Jose Ines Garcia Zarate not guilty. Only accidentally kills woman.

66  2017-12-01 by ZeroSpace83


The bullet ricocheted on the pier's concrete walkway before it struck Steinle, killing her. Zarate has admitted to shooting Steinle, but says it was an accident.

Well…. not guilty then!


Oh, America you never disappoint to fail to every single principle you stand for…

Right? With all the guns you'd think we'd be better shots.

wasn't american, didnt have the gene


They aren't sending their best.

well, he got away with murder, I'd say that's pretty good.

Clearly the concrete is culpable.

It had the actus reus of causing the ricochet that killed it.

Mans rea* of knowing being white ain't right. That concrete dindu nuffin

He did nothing! The pavement was her enemy!

He originally claimed to be trying to shoot a seal then changed his defence to it accidentally going off. I can't believe the jury let him off after that...

Well I can just not because of any law related reasons.

Left coast

Bereft Coast

Sanctuary. City.

I can't believe the jury let him off after that...

two words: San Francisco

Didn't it also "accidentally" fire 3 fucking times?

No, it didn't.

You know the bullet ricocheted off the concrete before it hit the girl right

He used the mayocide defense

This is literally going to give Trump a 5% approval bump overnight. God I hate San Francisco.


So he'll be up to what, 40% now?

Historically it takes 43% popular approval to win reelection, but please keep being smug since it's sure to help him lose in 2920

Historically it takes 43% popular approval to win reelection, but please keep being smug since it's sure to help him lose in 2920

i know you're optimistic but let's not go crazy here.

Shit. You got me.

He probably won't be the God Emperor til then.

Well played.

Lecture me on the Jews, but unironically.

Since you asked so nicely I'll seriouspost just for you and give you a quick rundown on the (formerly) stateless international clique:

  • 96% of Black Americans voted for Obama over McCain and Romney even though there wasn't some Grand Conspiracy among Black Intelligentsia to make that happen

  • All people operate more or less the same way, based on their reptilian, tribal interests (I don't mean lizard people, I mean based on the deeper, less evolved part of their brains) Like Catholics voting for JFK

  • Jews are smart and creative af, so they are extremely overrepresented in industries that require smarts and creativity (art, media, comedy, academia, etc)

  • These industries by unfortunate coincidence are the ones that shape culture, so when salty no-talent upjumped Austrian corporals wanna be artists look around for someone to blame for natural economic downturns Jews are the "obvious" ones to blame

  • The story of the rise of Nazism has been repeated over and over in history because Jews are excellent at both assimilating and retaining their unique cultural identity (again they're smart af) so for example during the Black Plague since Jews didn't drink shitwater and routinely washed their hands, they didn't die quite as often as gentiles and got blamed for it

  • Social Justice is taught to them from before they can walk because they've developed an excellent sense for Justice after all the thousands of years of persecution as the Outgroup

  • Unfortunately they take it too far like anyone else with GoodIntentions™ and it leads to things like the untenability of contemporary Feminism:

  • In summation since they have Israel now they should all just go there and stop fucking around with our cultures

Thanks for asking and thanks for reading, views expressed are my own yada yada

So basically Jews are the true races and all other races are worthless in comparison.

At last I understand mayocide.



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!

The mayocide will start with whoever gave you life. At last we shall have revenge.



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!

ok stop

The "Aryan Master Race" nonsense was never really a thing and has been wildly over-exaggerated by postwar propagandists, but still, yeah, that's not a bad comparison to think about the Jews. They are, after all, God's chosen people.

And he's consistently below that, and that's WITH a good economy. Imagine what it falls to once we enter recession.

That's actually a good point, he'll only get reelected if the economy holds out til late 2019. If the downturn happens after the election...then the real fun begins

Yeah but the rise of all these nazi assholes is because of 4chan memes and gamergate... nothing the left is doing. nope not at all.

He said he was so high he didn’t know it was a gun. He just found it under the chair.

Entirely an honest mistake. It could have happened to anyone.

That @BeckiiAalto account is something to behold.]

The bio:

Capitalismus operarios conteret spiritum! Citizen of Nowhere, Aspergic/Genius Oxford PhD Grad. Hema Long Swordswoman/Fencer. Brexit means Bollocks.

Good lord, what a loathesome cunt.

Oh wow no "they, them, their"


Beaners... SMH...

Trump is going to go full fucking retard on twitter.

How the fuck a guy seven times felon and deported 5 times can still kill an american citizen and your kind its ok with that?????

Because he's not guilty? It was a freak accident that a jury decided did not cause any criminal liability.

