"r/drama is the reactionary version of srd" and other wonderful tidbits from our sister subreddit

65  2017-11-15 by Randydandy69


Have you posted bussy yet?


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I am a reactionary though

I react to internet drama... therefore I am.

I'd wear a t-shirt if it said that.

I bet that'd help with the ladies tbh


My b

Live and learn.

Fite me irl fgt

Come at me scrublord.

I'll cut out your autistic heart you wanna be /u/pizzashill

Now you're just taking things too far.

I didn't call you /u/ed_butterface did I?

No one is that mean.

I'm glad we can agree that dude needs the gas chamber. /u/Ed_ButteredToast unironically should drink and drive.


Small miracles.

Do you really hate me that much? I'll do it then if it makes you happy 😭💔😔

Peer pressure is good for the soul.

I know what you're trying to do here :'(

Move over pasta boy, there's a new chef in town.

How dare you!!

fite me irl (ง'̀-'́)ง

What are you reacting against?


Carry on then

and Jews, left-wingers, non-whites (except qt nips)

Woah there, slow your roll

Ew. Hapa breeder kys.

Same, im pretty reactionary

They're thinking of the chief of police of Malibu... Real reactionary.

What did the police chief of Malibu do?

Threw a coffee mug at my head and banned me from his beach community. Fuckin' fascist.

I bet you deserved it.

Okay Jackie.

Spelled with y and not ie, you idiot.

You are incorrect.

I recommend Bill Kuntsler or Ron Kuby.

Stay out of Malibu, deadbeat.

I'm not a reactionary. I'd advocating for radical changes in today's society that usually go far beyond the simple definition of "reactionary".

I'm full on CRYPTOHATE.

I'm a busy man, and whenever I'm not working or otherwise trying to achieve my goals, sometimes I start to wonder. Am I on the right path? Am I moving forward at a good pace?

In those tough times, I prefer r/drama brand drama to remind myself of the less fortunate. Some people go on mission trips to Africa, but I prefer laughing at internet retards - with a hefty dose of nihilism to boot.

Talk to your doctor about r/drama today.

The Irish have had enough of your bullshit.

Hey I just came here from /r/subredditdrama and I’m here to brigade on all y’all!!!

ur more like hodr the srd troll holder amirite????

Oh no you don't? I'll report you to the admins! They'll ban you immediately

Ohnoes, Tits! Please ban, he is pooping in the popcorn.

Ew no. Gross. Ick.

< All the slurs that you hate! >

Edit: And of course, the people who post in both do a good job of showing off why every thread here they're present in is made worse for it.

Oh no :( Thought I do know a fix.

Attention SRD mods: I too am pooping in your potato chips. David-me did nothing wrong.

Wait, I thought we were a bunch of libtard commies? Which is it?

we're schrödinger's reactionaries

r/Drama: The World's Leading National Bolshevik Webpage

/u/HodorTheDoorHolder commenting in a 4 month old thread smdh fam.

It's aged like fine wine now

Is that against the rules?

Worse, it's against common sense and propriety. Not that you have but a passing familiarity with either, pleb.

Socialists get upvoted here so I don't think it's that reactionary.

Only because we think they're funny.

SRDines love eating pasta.

The fuck is "reactionary"

An easy tell that you are talking to an indoctrinated Marxist.

A person that doesn’t want all our resources directed towards impractical plans.

sister subreddit

One's sister is supposed to be sexy

r/drama is Jaime lannister to srd's cersei

We stick by them and do whatever they want like a total list even though they completely suck in every way?

Well we do produce a lot of popcorn for them, doing the dirty work they won't

Cersei has resting bitch face though, would not bang

Agreed, brienne is way hotter

Is she finally gonna fuck Hagrid next season?

Nope, Jaime is going to stump her

Both Brienne and Cersei are way hotter irl - Yara and a couple others seem to be the other way around. Weird

One hand!

Cersei is way too skinny for srd. More like fat walda a d r/drama is ramsey's dogs.

u/IgnisDomini what's your PayPal? I want to buy you a bottle of bleach.

Lol /u/IgnisDomini you made a post on /r/killthosewhodisagree and then you went and make a thread celebrating the death of political opponents right after that. Come on man, at least pretend you have integrity.

"Reactionary" is still a thing? I thought they shortened that to "Nazi".

BRUH, the thread is 4 months old

It's vintage

the mold on the dirty dishes next to your computer is vintage

reactionary is a person who holds political views that favor a return to the status quo ante

Is the status quo ante one where retards were laughed at regardless of where they are in the political landscape, of race, of sex, ... ?

If yes, then I am indeed a reactionary.

I am surprised that SRD is so thoroughly rejecting the Retardation Pills that u/IgnisDomini wants to hand out to them. I guess those "Just Say No" campaigns that I used to laugh at really did work.


Again....context...you seem to lack it.

You appear to lack the ability to consider hypothetical questions. You should work on this; cognitive deficits are not as easily remedied as simple lack of information.

I like how my comment calling /u/Ilovepug95 a turtle faced bitch is right below the original exchange.

lol im so confused that post was from forever ago :o whats the drama?

2 sutistic subreddits name calling each other.

oh lol im very flattered that my face has become the symbol of this interaction haha

Do you let guys cum on your face?

no you troll

Ahh, so you always swallow.

[–][deleted] 7 hours ago

Uhuh yeah....

4 months old

great now the fags from srd are going to defend their right to fuck that thread