Popular car vlogger gives Tesla Model 3 a positive review, /r/cars drops their collective tendies

28  2017-11-07 by Frank_Tenpenny


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Good lord that's uglier than a Camry.

so is ur mom

She's electric!

Tesla also finishes building them at the dealerships because they want to up the production numbers coming out of the factory they're giving you the latest and greatest!!!!! It's not rare at all for the dealers to receive a Tesla with no seats or entertainment system and have to put them in themselves.

Don't worry though guys, Tesla isn't retarded, they're just so innovative that they'll try and push production numbers up by making dealers do some of the work to take the load off the factory. After all, nothing saves money quite like flying goddamn parts to a bunch of dealers rather than shipping them in bulk to the factory explicitly set up to install and calibrate them en mass.

This is a level of automotive retardation usually reserved for Chrysler or GM.

Would literally anyone put it past Ol Musky to bribe car reviewers? The only reason he's popular is his marketing.

His Reddit following indicates he can get people to enthusiastically jerk him off for free, though.

Wouldn't be surprised if there is money going out to help astroturf subs like /r/futurology. You can literally get banned from that sub for criticizing Musk.


It's funny that the same plebs defending Android tend to be Tesla fans when Teslas are the iPhones of the automotive world. Although that said, unlike Apple their build quality is still shit.

implying apple's build quality isn't shit

It's pretty good for quite a lot of their products tbh. Not worth suffering OSX for but muh 2014 Macbook still feels well constructed.

iPhone X, a £1000 phone, breaks on the first drop. Talk about pretty good build quality.

Stop dropping your phone

haha you don't need doctor idiot just don't get sick

analogy doesnt work ur dumb

Why not?

Protection plans exist.

That analogy doesn't work when your retarded ass could just buy a case. I have a $7 case on my phone and the rubber has kept it from ever cracking when I dropped it.

The 2016 MBP is disappointing compared to 2014 models, in my experience. Maybe not shit, but definitely downhill.

Compared to Tesla they'll last forever. My iPhone 6 will last longer and have less issues than a Model 3.

/u/drpon I hope you're just memeing.

I hope I can drive a Tesla with full automation within the next five years, I would rather live in a shitty apartment and drive one of those cause traffic is so annoying

agreed. so many fucking idiots poo-poo'ing self driving cars. "But I like to drive!" knock yourself out, dude. Just expect insurance coverage prices to be a lot more expensive that way.

I don’t even see how it’s unreasonable to expect higher premiums. If you do something the more dangerous way despite there being an objectively safer alternative available then yeah, no shit you’ll pay more for insurance.

what is it about the idea of self driving cars that makes people so proud of being incompetent?

The horseless carriage is a fool's dream.

The first self driving cars will be safe as shit, but inevitably some executive will let loose the cost accountants and we'll start seeing recalls for sensors.

That and you have to actually clean those sensor arrays for them to work. Go take a walk around a Walmart parking lot, look at the condition of the cars and ask yourself how much you'd trust those people to maintain complicated equipment.

Hey /u/Doug-Demuro do you honestly think that car looks good?

I mean come on dude you've actually driven cool cars that have good lines and don't look some shitty 90's lexus.

You can respond on an alt so the Musk Ox doesn't strap you to a rocket pointed at the sun.

This dude once did a review as to why a $375,000 Bentley sedan was worth the money, I think he just likes fancy shit. Cause for that price I could get not one but multiple midlife crisis, chick magnet muscle cars.

The only good British car is a Lotus that's been sent to Hennessy in Texas.

Hey /u/Doug-Demuro do you honestly think that car looks good?

I think it looks like a 6 out of 10, which is what I scored it. Slightly above average.

It looks great except the back. Couldn't have it looking better than their model S golden boy.

This is it exactly, the S is okay but uninspired, which doesn’t bode well for the aesthetic qualities of the pleb-tier affordacar.

Wait, you guys use alts? I should have figured since all of your posts are from this sub. That's some the_donald level shit. How the hell do you live in this sub if you don't have an alt. Drama gets you off?

Keep yourself safe.

Safe? Why give info to identify yourself on reddit? That's fucking stupid and you know it. Trump supporters do what you do.

Be sure to take your meds.