Malia Obama fucks a mayo guy, the Internet reacts.

211  2017-11-22 by iliiillllilili

Since the Daily Mail doxed this kid, I'm allowed to follow their example:

Rory Farquharson - Picture He follows Trump on twitter, but not Obama.

Black Twitter:

Obama sees the world through the eyes of white Surpemacy so I know he doesn't have a problem with his daughter swirling. Michelle is no different!

One of them girls was bound to have a "Bret" It's all up to Sasha now! Im still betting on black!

/pol/: are blacks finally getting cucked???!!


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. Daily Mail doxed this kid -,*,*

  3. Picture -,*,*

  4. Black Twitter -,*,

  5. are blacks finally getting cucked??... -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

That's the most racist comment chain on twitter I've seen besides that Tariq guys feed.

The fact they manage to out-racist 8/pol/ is pretty impressive.

Tfw mayos can't even win at racism.

They win apparently at cucking. Niggas might be getting all up on that fat white broads game but hot black ladies in power get mayo-splattered.

Deep thoughts. Thankfully, Asians will always hold the E-sports title/child beating championship belts no matter what.

I love how in e-sports communities, "foreigner" means "not Korean".

Video games aren't a sport.

tell that to /u/riemann1413 . Apparently DOTA/Counter-Strike/Overwatch is more athletically challenging than a triathlon



Sorry but I don't know who you are.

understandable have a nice day

you too


He's a mod of r/Drama, a title that some yearn for desperately!


Because he's better than you, obviously.

I'm top mod of /r/Drama


Savage. We got ourselves an Andy Cohen here!

accurate and uncontroversial. but you left off Hearthstone

Hearthstone manages to be an even nerdier and more pathetic version of Magic The Gathering.

Like goobergate, I'm saddened by how many productive hours are wasted on something so meaningless when those people-hours could be used for something positive.

Like "gloryhole operator" for example. Much more beneficial than "professional gaymer"

I'm sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

I am a bot. use !unsubscribetosadcat for me to ignore you.

kill yourself please

Fuck off with your anti bot bigotry.

That's not cute. That's just a cat who is so exhausted with white people human nonsense that it doesn't even give a shit if you put a party hat on it.

i'm sorry you could never break rank 20, don't be do bitter bout it

i'm sorry you could never break rank 20, don't be do bitter bout it

What does this mean? is "rank" like ELO for chess or something?

Kind of.

25 ranks (1 is the best) and then an actual ranking system above 1 called legend. It's hilariously easy to rank up even with very little time and I think a 40% winrate can hit legend because of the bonus rewards from winstreaks.

enjoy paying 50 dollars every couple month for an "esport" with all the skill of tic tac toe

if you have to pay money for your collection, you must be utter trash at arena

I don't want to play a boring game over and over just to able to play that same boring game over and over again (until the next expansion comes and you have to do it all over again).

i am sorry you were never very good, you don't have to be so bitter about it

its pretty hard to be good at a game were the skill ceiling is so low and the rng is so high it takes 8 hours a day of grinding to to get a decent legend rank.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

That's why they're called esports.


Ever looked at an ESPN esports article commemt section? The butthurt is legendary

This. It's why women are just as good as men at them...oh wait. And it's why all the top gamers aren't physically fit.

For every Mayo that's banging a hot black lady, there's a hundred watching their chicks get railed by Habib, Jose, and Tyrone.

Honestly, there's no shame in it. Chinks are good at math, blacks are good at basketball, and mayos are good at getting cucked. We're all different, but special in our own way.

your certainly special


Uhh I don't think getting gang raped in Germany counts as being cucked.

Implying white women aren't willingly giving it up for some of that big, big Arab shawarma.

White men are culturally and physically cucked. Even the ones who claim to be redpilled are cucked. Just look at all those the_donald meetup pictures. Man-tits, manlets, and sickly pale complexions everywhere.

So it makes sense that mayo-ettes would seek dick elsewhere.


I thought the liberal argument was that whites are cucking all people of color via systemic oppression and colonialism?

Yeah, rich whites. Not you shit-tier mayos on Reddit.

