Kevin Spacey comes out as gay pedophile

441  2017-10-30 by krautchanner


and I choose now to live as a gay man

Will this "choose" get him in more trouble than the attempted diddling?

I mean, I'm bisexual, so if I want I can choose to live as a gay man. Besides, if we can choose our gender I see no reason we can't choose our sexual orientation.

Ru a pedo too


Big if true


Nah, it's not about who he is, it's how he lives. Gay men "can choose" to live as straight aka live in the closet or hide these things. But yeah, some people might be keen on "misunderstanding" this statement for even more drama.

You know I was never one of those people who wanted to watch the world burn, but it is pretty entertaining I'm not gonna lie.

This is a tough one.

I can't find him spouting any feminist crap on the internet, except for a Buzzfeed video where he just played along, he hates Trump, but he also seems to dislike Hillary.

I think we may have found a rapist who wasn't motivated by male feminism or islam for a change.

He was raping boys. Don't need to be a feminist to get close to young bussy.

It seems you have to be overly worried about boys being left behind in school or joining gangs when it has no bearing on your own life instead.

I think we may have found a rapist who wasn't motivated by male feminism or islam for a change

dont forget the christian church, or just straight up pedophilia.

Catholic Church. Bit different.

either way; basically every religion has a massive problem with pedophilia. Its extremely racist to say that just islam and..femisnism(???) does

The Beautiful Boy

The Beautiful Boy (or just The Boy) is a book, ISBN 0-8478-2586-8, by Germaine Greer, published in 2003. Its avowed intention was "to advance women's reclamation of their capacity for and right to visual pleasure". It is a study of the youthful male face and form, from antiquity to the present day, from paintings and drawings to statuary and photographs.

The cover picture caused minor controversy when the subject of the photograph, Björn Andrésen, a Swedish actor and musician who played Tadzio in Death in Venice (billed by the director Luchino Visconti as "the most beautiful boy in the world") stated in the press that he objected to the picture having been used without his permission.

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meh, the amount of popular subreddits totally dedicated to girls that look like teenagers kindof makes this seem like not a big deal to me. But whatever pushes the narrative

Are those subreddit created by major figures in the a major, influential movement? Is John M. Frame running r/Starlets?

Im just saying that appreciating nubile figures is pretty fucking common in modern society in basically every civilization. Why is it weirder to do to one sex than the other?

You're right, pedophilia really needs an equity movement. The marketing so far really hasn't worked out.

yeah thats definitely what I said. If anything its hemophilia which we're talking about here.

I agree, do you think there any more "philias" we should be addressing before I call the printers?

you lost me. You know theres a huge difference between finding a 5 year old attractive and a 17 year old right?

Are they Humans? Because dog years work differently.

I have no idea what an inability to form blood clots has to do with any of this.


ooh, one old lady gets off to young boys. so scary man, these old ladies.

I call Bullshit, Greer is no lady.


The Femiia of Planet Femi are a proud, beautiful and T H I C C race.

Its extremely racist

Are you retarded?

To say that every religion has a massive problem with pedophilia is a gross generalization. I’d love to see evidence of this claim.

any religion that promotes celebacy has this issue; Buddhism, Judism, christianity, islam..etc

Aka the only true form of Christianity. Heretics get out.

Says the guys with the (((Jesuits))).

he was merely enabled by another branch of left-wing ideology

Literally every halfway decent looking guy I know in NYC, gay or straight, has been hit on by Kevin Spacey at one point or another. It's basically a right of passage at this point.

Have you?

every halfway decent looking guy



It's "rite" you mong

I have a right to be hit on by Kevin Spacey! You can't take that away from me!

It's "rite" you mong

Tfw dont live in NYC

Why live

You're better off. There's too many minorities

who's the minority now bitch

Exactly, yet still no gibs wtf

It's like the first thing you get told about when you start working in the industry. Stay the fuck away from Kevin Spacey.

Hello Kevin Spacey.

jesus, rebuild the media they are so fucking incompetent at this shit. Fuck you reuters and abc

Learn how to call a fucking lie a lie or stop being retarded

Rapp: Spacey is a pedophile who tried to sexually assault me at 14

Spacey: Im gay now

ABC: Spacey is gay!

What's bigger news, some D-list actors aspersions or an A-lister coming out?

an A-lister

Because when you think A Rank actor you think Netflix TV series thats way past it's prime.

Everyone who wasn't autistic already knew Kevin Spacey was gay because of House of Cards where he reenacts his love life, you think those writers are good enough to write a story about gay college bros without it becoming nonsensical satire?

I do if that TV series was the one that put Netflix original series on the map. Or is this the 90s when tv is major step down from movies?

Netflix original series that put them on the map

%3, Orange is the New Black?