"Freak Accident"

Jesus Christ pull your head out of you ass

He found a gun wrapped in shit and didn't realize it was a gun until after it had fired. It bounced off shit and then hit her. If Trump hadn't sperged the fuck out he never would have been charged.

You have to have a IQ of 5 to not realize what a gun is. Please be a goddamn troll

Welcome to how everyone else felt after the George Zimmerman trial snowflake.

Lmao, I thought Zimmerman deserved the axe also. Both should share a cell.

You're just proving that justice is a partisan game to you and that you have no real principles. Pathetic.

>thinking the zim zam should have been flim flammed

that's rich m8 keep telling jokes

Why did he say he deliberately tried to shoot a seal before changing his story? I mean he knew it was a gun originally.

Because he panicked? For that matter not like cops have never forced a confession before.

In San Francisco?

The stuff there only counts as racist in San Francisco, also holding an opinion has nothing to do with forcing a confession. To which the defending nor his lawyer has claimed happened, this is entirely a fiction in your sick mind.

Well yeah just the physical evidence proved he was not guilty.

So there was no forced confession?

Yeah just a politically motivated smear job.

Well then he lied about the gun going off accidentally then.

Why yes, he panicked and said something stupid because. San Fransisco. Because that's totally how politics works there.

I support mayocide and all, but it's pretty fucking cold blooded to keep making up excuses for why it was okay for him to murder that woman.

Not Guilty

its cool someone will probably do a mob justice on him

fingers crossed



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!

Umm... maybe be a little quieter about it tonight, okay? good bot


Yea, he "accidentally" fired a gun that "accidentally" fired a killing shot into this woman. How stupid do you have to be to actually believe this?

how virtuous*. leave the homeless illegal immigrants who just happen to be felons alone you racist fuck. he did more for america than anyone in this thread.

He is a job creator. Think of all the man-hours worked by cops, psychiatrists, lawyers, the guys at the mortuary who had to deal with her corpse. This just proves that illegal immigration is good for our economy.

The bullet "accidentally" richoted off the pavement into the woman. If you don't think the pavement was in on this murder then you're fucking stupid. Pavement should be locked up.

I bet you also believe that he threw it into the harbor because he got scared by the loud noise, not to try to hide evidence of him committing a crime.

No I think he freaked out because he realized he was holding a gun that went off, which the jury agreed with hence the conviction for possessing a gun as a felon.


If you think that this convicted felon just accidentally shot his gun and murdered this woman you are retarded.

The killing blow came from a ricochet you fucking moron

stolen handgun in the hands of a homeless illegal felon "accidentally" goes off three times into a crowd? how much rick and morty do you watch?

Why yes I agree with the decision the court reached that the evidence says that he found the gun, not stole it, accidentally discharged it and a bullet bounced off the pavement and killed some mayo. Apparently believing the courts makes me unreasonable now.

Apparently believing the courts makes me unreasonable now.

"The courts"

Do they actually have courtrooms like that in California? We just have shitty office space with fluorescent lighting that can't even keep you from falling asleep.

I'd rather have shitty office space with fluorescent lighting that can't even keep you from falling asleep than a bunch of feminists and an Illegal American.

Illegal American

Just a friendly heads up, I think you meant "undocumented immigrant"

No American can be illegal

You can tell they are feminists because they are women and you can tell that they are "illegal americans" because they are not pale white.

The civil ones look like that, yeah. The criminal ones are a little depressing, but they still have a wood aesthetic.

Imagine having to put your fate in the hands of 12 people who are so stupid they couldn't figure out how to get out of jury duty.

implying you don't stay in just to fuck with people and make hung juries

It's a civic responsibility, not your mom's stripper pole dance recital

I'll have you know she was just trying to pay her way through college, thank you very much.

Get fucked




Please do, I want to see how long all the ranches take to sort out the eminent domain and our trebuchet needs a target.

Dude, fuck off back to /r/kotakuinaction and circlejerk with the rest of those impotent nerds.

It's about ethics in journalism AMIRITE?

Rather telling he can't talk about it there without the mods getting up his ass.

this is the sort of poster you guys are attracting now, well done

Thankfully these retards like /u/TUMS_FESTIVAL aren't lolcows so we can downvote the living fuck out of them

How the fuck a guy seven times felon and deported 5 times can still kill an american citizen and your kind its ok with that??????

Anyone who thinks this guy was not guilty is already full retard.

TIL the American legal system is retarded.

"Durr justice system is bad guys therefore I don't need to care about any individual outcome"

No actually I think the justice system is just fine in this regard. Its a tragedy some mayo skank got wasted, but that doesn't make him guilty.

