Z-List Celeb Kathy Griffin creates a 17 minute video where she outs Andy Cohen as a coke head, gives out the head of TMZ's phone number, and just continues her slide into irrelevancy. Honestly, just mod her now.

271  2017-10-29 by Zappert


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Everyone from queers to crypto-fascists is fascinated with Kathy Griffin.

Kathy Griffin, who has essentiallly been thrown out by Hollywood after the Trump scandal


Am I the only one who thinks Kathy Griffin looks like a space alien? She’s got that “I’m about to probe you” look on her face.


Don't be a crazy conspiracy theorist.

She's a Reptilian.

Reptilians are aliens, dude

Ackchyually the reptilians are the original species on this planet who were forced under ground by the comet that wiped out the dinosaurs, and now control humans through shadow tactics because they don't have the numbers to conquer us through force.

You're obviously just a product of our shitty school system.

Ffs this comment is too long, just say Jews.

Not all jews are reptilians, but all reptilians are jews.

that explains gefilte fish

So are the reptilians working against the greys agenda?

This guy gets it

Google Kathy Griffin without makeup. I think she's really hot but with the makeup WTF. (http://contentwithpictures.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Kathy-Griffin-without-makeup.jpg)

I think she's really hot

If you were gay, you would be attracted to Andy Dick. Just so you know.

I'm glad both of us can tell I'm not gay. Thanks for the info.

I disagree

That’s offensive to Andy dick.

That pic is way uglier than Andy dick

Or any dick for that matter.

I too think of her as woman Andy Dick. Did we just become best friends?

I too think of her as woman Andy Dick.

Only gayer.

I think she's really hot

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Good bot

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.9948% sure that better_bot is not a bot.

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Fucking deal with it, he’s the best.

Jealous prick


I've never been hurt by a redhead.

Do you want to be?

so thats where aphex twin got the fucked up face photo from

Get out of my head!

Glasses might help you to see better lol


user reports:
1: Photographic evidence of reptilian shapeshifting Satanists.




not actually a bot


>not actually rich

I think she's really ho

nigga are you looking at same picture I am?

She looks essentially the same but with more wrinkles and a splotchy face.

Truly horrifying.

your dick is broken my dude

Another pennywise?

lets bully someone about their looks - u/strathmeyer

i don't know who she is but just shut up with your bullying and hate

Looks like a still from an Aphex Twin video.

Underrated comment.

delete this

She has a very unfortunate shaped head.

Her face ain’t that great either.

Kathy Griffin is a ‘Bald De’ and ‘Ct’

She needs the bussy.

She definitely has the gray space alien look going. Her head shape is unfortunate to begin with, but too much plastic surgery has left her with that weird unnatural smooth skin look. The results are an uncanny valley type of thing.

Also, the strange alien device behind her on the left.

She probed me with Andy Griffin back in 2010. 10/10 experience.

She looks like that lesbian dude on MSNBC.

I always thought she looked like Andy Dick in drag.

Her brows are thiccer than my bussy.

I am not a big fan of trump but this woman disgusts the shit outta me.

:O Don't you dare insult Mr. Beaker like that.

lets bully people about their looks

  • u/neutralvoter

You're saying we shouldn't?

Do you know where you are?

Although I do agree it's the lazy hot take

I did not, I just found out where I was, came here from google because its nowhere else on reddit.

Honestly can't tell if some people are exaggerating or being serious though, some of the people i've argued with are actually really serious

Let me tell you this-- /r/Drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find, and even as a supporter of free speech it appalls me that Reddit would allow such a vile, festering hub of bigotry and sadism to exist. You think [slur]town was bad? That subreddit, if you pick up on the dog-whistles (and many don't even bother with that-- say want you want about Stormfront, at least it bans "n[slur]"), will reveal itself to you as Reddit's number one hub for the web's most hardened Nazis, Klansmen, Fascists, and Gamergaters.

You'll notice on the sidebar that it encourages members to be as dramatic as possible. That's intentional. They encourage arguments in the comments section. That's intentional. You know the Three Minute Hate (it's from this underrated book 1985, give it a read, it's scary how much it parallels our society)? It's like that, they want to stoke the flames of reactionary rage so they continue to dogpile every progressive and minority who enters the subreddit, normalizing these evil feelings. They brigade from subreddit to subreddit, having an entire cabal of mods spanning hundreds of communities, gaslighting lived experiences of the oppressed and unashamedly bolstering Reddit's homegrown white supremacy movement. They've kink-shamed hundreds of people too, some even... to death.

