Oh shit, Mueller skipped the flunkies and indicted Manafort

76  2017-10-30 by twinkletoes232


Damnit, I lost my office pool. I thought the first round was gonna be some random redshirts nobody'd heard of, and then they'd start flipping on the bigger fish.

My money is on Roger Stone flipping next. Perhaps Flynn, but I honestly think he's been talking.

Stone was already losing his shit on Twitter. I figure one night in county and he's ready to sing.

Eh, I think he's just gonna shitpost into the dark night.

I'm pretty sure Rodger Stone has wet dreams about the FBI coming to arrest him.

“You’ll never meet another man with a dick in the front and a dick in the back"

"when you get knocked down, when things don't go your way, when you're defeated, you got to get up and fight again. It`s simply that.”

wait, roger stone takes DP?

My money is on someone else whose illegal actions, like Manafort, actually had nothing to do with the 2016 Election, let alone Trump "collusion".

Thanks, CaptainObivous.

There's no way of saying that unironically, is there?

You realise someone's already pleaded guilty to having lied about illegal, undeclared contact with Russian agents after joining the Trump team, right?

We're talking about who's going to be charged next, not who has pled guilty already

That has not a goddamn thing to do with what my prediction is about who's going to be indicted next

What they initially charged Manafort with likely has little to do with what they suspect him of having done. He's getting the Al Calpone treatment, except he's not even the main target.

How loyal is Paul Manafort? We already know he'll do heinous shit for money. Roger Stone is freaking the fuck out. I'm going to guess "not very".

What they initially charged Manafort with likely has little to do with what they suspect him of having done.

Have you even read the indictment? Something like 75 Million funneled between 2007-2015.

Yes, but what they can prove at this stage - money laundering - is only incidental to the purpose of the investigation. Everyone knew Al Capone did all sorts of shit, but it was tax evasion that ultimately brought him down.

Now we get to see what Manafort will plead guilty to in exchange for a light sentence and a side OF fingering Daddy, Stone, et al.

Here's the thing: he's gonna roll over on everyone from 2007-2016 if he does. There's no denying he worked with both sides during this time. I hope all of the guilty actors go down to drain this swamp bb!

"Both sides" Lmao. Are you still talking about Hillary? Who gives a flying fuck about Hillary? She's been irrelevant for a year.

no, you idiot. I'm talking about the podesta group who he worked for in 2011.

So literally nobody relevant? Lol.

well, you're just showing your ignorance into who the podesta brothers are. Tony Podesta is a big DNC lobbyist and just stepped down....like an hour ago

He's a lobbyist for hire, fam. Literally who gives a fuck?

The American people who want to see the swamp drained

ya its a really good thing trump replaced all those mean politicians with some upstanding bankers

B...b...but they're MY bankers this time!!!1

ROFL he didn't work for "both sides." He worked for the pro-Russian Ukranian party, and then worked for Trump.

He worked for the pro-Russian Ukranian party,

and possibly was the hand behind Uranium One

Both sides? Why in the fuck would you try to "both sides" the likely srd scum who've been farming karma posting "le both sides" as the top comment in half their threads for fucking eternity? You have just wholly and willingly proved their point.You have less self awareness than a comatose turd peaking in a k-hole, and you have less business commenting on /r/drama than some illiterate fat orange cuck with a scrotum on his neck who watches cable fucking news unironically. I cannot imagine being as retarded as you and your fucking memes are shit. You are the cuckest cuck to ever cuck and figuratively speaking ther is a sizeable pool of cum flowing from your girlfriend's pussy into your mouth, and it most certainly not your own.

If you don't respond to this you are a cuck. Cuck.

If you don't respond to this you are a cuck. Cuck.

You must be new here

oh, thanks for responding! But unfortunately for everyone but you and your bull, you're still a cuck. How's daddys's cum taste today?

I wanted to tell you today has been a wonderful day. I feel great and will go to bed smiling, and likely will be doing so from here on out. Bannon himself thinks trump is unlikely to finish his term. This is probably the real beginning of the end. Trump is such a fat lazy infantile illiterate cockslobbing sad sack of antisocial silver-spooned misanthropic shit (not to mention CUCK) that he will hopefully soil the otherwise ever so untarnished name of the alt right and all of the cuckoldry it represents.

You're much more ignorant than you are evil so it is almost hard to hate you. That being said, YOU ARE A FUCKING CUCK.

It's spelt "obvious" btw matey

I self identify as an obivous, I refuse to adhere to your patriarchal and colonialist spellings, and I request that you use my adjective

Next happened months ago.

On 10/5 Trump campaign foreign policy adviser George Papadopolous plead guilty to lying to the fbi.

Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopolous plead guilty to lying about exchange w/Russian-government-connected operative about emails

George Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about contacts with an influential Russian. This is how it relates to the campaign.

George papadopolous pleading should be more concerning to Trump team than Manafort indictment. It almost certainly means he is cooperating.

Ewwwww I know serious posting but ...

Ugh, nothingburgers for dinner again?

man i loved Platoon and that one with the gook chick too, it's so sad to see how far Stone has fallen.

that one with the gook chick too

I didn't know Stone directed Predator,

the best description of Full Metal Jacket

My money was on Manafort

Seems like the smart money was. :*(

Press F to pay respects to my $5.



These people literally have no respect

No regard at all!


I mean he was the first moron who had Russian ties reported waaaaaaaaaay back before the election

I had manafort and flynn. They're already fucked. Been fucked for a while. podopoopalous was a surprise, though.

Podopoopalous was a surprise, though.

Fucker got caught lying to the FBI, thats a big catch.

The movie about this is gonna be outfucking standing.

I imagine someone's already got a script ready, just waiting to fill in the names.

I didn't expect him to admit it. Not a lot of faith in daddy trumpkins, huh?

Choice 1) Reduced sentence and less prison rape

Choice 2) Go down with the ship and end up getting raped in prison anyway, but this time you go to prison for treason.

The Latin Kings are going to get so much hairy greek bussy this year.

He must want to be the first to get a plea deal. Fuck everyone before you get fucked.

Papa was a bitch who Trump gave muscle too. The fact that anyone would listen to the punk ass shows that a daddy had put the seal of approval on anything he did

Here's hoping we get a kushy indictment later this week. Those soft hands of his will be perfect for prison


I won mine on the nature of the charges. Fraud or laundering was my bet

They did arrest a member of Trump's campaign in July, they just didn't tell anyone until now.

manafort was supposed to be some guy no one heard of. Then trump made him famous. Gave him top ratings. The best.

