"Progressive" circlebroker accuses me of being a douchebag manarchist, unleashes some fresh copypasta.

24  2017-11-26 by Frank_Tenpenny


Cool story, bro


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u/minniedahen anyone who uses words like ableism or problematic unironically should neck themselves




Fun fact: Traps are gay.

no u

I did the math and reserch, according to Wikipedia the average length of a penis varies from 5.1 to 5.9 inches. I went for a safe 5.5 inches for an average. The average radius from the core center of the penis to skin on the outside is .75 inches. From this we can roughly find the volume with pi times radius squared times height. This comes around as the average penis being around 9.72 cubic inches. Next I found the average volume of an adult male. I had to first find the weight, which according to Alex Schlessingerman's "The Physics Factbook" is 70kg or 154 pounds. Weight is found by multiplying an object mass by the force of gravity 9.81 meters per second. After taking gravity out of the equation the average mass of an adult male is 7.14kg. I then found the volume by divinding this number by the average density of a human, according to Wikipedia, 985 kg per meter cubed. The volume of an adult male was then found to be 0.0072516316 cubic meters. Utilizing the volume of the average penis i found earlier, 9.72 in cubed I got 0.0001592828 meters cubed. This means the penis is 2.19% of an adult males volume. Assuming the lack of testosterone or female hormones makes the person a female, balls ignored for ease, fucking a trap is only 2.19% homosexual.

To be fair, you are a douchebag.

I really am. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Where are your parents and how old are you? I'm guessing one or more biological parents is missing, and/or either one abusive, and you're about 15, at least you type and communicate and your interests indicate a stunted child.

He's 29 which makes this all very pathetic. I really triggered him it seems.

Maybe, and way to ignore everything else I said. But posting 'traps are gay' calling people retarded and general and frequent ableism as well as a weird (and kinda creepy) preoccupation with the sex lives of those you're against, as well as general virgin shaming, and just being kind of a douche doesn't exactly mesh with the progressive values you purpute to care about makes me think you're a hypocrite. Add to that whenever you're actually criticized on places like negareddit or wherever you double down on your douchey behavior. You might think you're being an epic troll, but remember that people online are still people. If you wouldn't say these types of things to people's faces, maybe think twice before posting them online, huh? Because if you actually believe a lot of what you write then you are a pretty big hypocrite and a good example of the types of people I think are bringing the progressive movement down.

You just come across as an asshole, not someone who represents progressiveness well, as well as seeming to have a very arrogant and "I'm better than you" vibe. Like I said maybe that's just you being "le edgy internet man" but "it was totes irony guys" isn't a valid excuse to act like a bollocks even online. Even when you're not talking about politics you act like a needlessly antagonizing douche. And before you think I'm a stalker or something, I just have you tagged so your comments (as well as many others) stick out to me. Your also one of the few frequent leftist sphere posting redditors I find myself usually downvoting. You also strike a nerve (if its not clear form the wall of text im posting) with me because I know people like you in real life who use that fact that they are (ostensibly) progressives and leftists as a shield to act like douchebags. Sort of a "im the good guy here so its ok when I call people retarded, repeat homophobic memes and shame people for being virgins, but fuck all those other losers who do it! Not me though, I'm totally not being a hypocrite."No, its not ok. Its disgusting, hypocritical and demonstrates your true colors.

Please practice some tact for our sakes. If I didn't know any better I'd nearly think you were a plant or sockpuppet account to make leftists look like edgy children, considering what a dickhead you act like.

Therapy and anaerobic exercise, man. Seriously, you need some.

Spend more time doing quality exercise than "shitposting" on the internet.


Cardio isn't anaerobic, and only idiots end statements with "tho".

You're 0 for 0 here. Come on, you got anything useful to being a supposedly 30 year old?

read that as "aerobic exercise".

my bad.

ok. I can respect that.

Cardio can be anaerobic depending on intensity. Cmon son.

No, by very definition cardio is aerobic. That is exactly what makes the difference between aerobic and anaerobic. Oxygen.

That's... wow fam that's really stupid even for here. Whether something is aerobic exercise or not depends on whether you're taking in enough oxygen to meet the energy needs of your muscles without breaking down sugars into lactic acid. Something like a jog would be aerobic exercise, something like sprints or HIIT would be anaerobic. Both are cardio.

