear sir? RAPE?!?! How dare you!" lol you are so dumb

why do you enjoy muslim rape? when you try to save face and repeat the same seriouspost over and over and over again. cry harder, eurofag.

Now be the retard you are and ask about muslim rape again. I know you're embarrassed and can only repeat this shit over and over and over again. lol europoors

do it again



Because they rape.

1+1=2 my dear watson

lololol so which is it, are you shitposting or seriousposting?

you are the worst cliche of a eurofag..."BURGER BURGER BURGER!!!! oh excuse me dear sir? RAPE?!?! How dare you!" lol you are so dumb

why do you enjoy muslim rape? when you try to save face and repeat the same seriouspost over and over and over again. cry harder, eurofag.

Now be the retard you are and ask about muslim rape again.


lol imagine going through life like this.

lololol so which is it, are you shitposting or seriousposting?

you are the worst cliche of a eurofag..."BURGER BURGER BURGER!!!! oh excuse me dear sir? RAPE?!?! How dare you!" lol you are so dumb

lol this should go on your national flag.

Now go beat off to all that muslim rape you erufags seem to get off on

Ha, I'll double down on my retardedness. I'll look quirky and funny and not like a cuckold that gives my money to Europeans!



Huh? I didn't say much. You're having a meltdown because you know I get free shit thanks to your taxes

Says the triggered eurofag who has spent the last 24 hours switching between shitposting and seriousposting out of the massive butthurt over how insignificant your country is and how little eurofags like you know how the world works.

Fuck shit fuck eurofag


lol when this is your best effort after 24 hours of seriousposting muslim rape


You can say what you like, at the end of the day it is literally true that you pay for my free shit. Nothing you say or do can change that, you are being cucked by Euros.


You can say whatever you want, at the end of the day the rest of the western world depends on daddy for everything, even their healthcare, and you had no clue until I brought it up. Small price to pay to keep you shitheads on a leash and away from any real authority. This way you dont kill each other or involve the rest of the world in another world war. (plz seriouspost this in response, you predictable eurofag)

But hey, helping out the retards of the world is what we do...now say thank you to your betters instead of spending 24 hours online buttmad

We will pay huge amounts of money for your defence because it is in our interest for Russia to stay out of Europe


Basically what is happening. Your leaders cucked you into paying for my shit and even Daddy Blumpf backed down when he want to Europe to discuss it. He said he'd pull out but went back on it because he's a bitch. Thanks for the free shit

(plz seriouspost this in response, my predictable little eurofag)


and its defense. we pay for all the shit, we decide the spelling.

Im sorry you're so upset about how insignificant you are in the world. Remember to come screeching for America when Putin inevitably invades. lol eurofags


I'm not sure you have a job since you're using 4chan terminology. Maybe you don't pay for my shit and are a helpless NEET instead.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL...complaining about terminology in r/drama. WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU

Nah, we need to pay for your shit...its how we get the welfare queens to stfu

Not complaining, just pointing out that you're probably a virginal NEET

oy. i mean it was an attempt. try again, this time more burger

lol this should go on your national flag.

Now go beat off to all that muslim rape you erufags seem to get off on

Except you're the clueless fags...don't even know that your healthcare systems depends on the US. You're literally too dumb to understand why and how. Europe, Canada and Australia - free riding off the US of A since 1942.

You're welcome, from the US taxpayer

Lol the soviet union beat the nazis. You showed up late retard

lol imagine being this stupid

No one can as wella s you do

lol yeah Im the one writes up history like a bitter retarded 14 year old

Chill bitch you were the one that needed the history lesson, I just happen to communicate to my audience

many times i have posted a comment then immediately deleted it because i put too much effort into it and i unironically displayed my unironic opinion about a situation that occured

Thanks for sharing friend!

have you ever repeatedly hit your head with a open hand because it felt pleasing to your autism

Nice name.

TrollX agendaposts tickle me sexually.

I have lost the ability to can.

Ok fine motherfuckers. Then we won't have kids.

Personally I don't think this is really a bad thing. There are already enough kids, not enough money/jobs/teachers to support them


Ok fine mother fuckers. Then we won't have kids. Who the fuck is going to wipe your ass when you're 90, old and bedridden?

CHILDREN ARE LITERALLY THE FUTURE. Jesus Christ why is it so hard for people to think beyond the next 5 minutes and how it will impact them and only them?

So your explanation for why the Government owes you FREE BIRTH CONTROL is ... "children are literally the future?"

Makes ... sense (for a feminist)

Free birth control (preventing people from having kids they can't take care of, creating a much higher burden on the system due to welfare and high potential of criminality) is in everyone's best interest, as is maternity leave (money goes directly back into the economy while infants don't end up getting neglected, thus diminishing the potential that they'll be a burden on the system later on) and pre-K childcare (prevents people from dropping out of the workforce and potentially taking even more in government benefits, along with the whole child neglect thing that can lower worker productivity and increase crime in the future). A bunch of kids raised by poor mothers who don't want/can't take care of them, who grow up in terrible conditions without support or intervention, usually end up creating a lot of problems later on. Just look at what happened in Romania, or anywhere else with an unsupported underclass with little to no access to birth control.

