Nazi fursuiter goes to convention he's banned from, starts shouting Nazi slogans. Gets arrested in his tighty-whiteys because he wasn't wearing anything under the fursuit.

102  2017-12-05 by ahbslldud




Is death too good for the likes of him?

Yes, it is


8f it includes eternal damnation? No

That's too lenient

He's been a very bad dog.


please don’t call me a dude, but also i’m not talking about their use in battle or ceremony, just the reason that they’ve become a symbol for modern neo-nazis

Can't commies and nazis come together and agree that all furries deserve the rope?

Fuck you, humans are subfurry.

humans are sub everything tbh

we're literally cancer™



I thought Trump Daddy was supposed to get rid of the degenerates.


yeah thats pretty bad tbh

im not a furry, i just picked the username based on a long line of successive usernames i've had

Some cancer are worse than others

Have you seen far right twitter? You need a fursuit or smug anime profile to fit in.

Which is pretty bizarre, given the high prevalence of homosexuality in the furry community.

Someone doesn't know about the Pink Swastika

There was an AMA with a transsexual Nazi who felt that Röhm being gay meant that gay rights was in the foundation of the Nazi party. (being gay was the excuse they used to execute Röhm)

That's hilarious

(being gay was the excuse they used to execute Röhm)

Not really, they said he was going to attempt a coup with his brownshirts, which probably wasn't true, as Rohm was a good friend of Hitlers, but the army wanted him gone because he was a threat to them. Although Hitler did mention it, it wasn't really a big deal, and a much better image than "yeah we were kind of worried about a civil war"

They did use it to show he was degenerate.

transsexual Nazi

Every time I think there is no way for them to get more retarded they manage to find a way.

Seriously, why are so many Internet right wingers dirty weebs?

They're well aware of their unfuckability?

Or they know the superiority of 2D waifus!!

At this point I am thinking it was literally the "gamer under attack" shit. They felt their hobby was being dismantled and the far-right was the quickest to validate them

They wanted an army of voting age white males who were not politically savvy enough to see through it

Most of them don't even understand the platform

I'm fine with Nazis take over if they ban anime.

I'd be fine with nuclear annihilation if it didn't create anime like the first time.

Mostly because it's funny. I've never watched anime but I had an anime avatar when I was a kid because I thought it was funny.

I was obviously fucking gay tho

Who else are antisocial weirdos going to make friends with?

It's also common on the far left too. Many tankies are down with the yiff.

When they’re all in one place like that, it’s more efficient to use gas.

Someone already tried gassing them

He was wearing an imperial German uniform, he couldn't even get the costume right

tfw you will never feel hot monkey kultur

Nazi Furries are almost awesome in that they are the apotheosis of autism.

Not sure you know what that word means, friend

It's not even autism, it's something new and even darker. They honestly should study Nazi furries and find out why exactly they don't believe they'd be first into the gas chambers.

Wouldn't the Jewish Furries go first?

I don't think there are Jewish furries. If there are I can't imagine them being before a gay Nazi furry who jumps strangers in hotel rooms while barking.

Who said they don't want to be in the gas chamber?

Mod him.

Nazi furries are the combination of the two worst kinds of people on this Earth and deserve the ovens more than anyone tbh.

nazis in gas chambers

rly hmms ur thonker


Furricide now

I lent a friend the use of my laptop for a three hour game of D&D. He used a site called 'fur affinity' to download lots of nazi dog porn. Drawings doberman in nazi uniforms fucking each other. When I confronted him he said 'you'd think there'd be more German Shepards'

You mean 'former friend' right?

Or "new boyfriend"

Depends. Top or bottom?

The polite thing to do is take turns

Night of the Short Leashes

someone is going to advocate for the destruction of all western society based on our continued tolerance of furries and i will sadly, tragically, be forced to agree

A couple years ago someone tried gassing them. It didn't work but it was a start.

A drop of common sense in a sea of ignorance

People who go to furry conventions are unstable? Never would've thought

Hell yes.

Hope he gets a black cellmate

Ironically Hitler would gas these people first.

You finding this makes me regard you as the worst sort of cancer that doesn't get arrested for blitzkreiging furry orgy.

Keep up the good work.

Why is he wearing a pickelhaube fucking Nazis ruining mein deutsches kaiserreich a e s t h e t i c.

"Open your eyes to the truth, sheeple!" the furry shouted.

But the sheeple were having none of it. They continued their discussion on wool-felting techniques while pointedly ignored the protester, and he ended up sulking in the corner with a group of fox-people.