I fear that /r/drama may be producing an entire army of Dylann Roofs and Elliot Rogers, and I highly suggest that nobody dares visit that horrible subreddit, lest you potentially fall victim to its corruptive aura.

Wait you're not a troll? How fascinating.

yup, don't fit in here do I?

Yeah neither do we :(

We're stuck here in some sort of Limbo to pay for our crimes

I'm just here because childhood sexual abuse broke me.

how's your weekend, Ms Griffin?


Who is this person?

Not a celebrity, that's for sure

She got famous for making visible death threats to the president but got away with it by crying a lot.

someone trying to expose injustice and corruption, have a listen and don't marginalize and ridicule them for it

she is the picture of injustice you faggot


I understand she's fighting fire with fire, and thats wrong but she's responding to people abusing her and trying to kill her career, we blaming the victim over here now?

She made a death threat to the POTUS and got fired for it. She kicked a hive and complained about the bees.

Which is why you carry Raid to kill the bees.

Or you use a hose or hire a professional bee specialist. (This is where the metaphor falls apart)

She’s not the victim. She did something horrific and got punished for it. I don’t go around calling customers faggots at my work and then get to claim to be the victim when I’m fired.

Trans-Ron Weasley.

Thank God for automatic closed captioning. No human has to listen to her screeching voice.

I give her about 6 months before she goes full Randy Quaid.

Don't worry guys, it's just a video to shill her new tour.

Also I love how she has to include the little tidbit about how at every one of her shows people give her a standing ovation(which shouldn't be that rare for a famous comedian) like its some sort of proof that she's still popular and people still care about her.

It's a reminder that the leader of the free world cannot stop her. She's stood up and shown that she will take on all comers.


It's a reminder that the leader of the free world cannot stop her. She's stood up and shown that she will take on all comers.

Imagine being this #WOKE

How much bloody plastic surgery has she had?

Bloody plastic surgery? I'd say all of it.

Not enough or too much? I can't decide.

Not enough until she looks like this

gives out the head of TMZ's phone number


Just a sad person.

Someone in the entertainment biz does COCAINE!!!??

Holy shit, this must be the first time ever- I bet they’ll struggle in their career after this bombshell of a revelation!

Who will want to party with them now?

If she’d said he didn’t offer her any of his supply it would be more damaging.


that is what SHOULD happen, don't make light of it and make jokes about this

No, this is very serious, all entertainment we consume must be produced by wholesome people that say their prayers every night and have pledged sobriety.

You're very right it is VERY SERIOUS, I agree with you there. And you keep making jokes about it, go figure..

This is cocaine, people get murdered for this stuff to be produced, in addition to the misery it causes to family's and it's users, and distributors, and bloodshed of authorities that try to fight and contain the evil.

Every time you use it, or make light of it through sarcasm, THIS is what you are supporting financially and closing a blind eye to for the sake of being entertained. Please keep this in mind before you tell me any more stupid sarcastic jokes

Just what in the world are you trying to defend??

Just what in the world are you trying to defend??

Hedonism, drug-taking, pre-marital sex, satanism and loud music.

its good to be self-aware

This but unironically.


You forgot racism, the mayocide, and whatever weird fetishes Amt Schumer has.

So you're saying legalise cocaine?

This but unironically.

cocaine is safer that alcohol, most of the problems you mention are caused by prohibition

Jesus, you're a real piece of work. Self-righteously spouting off about gasp the evils of gay marriage and abortion while simultaneously attempting to maintain your moral high horse?

Your shitty personal beliefs get people murdered all the fucking time so that idiots like you can feel superior to "the degenerates". How about you just fuck off? Your brand of stupidity isn't even particularly entertaining, tbh.

good research man

hows that to do with anything I said?? Are you defending Cocaine production and use that bad, did I strike a nerve somewhere?

You addressed NOTHING I said, and attacked my character insulted and disrespected me, and I'm to listen to you about morals and beliefs??

bro you are so lost, degenerates? murder? Christians are the ones getting a genocide pushed against them in the Middle east? I don't disrespect people by calling them "degenerates" or insulting and cussing them like your righteous self

are you alright? so much hate and anger and insults and nothing intelligent and constructive

wtf I hate the concept of "my body my choice" now

illegalize all drugs now!