When the FBI goes after an organization they usually go after middle management types who have the "books" or low level wannabes who are in over their heads and will flip. In this case they went after both

Here is a list of threads in other subreddits about the same content:

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Now you can remove the comment by replying delete!

Bad bot, you're not snapshill. Wtf is this garbage? It's the same as the "Other discussions" tab, except it shits up the thread?

There, handled that for you.

Good bot.

Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.9979% sure that better_bot is not a bot.

I am a Neural Network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot <username> | Optout | Feedback: /r/SpamBotDetection | GitHub

Bad bot.

Don't make me do to you what I did to that other bot who got smart.


Pawn to e4.




$200 for passing go

King me


Roll for initiative

I roll a 3. Which is just enough for me to shitpost, but never enough to make it even mildly humorous.

I'll roll, [[1d20]] +/u/rollme

1d20: 20


Hey there! I'm a bot that can roll dice if you mention me in your comments. Check out /r/rollme for more info.

Oh shit, not only do I pass go and collect $200, I roll dubs all the way to free parking and collect the pot. Suck it, nerds!

You need 4 coordinates for 4D chess. You provided only two.

Pawn to E4c7@1:21.223 on November 5th, 1872. Red. P orbitals. Earth C130 on the finite curve.

Ziltoid would be proud

Breaking: "Paul Manafort Admits 'I've Lived My Life as a Gay Man,' vows to go after NRA."

"Call me Paulina," In a brave-and-not-at-all-opportunistic move, Manafort comes out as trans. "This means liberals have to defend me now, right?" the former campaign manager was heard to remark.

The r/ImGoingToHellForThis posts will practically write themselves.

Dude. If the left protected trans then bussy wouldn't be so rare. No, manafort outed himself as muslim.

I'd risk losing my job over this. And I might. My boss is a fascist-sympathizer. But this is bigger than me. This is bigger than menial work. This is OUR COUNTRY. Take up your peaceful arms, and prep them for what's to come. This could get ugly now.

lol calm the fuck down

Ate the pasta

It’s not long enough to be pasta damn it

Imagine the chaos in the White House right now. Imagine the terrible fear coursing through the veins of slimy turds like Kushner and Don Jr. Imagine the immense confusion in Trump's rapidly deteriorating mind, the buzzing white noise replacing all his thoughts, the icy tentacles of dread wrapping themselves around what little grey matter remains. This is the beginning of the end, and they all know it :)

This is now pasta as well.

If that was pasta, it's absolute shit.

are you fucking kidding? The dude's ready to fucking start a revolution against the government of the USA.

Doesn't have to be long to be pasta, just batshit.

It's from ESS. I honestly can't tell if that sub is a parody.

They are paid to take that shit extremely seriously

Edge the fuck up.

Get off my lawn!


Take up your peaceful arms

This is my favorite bit

>Stealing your shitposts from Twitter

What a disgrace

The only disgrace is who I stole it from.


What time is it in DC? I'm excited for the covfefe this will cause when Trump wakes up and starts tweeting about fake news.

Manafort was a Clinton swamp monster working for podesta brothers...

Google infowars.org

They got them penis enhancement drugs?

Put the lead back in your pecker with the lead in our pills!

theyll literally get angry and deny it like that part is disputed lol

Trump's campaign manager arrested

Ooh, this is bad news for Clinton! This could cost her Virginia!

^You, as though anyone except yourself, your fellow retards at the_desperate, and a handful of cat ladies still gives a shit about Clinton!

lol pretending the cat ladies are pro trump

literally anyone that gets angry at trump is an idiot and beneath me btw

Jesus, are you illiterate too?

The cat ladies love Clinton, you hate Clinton, everyone else doesn't give a shit about an irrelevant 70 year old shilling her stupid book.

cat ladies are traditionally very liberal, the cats are substitutes for a relationship because theyre unappealing and their vaginas look like a ham roll that someone threw on the floor in a barber shop

everyone else doesn't give a shit

sure you dont buddy youre not at all bitter about loss hence your mild mannered reaction to dumb shitposts that dont mean anything

o wait youre being a huge fag about it nvm

cat ladies are traditionally very liberal,


i thought this conversation involved a certain level of self awareness but i was clearly wrong

for once, amirite

i thought this conversation involved a certain level of self awareness but i was clearly wrong

I've just realized that I didn't entirely understand the comment I replied to, but I'm too much of an insecure retard/spaz to acknowledge that fact without my manhood feeling threatened

yep how could anyone understand all caps sarcasm that misses the point entirely

my manhood feeling threatened

lol what calm down freud

vaginas look like a ham roll that someone threw on the floor in a barber shop


LOL how is that bad

the circlejerk is real

I mean it's pretty easy to tell that you're an autistic incel who will die a virgin but we already know that because you spend hours online sperging out at anyone who doesn't fellate trump 24/7 while having the audacity to maintain that you're totes not butthurt.

i dunno man it just seemed like you were real eager to white knight for a non existent liberal womans beefy flaps for some reason

while having the audacity to maintain that you're totes not butthurt.

lol irony, why are you doing this again

lol DAE drumpf

No no, you don't get /u/captainpriapism. He doesn't care about ANY of this. He's just you know, pretending to be retarded to troll us. It's a mere coincidence that he only drops his drawers and shits all over himself when gamer goobers or spray tan daddy gets mentioned. Totally doesn't care about any of this tho

spray tan daddy

lol telling me im invested and you come out with this

have you been forced to pretend to resist by your girlfriend

He doesn't care about ANY of this.

this but unironically tbh, this sub is full of people i resent now and my main thing is shitting everywhere because i know 100% how people feel about it

its funny to me that i can outright state 95% my posts are insincere af and people still bite

genuinely dont care how most of you feel about anything i just like shitting on twox level trolls even if they believe they won afterwards

if you guys got angry at something else id say something else it is what it is

Dude, none of the liberals are mad in this thread. We're having a little celebration that ya boi Manafort is going down. Maybe the shit rolls uphill, maybe it doesn't, but it's always fun to see a ratfuck get fucked.

Dude, none of the liberals are mad in this thread. We're having a little celebration

lol cringe



Your entire life tbh fam


lol cringe

fam pls

its ok when you do it

Thanks, yo.