Yeah, I already saw how you think a guy with multiple felony convictions for violent crimes accidentally picked up a gun and accidentally murdered a girl, I flamed you incorrectly here, meant to flame you for being a "not guilty" retard rather than a "justice system is arbitrary" moron.

why yes he wasted her by bouncing a fucking bullet off the pavement, because hes literally john wick.

just fucking around with a gun oops haha my bad

This but actually unironically. That's pretty much what probably happened

Making drugs and illegally re-entering the country are not violent crimes

Which violent crimes, exactly?

-being an illegal

-being homeless

-shooting white women

TIL nobody killed Emitt Till

how mad are you that the brown guy was innocent that you have to go back to jim crow era shit.

Hey I like it when some brown guys are innocent, like the zim-zam.

So you're totally okay with all the white cops accused of killing black people who've been let off? There's not a single case you would question?

Totally different when you switch the races bro. That's like comparing apples to backflips.

More like backflips to blackflips.

Which ones did it to completely innocent fellas?

Every didndu is always heading between sunday school and getting their PhD

Common law is pretty shit ngl

For once I don't blame him.

ah, the intersection of Roy Moore is innocent until proven guilty and fuck the jury crowds are now gonna intersect.

twitter will be lit

Yeah Fox News just exploded!!!!

How the fuck a guy seven times felon and deported 5 times can still kill an american citizen and your kind its ok with that?????

I'm not ok at all with it, but apparently 12 folks in San Francisco are. But they didn't have all of his background information....ughhhhh!!!!!

What the actual goddamn fuck. This was suppose to be an easy open and shut case. How the fuck was it a goddamn accident? I am mind blown right now.

Looks like they couldn't prove intent but I'm not sure how they didn't get involuntary manslaughter. Maybe they didn't bother arguing because they thought they could get him on the first/second degree charges?

Whatever it is, it's a failure of justice

How the fuck a guy deported 5 times can still kill an american citizen and people are ok with that??

Because they couldn't prove first/second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter.

Immigration status/history were also irrelevant to the case, so it wasn't permitted as evidence.

Because they couldn't prove first/second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter.

Oh please, they could prove it to a jury outside of California.

That is one retarded ass argument you have there

The defense given by the illegal was literally confessing to involuntary manslaughter.

Clearly, the prosecution couldn't prove the criminal negligence part of involuntary manslaughter

ah yes, the 'tism defense

I mean, there was a lot of shit going on in this case so you should read about it

unironically linking to in the current year

What are you doing, man.

ok... doesn't change the fact that the prosecutors couldnt convince the jury it wasn't an accident.

The content of the article was fine btw thanks

Well yeah, and nobody is guilty of lynching Emmitt Till, technically.

read the constitution it might help you understand literally anything

>reading some ancient racist piece of paper written by dead mayos

4.4 pound trigger pull is among the lightest on the market?

Why do you have a question mark there?

Why do you have a question mark there?

Because 4.4 lbs is very light.

The nypd uses a notoriously heavy trigger pull, citing them makes you look uniformed or dishonest. Also it's on the market, not used by other police forces.

So you are legitimately arguing that 4.4 is not a light trigger pull?

Is it among the lightest on the market? That's the question.

This is actually one of the better summaries that I’ve read.

I mean, I think firing a gun in a public place should qualify alone.

The defense successfully argued it was an accidental discharge.

The defense successfully argued it was an accidental discharge.

You mean negligent discharge?

I probably did.

Out of 100 "accidental discharges" probably 99 of them are negligent and 1 of them is a true accident.

Wasn't it demonstrated that he lied about this? After changing his story from "I was shooting at sea lions" to "I found a gun wrapped in a t-shirt and it went off on its own 3 times", wasn't it determined that only one round had been fired from the weapon?

I trust the forensics more than the homeless guy panicking about being more fucked than he already is. So if forensics say one shot was fired, then that's probably what happened.

Since the one shot hit the pavement first there's reasonable doubt that the guy wasn't trying to murder someone. Even if the guys a big ol felony liar.

Which should still be a crime should it not?

Accidentally alone, not a crime. There was a guy somewhere who shot himself and his wife in church on accident. He shouldn't be in jail for that.

This illegal alien was convicted of possessing a firearm though, a felony crime, and he's going to be in jail for that.

Then they should have charged him with that instead of murder? Blame the prosecution here instead of grandstanding.

They did, he was acquitted of manslaughter.

Here is the statute in California for manslaughter:

Manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a human being without malice. It is of three kinds:

(a) Voluntary—upon a sudden quarrel or heat of passion.