Or is this the 90s when tv is major step down from movies?

There is only one time that a Movie turned into a TV Series has been Good and that's Westworld

Oh, was Orange is the New Black the first online-only TV show to win an Emmy or Golden Globe?

How quickly you move the goal posts away from Putting Netflix on the map.

Are you ever going to defend the entire point of my posts that House of Cards sucks now?

It lost in viewership to the election of a Reality Star

You seem confused, the original point was whether Kevin Spacey was A-list or not.

And Not in a single post you've made have you mentioned Kevin Spacey or reasons why House of Cards isn't shit.

Enjoy you're show that's going to use Flanderization and even more impossible, solely for Soap Opera Drama Storylines because it can't be as engrossing and entertaining as the real world.

I mean HoC is still pretty good but it's no Dear White People.

Why does it bother you so much if I like a certain show?

The shiw junoed the shark but you're straight retarded if you don't think he's A-list or that HoC wasn't top tier in it's prime.

that HoC wasn't top tier in it's prime.

Yea there are tons of shows that are good for 1.5 seasons like Firefly

9 Lives, Superman Returns, Fred Claus were just A List movies the quality of a great actor such as Kevin Spacey really showed through and elevated those films to a whole nother level.


1.5 seasons


What else do you call a Season+Movie

A commercial failure :)

Firefly wasn't good

It was top tier for longer than that. Your taste is probably shit. I'm too high iq for you.

( I just want Doug to go full sociopath again okay)




Nah HoC is shit and always has been, the writing is bad, characters are shit and that cut away thing where Spacey talks to the camera is cop out bullshit, your wrong and should feel bad about yourself and your shit taste.

I think you have to be the smartest guy in the whole world

Why thank you that really brightened up my monday.

Lmfao you're straight up retarded if you think 3% and orange are bigger than house of cards. Like this is so stupid, is it bait?

Do you know how Time works, you know if big shows come out on Netflix between House of Cards it means House of Cards wasn't the one that put Netflex "on the map" right?

Pretty simple point, no wonder it confused you.

Perhaps you don't what "on the map" means. As in "wow this really puts Netflix on the map" when HoC was nominated for a lot of awards.

You mean like how Orange Is the New Black is the Netflix series with the most awards with 46 compared to House of Cards 27?

Uzo Aduba won more awards then Kevin Spacey so according to you she's an A lister lol

I thought 2013 was before 2014, apparently I don't know how time works.

Yea you don't rofl, I bet you didn't even know how popular %3 was, but I get it you love defending pedophiles

Sorry, I'm not really up on my Brazilian Hunger games ripoffs.


Where the hell do you get off talking shit about Kevin Spacey like that? He apologized, leave the past in the past. He was drunk for fucks sake.

he was drunk guys, guess he didn't do anything wrong

People are blowing this the fuck out of proportion.

It happened THIRTY YEARS AGO. He was drunk. He apologized for a situation he doesn't remember. By the way, he frankly could've just denied all of it, seeing as though there's no evidence. But no let's fly off the handle. I just read on the Telegraph that Netflix is cancelling House of Cards, no questions asked after the forthcoming sixth season because of this. That is b u l l s h i t.

Kevin Spacey has been around a long time and was famous and well liked before HoC came out. Not sure why people are arguing about him being an A lister and using HoC as arguments. Is everyone here like 18 and not seen him in anything else before?!

Sounds like most of the people Kevin Spacey likes are too young to know any of the movies he's in, SeVen came out over 20years ago

Wow. Didn't realise it was that long ago. American Beauty nearly 20 years too.

Confirmed for retarded

i saw one episode of that lesbian jail thing at a friends house because the internet said it was good and holy shit its so bad

What the fuck is three percent?

some brazilian hunger games / battle royale knockoff


It was their first one, literally.

Lilyhammer was their first. HoC was the first they promoted

Nah I would say he’s definitely A-lister, House of Cards is one of the most iconic shows of this decade and he’s been in big movies too

Whether or not he’ll stay that way in a year’s time after all this is up in the air

How was baby driver btw been meaning to watch that

Unpopular opinion but I only thought it was okay, there weren’t enough car scenes. Definitely not bad but I enjoyed Hot Fuzz and Scott Pilgrim a lot more

Well Hot Fuzz is one of the greatest satires of all time that's fair, i'll just it out if it's decent for some reason I got it in my head baby driver was shit and haven't felt like watching it, maybe it was the trailers.

Starts off well, but crashes and burns at the end. That's not even a car based pun, it's just a description of the movie.

If they ended the show when he became president it'd have been one of the best ever

Frank "Hungers-for-wood" Underwood understood the underaged. "Unacceptable" announced somebody other than the Awful, Boring and Cucked-for-Hollywood ABC.