Asians will always hold the . . . child beating championship belts

I dunno, they'd have to fight the Italian-Americans for it.

Yeah, that's certainly not something asians have a monopoly on. One time I was on jury duty for a Mexican who beat his baby to death because he tasted hot sauce and wouldn't stop crying. At least the asian kids survive and become doctors and engineers and stuff.

Add Slavs in that list too. My mom would chase me around the house with a belt beating me with the buckle.

Would you consider fucking a dog to be cucking a dog? Niggers aren't human, you can't cuck them anymore than you can cuck a donkey. You fucking the shitskin makes you the sucker.

I dunno, think we may need an expert on this. Gonna have to call in u/Aluzky u/icarus-_-sky on this one.

See, this is why I could never be a real racist. It takes waaaaaay too much effort with the constant virtue signalling about how you totally can't stand those people.

SJW twitter feeds are basically on par with stormfront.

Above and beyond at times like these even. Lol

I just upvote whatever you post tbh

I have RES so I intentionally keep everyone at 0 net. Two good posts in a row? Sorry bruh, ones getting downvotes.

True Neutral.

more like chaotic neutral. true neutral would be never upvoting, downvoting or commenting.

What about reading?

I can't even tell the difference anymore, unless someone says "Death to all the niggers" then it's clear it's Stormfront or an SJW that's mad because there were Blacks who voted for Trump.

So scratch that; can't tell the difference.

They're giving /pol/ a run for its money. I wish the mongs in both threads could meet irl, the drama levels would be off the chain.

/pol/lack vs Hotep?

The pollack is going to have a weight advantage, but an experiencing-environments-other-than-moms-basement disadvantage.

we all saw the pol meet ups, and Tariq is the best Hotep. so its basically going to be a latino looking adult that never went to high school versus a midget black kid

AKA Zimmerman vs Trayvon

black americans are weirdly obsessed with genetics

It helps them cope with some weird inferiority complex.

Obviously not all are like this but whenever a black chick dates a dude that’s not 100% West African they will shit the bed and call her a race traitor. It’s amazing hypocrisy considering these are the types that bitch about racism.

100% West African

The average African American is about 20% white.

Really? I thought it was about 10% given how diluted their genetic makeup must be.

But when some of us actually embrace our White ancestry along with our African ancestry it's suddenly called self loathing for actually loving who you are as a human being.

It's usually the other way around. Black girls don't like black dudes dating whites.

I’ve personally never seen that tbh

Then youve never seen black people

True, I’ve only ever lived in majority Hispanic/White neighborhoods tbh

It's both actually

We should just mix all the different races and ethnicities into one single ethnicity. Fuck diversity.

It stands to reason that the forensic evidence of superiority would first manifest in cellular DNA, which is the BLUEPRINT of every life form. THOUGHTS initiate at the cellular level. Therefore, it is in the Cellular DNA we look for the SOURCE of a problem or solution.

Given that Black women (XX) are the first conscious life forms to appear on this CARBON planet that travels in 3rd orbit of a BLACK SUN...many, MANY ages ago, how are you able to intellectualize the superiority of white women over Black women? If you're so OBSERVANT, please identify any facts in eternal nature that validates the superiority of white women over Black women.

Can you explain how the Caucasoid female, the mother of the HUMAN APES (Type A/B/AB | Type A=Chimpanzee | Type B=Gorilla) is superior when she was formed through a violent mutation of the mitochondrial DNA sourced within the BIOLOGY of the INDIGENOUS Black woman???

How is a BY-PRODUCT superior to its ORIGINAL??? Only in Caucasian logic.

If there was a catastrophe that wiped out ALL of the world's population, Black OVARY-occupants, original XX Queens of a CARBON Black Universe, would re-appear!!!

The INDIGENOUS Black woman was first to invoke CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE and demonstrate through her own biology/physiology how energy (carbon magnetic waves) forms matter (electrical particles). According to AfRAkan records, Black women were the FIRST high priestesses, physicists, astronomers, scientists, chemists, Ma'athematicians and are responsible for our culture of PURE NATURAL NUMBERS and the technologies we enjoy today!

