Gay dude shames other gay dude for being promiscuous just be like

9  2017-11-13 by DemSindel


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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We need a new std to cull the homos, the fact that aids has turned into fag diabetes is a problem

The Russians have some radioactive tea. It's not contagious, but it's been prove quite effective.


God hates faggots

Jesus mows my lawn.

What the fuck is this?

It’s God, hating faggots.

How turgid is your cock when you type shit like this?

Very, funny thing is that it always gets that way when I talk about gay men.

How's turgid was yours when you got aids?

I have no idea what this title is trying to accomplish


Are you gonna be active here? What a long stretch it's been.

/u/pozcum why did you just delete all your comments like 15 seconds after posting them

Poz my...poz hole?

u/pozcum have your parents disowned you for your level of degeneracy yet.

As if this guy had a father in his life.

Who the fuck do you think gave him the AIDS?

Holy shit how do you get HIV at 14?