Snally confirmed a racist and eugenicist, news at 11.

rude! I didn't say anything about race or eugenics, so it is YOU who is thinking about race and eugenics! As such, "no you"

You're supporting a form of systemic violence that's disproportionately inflicted on black bodies. Smh. Basically David Duke with a pair of forceps.

my bad

You should be ashamed of yourself. Wire coat hangers are much more cost effective.

What system? Abortions aren't mandatory.

You just want more kids to lure into the bushes.

By the way, what ever came out of that?

No clue. All I know is I didn't get off.

/u/snallygaster, what's up with that post? You promised some stuff tomorrow (of that day) or something, no?

That's just what a racist would say

Who cares emo faggot

You hardly need good parenting to wipe a septugenarian's ass tho snalpal

Birth control is already available for free for the poor basically everywhere. Even where there aren't planned parenthoods, there are free clinics that subsidize it. But the poor are still shitting out kids because, spoiler alert, poor people tend to make poor and rash decisions such as unprotected sex on a day they knew they forgot to take their pill.

Paying for birth control is a nuisance for the middle class, not a giant burden on the poor. This is all about white chicks not being willing to have one fewer pumpkin spice late a week in order to pay for their own birth control.

I'm all for executing these people. The "working poor" doesn't really exist in america anymore, plus i'd happily replace these fuckers with hispanic immigrants.

woops i just fixed america.....

plus i'd happily replace these fuckers with hispanic immigrants.

somebody has never been to LA

Birth control is already available for free for the poor basically everywhere. Even where there aren't planned parenthoods, there are free clinics that subsidize it. But the poor are still shitting out kids because, spoiler alert, poor people tend to make poor and rash decisions such as unprotected sex on a day they knew they forgot to take their pill.

It should be made more common and easily accessible without jumping through a billion hoops. There are many states that make it very difficult to obtain BC without a prescription, and pretty much all of those states have tried to block accessibility to birth control to the point where somebody who's poor or on the wrong healthcare plan needs to drive hours or to a different state to get it. I don't even know what you're argument is-'poor people are impulsive so we should just stop addressing the issue.' what? How does that even make any sense?

Paying for birth control is a nuisance for the middle class, not a giant burden on the poor. This is all about white chicks not being willing to have one fewer pumpkin spice late a week in order to pay for their own birth control.

lmao, you seriously think it's more of a nuisance to pay pennies a year to fund some meth addict's BC than it is to pay for her 8 kids' numerous brushes with the law, social work intervention, special ed, etc? It's much more expensive to care for an adult with behavioral problems than it is to prevent one from coming into being.

It should be made more common and easily accessible without jumping through a billion hoops. There are many states that make it very difficult to obtain BC without a prescription, and pretty much all of those states have tried to block accessibility to birth control to the point where somebody who's poor or on the wrong healthcare plan needs to drive hours or to a different state to get it.

then campaign on the platform of "it should be readily available and accessible" not "pls pay for it for me" lmao

If birth control is cheap as dirt, then how big of a drain on the nation's resources subsidizing it would be?

And if negligible, then why the fuck is this a serious political problem that people actually vote based on? Fucking up your government with religious nutcases because you don't want pumpkin spice chicks get their way is top retardation.

Free birth control (preventing people from having kids they can't take care of

Isn't them begging for free daycare them also not being able to take care of their kids?

Daycare allows them to pick up a job to support the family while the kid is cared for, instead of living off of welfare and/or making shady arrangements for childcare (if at all). You don't seem to know much about this issue...

Daycare allows them to pick up a job to support the family while the kid is cared for, instead of living off of welfare and/or making shady arrangements for childcare (if at all).

First of all, you're a faggot for seriousposting this hard.

Second, what is "daycare at work?"

You don't seem to know much about this issue...

You seem to be an expert on gussy. Are you some kind of queer?

Some government jobs have daycares in the building where the parent works. Or some people work at daycares.

Don't tell me, tell /u/snallygaster who doesn't know about work provided daycare services.

Also some jobs provide large desks or file cabinets to hide your kids

You think that the people who have to decide between staying at home, collecting SNAP and EBT, and/or buying a ghetto daycare service work in corporate?

Even places like WalMart have daycare options.

And? Most places don't. If daycare options were common then it wouldn't even be a talking point.

Most places don't.

Cite your sources.

If daycare options were common then it wouldn't even be a talking point.

It's only a talking point with uppity holes who want men to pay for everything.

If you want to send your kid to daycare, do it. It isn't your employer's job to pay for it. It isn't the government's job to pay for it. It's your kid. It's your responsibility.

Look, guys, this serious posting is giving me a serious anti-boner. What the fuck? Look, let’s just all agree that taxes are too high and single women giving birth to fatherless children is a huge social problem. The obvious solution to both problems is forced labour camps. Single moms would go there where they can raise their children in a loving and supportive communal work camp environment. Both mother and child would benefit, and the gentleman entrepreneurs running and profiting from these work camps can finally compete with slave wage jurisdictions like Vietnam. Everyone wins.

We could just try some modesty too.

That's been tried many times before and clearly doesn't work. I don't see why people chimp out over the concept of giving women dirt cheap medication so that we can avoid a basic street kid/miscreant problem (which are commonly found in "modest" societies anyway)

Maybe the government shouldn't mandate that it be prescription based instead of over the counter. This is using government to solve a government created problem.

It worked here in the USA for a long time. Of course it was never perfect, but when people were mostly sexually inactive until marriage the single motherhood rate was obviously much lower and if you had kids young you were probably ok because it was to your husband and he would provide for you. We destroyed our moral code and devalued the nuclear family though and ended up in this position.