The industry papers aren't having any of it though

They know it's a problem they can't ignore now.

jesus, rebuild the media they are so fucking incompetent at this shit. Fuck you reuters and abc Learn how to call a fucking lie a lie or stop being retarded. They do this shit with everything

wow you sure do seem triggered by this did Spacey reject your gay advances or something?

Why are you so against calling pedophiles pedophiles? Why are you defending pedophilia

Im sorry but Kevin Spacey is clearly not a pedophile, he is an hebebebephile.


Lol you act like it's incompetence and not deliberate

It's both tbh and I have a problem with both


Bill Cosby?

Old news.

Lena Dunham


I can't help it, I'm a feminist.

jesus christ. I'm seriously so sick of this. and I get downvoted to hell every time I point it out. but the "lena dunham is a pedo" shit is so over the top, and the witchhunt is far more despicable to me than what she actually wrote about. She was 6-7 years old when that happened. She looked at her sister's vagina because she was intrigued about it (as a little kid, who isn't? I did the "you show me yours, I'll show you mine" with my best friend as a little kid)

She described a ton of graphic over-the-top things in that book because the book was one of those tell-all humiliating know?

yes, the way she wrote about it was weird but she's not a fucking child molester (the other passage people point out is when she masturbated in the same bed as her sister as a teenager...I was a horny teenager too and masturbated in some weird places. that is not rape)

I just think it's really insulting to anyone who had completely natural childhood experiences with their friends/siblings. We all explore, we all do stupid shit. Lena Dunham made the mistake of being honest about it and everyone misinterpreted, over-analyzed (From two small passages!) and ripped her apart.

I understand why people hate her but I don't think she's fucking satan.

Her sister is a good friend of hers and did not consider any of that violating (meanwhile if you say this rabid people online are like "she has stockholm syndrome" "lena dunham groomed her" fucking seriously?). She even appeared on the show Girls, she was unphased by all this stupid controversy.

Most people who rant about how disgusting she is hasn't even read the passages/or the book, or they read it completely out of context in an article designed to manipulate people into hating her. This entire outrage over this started with an article on a super-conservative site.

Lena Dunham's sense of humor and style comes from exposing the awkward, humiliating, raw parts of her life. She has shared a lot of shit that make people wildly uncomfortable. I personally enjoy some of it but I understand basically everyone on reddit does not haha.

I know that whenever this issue arises it seems like everyone will jump on me to justify their hatred of her. But in my eyes what she wrote about was completely innocuous.

Let's sum this up: when she was 7 she looked at her sister's vagina and put pebbles in it (or something? something bizarre and gross), disgusting but she was 7 years old, we all do weird fucking shit as kids. The other event is simply masturbating in the same bed as her sister as she slept when she was a teenager (people always disagree with me on this but...jesus, I guess I don't think it's as big of a deal as everyone else)

I see the most rabid hatred here on /r/Drama, I see it over and over and over again. I am just so sick of the witchhunts against celebrities and other people on the internet. It is just disgusting to me. Even if you disagree with me, I will never agree that calling Lena a pedo and a cunt and all this other shit I see is ethically sound. I feel bad for her. I feel bad for us as a society that we leap at people's throats over trivial shit.

on /r/sex a long time ago there was a thread from a guy that came to the realization he had molested a girl when he was little (nonconsensual sexual activities), people were so compassionate towards him and he was very very remorseful. what he did was wrong but he seemed like a genuinely good person who did not understand what he was doing at that age. the thread was really insightful and amazing to read and full of similar stories (kids doing stupid things). reddit empathized and did not throw harsh judgments at him. yet as soon as we see a celebrity fuck up (in a relatively minor way) they apparently deserve to be hanged...ugh, I just fucking hate it.

I don't care if I'm downvoted to hell. Every time I see a thread like this here it sickens me. I need to call it out. I just really think this is based on ignorance and I don't blame people for judging, but maybe we should all just take a step back and look at the context.

I have to say, I read the book, I didn't love it but I read it (I like Girls, I know I'll get lynched just for saying this but it's just as good as Master of None and other shows like that, the last season was extremely funny and self-aware, people don't seem to realize that she's constantly mocking herself for everything people hate her for) - and those passages didn't even phase me compared to the rest of the book (the book is full of weirdly written graphic stuff, so it didn't stand out) - so I was really surprised when this "scandal" broke out. I kind of wish her editor just made her remove it...I know people despise her but she's creative and she makes things and that's more than can be said for a lot of people. I personally admire her honesty even when it's insanely intimate and graphic.

if any of that had any negative affects on her sister or was anything but completely innocuous why the fuck would she write about it? she was just writing about things a lot of us go through - curiosity about vaginas when we're little, being excessively horny when you're a teenager etc.

