SRD crybaby whines about how “literally billions” of underage actresses are raped every day but when privileged white child actors are sexually harassed like Finn Wolfhard by innocent female models, the misogynistic Roddit freaks out.

0  2017-11-10 by John_Kvetch


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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I mean, in this case the SRDine is completely right for once. I remember the countdown to 18 thing for the Olsen twins and no one gave a shit then. It's just this knee jerk reaction from people that spend so much time complaining about the knee jerk reactions from SJWs.

Sort of like how the anti-SJW crowd would always make fun of the SJWs for their "you must always believe women" thing when it comes to rape accusations with no proof. But as soon as a Hollywood liberal or male feminist is accused they come out of the woodwork saying "SEE LOOK LIBERALS ARE ALL RAPISTS". This is why I will always keep the true soul of /r/drama and be South Park Neutral till I die. Everyone except me is a hypocrite.

I remember the countdown to 18 thing for the Olsen twins and no one gave a shit then.

That’s because society was literally better back then.

Also, never say this again

in this case the SRDine is completely right for once

It's true though. No drama here, just a fairly meh agendapost

There’s drama a bit further down, I just wanted that retarded SRDine comment in the spotlight

Well, link it then.

do you have some kind of mental compulsion that forces you to make these posts, or do you legitimately think they're good content for the subreddit?

A mod has a gun to my bussy tbh


Don’t kill yourself, Zachums


stop downvoting this man, people. we need the utterly retarded to keep this sub afloat

It explains why we keep you around as a mod tbh.

I thought rie was a day laborer

Na, he pretends that but his incredible anger and bootyblasted behavior when I casually assumed once that he was a college student made me immediately believe he’s another dumb college kid.

incredible anger

you seem very confused about this term. are you often confused by human behavior?

Don’t you have midterms or something kid? I’m sure school isn’t out yet for Christmas.


Well, when your tio owns the "company" I guess you just lean on the illegals to lay tile

we're white, we don't say tio.

I thought you were a wetback like me

i've had menudo, but that's just because i'm into food and cooking. i make good birria, and penomenal lengua.

but i'm absurdly white

well there's a difference between race and ethnicity but nowadays no one wants to differentiate. There are black and white and yellow Mexicans but everyone has to be a "POC" unless you're "white passing"

The fact that you can make good lengua is testament to someone making sure you were aware of your heritage. And that's the most important thing

no we're white af. irish or something. i just like food.

goddammit rie I thought you had brown blood too. I'm half irish half mexican

nope. white as snow.

This has effected me deeply and I'm not sure what to think anymore. I choose how to live as a gay man

i'm sorry you're still broke and angry

i'm sorry you're still broke and angry

Projection is a bitter tonic.

i agree



It's Spacey's tweet admiting then deflecting by saying he was "choosing to live as a gay man" that caused the drama.

Also, may I remind you of the fucking media, from New York Times to Reuters, had their headline about his coming-out rather than him being a pedo ?

I assume you're responding to the second part of my comment? That's not really what I was talking about. Spacey was sort of a unique case in this since he decided to go full retard and try to use being gay as a shield. Though his case applies too.

I have a problem with the "skeptic" community supporting the accusations against Weinstein and the various male feminists in the news recently like that neogaf guy. These are the same people that make 1984 comparisons to Sarkeesian's Listen and Believe thing a while ago. You can't have it both ways, either everyone is innocent until proven guilty or no one is.

You: "I mean, in this case the SRDine is completely right for once."

The SRDine :

How many women came forward about Cosby before they were believed? Weinstein? 1 dude comes forward on Spacey and people flip out and believe him immediately.

It's false. That's called confirmation bias, it's a common flaw among fanatics like the SRDine.

Oh, sorry. I forgot about that part. I was originally commenting more on the second part of thei SRDine's comment. So I guess in this case the SRDine is 50% right?

The part about sexualizing the children?

Yeah, the look how no one ever bat an eye about creeps wanting to fuck 14yo girls, but as soon as it's a boy EVERYONE GOES CRAZY... is also fueled by their confirmation bias.

Idk I mean Taylor Lautner was sexualized like fucking crazy in Twilight and he was well under 18. I never watched the films and wasn’t aware of the actors’ ages but in retrospect that was pretty creepy.

Huh, I had no idea he was under 18 in those movies. But at least in that context he was definitely sexualized by the movies themselves so you can hardly blame the people watching. My ex was a big Twilight fan so I watched most of the movies at one point or another and I remember him being shirtless roughly 95% of the time. I don't think the Olsens were ever really sexualized in the movies they did in like the early 2000s.

Yeah but I can at least blame Hollywood for the Lautner shit, the Olsen twins things falls more on the general public

Finn Wolfhard hasn’t been sexualized in anything I’ve seen him in but that didn’t stop creepy women from commenting weird shit on his instagram.

/u/Ohuma show me on this doll where Bill Clinton raped you? Lol

The butthole.

I can confirm. Daddy Billy Clinton stuck his pinky-winky in my buttholio. 😍😍😍😍

Goddamn that's hot af! 😩💦

Literally just one, 11 hour-old comment with a very mild response under it. Absolutely no drama here. OP is just on their period again.

OP is just on their period again.

lol, please do not be sexist in /r/drama, we be respecting women out here

OP's username very relevant

Duh, water is wet

SRD took this place over last week. They now downvote any criticism of the sub.

May as well find a new--real--troll sub, not this partisan fuckpit. Every post is dominated by Hodor, Aliceunknown and AnnoytheGoyim. It's pure left-wing bullshit these days. Everything critical of the left gets downvoted, just check controversial sorting.

Abandon ship.