Gen Z and Millennials are having less teenage sex than the previous generation, and low age at loss of virginity + sexual promiscuity will always correlate to problems because they usually indicate that somebody comes from a low-class family and/or background of sexual abuse. We definitely have a lot of social problems that'll come to bite us in the ass and should be fixed, including hand-waving excessive promiscuity and single parents, but the 'moral code' you're talking about came with a number of problems in and of itself, e.g. large amounts of domestic violence that women were unable to escape, heavy barbituate abuse among housewives due to the tedium and meaningless of housework, etc

We're going to have to find a happy middle ground. The domestic violence laws will never be rolled back so that's a start, but drug abuse among housewives wasn't universal and we have an exploding opioid crisis these days that effects people of all economic classes.

I think we've gotten to the point where the only thing society actively shames people for is attempting to shame other people. Can't slut shame, can't drug shame, can't crime shame, but if you attempt to shame any of these things the wider society will bring the hammer down on you. I think shame is powerful though and helps people correct shitty aspects about themselves and a big part of shame being effective is a wider moral code, one that is absent these days.

It definitely doesn't help that some aspects of the feminist crowd actively attack women who want to be housewives either, and I think it's driving the growing crowd of right wing women we're seeing, some of whom are far more right wing than the likes of Richard Spencer.

I dunno, there's no magic pill but I think promoting personal responsibility and modesty isn't necessarily a bad thing, but promoting unabashed promiscuity which is leading to explosions in single motherhood and STD's is probably detrimental.

Millenials are fatter than past generations so or course they're getting laid less.

Did you know fat people fuck each other?

Don't be gross

I don't see why people chimp out over the concept of giving women dirt cheap medication so that we can avoid a basic street kid/miscreant problem (which are commonly found in "modest" societies anyway)

And a different group of people will "chimp out" if you propose an alternative solution such as subsidizing sterilization. Really makes you think.

Really makes you think.

It really makes me think about how retarded the false equivalency is. Are you even old enough to be on this website? Do you know about the history of eugenics in the US?

I'm just illustrating the point that this isn't simply about harm reduction. If you can see why people chimp out over the so-called eugenic implications of this policy (despite the necessity of stretching the meaning of the term to cover this), then you can also see why people would chimp out over having to pay someone to prevent them from making shitty choices that impact others. One would hope.

If you can see why people chimp out over the so-called eugenic implications of this policy (despite the necessity of stretching the meaning of the term to cover this), then you can also see why people would chimp out over having to pay someone to prevent them from making shitty choices that impact others.

It's not an either-or, and as an upper-bracket taxpayer and someone who doesn't want to be a victim of crime, I would be happy for birth control to be freely available instead of shelling out even more money for the consequences of unwanted poor children, even ignoring the non-financial problems that come with unwanted and street children.

And as a high-bracket taxpayer I'm reluctant to accept the argument over "pay for this person's shit or their kids will fuck up your kids." I get the core logic but I'm pretty sure that paying a bunch to make everyone middle-class and complacent is in fact not the cheapest way to protect yourself from crime.

It's amazing the lengths at which women will insist that being a normal, functional, responsible human adult is worthy of unconditional praise and greatness.

"I DIDN'T GET PREGNANT TODAY! Acknowledge how amazing I am!"

You know what? If the people who aren't in a position to have kids pat their backs over it, then good for them so long as it keeps them from having kids. Plus mommy/daddy martyrs are insufferable too

Are daddy martyrs a thing?

Oh, Snally, you are so easy to love.

as is maternity leave (money goes directly back into the economy

How so? How does money spent on maternity leave go "directly" back into the economy any more than any other payment?

I think I should get a paid 2-month vacation because that money goes right back into the economy.

The money is almost always spent in the local economy and makes sure that the worker and the new kid have their needs cared for a handful of weeks before the worker gets back to work. If you want to see the consequences of offering no benefits to new parents, look at what happened to industrial England (and America to a lesser degree). There were huge social problems because a large part of at least one generation grew up to commit crime and otherwise degrade the standard of living because they grew up without basic care, as their parents were unable to take care of them due to poor worker's rights, and oftentimes they were left on the streets or passed on to orphanages or convents where they were abused and mistreated. It is against a country's best interests to offer little to no support for working and lower-class parents and their children.

I think I should get a paid 2-month vacation because that money goes right back into the economy.

That doesn't make sense. Vacations usually aren't had locally and don't have any benefit to the country aside from giving workers a break. Keeping infants from being neglected or otherwise placed in the hands of a carer who isn't invested in the infant's greater well-being is actually important to the health of the country. Not to mention that unpaid parental leave = less people willing or able to have kids, which justifies the import of workers who will do the same job as Americans for much less because many Americans can't afford to spend even a few months on one income.

You're making a totally different argument now, though. You're arguing that we should have maternity leave because it helps ensure that new children do not get neglected, which is good for society as a whole for a number of reasons, which you mention.

But I don't buy the whole "money goes directly back into the economy" thing. It seems like just giving someone $3000 would have a similar effect - maybe they go out to eat, buy some nice clothes, or maybe it just goes towards their rent, food, and utilities.