If you are a lice-prone straight-haired mutant genetic recessive with Type A/B/AB ape-protocol blood and your ancestors were cave dwellers in Asia with alabaster skin, flat buttocks, tails and body fur, you are a SIMIAN! Your greatest grandmother was an APE!

Type A = Chimpanzee Type B = Gorilla

Cellular DNA and blood types don't lie...

As indigenous origins our genes are non-recessive, completely coded and biologically efficient, by default.

Those with permanent gene defections aka recessive DNA are not completely coded and biologically inefficient. This has been documented extensively in medical journals and science periodicals. Gene defections among the HUMANS--the APE BLOODS--is what drives research and development.

Indigenous Blacks are the predecessors of the HUMAN RACE whose members are genetically hybridized with APE PROTOCOL BLOOD CODES A/B/AB (Type A = Chimpanzee | Type B = Gorilla).

Indigenous origins are AUTOCHTHONS whose genetics are non-recessive and PRIME BASE and are the TRUE OWNERS of Type O or Zero blood.

As the genetic parent of red, brown, yellow and white peoples, autochthons are SUPPOSED to be BLACK.

We are NOT derivatives. We are PRIME BASE.

Recessive Caucasoid groups (from Asia) delude themselves by thinking they are THE prototype for conscious life forms. There is no accountability for their criminal pathology through which they espouse WHITE HEGEMONY.

It is NOT a coincident that BLACKS are nature's representatives. Nature is encoded throughout our entire physiology. If you want to know and understand how the universe functions, we possess the codes within our cells. No other race has them.

No other race has them.

Did they steal it from all the other races?

nice, i also like where they put a bunch of monkey species dna into ancestry and it said they were all african lol

But where do the Hyperboreans fit into all of this?

stay woke fam

bois aint gon learn this from CRACKKKAdemia

black americans are weirdly obsessed with genetics

Black americans are racist as fuck, not much harder than that

Someone got called a "wenchcoon" for not hating which sort of blew my mind.

I'm surprised they didn't get called a house nigger.

Right? Holy shit. It's like the negative image of a klan gathering.

Obama's daughter is dating a trump supporter.


Why is it not a movie by now? Someone call Weinstein to finance it ffs. Let him redeem himself lol

>In a cosmic irony, Malik gets invited to Thanksgiving at the White House only after Barack leaves

He's british. There's a next to 0 chance that he's actually a Trump supporter. Lots of people follow Trump because his feed is a shitshow.

Brexit passed because of Farage. Farage and Trump are in a bromance.

I also have a Brit friend who loves Drumpfh.

I also have a Brit friend who loves Drumpfh.

For the last time, he is not your friend, that’s what the restraining order means.

Yeah but you think the son of a elite banker, who also wants to become an elite banker supports Farage and Trump? They need globalism to make money.

I think every person who is in a position to bribe officials to do their bidding loves Trump. He unironically whores himself out to anyone.

Not anyone. People who supported him during the election campaign. Bigly difference.

When you're "0.1%" rich, you bribe everyone whether or not you like them. Just cause he's probably giving Trump money doesn't mean he likes Trump.

I mean also the tax plans he and his party keep failing to churn out help pretty much exclusively upper class people, especially millionares. But thats enough serious-posting for today.

Like your mom

ex dee lmao

You know that Farage was a banker before he became a politician?

I also have a Brit friend who loves Drumpfh.

We get it, you have friends.

Why are you posting here instead of at /r/chad?

Well he does fuck my wife.

You're not talking about Malik right?

No, I'm talking about Malia's boyfriend.

'Malik' is a British name, racist.

well it is now lol

Most brits i know love trump and brexit lol



Second lol

There are many British people who support Trump.

Yeah but almost all of them were old. Like 90% of young people voted to remain in the EU.

Haha. Young people are retarded

tru, tru. at least they’re educated and not senile tho

Yeah there’s like 30 of them. But they’re all over the age of 55

Malik Obama: Best Obama.