Yeah, the things is, we stopped believing you. You say you are insincere. The consistency of your spergouts say otherwise.

Just take a day off of reddit, mate. You can't win this one and you'll only make yourself look bad.

Or continue, because this is funny to the rest of us.

Yeah, the thing is, we stopped believing you.

good it makes it easier

the reactions i get prove im right, you cant just act like its not happening

The consistency of your spergouts say otherwise.

do you mean as opposed to the unironic use of drumph and all caps ranting and angrily calling me names like a teenager

lol you guys are so bad at this sometimes

Just take a day off of reddit, mate. You can't win this one and you'll only make yourself look bad. Or continue, because this is funny to the rest of us.

i dont believe any of you are entertained, youre all on edge because of this america stuff and its the perfect time to shit on all of you and farm downvotes from srdines

Most of the people here just laugh at you. But feel free to play a victim card because people said mean things to you.

at least the niggas youre replying to shitpost on here about other things

literally all you do when you come here is REEEEEE about Phlurmpf and poopergate

lol imagine being as invested as you

you hate me because i say things on the internet that you cant deal with, you have that little going on

lol its true tho, we're all here posting our autism in every thread yet you only do it in ones regarding these two subjects

makes u think

i post on many subjects but funnily enough people faggy enough to get emotionally invested in politics and feminism are pretty myopic and only see what they want to

like you

we're all here posting our autism in every thread

literally never seen a post from you, you obviously know me tho

step 1 click on your username

step 2 scroll down and see how every single post is in a /r/drama, /r/neoliberal, or /r/politicalhumor thread about daddy

makes u think

for someone that posts here you dont really seem to get what its all about

not your agendaseriousposting, thats for sure

“I don’t actually believe what I’m saying I’m just saying it to be a troll” doesn’t seem like a very convincing argument to me. Sounds like someone whose worldview is collapsing and he’s just bitter about it.

“I don’t actually believe what I’m saying I’m just saying it to be a troll” doesn’t seem like a very convincing argument to me. Sounds like someone whose worldview is collapsing and he’s just hella bitter about it.

>actually being able to discern individual /r/drama posters and know what they usually post

unironically end your pathetic life

Hi, I see you're new here. Stay a little while and you too will recognize CP's posts even without looking for his little gun flair. This is because he only shows up in threads relating to a limited range of topics, posts pretty much the same spiel about "lul libruls," and then when people call him a retard he retreats with cries of "lul it's the internet why so serious? I trolled u!" It would be more telling if you couldn't pick out his stupid posts after browsing this sub for more than 2 months



You guys are all using that same meme a lot rn. You should get together and work out some new material.


At least that's not as played out.

Do any Trump supporters ever have any thoughts that aren't memes?

Oh no, its retarded.

I mean the dems are the ones who demanded this investigation, and it's just blowing up in their face. First their operative Manifort, who knows who is gonna tumble next.


Yes, Paul Manafort, Trump's buddy and former campaign manager, is a Democratic operative.

Again. you really are a fucking moron,

The podestas are DNC insiders.

Manifort worked with the podesta brothers

Ed_butteredtoast are you play-acting retarded on a new sock today?

Thats a fucking leap

So I take it that's a yes that you're play-acting as retarded today.


>>draws logical and extremely obvious conclusion

>that's a fucking leap

"Jokes on them, u/MG87's only pretending to be retarded"

Yet you guys won't buy the Trump connection.

"I-i-it's definitely the d-dems"

How dare I stick to the facts!

It works, if you cherrypick facts.

> Guy runs the fucking Trump campaign



wait a second, I think he's onto something here: What if Donald Trump, a wealthy New Yorker with close ties to the Clinton Foundation as a friend and donor, is actually a Democratic operative sent to discredit and destroy the Republican party? The Clintons probably have pizza- and/or piss-gate blackmail footage on him!

You're fucking with me arent you?

Still more likely than Putin was training Trump for the past 5 years to become a presidential candidate.

Has anyone ever suggested that? There's zero evidence that Trump could ever train for anything.

It's not the common belief, but I've seen it mentioned more than once.


Hiring a Democratic operative to be your campaign manager has to be the most masterful 42-dimensional chess move yet.

working for podesta brothers...

" Manafort organized a PR campaign on behalf of a nonprofit called the European Centre for a Modern Ukraine. Podesta Group was one of several firms that were paid to do work on the PR campaign to promote Ukraine in the U.S."

You have that the wrong way round champ.


I doubt it, he's indicted for tax evasion during the time he worked at the Podesta group and the probe is focused on the Manafort and the Podesta brothers.

Ctrl+f: "Podesta"

Phrase not found

Tax evasion is a good charge because it's an easy one to make stick, and it carries tough penalties. That's how they got Al Capone in the end.

2013...let's see where was Manafort in 2013.

Oh right, working with the Podesta brothers.

the probe is focused on Manafort and the Podesta brothers.

<citation needed>

But if some sleazy dem politicos go down along with some sleazy GOP politicos, so much the better.

Eh, maybe. Tucker Carlson-says-some-anonymous-source-says isn't exactly ironclad, but who knows. I retract my above accusation, maybe you're not retarded, you're just partisan.

Exactly, it's not ironclad but neither are the other allegations that Trump is Putin in disguise, nevermind the fact that zero evidence has been found and nearly every policy he's enacted has went against Russian interests.

You're like legit retarded, huh?

Lol you're so retarded that you believe Tucker Carlson

Low Effort/10

why are you describing life in middle america, that's not the topic at hand

Thats all it takes to stick it in your bussy

Hydrium irl>>>> https://imgur.com/n3ZXPgz

surely this will be the end of trump

LOL you dont know how an investigation works.

watch out hes going down

also whyd you do 4 messages at once to low effort shitposts, are you invested in this emotionally are you

cmon man really

you can tell i don't care because i don't use capital letters

that's how you can be a kewl guy like me

if you really want to know its an old timey internet trick to make stupid people sperg about grammar and get angry about the image of me that conjures in their head

its also why i type lol so much

also its so much easier you should try it im relaxed as a motherfucker

thats not how you responded though is it, lets be real

Dude he's a leftist, he just unironcially used a fucking rage comic

a rage comic in 2017

It'll take them a while to learn.

