thought the california fires were bad? cb2's been berning down for over a year now, and even president trump can't put this one out

33  2017-11-20 by Hammer_of_goofiness


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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It's a year past the election and people still talking about Bernie and Clinton.

Now maybe it's just cause I'm young, but I don't remember this about other party primaries.


The other party puts loyalty above all else and will fall in line no matter what for the most part.

The DNC is a big tent party with a fairly large percentage of 20 something Berntards that will do anything possible to avoid admitting they lost a primary.

Seriousposting should be a death sentence

Because The Democrats, between 2008 and 2016, began to believe they were invincible and that the GOP would soon become a memory. They just forgot to tell that to the electors.

Now maybe it's just cause I'm young, but I don't remember this about other party primaries.

Howard Dean can still win this thing. Who will match me? Yeaaaaaaaaaow!

Since when is this "generally accepted as true" by anyone outside of Reddit?

Since the DNC was raped by Wikileaks cucks. But please, keep sperging, there's nothing funnier than seeing mentally handicapped people reuniting under the banner of a common delusion of grandeur and sperging about shit they know nothing about.


Department of Nominating Clinton

I mean there's still hope for

JEB 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Fuck yeah!!!

Our true Lord and Saviour Jeb! would've led us to peace, prosperity, and another golden age. But they doubted Jeb!, and so He hath forsaken us, for we were not ready for Him even though He was the solution to all of our problems.

Real talk: Could Jeb have gotten elected had GWB never been president?

Probably not. He was an establishment candidate in an era of populist rage

Yeah, but W only threw gas on the fire of populist rage. Would we have gotten to where we are now if it hadn't been for all of his shenanigans?

Well it was Dubya's shenanigans that stoked liberal populist rage in 2008 and got Obama the Democratic primary win, and eventually the presidency. Without that there's a decent chance that 2016 would've followed 8 years of Hillary, and as we saw with her run this year, nothing stokes just about everyone's populist rage more than the Clintons.

Hurr durr i voted brumpf because the demoncrats were bad!

/u/justaprankbro this is a legitimate argument you dumbfuck

You think it's a legitimate argument to jump from a Democratic socialist to a fucking idiot just because you dont like that your candidate didn't get the nomination?


Then you are not smart

post your cute boy butt

You misspelled winner

Then you are not winner

But Trump won and Bernie/Hillary both lost.

That makes Trump winner and Bernie/Hillary along with their supporters losers.

All of which is technically correct which is the best kind of correct.

They just don't understand.

They were told it was her turn!

Them Tour de Frances wasn't rigged either. Lance Armstrong just "tipped the scales" in his favor. What a bunch of maroons.

/u/Caelrie What were the exact mind control methods used by the DNC Russia to get Hillary 4 million more votes than Bernie Trump more electoral votes than Hillary?

Please be as specific as possible.