It seems like just giving someone $3000 would have a similar effect

If you give somebody 3k on top of their income, they'll invest it or use it for something fun. When you replace someone who's not working's income for a financial quarter, and add a huge drain of income onto the pile, they're going to use it to address the income drain in addition to addressing their own needs unless there's another significant source of income.

If you give somebody 3k on top of their income, they'll invest it or use it for something fun.

I guess this would mean that the money goes to the local bar instead of the local daycare? Surely both are part of the economy, though.

I would hope that most people who are given 3k wouldn't spend it all on booze. Wouldn't blame them tho

I'm not suggesting they spend it all in one place - I mentioned a few different ways they could spend it in my previous post. Maybe they use it to replace their old, barely-working refrigerator, or any other home appliance. Or maybe they put a significant portion of it towards a car loan to pay it off sooner.

My point is that while you could argue that new mothers are more "deserving" of handouts than others, using the argument that the money goes "directly back into the economy" makes no sense.

Frankly, I think we should pass a law forcing paternity and maternity leave policies to be equal.

Isn't the booze seller part of the local economy?

So we need to give people government benefits to prevent them from needing government benefits in the future. Wonderful. Oh and of course we can't means-test these benefits either, right?

Do you not know what preventative care is? Have you ever even gotten your own health insurance? When you try and take care of a potential problem then it becomes far less likely that the problem will occur.

Oh and of course we can't means-test these benefits either, right?

What are you even going on about?

I know what means-testing is, sweetie. Nobody brought it up. It sounds like you're a kid who learned a cool term and is trying to bring it up in places where it was neither mentioned nor relevant to feel like a part of the wider conversation.

Similar to my other post, if these policies were about harm reduction they'd come with means-testing proposals to make sure they're narrowly-targeted towards population segments that are likely to produce harm. eg. Not college-educated middle class women. Yet I never see these arguments trying to build those exclusions. Hm.

if these policies were about harm reduction they'd come with means-testing proposals to make sure they're narrowly-targeted towards population segments that are likely to produce harm.

Many of them do, given the population segments that are targeted in free BC, daycare, welfare, etc. programs...but given the state of our economy, even a well-educated woman with a decent income or a young two-income working-class family might not be able to afford raising a child well. I hear conservatives bitching and moaning about the fact that families are waiting until they're older to have children, but even a somewhat well-off family in their 20's isn't going to have the ability to care for 1+ kids comfortably with the state that parental leave and childcare are in in the US.

If the goal is to have families raise children "comfortably", whatever that means (I'm sure it's a higher standard than what people would have expected a generation ago, of course), that's one thing. But when the argument is that you need to subsidize these things or you're going to have feral children burning down your house... I'm sorry, but I haven't seen any real respectable research pushing this thesis. This goes way beyond the usual cost/benefit arguments surrounding pro-natalism.

Everyone gets a government job

Truly it is a great injustice that the emotional labor involved with ranting on social media is not properly compensated by the public.

Why do you hate freedom so much Snally?

#Actually, in the long term it's in America's best interest to grow our population as quickly as we possibly can. First, our Social Security system relies on the wages of young laborers to pay the old people. If we had more young people earning wages, Social Security and most other conceivable alternatives would be more solvent in the short, medium, and long terms. Secondly, many cities with declining populations are hard pressed to fund the maintenance of the infrastructure built and the pensions of the civil servants hired in more prosperous and populous times, Detroit being a prime example. With higher US population growth, declining cities would decline less quickly or even recover. Thirdly, total GDP, being directly correlated to population, would increase if we increased our population. As China's GDP rapidly increases, to maintain world hegemony more GDP of our own would be useful. This extra GDP could be used to invest in foreign countries, to create corporations with global reach, or it could be taxed and spent to upgrade our power projection capabilities. Either way would help to further our global reach in these troublesome times. And just as Mao's pro-natalist policies gave China the immense population on which its economy and global power lies, a higher US population would support more global power. One way to grow our population more quickly is to make birth control as hard to access as we can get away with. If less potential humans are prevented from maturing, we will have more people. While to support more babies (who almost certainly would not all be of poor mothers) government would be recommended to step in with support, America is a very rich country. It is far richer than post-communist Romania, and it is far, far richer than Maoist China. America could easily keep its poor mothers away from real poverty. Just imagine, an America with 600 million people. We would be the world's envy yet again!

Problem of course being that first world people don't reproduce at replacement rate given the option which causes problems especially with our social security scheme so we have to import immigrant workers, which is really just us exporting the problem overseas where we let other countries deal with poor parents and then take the working aged men from them to do our labor.

user reports:
1: When people take child leave, their work gets piled up on other employees without any extra pay.

If only the employer could hire a temporary replacement or something...

It's another one of those things where the only real libertarian solution would be more barbaric or inefficient. They're a burden on the system? Cut welfare and let them die in the streets. There's too many prisoners? Privatize the prisons.

/u/queenkellee Notice how a lot of people who are against birth control coverage, maternity leave pay, etc. are white. Coincidence? Yeah, I don't think so.

If you're white, I recommend not having children, because there's a very real chance that they'll grow up to support these anti-women policies. This way, you won't need to suffer from the lack of healthcare coverage regarding maternity and childcare, and eventually the population will shift to people who will support these changes. It's a win-win!