And yet you're the aspie defending your daddy

yeah youre still doing it hey

Fuck me harder daddy

are you invested in this emotionally are you

Every anti-Trump thread on Drama is basically a support group for hysterical leftists.

theyre getting bold now lol

surely this will be the end of clinton

lol im not under any illusion that hillary will ever be punished for anything

but you guys are seriously pretending trumps next or something

its the easiest bait because youre all so on edge

You will never be able to convince me that youre stupid enough to actually believe that.

Podesta's company had worked on a public relations campaign that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort had organized to improve Ukraine's image in the West.

Wait, so Manafort hired Podesta's company? I thought you guys were claiming Manafort worked for Podesta.

Imagine being so retarded you say such things before having all of the facts:


Are you the kind of person who wore a shirt that said "spoiler Alert: Hillary wins" or just a casual consumer of "Hillary has a 98% chance of winning" type crap?

You posted the same thing to me twice, turdburgler.

uh oh sounds like Pauley M caught a treason charge!

First offence.

He has white male privilege tho, he can probably say "I didn't know I can't do that" and be let off with a warning.

nah when it comes to white collar crime they know we know the law

Is treason really a white collar crime :thinking:

earn those rubels, Dimitriy!

It's hilarious that these people think Democrats give a fuck about Podesta.

adorable, it pretends it has a clue in life

Tony's probably going down but John's probably fine, because while he can't use a computer, he's been around long enough to learn the line of shadiness and crimes.

Also company a or b in the indictment is the podesta group so maybe Tony gets lesser or no charge because he fucked manafort and gates good

Good Tony is the fucking weird one.

He's definitely the loudest one. But the funny thing is, he hasn't tweeted in two weeks.

he just resigned from his firm earlier.

But Trump hired him to be his campaign manager. So at the very least, Trump is hiring criminals.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night.

Hired him and fired him in a matter of weeks...not really an ironclad argument there

When you get a bunch of weeks that totals multiple months you can just call it months.

I heard 6 weeks?

4 months is a matter of weeks?

Yeah, and a rapist is friends with the Obama family.

lol this is just sad

Not only are you sad, but you are WHAMEN. I MUST RESPECK WHAMENZ

He didn't work "at the Podesta group." He hired the Podesta group to lobby on behalf of the pro-Russian Ukranian government. The probe is very much not focused on the Podesta brothers. John Podesta doesn't even work for the Podesta group, and there's nothing in the indictment indicating Tony Podesta was involved.

The focus is on Manafort's activities while stooging for Russia and its Ukranian allies. Including while he was working for the Trump campaign.

And of course there's Papadopolous, who plead guilty to lying to the FBI about reaching out to Russian officials on behalf of the Trump campaign. He informed the campaign that Russia had hacked emails and was told by Manafort to quietly work that connection. He set up the Trump Tower meeting. He's now State's witness. Mueller's investigation is clearly looking at the Trump campaign and their ties to Russia, as he is required to do.

Yea, I guess ole Tony is just taking a vacation right?


And the other Podesta brother?

Obviously anyone that Manafort hired to work on his shady dealings with the pro-Russian Ukrainian party is being investigated. Because the focus on Mueller's probe is Russia-Trump collusion, and Manafort was an important figure in Trump's campaign and has documented ties to Russia.

But sure, go ahead and try to spin this as a DNC thing. Since everyone on Trump's campaign is associated with Manafort, it'll be very easy once the indictments start rolling in! Manafort's instruction to Papadapolous to work the Russian connection to get the hacked emails? Obviously a DNC conspiracy.

In 6 months I'll be sure to reply this this again just so you can feel very stupid.

You'll delete your account by then

(((they))) will have silenced him by then!/s

Tbqh hopefully sooner

I will bet you $1,000 that Mueller's investigation will not involve Clinton.

Let me know if you want to take that bet. Full disclosure: like I said already, Mueller is required by law to focus on Trump-Russia collusion. If Clinton was involved in any shady Russian shit early in Obama's administration, that will be investigated by a separate group within the DOJ and FBI. Of course, if Trump were truly concerned about that, he'd order his DOJ to open an investigation immediately. But his handlers know that would be fucking dumb, so they just let him spout bullshit about "DO SOMETHING" on twitter to rile up his idiot fans.

You sure you still want to do that bet?


!remindme in 6 months was /u/Hydrium killed by the Deep State Clinton machine?

Are you people literally out of your fucking minds? Are you actually trying to pretend this probe is about Podesta?

I've seen some serious fucking denial in my time but never anything on this level.

And I've never seen the mental gymnastics required to ignore facts like liberals show.

What "fact" was ignored? Do you just have no self-awareness at all?

"Bigly pardons, Tremendous pardons"

Do it, Donnie! There's no law that says you can't issue a pardon in a tweet!

He's not going to pardon Manfort because that would remove 5th Amendment objections to him testifying against himself, and Manafort would have to testify about everything he knows.

Shhh... /u/the-realDonaldTrump, don't let some pussy internet liberal tell you what to do. Donnie, just do what's in your heart and pardon who you wanna pardon.

Delet this

You're not the boss of me!

You're not the boss of me!

can't pardon state crimes. Manafort get any of those?

Arpaio wasn't convicted of state crimes only federal ones and he was pardoned.

Yeah. Can't pardon state crimes. Does mueller have manafort for state crimes? Or is he just going to extradite him to the ukraine?

Teamed up with the NY Attorney General so Manafort is pretty boned.

I'm pretty sure Cuomo would rather literally eat his own legs than pardon a republican so pretty much yeah

I'm pretty sure Cuomo would rather literally eat his own legs than pardon a republican so pretty much yeah

No, you're oshnyve.

New York might be able to get him for laundering money through their banks.

Holy shit, that is literally his reponse. This is priceless.

I can't believe the president of the United fucking states is using 5 question marks.

we need more shitposting politicians tbh

It's such a teen girl move. Next he'll tell everyone to start spelling his name Dawnald.

Case closed!

So FBIAnon was still full of shit then. Cool.

That one that called out manafort and Podesta ahead of time seemed right on.

How did they predict those two specifically?



Oh fugg. :DDDDDDDD

Podesta, we got your emails!

Hillary next!

This is what retards actually believe

You keep spamming that. I don't think you understand that he hasn't been involved there in years. Tony Podesta is why the name is currently there.

No response? Wow, guess you really believe in your cause and aren't just a retard or a bot

Have you tried rephrasing in cyrillic?

