AgainstHateSubreddits mocks The_Donald users for thinking anyone who doesn't want a border wall is a straight up retard who supports erasing all borders (and that there's no middle ground). Forgets that AHS's userbase is mostly made of those kind of retards.

170  2017-11-19 by IAintThatGuy


I don't like being told what to do

/u/ThinkMinty have you ever had a job?

Over-under on number of times he asks "Am I being detained?" on a weekly basis?

Zero. Being detained involves going out in public.

WRONG I scream this at my mom every time she tells me to get me to "come out of your cave and eat dinner with us" or "you're fifty years old, you need to get a job"

Yes. The comparison doesn't work because jobs pay you.

You'd be paid a lot less if there were no border restrictions and massive amounts of labor flowed in and diluted the labor market

I'm not a /r/The_Donald user, either. Those guys are racist creeps.

Way to completely ignore what he said! Best of luck in your future unemployment

Best of luck in fucking your cousin.

LOL XD! Look out everyone, this guys sharp.

u deserve rape

thanks kind stranger

My cousin is sexy motherfucker with a smooth bussy, your cousin is a woman.


Everyone who disagrees with me must be a backwoods inbred! Why else would they reject my obviously true opinions?

The slightest hint of racism or antisemitism will get you instabanned from the_donald.

If you think they're "racist creeps," you really don't know the first thing about your enemy.

If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

Read a book sometime jabroni

The slightest hint of racism or antisemitism will get you instabanned from the_donald.


No, leftists are rapist creeps.

I'm not looking for jobs in the lawn care industry lol.

And there's the racism.

Oh come off it.

Yeah but we aren't on the view are we now?

So you're view is that it's okay to be racist as long as you aren't on daytime TV?

I stand by Sharron Osborne and her Drumpf burn.

That's not Sharon Osbourne though, do all white people look alike to you? As clearly you're already holding the view that spelling is racist.

Of course not, every white person is ugly in their own way.

I stand by whichever Osborne that was and denounce The View.

Ah so you do hate hispanic people then, I mean they are white enough to be included in the crime statistics.

I always knew.

are you aware what sub you're in


>working manual labor

Oh wow, I'm getting shit here for being against racist government policies. Oh the fucking irony.

/u/ThinkMinty Keeping muzzie terrorist scum out of your country is not racism.

Keep it in your pants.

You are a terrorist sympathizer. You should consider cutting off your dick, shagging some goats and blowing up some mayos to further the cause of r/drama's mayocide cause.

you can't shagg some goats if you cut off your dick

Only a terrorist sympathizer would know that. The jig is up.

Not with that attitude you can't. Also, stop dpwnvotong the lolcows.

I'm curious, I don't actually support a border wall, but let's say Trump wanted to build a border wall with Canada, would that be racist?

Not really, but it would be completely fiscally unsound. That's the largest border in the world.

So building a wall with Mexico is racist, but building one with Canada isn't.

Let's see if you can spot the error in your worldview.

Chances of a response now are zero.

Okay so building a border wall with a country that doesn’t really have many illegal immigrants crossing over isn’t racist. Building one where there is actually a very big illegal immigration problem is racist. Wtf kind of logic is that?

Building a wall to keep out leaf-mayos is just sound policy.

"Very big illegal immigration problem?" We have net lost Mexicans every year since 2007

thanks to Emperor Donnie!

Wow why haven't we thanked Donald for his time travelling immigration policies yet? Groundbreaking. Bigly groundbreaking

Wow nice jpeg. Good source. I had many illegal Mexican friends, you have no idea how many there are in America.

would that be racist?

I'd say no, but because the majority of Canadians are white the same race as of many of these people who want to build a wall to keep the darkies out.

Now I'm not going to say racism is the only reason people want a border wall but it I'd imagine it is rather high on the list considering the general ineffectiveness of a border wall.

So your entire basis for the wall being racist is that one country isn't viewed as white and the other is.

You can't honestly not see the problem here.

I was expecting an agendapost, but there's actually good drama here.

Agendaposts about border walls are so 2016. Now I only post actual 100% free range retardation.