Yes, it was fucking weird. But it was very very clearly not malicious


I hope this is a copypasta.

She bribed her sister with candy to kiss her, and according to her book she did this up to her late teens.

I sure hope you stay away from children, u/NotaDrama, especially your own family.

Are you assuming I read all my comment ?

That's pretty retarded, even for /r/drama.

Are you assuming I read all my comment ?


Are you assuming I've read tha pasta I posted ?

I assume everyone on this reddit is a retard.

This Reddit? Not (the other Reddit)[]?

My bowl is not big enough for all this pasta

See, that's the problem with Hollywood. They need to allow more opportunity for non white pedophiles to succeed.

whaaat. In 2008 or whatever I remember watching Family Guy where they had a gag where kevin spacey chased a boy out of a basement. I remember mentioning it to my coworker who used to fancy himself as a future scriptwriter and he said "oh yaaa, every knows Kevin Spacey is gay". This was the first time I heard it, but since then I always assumed everyone knew that kevin spacy was gay. i'm sorry if this comes across weird, i'm kinda high.

Anyways. Why is it 2017 and he still wasn't out of the closet? Did he forget we had Obama for 8 years?

Also, from what i read in this article he probably raped that boy something fierce.

Because he kept his coming out as a special deflecting weapon for the time one of the children he molested would speak.

And it worked. Even fucking Reuters bite the bait.

The Chewbacca defense?

Star Wars is a kid movie.

I think your opinion on Reuters was too damn high.

Upvoted, but what are the better alternatives? Everything I've seen that's more detailed/nuanced than them is politicized as fuck and doesn't have fact checking standards that are nearly as high.




I don't listen to the opinion of poors like you.

The Hill maybe

He couldn't come out because he's a republican and they don't like gays but now that he's nkt a congressman anymore he doesn't have to run so it's ok

A gay guy who has been in the acting world for over 30 years and has had friends die of aids is presumbly not going to be republican

M8, there are black neonazis, russian neonazis, rich white kid communists, gay hating gays, etc Gay republican isnt anything interesting anymore.

Black neonazis

TBH National Socialism it self is an ideology, just like Communism. You can be Communist and hate Russians(Chinks) and you can be a National Socialist and hate mayos.

No rational person would hate mayonnaise.

Gay is pretty much the default state of Republicans

There are plenty of gay republicans. They used to have an organization (don't know if it's still around) called the "log cabin republicans" that was specifically for gay repubs.

Kevin Spacey is 100% a known Democrat.

Between that, and Seth's comments on Weinstein, I think it's maybe time we sat the dude down and have him tell us everything he knows.

Family Guy outed Bruce Jenner as well.

By this time next year people will remember Family Guy had a joke about everything in that movie Schindler's list being completely made up.

And they had another joke about juliette Lewis having sex with her dog

I'd buy the Juliette Lewis dog sex thing

And the holocaust wasn't real. Family guy is never wrong

No, I meant if there was a video of Juliette Lewis having sex with a dog, I would buy it.

What? I'm English and I knew he was gay two decades ago. He was involved with the Young Vic/ Old Vic theatre in London and had an incident in public that screamed gay.

The term 'screamed gay' is a term that 'screams gay'.

Well he is English.



I'm English


"an incident in public that screamed gay."

Was it also a 14 year old boy?

I remember hearing years ago that he is gay, but he is a very private person. He probably didn't come out because there was no reason for him to do so.

Because he likes to aggressively fuck underage boys and even Weimerica isn't quite at the point of public acceptance of that yet?

everyone here should go into work tomorrow and admit in front of everyone that they made a pass at a 14 year old. Then compare outcomes.

go into work

being a wagecuck

How are you going to afford chicken tendies on ubi money?

Well obviously I'll be on all the welfare programs in addition to UBI, so I'll just use my EBT

welfare programs in addition to UBI


UBI isn't welfare you retard, everyone gets it

Yes but most implementations of UBI aim to eliminate welfare and replace it with UBI.

i mean nah like healthcare and stuff is usually additional at least to begin with in most plans

That's only to get the pill to pass with conservatives, there will still be some welfare programs for services that can't just be replaced by cash payment.

Like taking care of the mentally ill, addicts, gamblers and other people who just squander any money. Also programs to get people back to work like on the job training.

What it should get rid of is the current welfare program that only sends you a cheque every month. Those are supposed to be welfare traps and they have to be replaced.

where do i sign up for that free shit

Only get tendies with GBP, not UBI.

In France having sex with 14 year old boys is the norm.

Plus all the countries in Latin America have an age of consent of 12-14. Same as Africa and Germany.

Name one french pedo though ?