To be fair, Trump's Twitter is way more entertaining than Obama's.

Obama: "Happy Thanksgiving!"


He's got a good point tho



That looks nothing at all like a trump tweet. Here's how you do it:

4 8 yrs crooked obama ignored tradison of pardoning thanksgiven turkeys, which is y today i pardoned TWO. Let our national bird rome free!



Still unbelievably wrong.

^ butthurt

me irl

Honestly, I like Obama as a person. I don’t agree with a lot of his political decisions, especially relating to foreign policies, but he’s someone I view very positively.

Trump, on the other hand, I view as a shot stain.

But goddamn Trump’s Twitter is 500x better than Obama’s.

Obama has a few good reaction gifs but President Trump blows him out of the water too

President Trump

What point is your retarded ass trying to make now, am I supposed to care what someone triggered by proper etiquette has to say

Don't get so triggered because Hilldawg didn't win.

His Excellency and Defender of the Revolution and President of the United States Donald J Trump

God Emperor of Mankind, He Who Dwells Within the Golden Halls of the Trumpenreich

Trump, on the other hand, I view as a shot stain. But goddamn Trump’s Twitter is 500x better than Obama’s.

you really think any of the people that cause tons of drama are good people? snally is the leading animal shelter executioner in the world.

Wow, that guy needs at least seven or eight more wristbands and it'd be nice if he could Jersey Shore the rest of the look up just a little bit more.

That pol thread though.

that guy needs at least seven or eight more wristbands

I just wish he was russian so that we could make hacking jokes.

Tundra fever, first time I've heard that one. Chuckle.

More like snow blindness.

It snow joke.










r/blackladies in a nutshell.

will browse it to see if there's some good drama lol

BLACK FIRST 24/7 365 till I die...




no lie tho some black chicks are into that

No they actually mean doing that to be an asshole, not because of being into race play in bed.

The rich need gated communities because they name their kids shit like Rory Farquharson and let them dress like this.

This kid comes from such wealth and class that it actually is possible that his father or some guy in his extended family is or was named Lord Farquad.

but he's not a manlet tho

It's the suRname that sounds weird, so it's not really the parents' choice of name that's the issue.

They named their son after the girl in Gilmore Girls. That's a pretty fucking huge issue.


It's not the size of the ship that matters but the motion of the ocean





This is pretty fucked up. They're gonna dox everyone she kisses? She can't have any fun with anyone unless she's done a thorough background check first? I want you all to think back to college: do you think everyone you ever kissed at a party while shitfaced was an upstanding member of society, or were you maybe just looking to let off some steam from the stress of school? This is seriously not cool, fuck the Daily Mail I hope they all get fatal STDs.

fuck the Daily Mail I hope they all get fatal STDs.

I think we all do

Psh, no one at the Daily Mail has sex.

These tabloids have treated Obama's family like complete shit since his election. I don't understand how you can live with yourself if you had to publish this stuff.

Hey I don't like Obama either but it honestly takes a complete monster to not recognize how wrong this is. There's thinking a person has bad political views and then there's terrorizing innocents, this is the latter.

Obama grates on me when he talks about stuff like gun control or I find myself disagreeing with how he handled Libya or the total farce that was the Bin Laden raid (See Seymour Hersh's exposure on the bullshit, he also exposed the My Lai massacre).

But Obama was treated horrifically. Just when he was elected, before he even got in the white house, people on the right thought the world had ended they literally had signs saying "Obama is a tyrant". I remember how 2016 Obamas america came out and all the comments on the dailymail had people losing their shit "OMG I'M PRAYING FOR AMERICAS FUTURE"

No word of a fucking lie, I saw a comment calling Obama a "COMMUNIST, FACIST, SOCIALIST ISLAMONAZI"

And it's absurd that when Melania was confirmed to be the first lady you had all these peopel saying "Finally some class in the white house".. WTF?? Michelle Obama was extremely educated.. But somehow she is a "thug", it's clear why they saw her as "unclassy" and Melania "classy" despite Melanias background being kind of seedy when you look into it.

The way Obama and his family have been treated is appalling.