GOOD post


Probably a libertarian socialist.

There is no such thing as a libertarian socialist really. Its a retarded thing for leftwingers who like drugs and sexual deviancy but still want the crushing foot of government on their neck economically.


Oh so splain to me what a libertarian socalist is? Every fucking time some fucker says thats what they are they are just a socalist.

A libertarian is an individual who believes in the dismantling of hierarchy. This includes religious hierarchies, bureaucracies, autocracies, and monarchies. An actual libertarian also is opposed to capitalism, since it is an economic system predicated on the notion that the labor of workers must be rented out, rather than allowing the workers to self-govern. American "libertarianism" is an ideology which is inherently pro-business, and therefore capitalist. Hence, they cannot truly be called libertarian, since they explicitly support an unjust hierarchy.

And I would like to also explain to you what exactly socialism is. It is not "when the government does things." That is called the welfare state. Socialism is democratic organization of the workplace, where the workers own their own labor, and they get together and decide what they would like to do democratically.

A libertarian is an individual who believes in the dismantling of hierarchy.


Libertarians are about free will and individual choice. What you are describing is more of an anarchist, not the commie kind on reddit, but a real one.

As a libertarian you can do what the fuck you want. You want to inject your penis with pcp while singing born to be wild, be my guest. You want to join the Church of Whatever be my guest.

You want your Church of Whatever to stop me from injecting pcp into my penis because its against your religion? Fuck you.

Actually, I am also a lover of individual choice. You'll find that libertarianism at one point actually referred exclusively to individuals such as myself. What you're actually describing is market liberalism. Market liberals such as Ludwig von Mises coopted the word libertarian for their own purposes.

And anarchism has always been an explicitly leftist ideology. You are extremely ill informed if you believe that it isn't.

You are just another commie claiming to be something else. That manifesto you linked is awful. I'm not uninformed, I'm just not a edgy fool who would be first against the wall after the revolution is over.

No, you actually are not well informed at all.

To be fair, low IQ, libertarianism, etc

Socialism and libertarians are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Where on the spectrum are you?


So you're not on the spectrum?

Here is additional literature on libertarian ideology.

Actually libertarianism is a socialist ideology. You are incorrect.

Oh golly, you want to go back to the 1800's which explains why that horrible site reads like the communist manifesto.

Straight from wiki for you..

Most left-libertarians are anarchists

...that supports what I am saying entirely. Left libertarians are anarchists, and therefore also socialists.

Gay men are women, and therefore also astronauts.

Except the things I'm saying are true actually

Just out of curiosity, do you smoke a lot of weed by any chance?


dunk on

Why are chappos always culturally appropriating an athletic feat they could never perform?

Inside every chappo is a self-hating white nerd desperately wishing he was a black chad.

hate when people aren't really libertarians but just retards who like drugs and sexual deviancy while having dumb, extreme, vague ideas of completely reshaping the economy somehow

Libertarians should be gulaged very Marxistly just for having the most retarded political arguments.

The border wall is pretty dumb tho. Way better ways to secure the border than an expensive wall.

The expense isn't really the problem, it's the inefficiency. Jose on the Mexican side can just throw a bag of drugs over the wall to his hermano Jos-b on the American side.

But if you're worried about the expense, put me in charge of the Border Patrol and I'll solve the problem for free in a week:

  • 3,000 miles of border

  • 3,000 redneck volunteers spread out a mile each

  • 8 hour shifts, so 9,000 redneck volunteers per day

  • Tell them to bring a lawn chair and rifle from home

  • Only perk is you can shoot anyone on the Mexican side on sight

Within the first week we'd have a million rednecks on the waitlist hoping for a chance at an 8 hour shift.

Forgetting how horrible and inhuman that sounds for a second. Realistically speaking that would cause a huge controversy at the world stage that would have huge consequences. Europe would freak out and social movements would pop up all over the place. US reputation would severaly go down. That's not even a 10th of it.

Europe isn't a monolith. Some European countries would probably follow our example when they see how effectively my plan works out.

Forgetting how horrible and inhuman that sounds

The rednecks will be given free food and Pepsi, don't worry about it.