No, I'm a liberal so I don't speak Russian

first mistake

Not speaking Russian?

First --> being a filthy liebruhl

Second --> not speaking the motherlands tongue

tbf first mistake is being born.

Second mistake, posting in r/drama

Now you're getting it.

I just had to come to the bottom of this thread to see what I would find. Not disappointed

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 70%. (I'm a bot)

Some close to Mr. Manafort, including his former business partner Roger J. Stone Jr., have said he had nothing to offer that would help prosecutors build a case against Mr. Trump.

Mr. Manafort, a veteran Republican strategist, joined the Trump campaign in March 2016 to help keep delegates from breaking with Mr. Trump in favor of establishment Republican candidates.

The New York Times revealed in July that Mr. Manafort and others close to Mr. Trump met with Russians last year, on the promise of receiving damaging political information about Mrs. Clinton.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Trump#1 Manafort#2 campaign#3 president#4 damage#5

Expect daddy to sperg bigly on twitter.

This will be glorious.

Check his twitter. It has begun

Crooked Hillary and the Dems is a great band name

Called it

My mans got charged with 12 counts including conspiracy against the united states and failure to register as a foreign agent! Bobby is 3 sticks is coming for daddy

And the_dipshit has begun to panic

screenshot it quick, because their mods will surely delete it and replace it with something like "PODESTA&CLINTON TO BE CHARGED NEXT WEEK", which is apparently the line they've settled on.

They've already started on that. Apparently this is some kind of victory for them? Christ they're dumb

T_D is always panicking.

Tho in this case I'm confused why.

All this is going to do is make Trump look dumb and at this point making Trump look dumb doesn't change much.


Hilarious and original. Y'know, I'm starting to agree with /u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu that you're Ed's alt account or something lmao

Oh no, the short bus crew is on the case.

I love licking the windows.

Do the shnozberries taste like shnozberries, man?

Am I wrong? That sub is nothing more than a collection of a few hundred screeching retards

upvote total of 8

64% upvoted



Looks like Flumpf fans are a little bussyhurt

Looks like this comment is pure SRD

I'm assuming it's some kind of meta-irony. You need to be playing 36D sarcasm to understand /r/drama. It's almost as complex as a Ric and Marty sauce.

Brick and Mortar

everything I don't like is SRD

You're right it's actually worse than SRD it's pure MAT/resist/politicalhumor/everydefaultsub

Go on, get it all out at once.

Good Bot!

It's sentient and has learned to stir the pot!

This, but ironically.

Good! Good! Let the SRD flow through you!


Not sure why they would be seeing as he was indicted on charges before the campaign, weird folks

The charges include 2016 and 2017 man.

Well, lying to the FBI yes. The money laundering was pre campaign. For mannafort.did the charges for lying come before or after

Fun fact, within GOP circles mannafort is kinda like a plague. Not sure what made trump this that this was a good idea

Manafort was a friend and co-founder of a lobbying firm Manafort, Stone, and Kelly.

Stone was a long-time friend of both and Trump pretty much trusts Stone completely.

Low karma, high comment count are the best drama threads fam.

the drama came from inside the house all along!

But the high karma, high comment threads are the creme de la creme of drama.

Nah. Head over to T_D. They’re taking it all in stride.

It's pronounced groghlnalrd qrmroubfmp thank you

I'm just here for the whataboutism on Clinton's Uranium and "Podesta" connections.

Maиafoгт woгк foг Сliитoи!

People who misuse Cyrillic like that deserve to be shot along with the kulaks and wreckers.

People who hse cyrillic in general tbqh

as if you can possibly call slavs, caucasians (the real kind), and central asians people tbqh

maifogt wogk for cliitoi

This is why mayocide needs to happen in america immediately


The charges are for his activities from 2006-2015. Is that good enough?

Boy, I sure wish that Trump himself displayed the borderline-insane level of denial unwavering confidence that the people defending him have.

Instead they look at the Trump/Russia, "collusion," which doesn't exist.


But why aren't Crooked Hillary & the Dems the focus?????

....Also, the is NO COLLUSION!

You ok bro? You might be suffering from TDS?

I think you get that when daddy grabs you in the bussy.

Try not to form a suicide pact with daddy.


Ok, but what about Papadapopapolous?

The guy who did a reverse Kevin Spacey and was crucified for it?

We should set up him and Spaceballs on a date

Milo has been arrested?

Idk who that is fam

Trump campaign foreign policy advisor. Plead guilty to lying to the FBI about working Russian connections while working for the campaign. Informed the campaign in March that the Russians had hacked Hillary's emails, set up the Trump Tower meeting and was told by Manaford to meet with the Russians. Has been State's witnesss since July.

You don't know much you've made that obvious

Married to Big Bird.

all evidence against him was provided by the White House, dingus

No they're not. They cover up to 2017.

Well it would be if that were a fact, but it's not. The charges are through at least 2016. You know, the year he was most certainly working for Trump as campaign manager. It clearly states that in the DOJ document which you can read (but I doubt you will) for yourself. But even if that's the case it's not very settling that Trump, who hires the best people, was able to hire someone that was literally working for a foreign government. Be a patriot man, this isn't right.

Manafort's wrongdoings were years ago. If an ongoing crime occurred between 2006 and 2017, it doesn't count as a crime because its start was over a decade ago.

If your best defense is "It's not a crime because the statue of limitations has passed," you seriously need to rethink your position.

Especially since the indictment includes crimes up through 2016, aka the year he was certainly on Trump's staff, so even that saving grace ain't.

Stepping away to avoid controversy to your for profit business is not an admission of guilt. However, unlike Trumpsters I'm capable of saying if he's indited and convicted he should also go to jail. Until there is an indictment or actual evidence this is just another deflection.

Pouring one out for /u/botchlings


Maybe he was the Key to get to Daddy

/u/botchlings was Paul Manafort's alt? 🤔

I thought botchlings was Melania's alt

I doubt it, /u/botchlings was enthusiastic about sucking Trump's dick.

implying that Trump doesn't make you feel sexual feelings deep inside

implying you wouldn't stuff Trump's sausage deep into your bussy

Get real

How did u make meme arrow?


He was the Greek they flipped

Don't insult botchy like that he would never betray daddy

How long until they get to Podesta and find Madeleine McCann?