Truth is, we don't particularly like pedos like Polanski, but let's be honest here : would you give up Johnny Depp in The Ninth Gate for that 14yo butthole virginity ?

I think not.

Name one french pedo though

The French presidents wife

Also any French redditors that defended the fact that the French presidents wife fucked a high school freshman.

Also considering like age of consent in France is like 15, it's not like being into barely legal women is somehow better

The age of consent doesn't = grown men/women sleeping with people who are just on the age of consent.

The age of consent here in the UK is 16. It is incredibly abormal to see or hear of a 16 year old with a grown up. It would be looked down upon and the parents would probably freak out. It's just not the done thing. Same in France.

Doesn't matter what the age of consent is. People aren't stupid. They know any adult who wants to be with a 16 year old is either developmentally behind in some way or a creep. A 30 year old guy won't have much in common with a 16 year old boy/girl. So let's be real here.

Same in France.

the president's wife

Because one person = whole of France and representative of the attitudes and beliefs of all people in a nation right?

The age of consent in Germany is 16. It's only 14 if you're under 18 yourself. And it's certainly not 12.

So it's fine for 17 year olds to fuck 14 year olds, but not 18 year olds

Depends on the country, but if one is under 18 you can't have more age difference than 2 years.

Imagine being such a worthless retard that at 17 you need to resort to dating a freshman.

Half your age plus 7.

the law's there to stop kids sleeping with each other getting charged with rape not to let adults screw 14 year olds.

I think that rule makes less sense the older you get

Cause with that logic I could date someone still in high school and that would make me feel extremely weird

Legally, yes. But it's not like it's enforced until someone presses charges. And they have to set the limit somewhere, it makes sense for the limit to be 18 when that's also the age where you can legally drive, drink, smoke etc.

Uh what? Where did you get that?

I'm French and I can tell you, it's absolutely not the norm.

Except Brazil then? Because the age of consent is 18

It's 14.

No its not I live in South region of Brazil and it's 18

I live here too and I had an internship as a clerk besides studying Law. Article 217-A from the Penal Cold establishes 13 as the oldest age for statutory rape, after that it's legal besides some exceptions.

The reaction i got was "yeah we know"

Already done, she was hot and looked 16 so I got some high fives.

Here's what the most reliable source ever has to say about Spacey:

Hi. I worked on a production he was in, Shipping News – in the rural town of Trinity in Newfoundland. Town has a population of maybe 1200. He had production put a ping pong table in his suite and help him organize TOURNAMENTS with local preteen and teen boys. I’m not even making this up. everyone was really grossed out. all the local famileies thought he was just so wonderfully genorous with his time, being a big movie star and all but i think he’s a predator. the ping pong was one thing but he went through a pile of male ‘assistants’ that were flown up from LA-one a week. and at the end of the shoot we (crew, cast) were having a pissup at the local (Rocky’s) – he invites the 3rd AD out to his range rover for a toke ( i know this because i was banging the 3rd AD) so they’re sitting in the truck, and suddenly spacey goes for my friends ZIPPER and expresses an urgent desire to FELLATE him. the AD has now the awkwardest situation on his hands – with 2 weeks of shooting left, he has to A) politely decline Mr. SPacey’s offer and B) keep his job. he manages to get out of the truck unmolested and then Spacey takes off in the truck – and he’s fucking loaded. usually his handlers would prevent that sort of thing but they didn’t think he would be going anywhere, they just thought he was having a toke and a blowjob. so he tears off in his Range Rover and then misses a very sharp turn on the way out of the village goes through a fence and down a hill into some guys yard – and lands in top of the guys well. truck is all fucked up, there’s damage to the well, etc. production paid the property owner 10 grand not to say anything about it. there was some local joke that about how you get a hollywood movie star out of your well, but I forget how it goes.

plus all the stories about Spacey taking young, not yet established male actors out to dinner at an expensive restaurant, ordering extravagant meals and wine, then telling the young man "I'm going to fuck your twink mouth", and if the young man declined then Kevin would walk out of the restaurant leaving the poor kid to foot the bill.

Sounds about right.

That guy sounds rude AF, Kevin Spacey gave him weed and offered a blowjob - did he even say thank you?

You make a good point.

Classic Chappelle

When you realize the dad in American Beauty was right all along.

ping pong



Sounds like a game they'd have at a certain pizza parlor...

Sounds like a weird reference to Pale Fire. Iun think real predators do exactly what Kinbote does, right?


Friend of a friend type stuff but I remember hearing much milder stuff that was alleged. Like this guy said spacey would take his friend to all these fancy places and stuff but he had to stop because it was clear that spacey wanted to bang him. I'm pretty sure that we were all above the legal age in our country.

