Poster in /r/justunsubbed says he unsubbed /r/Subredditdrama because they're filled with SJWs, SRDines rush in to downvote everyone.

144  2017-11-13 by TheRealTrueDarkLord


Now with added cancer!


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/u/nobadabing anyone who gets offended by anyone using the term "SJWs" is an SJW.

The term SJW has absolutely no meaning anymore. And thats a good thing imo. Somebody needs to come up with something a little more snappy

Like faggot. In a sentence, "Let's go murder some faggots tonight."

Still more meaningful than "racist", thankfully.

I got one: faggot.

how about faggot

"Faggot" fits well

Faggot works for me

I like it

Sounds a lot like "hurr durr who cares about being racist, it has lost its meaning".

You will never escape your horseshoe black hole.

I meant the verbiage not the meaning of the term. I feel like sjw needs a 2017 facelift. It doesn't roll of the tongue like it once did.

lol, that you got downvoted for this. Looks like some fee-fees are hurt.

Imagine even trying to sit down when your bussy is that blasted

can it sjw faggot

So when did it have meaning, and what did those people do wrong?

the obvious choice is faggot. as in "you are a massive faggot"

if you use the term sjw you’re a nerd. Just say pussy, geek, snowflake, etc. If you say sjw I immediately discredit u as a fat nerd

No offense or anything, but SRD has a moderate-left lean

/u/nobadabing are you fucking kidding me lmfao

Only a fucking commie could actually believe that. Holy hell

Literally ROFLMAO when I read that.

Literally BAOMN

Bowing And Offering My Nuts?

Blowing Air Out My Nose

moderate-left lean




Isis waswas just moderate Islamists.

Well SJWs are moderate left now, far left is communist revolutionaries

Sam Harris, Dave Rubin types basically have no place in the left anymore.

locking this thread for obvious reasons.

u/FuckinHomerunChippah, that's some real quality moderation right there

The obvious reason was the brigading.

locking this thread for obvious reasons

locking this thread for brigading

It even takes less characters.

Good to know for next time

Feel free to post here for mod advice. Especially considering a number of r/Trashy mods also mod and/or read here.

The obvious reason was the brigading. Muh hugbox


When you lock for brigading you are basically giving into terrorism.


It only took me 3 days to get banned from most of the leftie subs on reddit. They are all over this place. They are retarded as well. They don't believe pizzagate is real for one.

Is this a friend of yours?

You fucking spirit cookers are everywhere!

What is pizza gate? Was there some kind of pizza problem?

The gist of it is a bunch of intellectual civilian investigators thought that liberals were running a pedophilia ring from the basement of a pizza restaurant.

civilian investigators thought that liberals were running a pedophilia ring

Correction: proved. Can't believe shareblue shills are swarming drama these days...

There is literally no evidence to support it.

Are you saying that Patrio shot up that pizza joint for nothing? FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is literally no evidence to support it.

Correction: a lot of. Nice try shareblue, you won't be able to gaslight me!

Get the fuck lost with this left vs right nonsense. It's sane vs insane, and you are firmly part of the latter category

Show me the proof that NASA is running a child sex slave breeding colony on Mars, and is shipping the child sex slaves to an invisible pizzeria basement.

There were discussions from 4chan about it, but the admins of 4chan decided to be a bunch of faggots and censored discussion of it, because they really like to make unproven conspiracy theories a thing. Now it's everywhere. I guess you can say the conspiracies intensifies

SRD seems to be a bunch of bullies :(

It's one of their few redeeming qualities

Of course they are, they're swamped with SRS imports.

That sounds like an unfortunate outlook on life that you and your friends have, but you're still young. It will probably come off as patronizing, but I genuinely hope all of you mature mentally before completing your education.

/u/amosthorribleperson Are you trying to come off as the most insufferable smuggo in history? I hope you mentally mature if this is how you talk to people you disagree with.

Yes, I was trying to come off as insufferably smug. I thought that was pretty blatant, but thanks for pointing it out.

Point being, you're an asshole.

Yes, based on those post, you are correct again.

Are you telling me you did it on purpose to show how SRDines really act? Because it seems like they upvoted you for being a good representative.

If I am a representative of SRD, they need to get their shit together, because the other guy is more upvoted than I am currently.

It's because everyone hates SRD and their insufferable smugness.

That could be true. You could alternatively come to another conclusion given the timestamps here:

What do you mean, you just found out that you were linked by drama?

While it is factually accurate that I just found out that I was linked on this sub, no, that's not what I meant.

What's wrong with you man? Just admit that you were being a smug asshole and be done with it.

I literally said that in my first two responses to you.

You said it like you were proud of it. You also have to repent and ask for my forgiveness.

I went to a church and confessed shortly after posting it.

Confess to me damn it! Also suck my dick and call me "daddy justice"!

You sound like my priest.

You're not the first user to tell me that.

               /   Post    \
              |   Bussy^^   |
               \__ ________/
                   ||  ||                              
                   ''  ''       
             ~~~  Congratz!!! ~~~
 U haff been visited by the r/Drama Llama!! 

I don't understand this. Is it modern rap? Thanks!

It is art.

Upvoted for honesty. 👏Don't👏downvote👏lolcows👏.

Oh, you meant to do that? Well that makes it worse, bud.

It really does.

SRD are basically SRS but they want to convince themselves that the actual reason they are linking to other threads is because of lulz and not because they got triggered.

Its funny how they have rules against pinging usernames to avoid bringing drama into their sub yet end get into slapfights in their own sub.

So why don't you or snallygaster or Oxus007 just unban the people who were banned for counter-jerking?