Lemme guess, you're an Indian doctor who has been passed through an inferior system?

I'll have you know that we had designated shitting halls in my teaching hospital. It was very high-end.

🍝 🍝 🍝

It's time to stop.

Thanks for this fresh pasta.

Turning 30 soon, and no I grew up in a stable middle class household.

Stop trying to get us to fight your battles for you dumbass. You clearly posted this because u/minniedahen struck a nerve, clearly. This isn't good drama you pussy. Go be triggered elsewhere

no u

You and me both, buddy

Hey don't downvote me, fuckface. i'm on your side here.

anarchists don't vote.

That would explain why you are politically irrelevant

Oh fuck, you're a troll?

Shit, I totally fell for it, back in that TrollX thread about the autistic guy.

I thought you were just a useless piece of human garbage, but you were only pretending I guess.

I mean, I don't have anything against autistic people, I just feel uncomfortable working with them. My SO has issues with a creepy guy with aspergers at her workplace but is scared to bring it up with HR because of his condition.

Tell your SO to get some tips from u/McMillanAndHusband.

that's def a troll

The best of us are

I am sorry Frank. You will always be AMAB.

Maybe, and way to ignore everything else I said. But posting 'traps are gay' calling people retarded and general and frequent ableism as well as a weird (and kinda creepy) preoccupation with the sex lives of those you're against, as well as general virgin shaming, and just being kind of a douche doesn't exactly mesh with the progressive values you purpute to care about makes me think you're a hypocrite. Add to that whenever you're actually criticized on places like negareddit or wherever you double down on your douchey behavior. You might think you're being an epic troll, but remember that people online are still people. If you wouldn't say these types of things to people's faces, maybe think twice before posting them online, huh? Because if you actually believe a lot of what you write then you are a pretty big hypocrite and a good example of the types of people I think are bringing the progressive movement down.

You just come across as an asshole, not someone who represents progressiveness well, as well as seeming to have a very arrogant and "I'm better than you" vibe. Like I said maybe that's just you being "le edgy internet man" but "it was totes irony guys" isn't a valid excuse to act like a bollocks even online. Even when you're not talking about politics you act like a needlessly antagonizing douche. And before you think I'm a stalker or something, I just have you tagged so your comments (as well as many others) stick out to me. Your also one of the few frequent leftist sphere posting redditors I find myself usually downvoting. You also strike a nerve (if its not clear form the wall of text im posting) with me because I know people like you in real life who use that fact that they are (ostensibly) progressives and leftists as a shield to act like douchebags. Sort of a "im the good guy here so its ok when I call people retarded, repeat homophobic memes and shame people for being virgins, but fuck all those other losers who do it! Not me though, I'm totally not being a hypocrite."No, its not ok. Its disgusting, hypocritical and demonstrates your true colors.

Please practice some tact for our sakes. If I didn't know any better I'd nearly think you were a plant or sockpuppet account to make leftists look like edgy children, considering what a dickhead you act like.


Daily reminder that manarchism is the only good anarchism.

/u/minniedahen how do you know what /u/Frank_Tenpenny posts on /r/drama? You claim not to be a creepy obsessed stalker, but somehow I have a hard time imagining that an upstanding woke ally like yourself would ever spend much time browsing a known cryptohate sub like /r/drama.

Tbh I think maybe you should consider the effect your words have before you open your mouth. Even if you're not a creepy obsessed stalker (unlikely), you should be aware that most normal people, when they hear that someone is a feminist, or a progressive, or that they post on CB2, immediately assume that person is a serial rapist. And if you look at the statistics they are completely justified in making that assumption. The burden is on you to prove to those around you that you're not in fact planning on raping them. And frankly you don't seem to be doing a very good job at that. Do better.

/u/minniedahen how do you know what /u/Frank_Tenpenny posts on /r/drama? You claim not to be a creepy obsessed stalker, but somehow I have a hard time imagining that an upstanding woke ally like yourself would ever spend much time browsing a known cryptohate sub like /r/drama.