(b) Involuntary—in the commission of an unlawful act, not amounting to a felony; or in the commission of a lawful act which might produce death, in an unlawful manner, or without due caution and circumspection. This subdivision shall not apply to acts committed in the driving of a vehicle.

(c) vehicular

Californina criminal code, Title 8, Chapter 1, statute 192

The defense was something to the effect of "Garcia finds a bundle of cloth among his belongings, he picks it up, and the gun discharges without Garcia even knowing that there was a gun in there."

Without knowing all the facts, it's pretty clear that the statute is supposed to encompass all the circumstances that would be considered "wrong" or unreasonable behavior.

Since he was a felon, his possession of the handgun would be enough to satisfy this statute. His firing the handgun at a public pier, where people are, is certainly an act which "might produce death... without due caution and circumspection."

It's a pretty low bar. This law is designed to convict hunters who accidentally shoot people.

If the defendant knew it was a gun, he's guilty.

The only factually innocent conclusion that the jury could draw was that they believed his defense, and the defendant didn't know there was a gun, period. It's not clear whether the prosecution fucked it up. But his story pushes the bounds of "reasonable doubt". Most people simply don't believe that his story, which just so happens to be completely exculpatory, was what actually happened. It's as improbable as it is convenient.

Agree with all of this, and assuming the jurors didn't have some info I don't have right now, based on the statute described, I'd vote on him being guilty. That being said, either this guy had the best defense lawyers in the world, or the prosecution fucked up. Considering they also tried for murder charges, I'm inclined to believe they fucked up. Hence, blame the prosecution, not the jurors or the state.

Californian here. He's fucking right. This retarded state needs to dump la and the bay area into the ocean and start over.

Not really. They acquitted him as a 'fuck you' to Donald Trump. That wouldn't have happened anywhere outside of San Francisco.

You gotta source on that, or just a retarded hunch?

Did Roy Bryant and John William Milam lynch Emitt Till?

Don't give a shit either way.

Because we have laws and courts and a constitution.

And we have illiterates on juries from California who don't care about any of that.


The defense played up how racist everyone is and how by deporting him all those times it prevented him from putting down roots which caused his mental state to become unstable.

Basically they gave the privileged jurors exactly what they wanted to hear.

Do you have a source for that?

His peers didn't like that gringo bitch that much anyway, ese

I'll write my ese in Monterey if you write yours in Guadalajara

look how virtuous the people that let him go are though! take that trump, we like sanctuary cities because you hate them!

This is true. So you're going to have a moment of self-awareness and stop hating things just because SJWs like them, right?

i only noticed sjws in the first place because they kept trying to insert things i already hated into stuff i already liked

probably wouldnt have ever cared otherwise, but im glad i can recognise it now because it lets me feel smarter than everyone who cant


fucking lol this sub sometimes

i only noticed sjws in the first place because they kept trying to insert things i already hated into stuff i already liked

Translation: "Change is scary!"

lol its not scary i just dont like shitty people with bad ideas trying to encroach into something i like just because they have no creativity of their own


Hanzo/McRee gay shit on overwatch when there's literally no reason to believe that would be the case outside of them wanting it to be.

you're triggered by shippers?


No, it's just annoying to have people inject shit that's completely unrelated and not backed by anything outside of their imagination, then claiming it's a fact.

I don't know how to tell you this, but people in life have different opinions and interpretations of the same stuff.

Good god what a sheltered life you must live if that's offensive to you.

It's not offensive, it's annoying. Also, there's no reason to think some of these things, it'd be like if I said Hillary was actually a lizard demon. It's annoying, even if it's just a stupid interpretation of things with no basis in reality.

"cultural critique" that amounts to "waaah why dont all the characters look like me and have my genitals and skin colour"

accusing people of being prejudiced unless they submit to all demands, insinuating that employment in an industry is somehow deserved because they arent represented properly

and basically a lot of post modern pseudo intellectual bullshit in place of quality control


"Waaagh! people on the internet have different opinions on something than me! Waagh!"

they kept trying to insert things i already hated into stuff i already liked

Yeah, like putting politics into science fiction and fantasy for the first time ever, and having the audacity to criticize video games. They. Came. For. The. Gamers.


nobody needs a "feminist perspective" of anything ever and i dont need to be told that a hypothetical situation needs more black people or its racist

they arent valid metrics to judge something on

Well for one, it was a ricochet. Didn't it strike the pavement and hit someone 200 feet aware or something like that? There's no fucking way he shot her on purpose. He would have had to be some kind of genius to pull it off. That throws murder out the door. The only other charge was involuntary manslaughter and I think if you read this comment you get a pretty good idea of why they didn't find him guilty on that. Whether the gun magically misfired (unlikely) or he pulled the trigger (either by accident or because he's an idiot and didn't think it was loaded) killing that woman was clearly an accident. I think people are letting political bullshit cloud their view and have forgotten that people accidentally shoot each other ALL THE TIME. Hunting accidents happen every day. People kill their sons, fathers and friends by accident and they almost never get prison time for it. Hell, Dick Cheney shot a man while he was vice president. Where were his charges?