No offence but there have been a few celebrities where people didn't believe abuse allegations because the guy was having casual sex with all sorts of people so people somehow get the idea they don't need to abuse. No one needs to abuse, these guys just get a kick out of forcing themselves on people or chasing after people they know don't want them.

I mean I wasn't try to discredit these allegations or their validity etc, but just remembered something related.

(((house of cards)))

I don't think the Clintons are Jewish, are they?

I thought they were just (((Soros))) puppets, so it all kinda evens out.

If he was he would have known to stay away from (((Monica))).

I found this in a Holy Moly mail-out from 9 years ago.

One of the cast of Inherit the Wind was asked to share a dressing room with Kevin Spacey.

He said he'd rather just have a dressing room with the others, thanks.

Kevin's PA said; "I know it's weird but it worked for Colin Farrell."

Inherit the Wind had a large number of kids on the cast.

"I'm going to fuck your twink mouth", and if the young man declined then Kevin would walk out of the restaurant leaving the poor kid to foot the bill.

Ok I believed it until then, but was a good laugh.

Kevin Spacey totaling a truck into the well didn't throw up any flags?

Like you've never crashed anything while high as fuck. Most believable part.

And I right fucked myself up doing it.

I've never seen a beat to shit Spacey

Exactly what I was thinking.

Virgin "dine n dash" vs Chad walk out

I actually live about 2 hours from where this supposedly happened and was thinking of going there next summer for a weekend (it's a pretty touristy little town), wonder if the locals would remember any of this

That explains his ability to perfectly emulate degenerates.

He's actually one.

That's a weird thing to LARP

Here's what the most reliable source ever has to say

This but unironically.

( i know this because i was banging the 3rd AD)

Why do they always have to go and ruin a perfectly good and hilarious libel by making it obviously false?

In "The Usual Suspects", Kevin Spacey played a character named "Verbal Kint".

"Kind" is German for "child".



Give me the keys, you fucking cock-sucker!

love that movie


Yeah. Snow White.

That chick was NUTS.

I like when she enslaves the group of midgets.

Oh, they were "paid", if you know what I mean.

user reports:
1: normie memeing

MFW the report does not refer to the warlizard gaming forum.

oh wow


So it seems.

My brother told me Spacey was caught hanging out the back of a kid on Hampstead Heath in London but the Metropolitan Police let him off 'cos he was director of the Old Vic theatre at the time.

I said he was full of shit.

My dad said Rock Hudson hit on him in a bar in LA back in the seventies when he was on fulough from the merchant navy.

I said he was full of shit.

I need to start listening to my family more...

Rock Hudson didn't have a lot of friends, but he had Nabors up the butt.

My buddy went to Annapolis and KSpacey would cruise those bars for Navy dick all the time

Here's the popbitch version of events

Remember in 2004 when Kevin Spacey got "brutally mugged" while walking his dog at 430am? And then how Spacey revealed he hadn't been mugged but "fell for a con", where a kid stole his mobile phone and Spacey, running after him tripped over his dog?

What really happened was this. Spacey had taken a shine to a waiter where he was dining. He handed him a 20 pound note tip with his phone number on, and the star-struck waiter agreed to meet him later. The two men then got trashed together. While walking back to Spacey's apartment near the Old Vic to continue their drinking session, they passed through a nearby park. Spacey made a suggestion to the waiter about what they could do next. Not liking this suggestion, the straight but rather worse for wear waiter, punched the star in the face. Afterwards, Spacey's lawyers suggested rather strongly to him that he might want to keep the story to himself. The waiter wasn't interested in selling his story or taking any hush money and has kept a dignified silence ever since. Almost.

I'm sure it will turn into "hanging out the back of a kid" over the next few days though.

Listen; nobody goes to Hampstead Heath after dark for any other reason than torrid Joe Orton-esque shenanigans of a turd-burglaring variety. It was there where George Michael was caught with that truck driver. It was in a public convenience within the park in which Alec "Reach out with your Feelings" Guinness was arrested for public indecency and gave a false name to the magistrate at his hearing the following day.

In the daytime it's all flying kites, family picnics and walking the dog. At night it's a squalid den of lube and fecal matter, mark my words.

Having allowed himself to be walked into such an arena of depravity the very least that waiter could have done is agreed to watch Spacey while the erstwhile thespian masturbated to issue.

Joe Orton-esque

Another, still very much celebrated, self-admitted child rapist.

Now the biggest star not to come out is Keanu Reeves. Best kept secret in Hollywood but hes a low key good guy so nobody talks about it.

I need some salacious proof

"For a while people were saying that David Geffen and I had gotten married. That just blew me away. Not because they thought I was gay, but that they thought I could land a guy that hot."
- Keanu Reeves

That’s isn’t salacious or proof

Good lord what is it about his cadence that oozes thru even in writing?