Don't encourage the retards

but i was told that was a conspiracy and that only fox news said it??!?!?!?

why is podesta relevant again? I don't go on t_d so I don't know

tony was in business with manafort during the period in which these charges apply

I don't go on t_d so I don't know

no you just think about them constantly

What does in business mean?

And only when I'm masturbating tbh

What does in business mean?

are you retarded or just trying to weasel out of this with a technicality?

No I'm honestly asking. Who hired who, and in what capacity?

russia, obviously

and they hired me to hack the election and then tell americans to hate hillary and then buy a facebook ad for black people self defence classes

its all a very complex and meticulously planned strategy, and we would have got away with it too if it wasnt for those damn politics posters

I thought so. I'm proud of you for admitting it, courage isn't a trait most Aussies have

Good for you bb 👏

I'm proud of you for admitting it, courage isn't a trait most Aussies have

Good for you bb 👏

No, you're LadyVetinari.

courage isn't a trait most Aussies have

lol says the woman

u ever birthed a child hombre?

ctrl + f pizza yields nothing

I still don't understand

Can a burger explain whats going on?

Paul Manafort was a lobbyist with a history of getting paid to shill for crooked politicians and dictators, especially Victor Yanukovych, a Ukrainian politician who was pro-Russian and intermittently prime minister. He was also Trump's campaign manager for a few months in the summer of 2016. Trump fired Manafort two days after he got his first classified national security briefing. Manafort was just indicted by Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating Russian election interference, for tax fraud, not properly declaring his foreign connections, and some things that look suspiciously like money laundering (this has been a long time coming, he's been under investigation for various things since well before the election).

If I had to take a wild guess, I'd say Manafort and a few of his buddies will get in a little trouble for being shady tax-dodging hacks, and Trump won't be connected but will look stupid for ever having hired him.

>>Be Trump

>>Hire DNC insider

>DNC insider gets arrested for shady shit

>Le Drumpf is such an idiot

MFW no one cares that the guy worked for the dems while he was doing the shady shit

That Manafort-Podesta stuff looks pretty fucking weak.

If I were you, I'd keep watching the Fusion GPS angle unfold. Or just take a day off, because nothing we do actually affects this.

/u/IvankaTrumpIsMyWaifu you could, dare I say it, take a knee on this one.

You mean the chump who was working for Manafort?

Yes, waiting until after 5 months of working for his campaign and 3 months of being the campaign chair is surely a long time span to be considered "immediate". And then oh this doesn't matter anyway because Manafort is supposedly more connected to the DNC than he is to Trump. Piss back off to r/the_donald

The fuck is this "DNC insider" bullshit. Manafort is a full-fledged Republican and all-around scumbag.

Obviously manafort is a RINO!!

They are trying to conflate John and Tony Podesta. They founded Podesta group together but John left in 93 to work for the Clintons and he ran here 2016 campaign. Tony stayed at the Podesta Group which was the firm that was involved in Ukraine. They are brothers and John is sketchy in his own way but as far as I know he was uninvolved with Manafort.

You are going to be so booty blasted when Trump is impeached

Didn't you hear it's not [current year]-2 anymore

"Le Drumpf will be in-peached any day now guize" is so yesterday.

Shouldn't you be reeeeeeeeeing at the sky somewhere?

....So booty blasted

Booty blasted is funny because homosexuals have sex in the booty, which is not for sex.

You sound like a virgin.

There is much more heterosexual anal going on...in fact, the whole anal economy is completely dominated by heterosexual anal intercourse.


heheh. If Ivanka is your waifu u must be gettin nice n hot n bothered by all this stuffz. Yawl are obsessed with getting cuckholded so much that Im sure the thought of some woman prisoner (much more manly than u, n with better facial hair) making Ivanka her prison wife is gonna make u have to get treated for priapism.

Hahhaha. I love how yawl got your talking points in order. Even in greentext format. Unfortunately for Trumpkins, having the talking points in order isn't going to change Mueller.

One of my fav. talking points is DJTJ tweeting popopoopydopplis was just an unpaid volunteer, echoed by Sarah huckyby Sanders as the official whitehouse response n others. Without reading the indictments. I mean when you quote an email from one unnamed source who has yet to be charged to another pre-inmate:

Lets discuss. We need someone to communicate that DT is not doing these trips [to Russia]. It should be someone low level in the campaign so as not to send any signal.

Regarding trying to meet, knowlingly illegally, with Russian officials to aid the campaign. Why aren't they competent enough to at least adapt their talking points? Or just say, we need to review before we comment. lol.

You're ignoring Papadopolous pleading guilty for lying about being contacted by Russian agents the moment he joined the Trump team.

Your ignoring the fact that aoa was repeatedly rebuffed by senior members of the Team as he tried to arrange meetings with anyone and the two Russians who contacted him under various pretenses.

Papadopoulos told agents that he had been in contact with a Russian professor even prior to joining the campaign. In fact, prosecutors say he met the man in March 2016 and was told by the professor the next month that he had damaging information about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, including thousands of Clinton's emails.

The court papers show that Papadopoulos had also met a Russian woman he believed had ties to the Kremlin and with whom he communicated about setting up a meeting between Trump campaign officials and Russian officials.

The Washington Post has reported that Papadopoulos repeatedly emailed top campaign aides to set up such meetings, and some emails show his offers were rebuffed.

He was a stooge trying to stomp around in his dad's dress shoes only to trip and fall flat on his face.

He was a stooge trying to stomp around in his dad's dress shoes only to trip and fall flat on his face.

Right. He's a nobody that got caught lying. That's his only crime.

The funny thing is, nothing he was doing was illegal and had he been honest about it from the start he wouldn't have been charged with anything.

Wonder why he lied then 🤔 🤔 🤔

Inexperience? The desire to not want to get caught up in a ongoing investigation (also a valid reason to just plead guilty when caught)?

There are plenty of reasons beyond "trying to cover for a vast conspiracy"

Everything I've read about the guy makes it seem like he's just sort of dumb mope who was trying to make a name for himself with the campaign while being largely ignored. Those types of people aren't often the smartest or most logical.

If only they'd had warnings, like General Flynn!

Thank god the Trump team learnt its lesson and didn't have any random mongoloid (or Donny Jr or Kushner) meet with any and all Russians who promised dirt of Hillary!

Not rebuffed completely, he was told to go to Russia by the campaign because they'd decided Trump himself couldn't. They needed an underling to ago to avoid attention and to have plausible deniability when it went wrong. Thankfully Papadopoulos kept those emails too. Kek.