For being a "crypto-hate" sub we sure have a lot of liberals and centrists. Ya know, the same demographic as cb2 users.

do you know what "crypto" means?

a known cryptohate sub like /r/drama

How can a cryptohate sub be known?

Maybe, and way to ignore everything else I said. But posting 'SRDines are people' calling people problematic and general and frequent autism as well as a weird (and kinda creepy) preoccupation with the posting history of those you're against, as well as general shitpost shaming, and just being kind of a douche doesn't exactly mesh with the south park neutral values you purpute to care about makes me think you're a hypocrite. Add to that whenever you're actually criticized on places like /r/drama or wherever you double down on your douchey behavior. You might think you're being an insightful serious poster, but remember that you're actually retarded. If you no one IRL wants to listen to your autistic ravings, maybe think twice before posting them online, huh? Because if you actually believe a lot of what you write then you are a pretty big hypocrite and a good example of the types of people I think are bringing drama subs down.

You just come across as a humorless, smarmy wanker, not someone who represents the human race well, as well as seeming to have a very arrogant and "I'm better than you" vibe. Like I said maybe that's just you being "le woke internet man" but "it was totes sexist guys" isn't a valid excuse to grandstand even online. Even when you're not talking about politics you act like a needlessly antagonizing douche. And before you think I'm a stalker or something, I just have you tagged so your comments (as well as many others) stick out to me. Your also one of the few frequent drama sphere posting redditors I find myself usually downvoting. You also strike a nerve (if its not clear form the wall of text im posting) with me because I know people like you in real life who use that fact that they are (ostensibly) amicable and good-humored as a shield to act like douchebags. Sort of a "im the good guy here so its ok when I call people problematic, repeat meaningless slogans I read in a thinkpiece once and shame people for making funny jokes, but fuck all those other losers who do it! Not me though, I'm totally not being a hypocrite."No, its not ok. Its disgusting, hypocritical and demonstrates your true colors.

Please practice some tact for our sakes. If I didn't know any better I'd nearly think you were a plant or sockpuppet account to make /r/drama look like SRD, considering what a dickhead you act like.

Maybe, and way to ignore everything else I said. But posting 'traps are gay' calling people retarded and general and frequent ableism as well as a weird (and kinda creepy) preoccupation with the sex lives of those you're against, as well as general virgin shaming, and just being kind of a douche doesn't exactly mesh with the progressive values you purpute to care about makes me think you're a hypocrite. Add to that whenever you're actually criticized on places like negareddit or wherever you double down on your douchey behavior. You might think you're being an epic troll, but remember that people online are still people. If you wouldn't say these types of things to people's faces, maybe think twice before posting them online, huh? Because if you actually believe a lot of what you write then you are a pretty big hypocrite and a good example of the types of people I think are bringing the progressive movement down.

You just come across as an asshole, not someone who represents progressiveness well, as well as seeming to have a very arrogant and "I'm better than you" vibe. Like I said maybe that's just you being "le edgy internet man" but "it was totes irony guys" isn't a valid excuse to act like a bollocks even online. Even when you're not talking about politics you act like a needlessly antagonizing douche. And before you think I'm a stalker or something, I just have you tagged so your comments (as well as many others) stick out to me. Your also one of the few frequent leftist sphere posting redditors I find myself usually downvoting. You also strike a nerve (if its not clear form the wall of text im posting) with me because I know people like you in real life who use that fact that they are (ostensibly) progressives and leftists as a shield to act like douchebags. Sort of a "im the good guy here so its ok when I call people retarded, repeat homophobic memes and shame people for being virgins, but fuck all those other losers who do it! Not me though, I'm totally not being a hypocrite."No, its not ok. Its disgusting, hypocritical and demonstrates your true colors.

Please practice some tact for our sakes. If I didn't know any better I'd nearly think you were a plant or sockpuppet account to make leftists look like edgy children, considering what a dickhead you act like.

Why are you accusing dumbsford of being racist? /u/Frank_Tenpenny?

why are you not tbqh

>not accusing reddit user of being racist


Ok guys, what's the over-under here? Is virgin-shaming better or worse than kinkshaming?

por que no los dos?

u/minniedahen youre aware we have an archive bot right? you cant erase a cow thats already out the barn

fail and aids