Dick Cheney was a cover up.

Isn't that what involuntary manslaughter is? Causing the death of another without intending to? You can be convicted of it if someone walks in front of your car, for instance.

Requires criminal negligence

And shooting or standing on a loaded weapon in public wouldn't qualify?

Apparently it accidentally went off or something. Tbh I think he shoulda been convicted of manslaughter but there is an argument against that

omg this gun accidentally went off

Californians actually believe this apparently.

No, they absolutely fucking believe it. We are a special bunch.

Shoots 30 magazines a second? I'm in on that!

There's no fucking way he shot her on purpose.

Unless he's a bad shot. Shoot directly at her, don't know how bullets work, round drops and ricochets back up into her. I'm more inclined to think he just fired into the crowd at the pier and the round ended up where it ended up, not that he shot directly at the pretty white lady.

Hunting accidents happen every day. People kill their sons, fathers and friends by accident and they almost never get prison time for it. Hell, Dick Cheney shot a man while he was vice president. Where were his charges?

Those are all situations where shooting is normal. Accidentally blowing someone away on a pier when you aren't even allowed to have a firearm is pretty different from accidentally blasting someone in the woods when you're trying to legally blast deer.

Like Fox News actually cares about a dead San Franciscan

How the fuck a guy seven times felon and deported 5 times can still kill an american citizen and your kind its ok with that?????

She was white. Stop hyperventilating and reposting the same comment every where. Also, what do you mean by your kind?

What do you mean, you people???

Are you like a retarded parrot?

tbh I'd take a mexican murderer over an autistic white kid so yes

Attractive, missing white woman syndrome.

/r/The_Reason_Trump_Won and will take 2020.

/u/the_reason_trump_won and will take 2020.

Good to see ya, stick around, you'll be bussy around here

Trump being elected changed shit though. My hypothesis is that the next president will be Mussolini's corpse.

Im assuming the jury tried to stick it to Trump here but just did him one of the best favours he could ask for lol.

Liberals should have tried to queitly send him to prison not bring as much attention as possible to a like 5 times deported convict shooting aimlessly into a crowd.

So she didn't die in vain but if I were her father I'd probably be in jail right now.

please take your unironic whining back to r/conservative

please take my dick in your bussy

The romance in this comment made my heart flutter.

Por favor que regresas tu culo a tu pais de origen

(Please take your ass back to your country of origin)

please take your aspergers back to your basement

Way ahead of you buddy

White privilege at its best, amirite?

According to liberals, hispanics are classified as white.

Gotta love Americans. An illegal immigrant kills someone so we should talk about sanctuary cities. Shootings every other month and just the usual dog and pony show with nothing to show for it.

An illegal immigrant kills someone so we should talk about sanctuary cities.

This is all you had to say, fam.

A homegrown American kills someone so we should talk about.....?

Deporting American citizens? Any culture will have unavoidable issues, but illegals are entirely avoidable.

Yeah, there are never mass shootings in Belgium, France, Norway...

I can see how this would make a lot of sense to you if you don't actually pay attention to the rest of the world. It's okay. There's no reason why you have to follow world news. You're just not supposed to open your mouth about it if you don't.

Lol there have been 7 massacres in France since 1995, even fewer in Norway and Belgium.

What drugs are you on to think what happens in those countries in on an even remotely similar scale to those countries?

1 Belgium per capita has produced way more mass shooters recently than the USA.

2 You chose 1995 as your cut-off. Very clever. That way you can count the 1990s-2000s that were peaceful in France and ignore the rampant terrorism of the 1960s-1980s. Either that or you're a millenial who believes the world began in 1995.

3 You fucking downvoted someone on r/drama. You need seriously reevaluate your life choices if you find yourself doing that.

1) Give me a nonbiased source that says exactly this. Even if this were the case , which it most likely is not, I guarantee you will say something more recent than the year 1995, you hypocrite.

2) We are talking about the phenomenon of mass shootings in America compared with the rest of the world moron. This phenomenon became rampant in the late eighties, early nineties.

3) Never downvoted you insecure retard.