I'm starting to think the "best kept secret in Hollywood" might be a mass grave of molested Disney stars.

RIP Pete & Pete

Pete and Pete always gets an upvote

Natalie Wood?

Is he a pedo?

I'm not sure anyone cares unless they're a pedo like Lena Durham.

The amount of caring regarding her is directly proportional to your political leanings.

jesus christ. I'm seriously so sick of this. and I get downvoted to hell every time I point it out. but the "lena dunham is a pedo" shit is so over the top, and the witchhunt is far more despicable to me than what she actually wrote about. She was 6-7 years old when that happened. She looked at her sister's vagina because she was intrigued about it (as a little kid, who isn't? I did the "you show me yours, I'll show you mine" with my best friend as a little kid)

She described a ton of graphic over-the-top things in that book because the book was one of those tell-all humiliating know?

yes, the way she wrote about it was weird but she's not a fucking child molester (the other passage people point out is when she masturbated in the same bed as her sister as a teenager...I was a horny teenager too and masturbated in some weird places. that is not rape)

I just think it's really insulting to anyone who had completely natural childhood experiences with their friends/siblings. We all explore, we all do stupid shit. Lena Dunham made the mistake of being honest about it and everyone misinterpreted, over-analyzed (From two small passages!) and ripped her apart.

I understand why people hate her but I don't think she's fucking satan.

Her sister is a good friend of hers and did not consider any of that violating (meanwhile if you say this rabid people online are like "she has stockholm syndrome" "lena dunham groomed her" fucking seriously?). She even appeared on the show Girls, she was unphased by all this stupid controversy.

Most people who rant about how disgusting she is hasn't even read the passages/or the book, or they read it completely out of context in an article designed to manipulate people into hating her. This entire outrage over this started with an article on a super-conservative site.

Lena Dunham's sense of humor and style comes from exposing the awkward, humiliating, raw parts of her life. She has shared a lot of shit that make people wildly uncomfortable. I personally enjoy some of it but I understand basically everyone on reddit does not haha.

I know that whenever this issue arises it seems like everyone will jump on me to justify their hatred of her. But in my eyes what she wrote about was completely innocuous.

Let's sum this up: when she was 7 she looked at her sister's vagina and put pebbles in it (or something? something bizarre and gross), disgusting but she was 7 years old, we all do weird fucking shit as kids. The other event is simply masturbating in the same bed as her sister as she slept when she was a teenager (people always disagree with me on this but...jesus, I guess I don't think it's as big of a deal as everyone else)

I see the most rabid hatred here on /r/Drama, I see it over and over and over again. I am just so sick of the witchhunts against celebrities and other people on the internet. It is just disgusting to me. Even if you disagree with me, I will never agree that calling Lena a pedo and a cunt and all this other shit I see is ethically sound. I feel bad for her. I feel bad for us as a society that we leap at people's throats over trivial shit.

on /r/sex a long time ago there was a thread from a guy that came to the realization he had molested a girl when he was little (nonconsensual sexual activities), people were so compassionate towards him and he was very very remorseful. what he did was wrong but he seemed like a genuinely good person who did not understand what he was doing at that age. the thread was really insightful and amazing to read and full of similar stories (kids doing stupid things). reddit empathized and did not throw harsh judgments at him. yet as soon as we see a celebrity fuck up (in a relatively minor way) they apparently deserve to be hanged...ugh, I just fucking hate it.

I don't care if I'm downvoted to hell. Every time I see a thread like this here it sickens me. I need to call it out. I just really think this is based on ignorance and I don't blame people for judging, but maybe we should all just take a step back and look at the context.

I have to say, I read the book, I didn't love it but I read it (I like Girls, I know I'll get lynched just for saying this but it's just as good as Master of None and other shows like that, the last season was extremely funny and self-aware, people don't seem to realize that she's constantly mocking herself for everything people hate her for) - and those passages didn't even phase me compared to the rest of the book (the book is full of weirdly written graphic stuff, so it didn't stand out) - so I was really surprised when this "scandal" broke out. I kind of wish her editor just made her remove it...I know people despise her but she's creative and she makes things and that's more than can be said for a lot of people. I personally admire her honesty even when it's insanely intimate and graphic.

if any of that had any negative affects on her sister or was anything but completely innocuous why the fuck would she write about it? she was just writing about things a lot of us go through - curiosity about vaginas when we're little, being excessively horny when you're a teenager etc.

Yes, it was fucking weird. But it was very very clearly not malicious


Is that pasta? Please don't say you wrote all that.

However, I do agree with you. Rubbing one out as a teenager whilst in bed with a young child is just normal sexual exploration.

this but ironically

Rubbing one out as a teenager whilst in bed with a young child is just normal sexual exploration.

