John_Kvetch has been suspended.

29  2017-11-19 by Frank_Tenpenny



Idk, /u/Jimmy_Kvetch care to comment?

I actually have no idea too but it was probably for liking bussy too much.

Admins being pretty homophobic, have you contacted the ACLU?

This is a hate crime

why don't you just post on /u/john_ketch?

I’m banned on like half of the subreddits of Reddit because Ketch got way too notorious.

I definitely don't want you to, but is it maybe time to step back and reevaluate your life?

hmmmm probably not

Leak PMs and ban msg

Mind showing us what you wrote word-for-word? Who'd you send it to, by the way?

>it’s a joke bro

Then what'd you actually do?

I refused to send the /r/drama mods pictures of myself wanking to vintage trap porn.

/u/spez only mods /r/SubredditDrama though, not /r/drama.

The bussy conspiracy targeting vulnerable drama users reaches far.

Was it Mike Pence?

Cause he could cause lots of problems for the admins

u/botchlings BTFO yet again

lmao no

Good user

Bad bot. Decode yourself

cool he was a fuckin ass

Right back atchyu baby.

I was just about to post this.

Spill the beans, /u/Jimmy_Kvetch. What'd you do, you beautiful sperglord?

I sent a PM to a closeted homosexual telling him to give up the gussy forever and he reported me to the admins.

What's the real reason?

Okay, okay! The truth is I got suspended because I accidentely typed out loud “maybe we shouldn’t gas the mayos”

Then you deserved it.

Literally who?

Noted instadownvoter.

So, like some asshole like any other nobody?

REEE asshole isn’t an insult - bussy is appreciated here

are you and that other guy part of the gayest gang ever or what?

You clearly haven’t been on /r/drama long

its my first day in this exclusive club.

Wow, makes you insulting elders like myself quite rude, young retard

IS there some sort of ritual to appease the top queef garglers like your self or do we have to keep talking?

Yes. I expect pictures of your bussy along with fresh copypasta in my inbox before the day is done. Shaved of course.

( )*( )

Something something

See! You’re learning as you go!

.... can you get banned too?

You’re probably going to turn out retarded.

I knew this guy, straight a student. Went skiing and crashed into a tree. Was in a coma for three months and when he woke up, he had severely impaired mental capacity and came out as gay. Always grabbing dudes asses in public. sometimes I see him on reddit under the name jimmy_kvetch.

true story.

Wow, why did you plagiarise my biography about /u/thesnakeinthegarden?

why the fuck would you waste time writing my bio? that's a lot of pretend effort.

I have to document all the undisclosed spawns of genetic inbreeding for... science

The is the worst... worst... conversation I have ever had in my five years of drama.

Wow, now you can finally log off Reddit and keep yourself safe, content in the knowledge you’ve experiences everything there is to be experienced.

Why is he notable? Plenty of people downvote?

Another vote manipulation suspension. Just like the last time. Dude stop

Wrong again. Maybe if someone else takes a wild guess and ignores the true reasons I’ve given in this thread, they’ll finally be unironically right.

There's almost no reason the admins hand out perm suspensions outside of vote manipulation

The admins will perma-ban for harassment.

Almost as wrong as the fact that cucks don’t love Trump

Didn't someone get banned for raping dogs? Maybe that was the reason u/john_kvetch was banned.

I only rape dogs with pristine woofy

If anyone wants to know the real reason why right wing accounts like this seem to get banned all the time despite not actually posting anything bad enough to get a banned,

Its because Mr Kvetch takes part in brigading organized on the_donald discord which just had a leak to admins.

Imagine spending your free time doing shit like that

The funniest thing is how those retards are convinced that the same doesnt happen to the far left because of (((Admin corruption)))

When the real reason is that the far left is so incompetent and consumed with puritu tests and infighting that they cant even maintain a discord server in the first place.

Nigga wat?

Ask /u/karmaisforsuckers, they’re clearly speaking from personal experience since I’ve never used Discord or been on /r/donald because I give less than an iota of shit about Americunts and their hatred for bussy.

No discord no discord, you're the discord

I thought your schizo drugs were meant to make you stop hallucinating about Trump.

Oh man, I'd love to get a gander at the leaks. I don't know why, but The_Donald gossip never fails to entertain me.

Holy shit, imagine being this wrong. I’ve literally never given a single shit about /r/donald because I’m not American. Stop obsessing about your President’s tiny orange hands jerking you off creep.

Lmao wassup?

who this?