1) I'm not a hypocrite. I'm not the one who threw out some arbitrary date as the cutoff for when we stop looking at history. You pick 1995. I pick 2015. And my "nonbiased source" is that Belgium has 1/30 the USA's population and has had a hell of a lot of people massacred in that time.

2) So you're admitting to me that this is all about your perception of what events you get to categorize in a certain way, not reality. Thanks for making my own argument for me.

3) I dispute the "retard" part of that.

So let me break down what you said

1) No source

2) No answer

3) No life

Belgium has had 3 massacres since 1950 faggot. Is that early enough of a date for you?

Not to mention France didnt even have that many before 1995 either.

Please kill yourself before before being the potential victim of a mass shooting, or doing one yourself.

Belgium has had 3 massacres since 1950 faggot.

Did you just... use a heteronormative slur against me? Shocking. And I thought we were having such a polite dialogue.

France didnt even have many before 1995 either

France had a massive terrorist campaign by the OAS in the 1960s including thousands of murders and bombings. I can't recall off the top of my head how many coups and coup attempts there were during that time. In the 1970s-1980s there were numerous assassinations and massacres by Action Directe and Palestinians working for various Arab countries.

Once again, I don't expect an uneducated millenial to know these things, I just expect that if you feel a need to lecture people on topics you know nothing about, first stuff a sock far enough down your throat that it keeps you safe.

If only the information on massacres in France were readily available.

You are truly blowing my mind with how retarded you are.

You think millennial is an insult when you are some middle aged faggot making arguments with people on a subreddit dedicated to bussy and mayocide jokes. Congratulations on delaying your suicide till your midlife crisis, but now is the time to act.



At this rate, the white race will be finished in no time! DO YOUR PART, FOLKS!

Does your heart bleed for Muslims? Check out this one. What kind of sick fuck are you that you can just laugh off the slaughter of hundreds of innocent people because you think it'll score a point against America. Oh wait, you're the same kind of people Camus was always bitching about. BTW Camus was this guy who... never mind, he wasn't post-modern so you wouldn't have heard of him.

OH MY GOD. I am going to explode from the retardation seeping out of your hollow skull.

That massacre is INCLUDED in the list I gave you.

The world's biggest crime is that you cannot kill yourself twice.

That massacre is INCLUDED in the list I gave you.

That was my point. Here's one that wasn't. Tell me about how civilized Europeans are. Or maybe this one. Does that count as "mass shooting" to you?

Kingsmill massacre

The Kingsmill massacre took place on 5 January 1976 near the village of Kingsmill in south County Armagh, Northern Ireland. Gunmen stopped a minibus carrying eleven Protestant workmen, lined them up alongside it and shot them. Only one victim survived, despite having been shot 18 times. A group calling itself the South Armagh Republican Action Force claimed responsibility.

Srebrenica massacre

The Srebrenica massacre, also known as the Srebrenica genocide (Bosnian: Masakr u Srebrenici; Genocid u Srebrenici), was the July 1995 genocide of more than 8,000 Muslim Bosniaks, mainly men and boys, in and around the town of Srebrenica during the Bosnian War.

The killings were perpetrated by units of the Bosnian Serb Army of Republika Srpska (VRS) under the command of Ratko Mladić. The Scorpions, a paramilitary unit from Serbia, who had been part of the Serbian Interior Ministry until 1991, also participated in the massacre. In April 1993 the United Nations (UN) had declared the besieged enclave of Srebrenica—in the Drina Valley of northeastern Bosnia—a "safe area" under UN protection.

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Ok I think we are done here. No human can be this mentally challenged.

None of those are in France you idiot, you know the place you were arguing has a ton of massacres.

Jeez you must have a monopoly on extra chromosomes.

Death to Islam.

You can kill Islam by becoming an hero

72 genders in Paradise!

Lil neither of those in France you fucking tosspot

Smh at your post history. I get it. You're not French, you're from that island of the coast of France that has no culture of its own, so you try to imitate the culture of the continent or America. Good luck with that and God bless (if your state church allows Him to).

Sorry what? The United Kingdom imitates the culture of the US? We have no culture of our own? I work in a building that older than your country you snowflake.

You work in a building built out of the sweat and blood of Indians? I'm so envious. In our country, we worked hard for what we have. Some of us didn't get it through robbing brown people or laundering money for their dictators.

(Retard claiming moral equivalence between America's sordid past and Britain's exploitation of India that led to millions of deaths in 3... 2... 1...)

The U.S. is literally built off the back of enslaved blacks and natives, you fucking retard.

mfw an American is basically calling the UK uncultured

I'm sorry, but please all enlighten about how America is so much more cultured than the UK. A lot of your cities are literally named after places in the UK, we have history going back nearly 2000 years and we have a monarch.