Can I quote you on that?

Oops, I think I just did.

You've had this on your mind for a while, haven't you?

It's Lena Dunham's account.

Mod them.

Thank you, can I ping you after i go do some exploring myself? I need a good internet lawyer.

I'll have cheese sauce and Chianti with that pasta. And beans, of course.

Quality pasta

If this is fresh pasta whipped up right here and now, it's the strongest evidence I've seen to date that this sub has finally died.

Not Tom or John?

I said secret, everyone knows they love the bussy.

I guess it's near impossible to count John Travolta as "in the closet".

He is dating a tranny right now

Rapp also claims that Spacey "picked me up like a groom picks up the bride over the threshold. But I don’t, like, squirm away initially, because I’m like, ‘What’s going on?’ And then he lays down on top of me."

Oh Kevin.....

Then people are arguing it doesn't count as child abuse. If a short arse actor like Spacey can pick you up then you count as a child even if you are 25.

This sounds like Jimmy Saville all over again. Everyone in the industry knew about it. They just kept it a secret from the public and his potential victims.

I'll have to be more forgiving of Star Trek: Discovery now. Maybe it just sucks so bad because everyone on it is still trying to get over the trauma of being molested.

Still better than the Orville...

I prefer The Orville myself. Apart from the dick jokes, at least it feels more like Star Trek. It's not all black & blue & orange. But that's just if I have to pick sides between the two shitty faux-Trek shows that are on right now.

I cannot fucking stand that Family Guy prick.

Same. Did you see that western comedy movie he made?

I saw the Redlettermedia review of it. Or was it that western comedy with Adam Sandler.

I guess that might be my main issue with the Orville: it's Star Trek with Seth MacFarlaine which is like if they brought back Quantum Leap but with Adam Sandler as Sam Becket.

I just couldn't like it.

Sandler doesn't bother me as much. Unlike Seth, he doesn't think he's the smartest guy in the room.

Of course not, he didn't predict Spacey's pedophilia, Weinstein's noncon recruitment parties, or Jenner's sex change.

I thought so too, and I love it. If you love TNG you should give it a shot. It's got the same feels.

As someone who didn't care for TNG, I'd disagree. It feels more like TOS.

I watched the first three episodes and thought it was dull.

TNG was three decades ago. Maybe it was a good show in it's time but I've kind of moved on.

Did he get outed as a male feminist yet?

Oh, I speak of him as an entertainer: he may well be a lovely man IRL.

I'm sure he would stab a male feminist in the eyeball just like any good-hearted person.

No it sucks because the acting sucks and the writing sucks and.. so on and so forth.

I mean who honestly thought the bland ass lady from the walking dead could headline a tv show?

No it's OK because she was raised by Vulcans. The writers took into account the fact that she can't act.

In other news, water is wet.

Not if it's hot.

All pedophiles are homosexual.


So Kevin Spacey is a NAMBLA member.. Strange, he doesn't look like Marlon Brandon at all!

Those sick bastards STILL have the rights to!

Spacey for President 2020

pederast. Come on! We never get to use that word.

Depends what industry you work in.

lol duh they all are

you have to be to do well in hollywood all leading men have sucked off an old jewish man for instance

weird how all of these celebrities don’t get accused of rape until 30+ years after they become extremely wealthy 🤔🤔🤔

it’s almost like you’d have a lot to gain from falsely accusing a celebrity of terrible things, you’d get a lot of media coverage, and probably a lot of hush money, that is if you were lying. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥

Well that was the standard defence against legit claims in the past. The trouble is that many of these new claimants are both rich and famous in their own right so that defence can't be used to silence or discredit them. It was the Janice Dickinson claims which really blew the lid off the whole thing, Crosby's lawyers did indeed try to pin the poor, fame-seeker badge on her and she just laughed at them and sued for defamation. Then Ashley Judd against Weinstein, she has nothing to gain from that at all.

I now understand the ending of Moon. Spacey erased his memory because when the people came in they would find a large collection of kiddy porn.

Bussy always wins

RIP in peas /r/HouseOfCards

gay *ephebophile

I remember when Kevin Spacey was living in London and he claimed he got mugged walking his dog one night. I lived in the area where this happened, and local legend was that he approached the wrong person to solicit a sucky sucky, and got the shit kicked out of him for it. The park this happened in was known for a bit of a gay dude hook up location at night.

It was an iffy 'mugging' in the early hours in a park known for cruising...don't know how old the 'mugger' was.

"Gay pedophile"

Redundancy much?

I didn't know Kevin Spacey is a republican.

Is Spacey a conservative? I'm noticing DNC higher up's tweeting about this a lot.