Who is the Sith Lord you're all afraid of? TheLadyEve? It's her, isn't it? She seems like the type who would make porn of crushing small animals.

>Moderate left-lean

How do they manage to squeeze so much condescension into each word? I'm weirdly impressed.

SRDines have perfected the art of being a smug douchebag.

SRD is where all the old /r/atheism posters went after they banned memes. #TrueFax

Normal, well-adjusted people don’t really use the label “SJW” seriously like you do. Maybe you’d fit in better with the shit-stirrers in /r/drama.

No offense or anything, but SRD has a moderate-left lean, despite the picture certain groups on Reddit like to paint them as.

In the comments

i mean the first part is true, you're on autistic levels of internet usage if you unironically say SJW

Found the SJW




Well you passed the autism test

Ur a good teecher

can I do an extra credit "assignment" anyway 😏

Are traps gay?

Make sure you pick the right answer 😡

Umm the term "trap" is very transphobic. Just because someone has a penis does not mean they cannot be a woman. Please delete your problematic comment or I will be forced to report this subreddit to the administrators

Excuse me?

Implying a trap conforms to the binary gender system of oppression is a horrid micro-aggression that reveals your subconscious bias against non gender conforming-kin.

I'll be forced to report YOU to the Reddit authorities if you can't answer this simple question that any decent human should be able to figure out.

A black person of color flips a tortoise upside down in the middle of a dirt road. A Filipino polyqueer stalinsexual stumbles upon the tortoise hours later and flips it back over. What animalkin does the tortoise's owner identify as and how did the white system of oppression disadvantage the black person of color in his scenario?

The tortoise's owner is a harekin, as a toddler she was sexually abused by her grandfather who read her "The Tortoise and the Hare" by having her in his lap without her written consent, and now roleplaying that story is her kink. The black """person""" of color actually does not identify as a person, asshole, he is a tortoisekin and was preparing the tortoise for missionary position mating, but had to leave because he was late for his daily Punch-a-Nazi (white entity) meeting at university (fucking white people not trying to keep him down by scheduling when they will show up to be punched as reparations.)

"As a toddler she was sexually abused by her grandfather."

You just assumed the harekin's gender. Not only do you fail but I'm getting the Reddit firing squad to line you up against the wall as we speak

You either have to be 13 or mentally retarded to use the term SJW in real life.

Most of the moderate left individuals don't support the literal terrorist organisation of antifa

I’m gay, I’m for equal rights for all legal citizens, black white brown purple, I’m for deporting all illegals, even the babies, I’m pro gun, pro weed, anti Islam, pro privacy, anti corporatism, pro environment, pro raising taxes, I’m about as middle of the road as you can get, and even I know to avoid SRD like the plague.


Same, but I'm anti environment.

People claiming that the US Antifa is a terrorist organisation must be the saddest thing that ever happened to Al-Qaida, Al shabaab and ISIS

Nobody ever said they were good at being terrorists

I think getting hit with a white phosphorus grenade is even sadder.

The Dog Who Stopped the War is even sadder than that.

Being the first 'minority' to actually deserve extermination is also pretty sad.

Your opinions don't seem to reflect someone who has an experienced perspective, so I'm unfortunately unable to believe that most of what you are saying here is true.

Oh look, an actual ad hominem for once.

DAE my opinion is the only enlightened one and to hole any different opinion means you must not know the world.

SRD has been like that for years and years. This retard didn't "just unsub," he only wants to soapbox about the menace of SJW moderators on reddit.


It's called virtue signalling. And frankly, it's probably a pretty good way to build some easy karma.

To be fair I hadn't really visited SRD since like, 2013. I got caught up in work and didn't use reddit for a while, then when I came back I spent the most time on other subs. It is way different now than back in 2013

Timing seems about right.

SRD has been left-wing for years.


Lol one of the top posts of all time on there is "just unsubbed from mensrights"

Who wants to bet that that sub has those SJW power mods that /u/nobadabing thinks don't exist

They unsub from a lot of subs that are cancer, even /r/funny. /r/politicalhumor is on the chopping block often as well.

/r/JustUnsubbed isn't heavily moderated at all. Matter of fact barely any posts are locked or deleted by mods.

u/Spaceguy5 one of us one of us

what is the cure for such disorders? beatings.

may allah break the backs of these disease-ridden rodents.

That sounds like an unfortunate outlook on life that you and your friends have, but you're still young. It will probably come off as patronizing, but I genuinely hope all of you mature mentally before completing your education.

This feels like something new. It's condescending, but also a step above. This is so peak SRD in its smug assumptions that it feels like daddyposting.

How much of a self-important cunt do you have to be to make a public annoucement everytime you unsub a forum.

No one gives a shit u/Spaceguy5, kys quickly.

How much of a self-important cunt do you have to be to make a public annoucement everytime you don't like a post on a subreddit which is exactly fulfilling the subreddits' purpose?

No one gives a shit u/ChateauJack, kys quickly.

no its u

nice comeback

Getting smacked by a lolcow that's not a good look my man

I ONLY HATE THE HARD LEFT said the donald poster


Said the SRD poster lol

I hate all the left.

You can always spot an obsessive leftist busybody on Reddit when you see someone complaining about the Donald a year after year the election

I really hate all these leftist busybodies. This is why I love /r/drama. You can post whatever you like and while you may get called every one of the 14 words you won't get morally grandstanded by a bunch of faggots.

We must secure the safety of bussy and the future of the mayo race

BREAKING: Someone pokes beehive, gets stung, film at 11

Deport SRD

The easiest trait to identify an SJW with is their unbelievable level of smugness.