But honestly it is kind of bad the way some people started going after Barron Trump as well and at least some people on the left shut that down immediately. It's fucked up no matter who does it. But tbh Trump with his flagrant and venomous attitude kind of invites retaliation...

people on the right thought the world had ended they literally had signs saying "Obama is a tyrant" two months before he'd even stepped into the white house.

So not unlike this last election, with intellectuals all over the world claiming democracy had failed because it didn't stop Trump from running, impeachment being considered before he was elected, not my president...

Is almost like people are idiots no matter which political party they follow.

It's almost like people are rewarded by their political tribe for acting like that

This is triggering me because you didn't finish your comment with a complete and total denouncement of Republicans, wtf

Okay but Trump obviously is mentally deficient and that's terrorifying for a president.


People actually knew what to expect from Trump though since he would always sperge out on Twitter. People basically we're saying , "he's going to sperge out in office," and that ended up being true. Obama hasn't done shit at that point.

Michael Obama was a big guy.


No. They were mostly lowlifes. But fuck, so was I.

Heh. Butfuck.

Yeah and it's a good thing no douche reporters were there documenting it!

It's indeed not cool, but it's not really any different then how any other child celebrity is treated when they start growing up.

I guess you would hope that child TV stars at least made some choice to become famous (I know lots of them were pushed by their crazy parents), whereas Malia didn't pick who her dad is.

Yeah man I feel bad, I know this is r/drama but you gotta feel for a teenager/young adult for doing something stupid. Everyone does it but no one will get just judged like her

How is what she did stupid? Like she literally just kissed a dude she liked lol

Maybe stupid isn't the right word, but kissing a guy who (assumedly) voted for a guy who called your father a Kenyan and not a real American is not exactly what I'd say is the best decision

Dude is British, he didn't vote for anyone.

Well I could've actually read what happened but I didn't so here we are

Yeah I legitimately feel bad for her, she seems like a pretty normal teenage girl but she's in the media for every small, normal thing she does

do you think everyone you ever kissed at a party while shitfaced was an upstanding member of society

Frankly, I was rather hoping the opposite.

LOL little puspus can't handle superior british media LOL

Isn't there like this insane fatwa in the Shittish Isles against impinging on aspects of the Royals kiddies privacy?

Didn't the New York times release confidential information about the Manchester bomber to the public, literally helping the terrorists?

You seem to be slipping away from the original point you were trying to make

What "point"?

Donate to Alzheimer's research to day and you can help this man.

Mate I operate on 10,000 levels of shitposting comments a day

Wanna be Aussie twat

That Brits need dental insurance

The Manchester bomber was a member of the royal family?

nigga u gay

Fatal herpes

They're gonna dox everyone she kisses?

I mean I'm pretty sure the Secret Service will, yeah

Buncha narc nerds

thank god the SS doesn’t have a blog

Grown ass black men get unbelievably salty again, yesterday Serena and now Malia.

Now which black woman who's hilariously out of their league will they fixate on now?!

Now which black woman who's hilariously out of their league will they fixate on now?!

They don't want them - they just don't want to see them mayo'd.

Otherwise they'd prefer any white broad with a pulse.

They don't want them - they just don't want to see them mayo'd.

Ehh it's a low key want thing basically coupled with a side of envy particularly when you're ugly with a horrendous personality or you're attractive but are a horrendous person. I mean I've seen this shit play out a lot in real life; Black woman makes something of herself, contributes to society and is generally a good person most Black guys will complain about her being "uppity" or "ugly" or "stupid." But then if she marries or dates a good looking White guy or Hispanic guy or Native American guy all Hell breaks lose; suddenly everyone's crying because "Noooo! We lost another Nubian beauty to the evil White massa! They're stealing all our good looking women!"

Black women do it too when a good looking Black man who actually takes care of himself and works and gives back to his community marries a White woman or an Asian woman(or pretty much any women that isn't Black). Despite the fact that these same Black women are the ones who complained about the guy being "too dark" or not "down with the thug life" or a list of other pointless bullshit. I've been subject to that shit for dating a White guy, granted it wasn't like what Serena Williams went through but basically a few guys whined and one said "Damn shame, we lost another one to the White man's lies and her own self loathing." Because dating someone you are actually interested in, someone you love and respect and someone who loves and respects you in return is now self loathing. Go figure.