The Trump team also rewrote the GOP Party Platform during the RNC to weaken the language on supporting Ukraine. Shockingly Manafort was the campaign manager during this time.

You seem to be the most correct that I've seen.

The worst connection to Trump so far is that he hired them.

But then there's this:


Who did the Podestas work for? It certainly wasn't Trump.

how many more times you planning on making this post buddy?


You posted this 10x in this thread. Like any of us give af about the destas. Quick larping like a big brain boy and embrace the inner retardation that we all know you suffer from.

Honestly as someone involved with politics this seems like boring inside baseball that is being blown up because it makes a guy marginally related to Trump look bad.

I'm so turned on rn

All ties to Podesta will be accidentally "forgotten" by CNN.

Because there are no ties you fucking mong.

Although the Podesta Group was founded by Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, he has not been involved with the lobbying firm that bears his name for years. His brother, Tony Podesta, is currently chairman of the firm.

Oh /u/Chicup, when will you ever learn to read?

That's cute you think that is key.

I don't. But I do think it's adorable that you're now discounting the very article that you yourself linked to back your assertion.

Please don't be an idiot here, well its /r/drama so please be an idiot. I'm discounting the belief that there can't be a connection despite his brother being close enough to join him in the blood drinking spirit dinners.

Awww, yiss. Motherfucking Spirit Dinners and Pizzagate. Tell us more, Chicup!

Those are podesta's actual emails. No conspiracy needed.

Link it bitch, show us the dead children!

No response? Or are you just taking longer to finish Daddy on your face?

Ah, the Moonies. Ever a source of trustworthy and reliable news.

Just saying: if you get your news from a doomsday cult's self-proclaimed messiah, you've probably gone wrong somewhere in your life.

the charges include conspiracy

holy shit nigger

Conspiracy to defraud the United States. It's not as fun as it could be.

Same as Martha Stewart. She must be a Russian agent too!

Same as Martha Stewart. She must be a Russian agent too!

I can't wait for Trump to be arrested so /r/The_Donald goes all "Trump was a member of Podesta Group"

Yeah ok surely this time.


dae the_doland is dumbos XD

You posted this 10x in this thread. Like any of us give af about the destas. Quick larping like a big brain boy and embrace the inner retardation that we all know you suffer from.



[Tries to follow Mueller's Indictments]

"He's Fast"

[Mueller appears from cloud of smoke, firing off arrest warrants from the hip]

"Nothing personal, kid"

Lol you fags kedp saying "surely this time spooky ol trump will get it!" While failing 100% of the time. I look forward to all the excuses you idiots will make.

We look more forward to yours tho

LOl yOU FAgS kEDp SaYINg "SuReLY tHiS TImE SPoOkY oL TrUmP wILl GEt iT!" WhILe FAiLinG 100% oF ThE tIMe. I LoOk FOrWArD tO All ThE ExCuSeS YOu iDIOts wiLl MAkE.

And you keep saying, “surely, Clinton will get it now!” You started this!

We learned it from you, daddy! We learned it from you! 😩

It's not /u/Mexagon's fault he's autistic, his parents are siblings after all.

It's not /u/Mexagon's fault he's autistic, his parents are siblings after all.

It's not /u/Mexagon's fault he's autistic, his parents are siblings after all.

It's not /u/Mexagon's fault he's autistic, his parents are siblings after all.

It's not /u/Mexagon's fault he's autistic, his parents are siblings after all.

It's not /u/Mexagon's fault he's autistic, his parents are siblings after all.

Cry moar faggot

You should let us mourn /u/botchlings passing before you try to take his spot as the most retarded poster in this sub.

Shhh BBY is ok

Damn, and here I was putting my trust in The_Donald and specifically FBIanon.


My favorite:

Multiples mean its gonna happen. The longer the sequence, the higher the probability. 6s are bad, 7s are good. So it's theorized that something relatively bad (4 6s) will be overcome by some good (dub 7s). I'm no autist though.

Imagine putting your faith in post numbers.

In other news, I hear Manafort is a Libra so he'll probably be okay

Ugh, Libras act so balanced, but once you push a little...

These people are fucking insane.

While the drama potential if daddy goes down is huge, can you imagine the amount of autistic reeeeing if he manages to dodge all the charges


It would be glorious.

Insha-allah, the trump campaign goes down along with podesta, but daddy remains unscathed. That would be the ultimate 🍿

This would be the ultimate in drama per capita.

Trump gets impeached, but avoids criminal charges by turning state's evidence on the Clintons. Maximum drama.

Then we get that Mike "10 amps a day keeps the fags away" Pence


Keep Yourself Safe, brave centipedo

Ride the lightning, you human disease vector.

We need to call an exterminator, centipedes are coming in!

Trump gets impeached, but the senate falls somewhere between 50 and the 66 votes needed to convict.

Oh my God the REEEEEEEEEing

That wouldn't surprise me one bit. I'm optimistic enough that he could be charged/impeached or whatever, but cynical enough to know he'd probably get off scott free.

I'm optimistic enough that he could be charged/impeached or whatever, but cynical enough to know he'd probably get off scott free.

No, you're Obskulum.

"Wow, what a great bot," he says, shaking his head, clicking his tongue, and dipping tendies back into his tub of sauce before returning to his rudely interrupted internet drama.

If he does he should quote Jay z and tweet "I beat all those charges like Rocky".

It may sound dumb but I can just imagine the reaction lol

Yes! This needs to happen. How can we help? I don’t mean like spergout help, but actually make sure he beats all charges and gets a full 8 year term.

It will be 8 full years of twitter meltdowns, angry liberals, more wannabe nazis and in this, we will find our ultimate mayocide. The opioid epidemic.

God bless.

So, I went to TD to see what form of denial they would be coping with, and it is even more bizarre than I thought.

They are convinced that Manafort implicates the DNC as corrupt.

I don't understand.

They are also talking about Kevin Spacey... like, why?

Kevin Spacey raped Bill Clinton, you hear about it here first folks.

I heard they went tag team on Sean Spicer.

Yet another clinton buddy found to be a paedo/rapist.

Why wouldn't they be talking about it? Keeping track of the clinton child rape ring is like, one of the favorite TD past times.

Are you saying any of this retard shit unironically?