Why the fuck are you tagging me, you shithead sexist drama loser? I don't give a single fuck what you piece of shits think. You all act like your brains are made of scrambled eggs. Sorry, I have no fix for your stupidity. Except I guess: try real hard not to die. I know, it might be a challenge.

wtf? I'm not sexist, I literally agree that women's healthcare should have things like abortion and birth control covered, and that Pre-K should be free (in fact, I was under the impression that all states offered free Pre-K in public schools, but I guess not).

I was just saying that this is the fault of old white men who don't know what they're on about, and suggesting a way to passively get back at them. Sheesh.

Don't you understand, u/shallowm? She cares so little about your lituralz Hitler opinion that she wasted time out of her cat-lady existence replying to you to show just how little she cares about said opinion!
Logic so brilliant that I'm having trouble following it.

The amount of ableism in this post has me literally shaking. I'm reporting you to the police.

You all act like your brains are made of scrambled eggs.

what did she mean by this?

Scrambled eggs taste pretty good with sugar...so I guess she's saying we taste good with sugar too? I'm flattered 😳

Fuck you, scrambled eggs with sugar wtf is wrong with you, I bet you also put soda in your coffee and snickers on your toast you stupid hick.

snickers on your toast

This sounds pretty good, to be honest.

Scrambled eggs with sugar wtf is wrong with you?

How do people usually eat it?

I bet you also put soda in your coffee and snickers on your toast you stupid hick.

I actually don't consume any of those regularly.

How do people usually eat it?

With salt and pepper you waste of life.


Scrambled eggs taste pretty good with sugar

I have been touched inappropriately.

Sugar on eggs? My god.

I've always put sugar on scrambled eggs and fried eggs, is it not that common? It tastes pretty good, you should try it.

Report him for white people nonsense

This is why we need mayocide. Literally what the actual fuck.

That you're a fucking idiot who obviously needs simple ideas explained to them.


This could be pretty good pasta tbh

By making white babies you are perpetrating white supremacy. Don't be a nazi!

If you can't help yourself and just have to spawn, find a nice Asian man to do the deed.

AMWF couples are famous for making the best children!

Or follow Angelina Jolie's example, steal three african babies and one trans boy.

But not making white babies is perpetuating genocide, which also makes you a Nazi.


you shithead sexist drama loser

Why did you say "/r/drama user" 4 times ? You're on /r/drama, obviously people here are /r/drama users.

I was tagged here you stupid fucking shitstain. I don't spend time on useless bullshit like you idiots. You want to talk about people because you clearly have no life? Waste your time, IDGAF. But if you tag me you're doing more than snickering behind people's backs, it's a douche bag move made by douche bags. I don't come to his sub. This shit comes to me directly into my inbox.

I stand by the fact anyone who frequents this sub is useless human garbage. Or 14. Which one are you?

I stand by the fact anyone who frequents this sub is useless human garbage.

We are in agreement then.

user reports:
1: this comment violates reddit law in regards to the "no telling people to kill themelves" rule

Not quite.

I like scrambled eggs.

Except I guess: try real hard not to die. I know, it might be a challenge.

Trying to keep oneself safe is even more difficult than merely not dying.

I mean there's like 7 billion people. I don't really see the need to subsidize the creation of more, seems like we got plenty as it is.

Birth control for two x is literally mayocide, another plus.


TBH I think it's silly if you're a Libertarian who opposes free birth control. Birth control for all is cheaper than welfare.

Or just get a single payer healthcare system an get free birth control, everyone gets good healthcare, an it is cheaper on everyone.

everyone gets rationed healthcare. The actual system of healthcare, as in, the hospitals themselves, in countries like Britain and Canada are fairly poor quality. That's because they are forced to ration the cost downwards to pay for it.

The same as in the US. Except they pay more for it.

Lol thats just a lie. The quality is better an cheaper. Prove me wrong.

It's a lot like "California should permanently secede from the US because of Trump" (who has a maximum of 8 years in office.)

Ok fine mother fuckers. Then we won't have kids.

Since when did white, first world, feminist women actually have kids?

Who the fuck is going to wipe your ass when you're 90, old and bedridden?

Probably a robot.

Japanese toilets duh

Hey why not simply use immigrants to sustain the population?

That was for childcare, not birth control

Her justification for having children is that she needs ass wipers?

Yeah, she should definitely not have children.

u/Smoogy, I think most of the/libertarian is whackos, but I'm pretty sure that libertarians support the right of women to get an abortion if they needed to. In case you need to know, libertarians respect individual rights. So I wouldn't care if you wanted to contribute to the mayocide by aborting Chad's baby, but I'd dislike it if you keep on whining about how people rn

I think most of the/libertarian is whackos

Nice to see intelligent people over here on /r/Drama

I find them more harmless then socialists.

Libertarianism is probably the most harmless political ideology. It's literally just "get off my lawn".

Unless you're poor

If your poor you should worry about democrats running your state and city into the gutter.

If you are poor, you should work on fixing that instead of stealing other's money.

No one owes anyone else shit. Poorfags should get Darwined off the face of the Earth, it'll make for a far better world.

If you are poor, you should work on fixing that instead of stealing other's money.

They aren't stealing your money, the government is ;)

No one owes anyone else shit. Poorfags should get Darwined off the face of the Earth, it'll make for a far better world.

That might be the case, however the opposite scenario in which poorfags lifted up to normal living standards can then go on to contirbute more contributors to society, also might be the case.