While I hate doing this UK v America argument since both have their pros and cons. Only an idiot would say that the UK copies everything from the US and Europe. While I do agree that we do take a lot of stuff from other countries (mostly through colonialism), a ton of countries do the exact same and America is no different.

If you actually came to the UK instead of making biased judgments based on some patriotism to your own country then you would realise there's actually a significant difference between the UK and other countries.

Devils advocate- You have history, but American culture is exported worldwide. What UK trends have they imparted on the world since any of us have been alive?

That's very true. British culture is very self contained, only bringing various things in and making them a part of the culture.

I guess it comes down to the consumerist nature of the US's culture. Thanksgiving and 4th July are both American holidays but are not seen anywhere else. But a holiday promoted by businesses (Black Friday, Christmas and Valentine's Day) spread far due to globalisation.

American culture spreads because of this. McDonald's, Starbucks and coca-cola are all examples of this, a business that is born in America (making consumers identify as part of American culture) that spreads to other countries therefore spreading that culture.

The UK simply doesn't have those businesses of the same scale. We had Cadbury but they were bought by Kraft. We have a load of different grocer businesses like Tescos but they seem to lack the capability of spreading as well as your businesses.

Britian's lack of exported culture is probably due to this. And partly due to Colonialism.

Britain colonial days usually went like this:

Arrive at new place

Subjugate the people

Take all the cool shit

Leave/get kicked out

This isn't always the case however, I Can think of two things that Britain has imparted on the world: One of them is Cricket, which in India and Austrailia is a big hit. The British monarchy is another one, which has 16 commonwealth countries (all of them being previous colonies) that recognise it.

However this only applies to places which Britian has ruled. It isn't truly worldwide, at which the US outclasses many other countries.

...he asks, on a www site

Ah yes, the cultural trend of one guy inventing the World Wide Web.

Yes, Britain invented the most important cultural shift of our lifetime.

While www was invented by Tim berners lee he did intend it to be a gift to the world. British invention yes, but not really the spreading of culture. Similar to how the british invented the tank but every country uses it now and now we are more inclined to think it as american or another country that is highly militarised.

We can celebrate it as what we brits can do, but when I think of websites or the internet as a whole I don't immediately think 'United kindom'.

That part was a joke. But I can see how you would take it seriously when I put it at the end of a chain where I mention the absolutely true fact that you euros love shooting each other. My bad.

This sounds like b8

I am going to explode from the retardation seeping out of your hollow skull.

If his skull has retardation seeping out of it, then it isn't exactly hollow, is it?


I really wanna upvote you but you really cannot just be throwing around the word faggot my dude

Its cool, I only mean it if he's straight.

you are a retard don't worry no one else will dispute it

...dealing with our own problems. <--- here, I fixed it for you.

You can tell someone is conservative because talking to them about mass shootings makes them short circuit.

You can tell someone is European because talking to them about trucks of peace makes them short circuit.

Do you just randomly say retarded shit?


You can tell someone is liberal because they are always short-circuited.

Oh wow good one, how did you come up with such a funny joke?

cant deport people that are born there but you sure can deport illegals

I agree that illegals who commit crimes should be deported, but that shouldn't mean all sanctuary cities should just up and let ICE go around Gestapo style.

being an illegal immigrant is illegal though, and thats immigration enforcements job

the entire idea of a sanctuary city is dumb, its sanctioned crime

Sanctuary cities are just letting the government enforce immigration laws.

While getting all bussy blasted when they actually do enforce them

It's a victim-less crime. The concept of sanctuary cities exists because there are people with empathy who realize the vast majority of immigrants want to improve their condition. And because it's pretty convenient to have workers with fewer privileges.

That's the only thing I think is bad about illegal immigrants; the fact that they often get taken advantage of.

It's a victim-less crime.

do you mean apart from all the people they incidentally raped and murdered

did you see that guy got away with shooting a woman because he said it was an accident

vast majority of immigrants want to improve their condition.

illegal immigrants arent the same as regular immigrants, nothing wrong with regular immigrants that want to do things properly

Being an immigrant doesn't make you a rapist or a murderer. These things can happen t anyone and by anyone. In fact, immigrants are less likely to commit crimes.

And you're second comment just shows how out of touch you are. Immigrating legally is an extremely long process. Some of the people leaving their countries don't have that kind of time. It's the governments fault for making the process so long.

