What drugs will you be using to get through tomorrow? Ignore this post if you’re a non-American, lower class human being.

34  2017-11-22 by Etra


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

unironically posts shareblue articles to /r/Politics

is a maladjusted, pill popping autist

I'm not surprised

You sound mad.

Are you mad about the NRA?


More like the NRGay amirite

came here to say this

Believe me, even if I were...an entire history of shareblue articles reeee;ing about Trump is a lot worse.

Omg, are you Trigglypuff? Is it doxxing if you post yourself?


Well, you tried

makes a post in r/drama


You shouldn't be.

I’m high on life, friend

You sound boring.

I’m high on life, friend

You sound boring.

Bath Salts

I'm gonna be high on my sobriety! 😉🍷🍾💃🏼

I tried sobriety for six months just to prove I can. It sucked.

Aww. Drugs aren't for me tho, not even alcohol. ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

Marijuana no?

I’m sorry about literally everything in your post.

Pssssshhh Nah! Different strokes for different folks y'know? ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ

I wish you'd have another stroke tbh

You've been very rude to me lately. I'm sorry but I'll have to report you to the moderators of this subreddit. /u/serialflamingo wtf is this shit?


Now I understand why you're addicted to emojis. It's at least healthier than the alternatives.

Using alts to comment in your own threads might be the saddest low I've ever seen you stoop to.

Ignore this post if you’re a non-American, lower class human being.

This is SRD tier levels of projection

Found the non-American, lower class human being.

Giving thanks to the people your ancestors genocided and enslaved

wew lad

I don’t see a problem? We’re celebrating for a job well done. It’s unfortunate whatever loser cucktry you’re from doesn’t have any accomplishments.

Depends on how do I frame it: The Basque Country's biggest accomplishment has been to survive to multiple empires and kingdoms.

Spain? Well, you know it.

so... genocide then

what are we arguing about

As non-lower class human beings, we don't give thanks to the victims.

based af

You're from the country that produced the Jesuits and you're bitching us committing historical atrocities?

Calling all of the different interactions between two cultures over the course of 300 years "genocide" and then throwing in the word "enslaved" for no apparent reason

wew eurolad

Jesus is my drug.

Do you take Jesus orally?

Body of christ, baby.

O, Lord Almighty, I wish I could call it my own!

Some people do actually


All jews ought to be worshipped, why are you limiting yourself to just one?

Drugs are a crutch for the mentally deficient and weak willed.

So which are your favorite?

Nice that your life is going well. My life is a moment to moment challenge that makes me borderline suicidal so I think I'll take the edge of than you very much.

Your life doesn't make you suicidal, you having a mental disorder of some kind or a cultural background that promotes suicide makes you suicidal

You're right. I'm mentally ill. I'm not weak I'm ill. Diagnosed, medicated and granted disability by the government. maybe I shouldn't be so hard on myself for having hard days. It's just part of being mentally ill. Thanks for the reminder that my life is ok I just process things incorrectly sometimes.

This is the most wholesome chain of comments I've ever seen on /r/Drama I'm legally required to ask that you post bussy as bompensation

Not sure what you just said haha..

bussy is the superior alternative to pussy/gussy.

No problem man, I have depression as well, albeit without suicidal thoughts. Don't let anyone tell you, especially yourself, that you don't deserve to live just because of disability, or that you can't make something of your life.

I pay pre-op transexual prostitutes to blow coke up my ass, does that count?

None, sadly. Probation sucks. At least I have alcohol.

Xannies and scotch to start. Edibles about an hour before dinner.

I'm one of those sick degenerates who actually likes his family.

Alcohol and Caffeine for me but do not even have Thanksgiving where I am even though I need those to make through everyday.


(. )( .) Ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)

I'll be high on articles published by leftists about how to talk to Your "problematic " family members

nytimes and any other liberal leaning sites are as of writing 50% neurotic think-pieces about how to most effectively politicize (or asking the bold, nazi-like question of whether one should) a family get-together.

Work, specifically requested to work doubles on holidays.

I'm a booze girl.

Will you be cracking open a cold one with the boys.


A fine CO2 extraction of a lovely strain of Lemon Sour Diesel, vaporized, a few craft ales, and perhaps a Bloody including local vodka, local horseradish, homemade tomato juice, and the finest Vietnamese celery salt.

Lol faggot

What drugs will you be using to get through tomorrow? Ignore this post if you’re a non-American, lower class human being.

I don't know yet but since my country enforces net neutrality I'm sure I can find something on the web.

Marijuana, nicotine, alcohol, nootropics, caffeine and adhesives.