Keep in mind that "poorfags" end up being more than just helpless victims for you to help of scoff at, whichever you want - they become violent and dangerous and generally cause problems, and while they die the next generation's around already.

In a democracy, they are indirectly.

Poorfags lifted up to normal living standards can then go on to contribute more contributors to society, also might be the case.

What's the incentive for contributing to society, if your needs are met by it even if you aren't productive?

Investing in education gives higher returns, yes(In non liberal arts fields). Giving welfare cheques, not so much. Unfortunately modern socialism has devolved into the second one.

That's why you give some of those poorfags a gun and an uniform and get them to shoot the rest. Or laser sharks.

What's the incentive for contributing to society, if your needs are met by it even if you aren't productive?

A lot of people aren't satisfied with having their basic "needs" fulfilled and want status, recognition, and of course luxury.

A lot of people also tend to have that type of side brought out in them under peaceful, acceptable living conditions, and much nastier, useless sides if they're thrown on the streets or whatever you have in mind.

The rest is just counting and math, whatever.

Status, recognition, and of course luxury

Except for the fact that a welfare system almost always creates subcultures where being on welfare is completely socially acceptable and is in fact the norm. For the US, this has translated to some racial minorities and geographical tracts, for Europe it's urban ghettos and, again, racial minorities.

In my country, it's literally 80% of the population, leading to us being stuck in a the vicious cycle of poverty. What taxes the Government can squeeze out of the productive 20% goes to feed the useless 80% and the 20% can't be expanded because there aren't any funds left over to invest in infrastructure or education.

Those subcultures exist anyway. We have ambitious winners and unambitious losers in any society. The difference with a welfare state is that they don't have to physically attack you in order to meet their basic needs.

In a normal society, you have law enforcement to prevent them from physically attacking you. Up until WW2, the welfare state didn't exist and the classes seemed to coexist fine.

Well, luxury then.

Except for the fact that a welfare system almost always creates subcultures where being on welfare is completely socially acceptable and is in fact the norm.

It's not about the respect of having a job, but rather the respect and acclaim that comes from having a really good job - and the luxury comes from having a really well paid job.

That can be an incentive, since you asked.

In my country, it's literally 80% of the population, leading to us being stuck in a the vicious cycle of poverty. What taxes the Government can squeeze out of the productive 20% goes to feed the useless 80% and the 20% can't be expanded because there aren't any funds left over to invest in infrastructure or education.

If a country can't afford a certain level of welfare or it's leading it down a spiral, then sure - as I said, it's about observations and calculations which factor pulls in which direction how much etc.

But I mean 80% in mediocre welfware conditions still ought to be better than, I dunno, 60% in actual poverty and giving rise to filth and street crime etc. - at least in that respect.

we are all poor to someone, unless if we are part of the world's 1 percent. so if the 1 percent wants to get rid of you since you are poor to them, would you still agree with your comment?

If I was taking money from them for my gibs? Sure. Anyone who is a net drain on the government's coffers deserves to be Darwined.

well they technically pay more taxes to keep society going, for the middle class guys, so you are technically taking money away from them right now. are you going to darwin yourself then?

It's literally just "get off my lawn".

"Get off my lawn, and don't mow anyone else's lawn unless they pay" leads to a lot of harm caused by wild grass, but yeah no direct harm is gonna come from the libertarians themselves.

Libertarians aren't the ones going around shooting people or supporting rapists ironically. It's a low bar to be sure but I'd take them more than the asinine bullshit that is modern day two party system.

Lol dude i was just making a joke about his Grammar, i wasnt disagreeing with you

I have short patience for communists and neo-nazis, so when they complain about libertarians because they stand against authoritarians I blow an entire lid off my gasket it makes me want to sell my rape-coins.

Aren't sovereign citizens a natural progression of the libertarian neurodegenerative disease?

Sovereign citizens are crazy enough that they would still be crazy even without libertarianism. It's like blaming anarchism for the Unabomber.

Sovereign citizens are crazy enough that they would still be crazy even without libertarianism. It's like blaming anarchism for the Unabomber.

Well, seeing how the bomb is the favorite direct action tool of an anarchist, I can actually blame it for directing Unabomber that way. Similarly, telling sovereign citizens to arm themselves to the teeth is a bad idea. If only we had more harmless stuff like flat earth or third wave feminism!

Yeah you'd think those guys would be crazy enough to murder people. But somehow they are still way outnumbered by the people who think not getting healthcare insurance is defacto murder or abortion and demand blood.

Well I imagine libertarians dont want the government to pay for it, which apparently is just as bad as outlawing it.

OK, I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt-right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. TrollX girls are smarter than the average cookie, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.

trollx said something REEEEEEEEEEEE

where is the drama?

It's just an agendapost. Agendaposts are part and parcel of posting in /r/Drama.

Unless it's a right-winger saying something dumb, in which case you're a smugposter who needs to go back to SRD.

"I don't want to be responsible for your child."

"I want to control what goes on with your body and force you to keep babies"

Someones been eating paradoxical cheerios for breakfast again.

Agreed /u/smoogy except for that last sentence - he never mentioned abortion. Not sure why you even brought it up.

The bad guys = anti-abortion

The good guys = pro-abortion

what if youre only pro-abortion if the baby's brown?

I'm not pro abortion I'm anti life

You dont need to know the difference between a republican and a libertarian if everyone to the right of Hillary is a nazi

You will pay for her snooch pounding and you will like it.