Being an immigrant doesn't make you a rapist or a murderer.

no but when you have no way to vet people theres more chance one will slip through, and coincidentally enough it keeps happening

funnily enough thats the sort of thing legal immigration checks for in someones history

And you're second comment just shows how out of touch you are. Immigrating legally is an extremely long process.

so? you dont have an implicit right to enter a country

if you dont like waiting dont move there, go somewhere else

Some of the people leaving their countries don't have that kind of time.

why do you think they should all just automatically be allowed in? thats not how immigration works

i couldnt even get a visa to america right now, its not something you should expect

Had a buddy have a green card came to America got married had a great job and then found out his card expired. He was now an illegal immigrant. Spent three years and $4000 dollars trying to become Legal. Finally ran into a lawyer who spoke enough Spanish to help him and he finally got accepted.

Guy serves this country in the US Army and exemplifies more American values than most Americans. Illegal Aliens aren't the problem the system is the problem.

All of your responses really make me think you have never met an immigrant and only believe what you see from Fox news or something.

But you are right in that a country should decide who goes in or out. But I maintain that many have no choice but to go illegally and to specific countries. Central American migrants usually don't wait because their lives might be in immediate risk and they don't want to stay in Mexico because the lack of economic opportunities and presence of gangs that exploit or harm them.

Immigration policy should be based on empathy and the host countries ability to house them. There is no reason why the US can't have these migrants.

im australian and everyone here is an immigrant, but we detain all illegals on an island off shore

But I maintain that many have no choice but to go illegally and to specific countries.

i disagree

where i live people are ferried by human traffickers that promise them a new life, making thousands of dollars at a time

the people buying passage are not poor or they couldnt afford it, and the boats pass by tens of other viable refugee destinations on their way to australia

we shoot the boats until they sink and imprison everyone on them

ideally america would have a similar system

Central American migrants usually don't wait because their lives might be in immediate risk and they don't want to stay in Mexico because the lack of economic opportunities and presence of gangs that exploit or harm them.

just because your country is shit it doesnt mean you can just go to someone elses without following the rules

nobody cares about a sob story

good countries are only that way because they dont just let every random person in

like for instance did you know you wouldnt be allowed to move to where i live and i wouldnt be allowed to move to where you live?

There is no reason why the US can't have these migrants.

did you also know the economy is affected when more people are in a place but dont pay tax or contribute

Just. Stop. Illegal. Immigration.

But its already illegal. Nothing else we can do. Price of freedom and all that.

Build. That. Wall.

Illegal immigrant free.zonea don't work.

You are saying we should keep a few, for target practice?

We don't need new walls, just enforce the ones we got.

We don't need anything except 800 calories per day and a cage with a roof. We WILL have a BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL!

If thats how you want to live but you will die.

You first.

Me first what?

You will die first.

Possibly. We're all gonna die some day. Who knows how or when. Thats just life, man.

Until then, we shall fill our hearts with courage, and empty our nation of illegals.

But its already illegal. Nothing else we can do. Price of freedom and all that.

Nothing else we can do


Its already illegal. No need for new walls just enforce the ones we have.



Illegal immigrant free zones don't work.



But its already illegal. Nothing else we can do. Price of freedom and all that.



But its already illegal. Nothing else we can do. Price of freedom and all that.



But its already illegal. Nothing else we can do. Price of freedom and all that.

We can




But its already illegal. Nothing else we can do. Price of freedom and all that.


Unironically love this crazy old bat.

She's quick as a whip, better than any of the newfag trolls like Milo

Remember everyone, we shouldn't be using killings to push our political agen--oh shit it was a darkie. Nevermind.

/u/pizzashill on a scale of 1 to 10 how happy are you about this.


Lol white privilege.

Well gee whiz fellas I guess if you ever need to murder someone you just need to wrap the gun in a shirt beforehand and you're good!

Step 1: Be an illegal spic

Step 2: Don't be white

Unrelated to my sperging, that brave latinx looks exactly like the bad guy in the original Magnificent Seven.

On the brightside, maybe more mayos in this city will get fed up and move away now that they have to worry about jose "accidentally" poppin a cap in their white ass and escaping justice.

The housing prices really are that ridiculous around here.

Perhaps we can make a deal with Rocket Man on ridding us of Berkeley.


I dont get this, in rape cases even if it was involuntary and the acusser had no idea there wasnt consent they still say that a reasonable person should have seen there was no consent and convict based on that.

So why the fuck are they letting this guy go? cant they say that only a fucking retard would shot a gun in the middle of a public place in the first place?

Same reason oj got off, shitty prosecutors.

He said he didn't know it was a gun when he grabbed it and that when it shot, the bullet ricocheted off concrete. The prosecution's theory of the case clearly did not explain the ricochet very well and their case fell apart.

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