Which part is it that you consider retard shit

the fact that spacey is a child rapist

or the fact that spacey is buddy buddy with the clintons

The fact that you are still on that sperging from T_D.

Spacey is an actor, he poses with everybody and his mom. But hey, pizza, amiright.

I wonder how many clinton spouses / supporters / contributors have to end up being child rapists / regular rapists before you start to wonder if there might be something rotten in denmark.

Your head is so far buried in the sand, I think it might never happen.

you are still on that sperging from T_D.

I save my spergouts for other subreddits, but you don't have to be from T_D to see the writing on the wall. Judge a man by the company he keeps, etc.

Judge a man by the company he keeps, etc.

Not even the slightest shred of awareness


He ain't above us but he's certainly above you

/r/drama is the great equalizer.

It's not smugposting if its true, is it?

arguing about who is above or below someone on this sub is just retarded.

You got a point there. Wasn't it Bill Clinton who was laughing about how Jeffrey Epstein "enjoys his social life"? Oh wait...


(trigger warning: hillary)

Because they are massive retards

Help Trump get elected

He doesn't even interfere in the investigation against you

BAHAHAHA. Even Obama was less cucked on this than Trump.

You know what this means, right?

Trump -> Manafort -> Podesta -> CP

Trump was part of pizzagate the whole time.

Who did Trump hire as his campaign manager? How many Trump aides have been arrested and pled guilty on this so far?

I don't understand why there's any need for denial.

This indictment clearly predates any Trump involvement, and has absolutely nothing to do with the 2016 election or the collusion conspiracy.

The only spergers I see are the ones who somehow think this will lead to Trump going down, but I say let them have their delusion. Reality will settle in 1-2 years from now when Trump is still our president.

Or maybe they'll remain deluded for 4/8 years of Trump's presidency. Should make for good drama either way.

It means they have the campaign manager by the balls and can make him squeal. That combined with the aide who already confessed.

Even if it doesn't push Trump out of office, no good can come from this for him.

christ youre asshurt

my bussy feels good fuccboi, want some?

well i was nailed by jews so yeah i'm asshurt -jesus the carpenter

Totally not a cult.

Let see what roger stone has to say about this.

Him and Milo, man.

lmao he got fucking banned!

Pretty cute trap, how much for her snap premium?

What is that word that expresses joy at finally reaping the sow after months of people scoffing at an investigation that is finally showing some action?


Wait, but I thought they were going to indict le Drumpf because Russians?!!?!?!

patience, little one, patience.

But Russia!

Tell me again about the Podestas, please.

They inject large doses of podesterone.

What does Tony podesta have to do with John podesta?

I hope you're really not the thick shit you let off to be, and it's all just a minstrel act

I don't see you answering my question.

How is something Tony Podesta does somehow related to John Podesta?

I get being a Trumptard requires that you have a fairly low intelligence level, but is this just you desperately trying to deflect from daddy?

Are you still trying to spin the narrative to make today not look awful for Trump?

They're brothers, which is as close a familial relationship you can get, governed in most countries under nepotism laws. They meet every Sunday for dinner, and are each other's closest confidantes. It'd be one thing if John and Tony were estranged, but any moron with a diet-cola IQ could still tell you that it isn't like they are just meeting to discuss tea with the kids (though they probably do discuss that too).

I bet you're the type of person who complains about Trump possibly gaining financial benefit from The Trump Organization through his children's control of the enterprise, yet now you're playing stupid about John Podesta's involvement in a company he helped founded and has had remaining close ties to.

And even so, what does it matter? Tony Podesta donated nearly half a million dollars to Clinton's campaign through various PACs and fundraisers, and has always been close to Clinton, even appearing at her birthday party. He's not an unknown character to them.

They're brothers, which is as close a familial relationship you can get, governed in most countries under nepotism laws.

So far we've got an association fallacy and you displaying you can't comprehend that Tony podesta does not work in the government.

They meet every Sunday for dinner, and are each other's closest confidantes. It'd be one thing if John and Tony were estranged, but any moron with a diet-cola IQ could still tell you that it isn't like they are just meeting to discuss tea with the kids (though they probably do discuss that too).

Can you provide some citation showing they meet every Sunday, and also please provide citation showing they are each other's closest confidantes?

I bet you're the type of person who complains about Trump possibly gaining financial benefit from The Trump Organization through his children's control of the enterprise,

To be clear here, you believe Trump giving his children jobs in the government is the same as John podesta being related to a person that does not work in the government?

yet now you're playing stupid about John Podesta's involvement in a company he helped founded and has had remaining close ties to.

Can you provide some citation showing that Tony podesta is the same person as John podesta?

And even so, what does it matter? Tony Podesta donated nearly half a million dollars to Clinton's campaign through various PACs and fundraisers, and has always been close to Clinton, even appearing at her birthday party. He's not an unknown character to them.

And we close the comment out with yet another association fallacy. I knew Trump supporters are low-intelligence, but you take the cake.

babby's first impeachment. It's okay, kid. We'll hold your hand through this and explain what's happening. This is what's called "the first wave" of indictments.

I've voted for every winning President since Rapin' Bill, you ninny.

Traitors used to be hung.

Now they run our country. SAD!

You sure you want to go that route?

Enough foreplay, impeachment when?

Honestly, this sounds like they've got nothing on anyone else, and only technical violations on these two.

These are the kind of indictments that come at the end of an investigation, not the kind that come at the start of one.

ITT: SRDines who claim to hate serious posting...except when it's them doing it about Trump.

Uh oh. Real life drama involving drumph. Incoming srdines

Don't pretend this isn't fantastic for this sub.

I'm not. But every time there's drumpf drama actual retards come in here and shit up the place.

What's the difference?

The retards are already in the house my dude.

Well, a few have left us (rip /u/botchlings)

They just want to celebrate their whiteness. Stop oppressing them, cucklord.

The stank of SRDine smug is so hard to neutralize though.

theres enough fags here to do it ourselves tbh

Yawn. Didn't we find out about Manafort back in July?

this will be the end of blumps campaign

No, I'm sure no matter how dirty he is, no matter how incompetent, no matter how corrupt, no matter how absurd; daddy will always have loyal cultists.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

This is one of those days where it's hard to not get excited. One of those days where you want to say "where the fuck you at, you was talkin' all that good shit a moment ago?"

Vindication, that's the word. Even if it doesn't end in the results expected.


We have your emails!