I read the thing she was responding to twice and I must have just missed the "held sacred" part of the comment.

Can someone highlight it for me?

I need birth control

So pay for it?

paid maternity leave

You have it?

child care options

You also have that

universal pre-K

No, you pay for daycare.

and a safe work place.

Who said otherwise?

A proper woman is happy for the firm hand of the state elders to direct and provide for her procreative behavior. I am not seeing the problem.

u/Quixadashani, aren't you using the internet you claim you paid for, to have us guys use?

In fact, seeing how males in your country(And the world over) pay far more taxes than your lot, wouldn't you agree that is in fact evil males that are subsidizing your usage of the internet?

Ok fine mother fuckers. Then we won't have kids.

TrollX poster

I believe that goes without saying.


Only when it comes to women's Healthcare is there a line drawn. These sack of shit "I don't want to pay for that" types never pop up when a 60 year old man is getting chemo therapy, or a 26 year old man is getting his medicaid covered viagra scrip filled, or a 40 year old man is getting a screening for prostate cancer.

That might just maybe have something to do with the part where men don't throw shitfits on Twitter about how the government owes them those things.

Also fucking lol at the middle example.

"I don't want to be responsible for your child."

"I want to control what goes on with your body and force you to keep babies"

Someones been eating paradoxical cheerios for breakfast again.

Right, /u/Smoogy, it's the libertarians who are against abortion. Also, there is literally only one type of person who isn't a feminist, and all those other labels describe the same big scary outgroup.


That's a lot of bitching from cat lady women who will never have to opportunity to even get knocked up.

"I don't want to be responsible for your child."

"I want to control what goes on with your body and force you to keep babies"(denying subsidies for such prevention)

Someones been eating paradoxical cheerios for breakfast again.

u/Smoogy libertarians are pro-choice you dimwit

Not all, just reddit search /r/Libertarian .

"Not paying for the result of my bad decision is the same thing as forcing me to make that bad decision in the first place," said the retard with no self control


This guy does realize that if we can't pay for birth control, then we would have to eventually pay for child care. We have to pay for something; he can't just expect women to shoulder the burden of either preventing pregnancy or figuring out child care.

I mean, you could also just not have sex. I know that's supposedly a terrible thing to say to women, but leaders of major feminist organizations have no trouble saying it to men, so.

"It's literally impossible for me to avoid men shooting their loads inside me and it's not my problem"

Only when it comes to women's Healthcare is there a line drawn. These sack of shit "I don't want to pay for that" types never pop up when a 60 year old man is getting chemo therapy, or a 26 year old man is getting his medicaid covered viagra scrip filled, or a 40 year old man is getting a screening for prostate cancer.

I don't know why this annoys me as much as it does, probably because I actually worked in a pharmacy setting for 10+ years and am a healthcare professional with more than just passing knowledge of how insurance/medication works, but I've NEVER seen Medicaid cover Viagra prescriptions, ever. Where do people like u/Quixadashani keep getting this absurd notion that they do? Viagra tablets cost roughly $20-40 per tablet, and as for private insurance, they usually will pay for maybe 1-3 tablets every 30-90 days (if they even DO cover the medication). The only person I've ever seen that actually got Medicaid/Medicare to cover this was an elderly black woman who had her pulmonologist prescribe it for pulmonary HTN. Real patriarchy at work right there, folks.

You people lose all credibility when you can't be bothered to use legitimate examples of inequalities without making up outlandish lies about something so trifle as blood pressure medication.

u/Quixadashani Since you want to post replies in too-many-chromosomes instead of where I pinged you:

"/u/lafemmemacabre I used 26 year old man specifically because I know a 26 year old guy who got his viagra scrip under medicaid on my states Anthem plan. And sure enough if you go to their website, viagra is covered. Don't tell me I'm making up shit when you're using a single anecdote yourself to try and invalidate my anecdote. Except mine is backed by the fact that Viagra is covered under state medicaid and can be verified by anyone. Sounds like you're in pre-med. Stop playing Doctor on the Internet 👍"

Enjoy my reply, since I already typed it up 💋💋:
Awww, you want to bring the conversation over here? Well, I gotz me two X's within my karyotype too, so I guess I'm allowed over here.

You can "know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy" all you want, but what I'm referring to is actual legislation from the Dept of Health/Social Services (https://www.oig.hhs.gov/oas/reports/region7/71003143.pdf) that prohibits government-sponsored plans (Medicaid/Medicare) from covering Viagra, Cialis, etc. unless the medication is used for:

-hypertension (heavy prior authorization procedures pending, of course)

-patients who has been proved to have lost sexual function after suffering substantial illness (i.e. prostate cancer, other life-threatening illnesses)

If you want to show me the link to this formulary for your state's medicaid, please link this to me because I'm dying to see this.

So, this being said, I'm inclined to believe that if your """"friend"""" is getting an approved quantity per month due to one of these previously stated parameters and not because he just wants to show off. This is all speculation, of course, as I'm not the one assuming why this """friend""" needs a particular medication (aka I'm not the one in this conversation playing "Doctor on the Internet" lol)

Moreover, such an approved use for Viagra (2nd parameter) would be analogous to women that receive covered breast reconstruction after mastectomies from aggressive breast cancer; so women can receive medical procedures to be "made whole again" after aggressive disease, but men cannot be afforded the same opportunity?

