r/Incels has been banned.
100 2017-11-07 by TuringMan
This follows an extended period as a private sub, so they were probably letting their subs go nuts while on there.
Virgin rage soon to approach crictical mass on voat?
le edit:This happened ~20 mins ago, so hot drama straight off the presses!
le edit 2: r/IncelsPurgatory is the new shitpit of reddit
1 ShaggyO_0Rogers 2017-11-07
Well I know where the incel faggots will migrate to.
Looking at u/MasterLawlz
Oh so we've always been incels !
1 MasterLawlz 2017-11-07
Hey I’m a volcel I’ll have you know
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-11-07
Wtf is a volcel? ಠ_ಠ
1 largetime 2017-11-07
Literally and unironically something your parents should have been.
1 ShaggyO_0Rogers 2017-11-07
Voluntary celibate
1 PORTMANTEAU-BOT 2017-11-07
Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Voluntary celibate'. To learn more about me, check out this FAQ.
1 TuringMan 2017-11-07
good bot
1 grungebot5000 2017-11-07
good bot
1 PORTMANTEAU-BOT 2017-11-07
Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'Voluntary celibate'. To learn more about me, check out this FAQ.
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-11-07
A monk
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-11-07
"Voluntarily celibate" lol
1 weniscommander 2017-11-07
I believe this is what the incels refer to as "coping."
1 AlohaWarrior34 2017-11-07
LOL. You've struck too late to karmawhore off this drama.
1 TuringMan 2017-11-07
u/ItsSugar is a fucking nerd for being so early
This is the Chad drama thread
1 _Norm_ 2017-11-07
Does this mean Noodles is coming back?
1 MegaSeedsInYourBum 2017-11-07
>implying he left
1 zergling_Lester 2017-11-07
I have a deep seated suspicion that u/ed_butteredtoast is him tbh. It's all looks like a pure manufactured act by someone obsessed with fitting in but not really having any human feelings.
1 JumbledFun 2017-11-07
are you pol__invictus? He's the only drama sperg i've seen jerking themselves off in that slatestarcodex sub before
1 zergling_Lester 2017-11-07
Actually there are quite a lot of people I see posting in both subs. I think it's most likely that this account is /u/zahlman's alt, to be honest.
1 glmox 2017-11-07
arf arf
1 clearandpresent 2017-11-07
oh god I can only imagine
1 80BAIT08 2017-11-07
Damn. Now we're down a good source of drama.
1 Harbinger147 2017-11-07
Meh shit was too easy now it’s a challenge! Gotta find those fuckers in the wild will make it more enjoyable
1 Brokenglassinmyass 2017-11-07
Already banned.
....So who wants to start a betting pool on which of the following some disgruntled poster is going to shoot up?
(1) All women's college (roasties all around them)
(2) Gym (Chads left and right)
(3) Church (this is le reddit we're talking here)
(4) Sorority / Frat House
1 TuringMan 2017-11-07
They'll probably just fuck off back to r9k. Good riddance
1 SPEZ_AKBAR 2017-11-07
r9k’s had a normie floss recently. This gon b good.
1 habibitee 2017-11-07
they don't like em
1 froibo 2017-11-07
Do gender segregated colleges still exist?
1 Brokenglassinmyass 2017-11-07
In anime they do, which is all that matters.
1 loonaboots 2017-11-07
yeah. men's colleges less so than women's colleges though. a few women's are smith and mount holyoke, which are both kind of fancy schools i think.
1 chaosakita 2017-11-07
Smith is full of lesbos tho. Not really what incels are going after. They only want Stacies.
1 loonaboots 2017-11-07
well, good thing the girl who went there is Hella Gay™ then.
1 freet0 2017-11-07
I promise you this is not accurate
1 VidiotGamer 2017-11-07
Only half of us are Chads. The other half are middle aged women trying to flirt with their personal trainers and office workers who think 20 minutes on the treadmill makes them an athlete.
1 heavenlytoaster 2017-11-07
No, like 60% of people at the gym are fatties
1 VidiotGamer 2017-11-07
Oh... Well I don't live in Burgerland, so we're not as fat I guess.
1 aqouta 2017-11-07
Go to a better gym.
1 chaosakita 2017-11-07
Incels want to suck chad off, of course they don't want to shoot up the gym
1 mohkohnsepicgun 2017-11-07
Amazing work. Thank you! This is why I’m on here everyday and never bother reading or watching msm (except for a few gems like hannity).
1 Awayfone 2017-11-07
Banned for what?
1 Rocktobot 2017-11-07
Though I'm ok with it, Id like the answer, too.
1 GadolBoobies 2017-11-07
There was a single post, heavily downvoted and then deleted by mods.
Turns out it was by some SRD user.
This is the excuse they used to ban Incels.
SRS, SRD, GamerGhazi, LateStageCapitalism, etc. are still up despite direct mod involvement in brigading, doxing and violent threats/illegal actions.
1 kippot 2017-11-07
Aww poor little Incel centipedo, where will you go now?
1 TiffanyNutmegRaccoon 2017-11-07
Some incel hated his Normie roomie, they started making plans for him to Knock him out and mutilate his Balls, and Force him to take meth,
1 IneedSomeThrowaway 2017-11-07
1 TiffanyNutmegRaccoon 2017-11-07
1 IneedSomeThrowaway 2017-11-07
Why blanking out usernames ? This is /r/drama.
1 TiffanyNutmegRaccoon 2017-11-07
I never took the cap, I think it's against Reddit's rules to show names anyway
1 IneedSomeThrowaway 2017-11-07
nice joke
1 Cake_eater666 2017-11-07
HAHAHAHA haha. Aww I used to post there and look at their memes.
People would use this in argument against others though if you had the board in your post history, it seems /r/incels was the punching bad of leddit.
1 habibitee 2017-11-07
What is with the autistics tards of this site and history fetching?
Every fucking time:
>dumpster some dude in comments section in some argument i didnt really care about in first place
>they respond after searching thru pages of my history with something like "Yeah whatever kid, go back to playing binding of isaac"
like its an insult or something that i post in /r/bindingofissac, or they'll post a thread where i asked for help with programming because no one is allowed to be bad at coding or theyre IDIOTS and its SUPER hIlARIouS xDDDD
1 Cake_eater666 2017-11-07
It is the leddit style of argument. An anon will argue based on their current argument whereas a ledditor will just dismiss your post because of your previous postings on boards you disagree with.
1 IneedSomeThrowaway 2017-11-07
whatever kid, go back to playing binding of isaac
1 Brokenglassinmyass 2017-11-07
1 Neronoah 2017-11-07
I've been insulted for posting on /r/drama
1 aqouta 2017-11-07
That makes perfect sense though
1 Ennui2778 2017-11-07
Clearly not enough.
1 Hammer_of_goofiness 2017-11-07
more proof that white genocide is real
1 RueysSoulDiegosFight 2017-11-07
There is a God! But...this can't be. I thought the Almighty died in a fire ages ago.
1 glmox 2017-11-07
i dont understand why they left wizardchan in the first place tbh
1 aqouta 2017-11-07
Wait why did they get banned? I didn't think it was against to rules to be a bitter waste of man meat yet? Hopefully this is a harbinger of mayocide.
1 zwiebelhans 2017-11-07
Inciting violence and such.