I mean shit, for free food I'd do it.

Can I have Coca-Cola instead?

I'm sorry, only Pepsi is super effective against minorities and leftist protesters, as shown in their advertisements.

Europe would freak out

That's true. Europeans would be hypocritical enough to condemn us for shooting people instead of just hoping they drown.

Can US reputation go any lower after Trump?

Can lefty reputation go any lower after Dunham?

We're already bottom fisting.

Was dunham elected president or something?

Who gives a shit what the "vast majority of the world" knows

The vast majority of Americans do not know who she is. This doesn't change the fact daddy is an international laughingstock and much of the world knows he's a retard though, does it?

Much of the world thinks that Islam is a religion of peace, and they don't even know that trans women ARE women. In conclusion, you are a pants-pissing retard for giving a shit what "the world" thinks.

Much of the world thinks that Islam is a religion of peace

Can you provide some citation showing this is true?

As for the rest of this, no, you're just a dumb person. The united states is a superpower because of the relationships we've built since world war 2.

The entire world order we've established is built on these relationships. When those relationships start to fail, when the world leaves us behind, that has repercussions.

This is why nationalism is a toxic fucking cancer on any society it infects.

counterpoint: you are a dumb gay retard

They could elect you.

They could always remove the term limit and bring back Bush Jr. I'd consider that lower than Trump.

Bush is amazing compared to Trump. There seems to be a real problem with people in this country just not fully comprehending what a moron Trump is.

Bush is amazing compared to Trump

No hes not lmfao. Im so sick of people whitewashing bush nowadays just because Trump manages to trump Bush's stupidity in some areas. In others Bush is a million times worse. The two of them are literally some of the most embarrassing leaders any country has ever had, and to similar degrees.

Fair enough about the cult of personality though.

Trump could start casually dropping n bombs and linking directly to /pol/ posts on Twitter. Use some imagination we could easily go way lower.

Europe would freak out

oh no. not yurop.

Thing is it looks like there are going to be two walls with a road in the middle.

A catapult might not even do it. They may have to update to a trebuchet which everyone knows was Supreme until gunpowder and cannons.

But that's just drugs. The real issue is people, not just migrant workers but shady folks who have other criminal intent.

People said the wall wouldn't stop anyone that most violations are visa overstays so Trump put a travel ban in effect and people freaked out.

Illegal boarder crossings are way down just on the announcement that the US would better police entry so it seems like time will tell at this point.

(Hate to break kayfabe, but I was only playing along with u/rewind45 about the wall being dumb to be a good sport. I'm actually in favor of Theodosian-style walls that render even technology capable of launching 90kg projectiles over 300m inert)

Take this to PM, Christ

We're going to get a reputable reputation

What's stopping from rednecks to shooting each other on a slow day?

A border wall has already been attempted before, too. People like to forget about it, but the plan was a chain linked fence right across the border.

Not only did it end up being unimaginably expensive, but it ran into countless issues with landowners who had the border line running through their property.

In one case the contractors even went right around the perimeter of a property after the owners refused to allow the wall. Literally boxed them in.

It was a total mess, and a complete waste of money that didn't do anything. You couldn't build it even if it was actually necessary.

It is Keynesian infrastructure spending, bitch. You love that shit.

That sub reminds me of a bunch of teenagers trying to virtue signal in order to get some puss.

I think you mean it reminds you of a bunch of severely mentally ill, fat, hairy white guys who need to specify preferred gender pronouns in their Twitter bios.

That sub reminds me of a bunch of teenagers trying to virtue signal in order to get some puss.


To get some pussy, one would have to leave their basement, go outside, get some sun to wipe away their pasty-white hue, go to a gym and workout, and finally meet real people in person.

I doubt many in that su.. ohhhh, that would mean AHS is just like this one!

My bad ;-0

This is you:

You're not in a position to be judging anyone.

They can't argue out of a wet paper bag. They should go back to accusing /u/spez of being a Daddy supporter.

It is a sign of lefty policy weakness that they have to deny their own positions.


And also add one on the canadian border.