Psshh, ya know what? Don't even answer that one, look at what sub I'm currently in...who am I even kidding lol

It's simple. Women are stupid and just need to learn their place. Their men are obviously failing to perform rheir civic dutues to educate these bitches. I vote we round these limp dick motherfuckers up and have a good old fashion fag drag. That'll reach them to keep their pimp hands strong.

Goyim yes... your white women shouldn't be having any kids, it's just too expensive, that's the proper (((libertarian))) solution.

Ah, the rare layered agenda post. Bravo.

Dearest /u/quixadashani

You are crazy pants.

Uh yes, women are expecting the same exact thing everyone else takes for granted, including libertarian men like this asshole. I had to pay for the infrastructure that allows him to get on the Internet (the Internet itself being born from tax payer funded ventures).

Where can I make out these retroactive reparations due to you before you were born?

Only when it comes to women's Healthcare is there a line drawn. These sack of shit "I don't want to pay for that" types never pop up when a 60 year old man is getting chemo therapy, or a 26 year old man is getting his medicaid covered viagra scrip filled, or a 40 year old man is getting a screening for prostate cancer.

The difference is they aren't asking for these things for free.

Besides the medicaid example, each of those people pay premiums, deductibles and co-pays.

So yeah, you can contribute your own copay.

If you want to on medicaid, be my guest, your birth control will be free. Of course you'll only be making $16k a year.

They want us to shoulder the whole burden of our medical expenses, as if the wage gap wasn't large enough between men and women already. More shit to advantage white men who are already born with an undeserved headstart. Fuck off.

The whole burden of your medical expenses? No you idiot, we want you to pay your premium and co-pays and we will pay for ours.

Edit: /r/drama once again manufacturing its own drama to whine and brigade a thread in this subreddit. Maximum neckbeard triggering 👍.

Yeah, because your asinine comment requires manufactured drama.

Your opinions only hold water when you ban dissent and ignore others opinions as some entrenched opponent who wants to harm you.

If you want to the pill, iud, implant, abortion, do whatever you want, but you need to pay your own premium and co-pays like the rest of us.

Honest question, no trolling, if raising a kid is so hard then how come mankind has been able to do it over and over for the past couple hundred thousand years?

"I don't want to be responsible for your child."

"I want to control what goes on with your body and force you to keep babies"

Someones been eating paradoxical cheerios for breakfast again.

Right, /u/Smoogy, it's the libertarians who are against abortion. Also, there is literally only one type of person who isn't a feminist, and all those other labels describe the same big scary outgroup.


all those people think the pay gay is real

Such hilarious trolls

That's a lot of bitching from cat lady women who will never have to opportunity to even get knocked up

TrollX presupposing it's actually possible to fall pregnant to a Bad Dragon dildo.

Libertarianism is literally retarded though.

Ok fine mother fuckers. Then we won't have kids. Who the fuck is going to wipe your ass when you're 90, old and bedridden?

Personally speaking, a goy who works at a luxury retirement community I reside in will tend to my asshole. /u/queenkellee will be running some kind of indentured servitude instead though. Idk, my way seems more reliable.

Only when it comes to women's Healthcare is there a line drawn. These sack of shit "I don't want to pay for that" types never pop up when a 60 year old man is getting chemo therapy, or a 26 year old man is getting his medicaid covered viagra scrip filled, or a 40 year old man is getting a screening for prostate cancer.

That might just maybe have something to do with the part where men don't throw shitfits on Twitter about how the government owes them those things.

Also fucking lol at the middle example.

OK, I just checked out that sub (/r/drama). It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt-right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law.

We got a reddit lawyer here


I mean... these people recognize that childcare is a job. A paid job. A paid job that society needs. But when women want to be paid for the childcare of their own children, by food or subsidy or whatever, suddenly they're "lazy" and "entitled". It's this crazy fucking double standard that recognizes getting paid to watch other people's kids, but not your own. These same fucking people will probably also call their turn to watch the kids 'babysitting' and demand praise! Fucking crazytown.

But when women want to be paid for the childcare of their own children, by food or subsidy or whatever, suddenly they're "lazy" and "entitled". It's this crazy fucking double standard that recognizes getting paid to watch other people's kids, but not your own.

be paid for the childcare of their own children

Holy fucking shit you have got to be kidding.

"This guy does realize that if we can't pay for birth control, then we would have to eventually pay for child care. We have to pay for something; he can't just expect women to shoulder the burden of either preventing pregnancy or figuring out child care."

Yeah but who other than a legit homeless person couldn't afford birth control ? Also if they want the goverment to basically pull daddy duties ... um ... the goverment then gets the right to shape your child the way they want or atleast partially at that point imo.

That's a lot of bitching from cat lady women who will never have to opportunity to even get knocked up

Baaahahhahaha youve devolved into a chanting retard,

The Soviets got to berlin first, an they killed more Germans by far, and they lost the most people by far. The Germans put way more effort into fighting the soviets, its just a fact. Sorry brah :D

But I get it, its hard teaching someone whose decided to be retarded their entire life.

I like this hypothetical history thing you're throwing around, if America didnt exist the best you have is that the Internet wouldn't exist? America is a joke an Americans think so themselves.

Your population majority rejects evolution, dead ringer brain deads. And your president is working with the Russians, just lmao