That's bullshit. I see black men fawning over them both everyday.

Go take that shit somewhere else.


Like following Trump on Twitter means anything

I follow him just to make sure we’re not nuking North Korea today.

The tapeworms are doing enough damage as it is.

And I thought the jokes about British teeth were just a myth...

Current year and interracial relationships are a big deal for a daughter of a father born of interracial relationships.

One drop, fool.

black fragility

Damn, I fucking wish I was part of the elite class in the USA.

Well at least get some fucking hair gel.

It's pretty great tbh

I wish they would fuck off and leave peoples kids alone. The sins of your father are not your own.

Black girls are cute, OuO

Hell yea

This, but Slavically

That 8chan thread has some bonus vegan nazi drama.

Do we have confirmation that she actually fucked the guy?

White men only date black women because they're easy. Who would be stupid enough to use all that white male privilege on a nigress who doesn't put out?

kys plz

Not nice

Fuck u i dont have to be nice u fucking loser.

/u/iamnotone : fuck u

You couldnt handle the pleasure

keep yourself safe sweetie

What in the world is going on down at the bottom of this thread. Holy shit.

I feel really bad for Malia and Rory. I mean fucking hell, you have to be really pathetic to give a shit what two teenagers are doing and what race they are.

I too feel bad for two kids who are guaranteed to be rich for the rest of their lives because of their families

Malia doing her part for the mayocide.



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!

/pol/: are blacks finally getting cucked???!!

Goddamn what a cesspit. I'm amazed I still retain the capacity to be shocked by all the weaponized autism on display there.

Have the incels migrated there yet?

damn the girls got good taste at least. People need to leave her alone tho, cant help who your parents are and its literally no-ones business who she dates tbh lol

I'm struggling to understand why people are so upset

Because racist Black people hate White people and they get mad when other Black people don't follow suit. Especially if you're a woman.

She must like Neanderthals with rhesus monkey blood and k9 and horse hair that's dead and thin. She must like pink dick. She must like for her man to smell like the puppy he is when he get wet. She like rubbing SPF 2million on him before he go out in the sun come on guys don't judge her love for this dissolving sub human come on now that's not right. She took him all the way from the caucus mountains and let him and his family destroy the world from top to bottom. This is love right here. She like dead Asians. That's what Caucasian means. She wants her man pale skinned with melanoma and a calcified pineal gland that believe he is superior because Europeans created Jesus and told him that he come from a pale skinned blonde recessive blue eyed Caucasoid that look like a fag and like little girls and like to murder people throughout his bible. She like her man to look st her as if she's nothing and he's everything while her skin is beautiful her eyes are not recessive and she has the original blood type and hr has monkey and dog blood type. This is love. She let him steal her land. Now him and his Caucasian people have stole all our land and think america is home to them. You can be a native to america Mr and Mrs white people and anybody else that ain't us. You can be born here which makes you natives but you're not from here you're not aboriginal copper colored Americans with kinky hair and penny colored skin that absorbs the sun. Let her love her dog ape man in peace. Praise pale skinned melanoma Caucasian imaginary Jesus aka Caesar Borje or whatever that fag name is. Bitch

I thought you meant Malik Obama first, shame that wasn't the case.

All you retards do know the Barack is half white himself?

Jesus fuck that Twitter feed is atrocious.

All you folks who said Michelle Obama was the" REAL Black one" in the family look pretty STUPID right now, don't you? Mom took a MIXED Black dude. The daughters learned to just go for a REAL white one. So no more trying to defend them anymore. Got it?

But I was told my race couldn't be racist?

They “Black Authority” guy seems like a real piece of work. Like some kind of less nerdy version of Son of Baldwin.

From Twitter:

The black population is dwindling

Is it tho 🤔

As much as I didn't like Obama, leave his kids alone for fuck's sake.