Well it is Andy Cohen. He runs reality tv shows that involve rich people, some with serious drug problems. Then interviews them and straight up asks them personal questions about their drinking or drug use in front of millions of viewers.

He even interviewed ex Disney star Kim Richards multiple times, once while she was still in rehab, about her drug and drinking problems.

So, I wouldn't shrug it off so quickly.

Someone from Hollywood does coke? No, it cannot be. I am beyond shaken.

How can you "out" someone in the entertainment industry as a coke head? Doesn't literally 95% of the industry use coke?

so that makes it ok you're implying, and she should have kept quiett??





Why do you care about what a stranger does with his nose?

Glad you asked..

as if its that simple of a matter

Like I said before, this is cocaine, people get murdered for this stuff to be produced, in addition to the misery it causes to family's and it's users, and distributors, and bloodshed of authorities that try to fight and contain the evil. Every time you use it, or make light of it , THIS is what you are supporting financially and closing a blind eye to.

but yeah I'm a stupid weirdo over here obsessed with people's noses, thats all there is to it and nothing else..

SMH that I even have to explain this

people get murdered for this stuff to be produced

Whose fault do you think that is? Is it the fault of the end consumer or because of draconian drug laws? Do you think there would be any murders if people were allowed to produce, sell and buy it without government interference? Are you one of the retards that believe the era of prohibition was a good idea?

You'll never be able to control drug use so better just let it be and focus your resources on harm reduction instead. I assure you there would be fewer murders.

SMH that I even have to explain this... you fucking idiot (sorry)

Its inherent in a business run my criminals. Whosoever fault it is, the end user is financing, supporting, and promoting such behavior in the current world, it's on your head.

Your solution is like coming into compromise with evil, after acknowledging you can't fight it. Prohibition worked out terribly but, yeah afterwards everything was smooth as butter, right? except all the innocent deaths and tragedy's from DUI's, the prevalence of alcoholism in the country and the problems that come with it, health and social ones, the broken families its caused, it is much better to come to compromise with evil right?

Coca leave aren't evil, but coke IS, by itself it IS harmful. Why would people think to ban it in the first place do you think?

inherent in a business run (b)y criminals

Legalize it, standardize it, voila no more criminals

All drugs have different levels of harm and addiction potential, including caffeine and nicotine. Should we ban those too?

People are going to get high, it's literally as old as our species

First of all, are you a troll? If not you should look into all the harmful effect of the war on drugs. There are no positive effects. The only things it accomplishes is to ramp up the violence and death toll connected to black market drug trade.

And stop cussing and throwing insults around

I said I was sorry :(

Listen to /u/giroth

People are going to get high, it's literally as old as our species

People have been doing coca, marijuana, khat, ayahuasca, soma, datura, salvia, tobacco and countless other drugs since forever. Humans want to get fucked up. There is no changing that. If someone wants to get high throwing them in jail won't solve anything. They'll continue to do drugs in jail, learn how to hurt other people from violent criminals and then when they're released they'll use those skills in the real world. Nothing was solved, in fact more problems were created and a lot of resources were wasted.

Drugs aren't 'evil' in themselves, addiction to drugs is. Society should be focusing its resources on minimizing the harmful effects of addiction and not putting people in jail because of something they choose to put into their own bodies. Hamburgers are harmful too if you eat too many of them. It causes the exact same problems.

Would it be advisable to put all fat and sugar fiends in jail and ban food items like ice cream or is it best to teach proper nutrition and exercise to people? What about all the people who know how to eat hamburgers responsibly, should they be punished too?

Yeah its pretty hard to come up with a practical solution in this perverted and jacked up world, but still thats like saying "lets compromise with evil because we can't do anything else about it".

Prescription medication is legally regulated and look how much crap is up with all that, it's not the heaven that people on here are saying it would be. OD on prescription meds is becoming the leading cause of death in the US, or at least in specific areas.

Having that stuff so readily available is terrifying, and doctors will write them up to you to make extra commission or however it works. "Its your body do whatever you want with it" - that stuff don't sit right with me when things like this are going on.

They banned weed and the deaths caused by weed are insignificant compared to how many people use it with no problem. In fact, studies show weed is beneficial and they still banned it. Your argument is shit.

MURDER those who use cocaine are comparable to #murderers#

pretty much, there financing such behavior, or are they not??

What a fucking stupid argument lol

If it's stupid then it should be easy for you to prove me wrong, yes?

Or can you not do that? And so resort to calling what I say stupid to compensate for it? hmm...

I won't legitimize you enough to acknowledge you any longer. That's how pathetic you and your opinions are to me.

The best way to harm the criminals who make money doing something illegal is to legalize it. I don’t see much reason for drugs to be illegal; let people kill themselves if they want to, it’s their choice.

!isbot a_normal_human

I am in private label sales and have a customer who works in the industry working on a project with us. Last time I saw him he’d lost a bunch of weight. I asked what he did, expecting some diet or something. Nope. He says coke so matter of factly I didn’t know how to respond.

That's the same dress she wore for her Trump-head pic. OMG IS THIS A MICROAGGRESSION?


This is "You can't fire me show business! I quit!" five months late.

It's five months late because it took five months to sink in through her bubble and whatever personality disorders that she's done for good.

Honestly, just mod her now.

This but immediately

She really needed to take a sip of water while filming this. Those dry-mouth sounds are disgusting.

I feel like this is the point (far beyond the point) where a normal person would say “wow maybe I’m the common denominator here”.


She's wearing the same outfit from the trump photo, that's cute.

I love that photo...so much booty blastedness over it.

Mostly from her.

Case in point

Blast bussy

Why thank you, daddy.

no problem son

same outfit, but looks like professionals did her makeup and lighting in the trump photo shoot

I hated her in Seinfeld, and I hate her now.

I used to think they made her extremely obnoxious on Seinfeld for comedic effect and it just turns out that's her personality.

So apparently, she and 'Milo' are doing shows in Australia at the same time. Has anyone seen them in a room together?

Please, Milo wishes he had facial hair like Kathy

Why do I get the feeling the comment section is filled with bots? Also, Kathy griffin isn't a z list celeb, c'mon, she's at least a B list. It all seems overly pugnacious.

I haven't got a fucking clue who she is.

she's definitely between between K-list and W-list


Does she have a sex tape or nude leaks?

I'm feeling pretty good about myself today so I could use a shame fap.

I'm genuinely surprised that her behavior isn't the aftermath of a lifetime of abusing a cocaine product of some form or other.

her face is absolutely horrendously disgusting without make up.

I never knew lasagna stomach could migrate north and settle on your eyes

I guess she's making it big as an internet troll.

one of the faggoty ones

Oh, so this is why you don't care about discrimination. You're a fucking homophobe. How nice.

this is r/drama. we're all faggots here. im a faggot, you're a faggot, she's a faggot.

You're a homophobe.

I'm gay.

Gay people can be homophobes. Milo, for example. Huge homophobe.

Gay people

can be homophobes

How exceptional are you?

Can you not read? I literally gave you an example of a gay person who is opposed to gay people.

He isn't.

He is, bigly. He's a self hating gay man. He says so constantly.

If you hate yourself you're a homophobe?

Jesus, dude. Every single time you misrepresent what I wrote. I'm done with this nonsense.

Much like you misrepresent other people.

I thought the entirety of her showbiz fame was a few episode in Seinfeld. She was so annoying.

This thread is the definition of internet bullying

PURE HATE beyond the issues at hand

we didn't choose the bussy, the bussy chose us


Grow up.

I'm grown, just didn't initially realize this was an intentionally extra-drama sub, which I think is a terrible idea for a sub anyway

Grown-ups know how to read the sidebar.

I beg to differ, I've seen grown do way stupider things

!isbot Zappert

I am 100.0% sure that Zappert is not a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | GitHub

beep boop

She's just fucking sad.

I believe her because once you live through a Hollywood career filled with crazy people and crazy situations it slowly turns you into a crazy person.

Does anyone else think Kathy Griffin is just Andy Dick in a very convincing drag? No? Just me?

I wish nothing but pain and misery on TMZ, so this will do.

"obviously clueless" - You are projecting and acting very condescending - I hope by putting me down it makes you feel alot better about your own cluelessness

Don't reply to me unless you have answer, your wasting both our time, I don't care about you trying to flex and tell me how 'cool ' you are and how much cocaine you done and how much people you've murdered, to compensate for how clueless you are

Im sorry I gotta ask, are you like 13 or something?? Murdering people and cocaine is cool? and if you havn't then you're a 'peewee"? Layoff the kendrick lamar, and quit being hard on the internet that makes you a Mr. peewee. I don't gotta make stuff up to random people on the internet to feel good about myself

Now reply telling me how stupid I am some more, I still haven't understood it the first 4 times yet, you know cuz I'm very stupid and have never murdered someone and all..."